《Earth's Administrator》Ch1 - [VOID]


"so, I'm dead, huh?" i said or i tried to, but there was no sound.

"What's this?" I tried looking around but, there wasn't anything to look at...it wasn't Dark or Bright, there wasn't any color, it felt like i was looking at nothingness....

"Is this what awaits everyone after death?"


For the sake of my sanity, i believed that, there was something after death, i refused to even consider that there was nothing, it was too terrifying to think of.

"It's not as horrible as i thought it would be."

Yes it was scary, but not as scary as those shadows for example, I'm at peace here, it's all so, relaxing, I feel like i belong here.




"Ahhh♪, I'm so sleepy".

"Let me just...."





"What was i saying?."

"Oh, yeah, those shadows, what are they exactly?"

I think i saw their eyes shining, what's up with that? scary!

There were sooo many!

Is this some kind of shadow infestation?, ha ha, I hope not, now...current matters to think about:

1. What are those Shadows?

2. just WTF happened?

3. Did i truly die?

Now let's see, the shadows or should i call them...phantoms?

From my quick glance:

Form/shape: humanoid (mainly.) + Variants.

Color: Black... Absolute Dark

Height: 1,60~2,10m(about 5,5~ 6feet)

Speed: very, very fast

"Hm... let's see black is the absence of light sooo....i can deduce that they are absorbing light right? I mean, it was very cold so , i guess they absorb heat too."

Now, they were humanoid, I can't think of something, maybe they are a type of zombies or something, i don't know.

Speed, that speed is inhuman, they were so fast....wait... thinking about it why didn't the first one cought me first?

That's certainly strange, i mean he was obviously fast enough to even ran past me, maybe...he was waiting for the rest?.

I'm bored, so let's think about this a little more...

Their abilities...

Whenever i saw them i froze, yes that can be because of fear but...sure ,my natural response to a threat is to freeze, but, this time it felt unnatural.


"So, they are fast, travel in packs, can paralyze their prey and can even coordinate an ambush, isn't that a little unfair?

How is someone supposed to escape that?

I understand you're not supposed to but...come on, well, at least i did not get killed by them, yeah, you didn't get me, assholes.


"....i have been here for 40minutes"

"I'm bored".

"Am i actually dead?"

"Is this all?"

"I don't feel my body, I'm not cold, or hot, I'm... just...here".

"Am i truly truly dead?"

"I'm not particularly displeased, just bored"

.... wait I'm remembering something, didn't i hear a voice before i was hit by that lightning bolt?

Hm... Just a theory but...let me try something


"Hmm,something different?"

"[Execute command..],ammm...[2]"


"I see, so this must be some kind of alert system"

Is this....am i...?hm...

From all the lighnovels that i've read, the isekai genre(transported to another world) was my favorite, infact you could say that i am a isekai addict and in most isekais there is a voice that announces level ups, tittle gain, rank up, evolution, etc

Now, if i truly died and i am being isekaid then makes sense to have a announcer right?

Not really, but...who cares?, And if I'm being transported that means that I'll eventually leave this place, thinking more about it...this empty space also often appears on lighnovels

An empty space, a void, it is usually the middle point between the two worlds


Yesssss!!!, I mean, sure, there's people i will miss but...the pros outweigh the cons, besides, i was bored out of my life, so this will be a new beginning, starting my life from zero


What if...i reincarnate as a weakling...a spider....a slime....or a simple farmer?

Nah, let's not think about it, it'll be unnecessarily stressful

Ah...and i was almost forgetting about Mrs.Announcer-san

"Right, let's do some testing."





"Ha-ha, of course it wouldn't work, it would be worrying if it had worked."


"Mmm, Let's see..."



I'm confused, what does that mean?

Normally you can access your and I can't... because of authority...does that mean I'm so low on the hierarchy that I can't access my own status?

Or it is because I'm on this place...as in an only staff zone? let's forget this.

"Let's do more tests until i get something."


"[View commands]-nothing

"[Customize commands]-nothing.


I tried a couple more commands that i could think of until...


"Ermm, me."

"Wait... it asked for a Target first, it didn't outright fail, that means there is something i can identify."

"[Identify: area]"





"Ooohhh, yes, finally something"


Localization: [VOID]

Description: A Place entirely made of where souls are kept on for reincarnation.

"I see, so I'm truly dead"

I'm not sad, just surprised, i thought i was being transported not reincarnated.

"Now let's see, what is Chaos?"


Name: Chaos.

Description: primordial element of existence.


"I can make questions?"

"But...chaos ,Didn't understand, can't understand, gave up, next... What is ?"


Name: Soul Stasis

Type: Function

Description: A function to keep a Soul on hold, similar to sleep, it stops a soul from perceiving the flow of time.

"It doesn't look like I'm on stasis, i have been here for about 50 minutes and i know it"

"Is this a system error or something?".


I heard someone talking.

"Yeah, that's me"

"You can hear my thoughts?"


"Who are you?".

"Hm... that's one of the few questions i still have some trouble answering, try to guess".


"Ha ha ha, i guess it makes sense that you would say that".


"I'm not, at least... not your "God""

"So... you're the system's admin".

"Ha ha, i like you".

He's avoiding my questions, hiding something maybe?

"Hey, I can still hear you y'know?"

"Well, isn't it the truth?".

"Ok listen, I'm not aloud to say much, but, you're a candidate to became an [Administrator], and i came to say hello to the possible newbie"

"I see, so you really are an admin".

"Yeah, pretty much".

"You said candidate...there are more?"

"Yep ,5...or...there were five others...now there's only you"

"So we were six? What happened to them?"

"Yep, They were reincarnated"

"What about me?".

"Who knows? the process of selection is to complex for me to understand, it involves to much for my liking".

"Aren't you an admin? shouldn't you know this?".

"I am, but who made the selection process is..."


"Nevermind, the essential is that the process is beyond Logic and too...complex to think about, so we just don't mind it anymore"

"We? admins?"

"Nah, everyone who's part of the order system"

"Order system?"

"Sorry, I can't say anything beyond that, but i can tell you this, every 10 minutes in the VOID one candidate is eliminated (reincarnated) and as the last candidate, you a higher chance of becoming one"

"So you are saying that it's possible that I won't be?"

"Yes, but i believe that you will be selected"

"I see".

"Well ,see you soon".

"You're leaving? How soon?".

"Yes, my time is up , I'll come to you as soon as i have some time"

"Let me guess, in about 100years?"

"Ha ha... it's a possibility".


"Nah, in about 2 years".

"Ok then."

"Right, and an admin advice, never under any circumstances ignore the phantoms".

"Oh ,Right, wha-"

"I cannot answer that, i gave you enough help already"

"Oh...I understand".

"By the way, what is your name?".

"Oh... I'm sorry ,how rude of me, I'm Administrator E, I hope we get along well".

Amm suddenly formal?

"I see, and i assume you know everything about me already?".

"Ha ha, see you later"


... successful.

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