《Changing Monster》6.Struggle


In the next light-period, I had much better success in avoiding the creatures. I was also able to see that beast-kin are the most numerous while I was hiding. That might explain why I had an encounter with them straightway after I came here. They were the most dangerous of all the creatures here, not only as a group but also at an individual level. I saw one of the beast-kin defeat a creature, which was about the same size as it, by thrusting the spear into it then immediately tearing at it with its mouth and claws. The beast-kin dispatched the creature with a large mouth with such ease that I started doubting how I defeated one of them.

They are very dangerous if I have to fight with them. I am better off running. But is that any good as the best-kin are more in number and will definitely corner me eventually. I should not be chased by a group of them, as they will break me. The best course of action is not to be located by them. If I am spotted by them, It will not end well at all for me.

The place of my origin might have been dark and dull, but at least it was safe. I tried to return to the entrance from which I came to this land.

As the light was dimming, I finally reached the path that I used when I woke up. At the end of the path, the entrance was present up inside the wall with no way to reach it. I tried to climb the wall and failed.

After a few attempts, I decided to sit near the wall and check my scribbles to see if it might help me.

పేరు: ____ జాతి: ఎముకల మనిషి స్థాయి:3 జీవిత సంక్య: ౧౮/౬౭ స్థితిస్థాపకత: ౯౪% శక్తులు: పరుగు. ????

Some of the scribbles have changed. I guess as the scribble is the shadow of my core, it shows how much I changed?. That did make some sense. That reminded me of running and how I used it to get here. If it got me in here, it might get me out of here.

I went back in the path and started running at the wall as fast as I could. When I reached the wall, I got up a couple of steps, then I slipped up and moved away in the air. Then I started falling and crashed on the ground. I tried to get up, and after some difficulty, I stood up. Following that, I examined myself and was glad to see that I did not break anywhere.


While I was examining myself, I realized that I had lost my hearing again. Immediately after the examination, I willed my hearing to return. It was still quiet but not silent. I heard some creatures. So I decided to hide near the wall.

As I was looking for a place to hide, I suddenly felt a wave of weakness. Then the realization hit me at what was happening as I collapsed right in the open.

I felt a pull. I tried to resist. The tug became stronger. It felt like my leg would be removed then it finally registered as the attack. I started panicking; I could not see the attacker. I could not see anything. I tried to stick the attacker while resisting, but I did not have my sword. So I attempted to strike it with my fists. I missed and missed some more until I felt my hand connect with something. Then I started to hit it while pulling at my leg.

Finally, it released my leg. I immediately moved back from there. I immediately tried to get my sight back. But I failed to get it back. While I tried to get my vision, something pounced on me. I pushed it away. I decided that I should run away from here as I could not fight here. As I ran, it pulled on my arm, resulting in me falling forward.

As I was trying to stand, I registered that my arm was missing. I fell to the ground and tried to find my arm. Without my vision, I could not find it. While I tried to control my panic, I attempted to get my vision back again. Without it, I will be destroyed.

I failed to get my sight back. No, this can't be happening. Without my vision, I cannot survive. With my hearing, I could at least know the direction from where the attack might come. I attempted to get my hearing and had succeeded. After a brief cacophony of sounds, I could hear where the sound was coming from. I tried to stand and move away, but I fell. So I started crawling away. I stopped when I felt something solid, What I assumed to be a pillar, and leaned against it. I held my stump in my broken arm. There is no way I will survive another encounter like this. I will fix myself. First, I will get my sight, then my arm and my sword.


After repeated attempts to gain my vision, I understood that how I acquired my sight and hearing was fundamentally different. I tried many different methods, yet I did not succeed. I held the expansion for my vision even after I did not gain my sight and willed myself to see. Success, the darkness started moving away. I could now finally see.

Now it was time to get my arm back. I stood up and started walking. It was hard to keep balance, but I did not fall. I was moving in the direction I assumed I came from. Later as I was walking, I saw what I reasoned to be my arm on the ground. I ran as fast as I could towards it. It was my arm. I held it with my broken arm and pushed the end against my stump. As soon as I released my arm, it fell to the ground. I held it up again and repeatedly tried to press it in a vain attempt to fix my arm. I could not mend this.

I felt an overwhelming amount of dread. There was nothing I could do. I can not even think of anything that would help me in joining my separated arm. I felt utterly hopeless as I realized that I was forever lesser.

The sound of something getting closer released me from my petrification as I moved my head in the direction of the sound. I needed to find my sword if I wanted to survive this encounter. The sound got louder, and before I found my sword. A creature came into the clearing. I was sure that this was the creature that separated my arm as there were no other creatures nearby. The creature was not very large but large enough that I did not want to fight it. It was about halfway towards my center. The creature was coming closer to me, rendering conflict inevitable. I needed a weapon. So, I held my separated arm near the hand and moved into a striking posture. I did not want to break my arm. As it was approaching me, I found the blade. I was slowly moving to the side where the sword is. While I was moving, the creature gained upon me. So I swung my separated arm towards it, and the creature backed away. Whenever it came close to me, I swung the arm. I did not manage to hit it once. When the sword was within reach, I dropped the arm and reached for the sword. Immediately the creature started circling towards me.

I lunged towards the creature with the sword in my hand. Simultaneously it pounced on me. My blade slipped from my broken hand when it struck the creature. The creature was on top of me. It was moving toward my head. As it opened its mouth to bite on the support of my head, I moved my arm to guard against it. It bit my arm. I tried to push it away, but the creature did not move. I hit its jaw with my head, Which stunned the creature. I removed my arm and promptly pushed it with everything I had, resulting in us rolling on our sides.

Now I was on top of the creature, while it was upside down with its legs in the air. I moved my legs on top of the creature So that I could reach my sword. I held the sword by the blade near the center. The creature was still entangled in my legs. So, I sat and started carving onto its flesh with my blade.

The creature was howling in pain and trying to get up. I was trying my best to drag the blade into as much of its flesh as possible. The creature finally managed to stand on its legs. I moved on top of it to stop it from moving, causing it to drag me up with it while in motion. I removed the blade from its body and started stabbing it while moving my hand towards the tip of the blade. Similar to what the beast-kin did when on top of the large creature.

The creature started shouting every time I stabbed it, eventually leading it to buckle. I did not stop my assault until the tip of the blade slipped from my hand. I moved my arm around its body to try to stop the creature from moving. The creature struggled for a bit, but I did not relent. The creature fell down. I did not release it till it was completely defeated. As the creature broke, the sensation spread inside my body. This time I did not feel any pleasure.

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