《Earth's Administrator》Ch2 - On a corner of my World
Hi, my name is Bill, and i'm one of the hunters from the usari village, I'm well known and respected, why? Well, I always bring something everytime i go hunting in the forest, be it some treant wood, wolf fangs, pelts, red boars or just fruits, it's a rural village so any meat i bring is appreciated.
Even though I'm a 2m tall muscle brain with a pretty mean face or so says the village Chief, the children always greet me smiling and everyone welcomes me as family. Unfortunately i don't have a wife yet, so i live alone in a small but beautiful house, i built it myself and i am quite proud of it, it has a storage room, my room and a kitchen, it's enough for me and when i get a wife, i will expand the kitchen so she can cook happily, hey I'm 35, but there's still hope of landing a wife, besides... I'm a very successful hunter so there's no worries about finances.
Now, today I'm planning on hunting for some red boars, they are pretty tough and can sometimes exhale fire through their nostrils, but a red boar is nothing this man can't handle.
I walked through the forest looking around carefully in search of tracks that could lead me, i noticed some hair on a Bush and some fallen leaves on the same spot, so i knew that there is one close, i continued to walk while looking around until....
"Found you." i was looking at the red boar's back, it seemed to be concentrated on something, squinting i saw the figure of what appeared to be a young man.
"Oh no, he's going to be eaten."
Red boars are omnivores but they prefer eating berries, especially the devil's eye, named that because of it's appearance, it is transparent and it has a deep black seed core in the middle, as it kinda resembles an red eye, people just named it that, it is poisonous for humans but apparently not to monsters and magical beasts.
Now, about the current matter....THAT BOY IS DEFINITELY GOING TO BE EATEN, no predator would let a chance to kill a defenceless prey go.
I took my bow and readied a arrow, i pushed it back as far as I could and aimed it at the boar.
"HERE." I shouted, startled, the boar turned around to see were that sound came from, only to be met with an arrow straight through it's head, amazingly the boar tried to run, but fell several steps later. First i went to see the young man's state, thankfully he was still breathing and generally fine, then i went to see the boar, it wasn't that big but the meat should sell for at least 4 silver coins if i drain the blood.
I was planning on hunting 3 red boars but.... it's okay, I'll just have to hunt a little more next time.
Having decided on returning home, i put the boy on my left shoulder and held the boar on my right hand.
"Right, let's go."
Hello, i'm Maria, i live in a small village close to the End Forrest, it may be a small village but, our lives are quite good, In these recent years there have been a ton more to hunt, a lot of rare herbs growing and delicious wild fruits growing in the forest, maybe that's because of the mana concentration in the air?.
Anyways, since there are a lot more stuff coming from the forest there are more traveling merchants passing by to buy materials,herbs and food.
As any other village, we are mostly farmers, but our farming situation isn't that going that well, why? monsters, they don't attack us directly but, it hurts to see our hard work reduced to nothing, the monsters that attack our fields are horn rabbits, rabbits that evolved from the abundance of mana in the forest.
Horned rabbits are not that strong so they are quite low on the food chain and because of that, they sometimes leave the forest and come to our precious fields.
Right now I'm washing my husband's clothes, my husband is a farmer and as part of the job, he spends almost half his time tending and guarding the fields, like every other day, he woke up early, took the meal i made for him, said good bye and went to work, he often brings horned rabbit meat, pelt and the horns to sell, they sell at a reasonable price of 1 silver per rabbit so we're not losing much.
Besides the occasional horned rabbit visit, the village is quite peaceful, no one causes trouble and everyone helps each other.
The village has more than 300 people and almost half of them were adventurers who decided to settle down, some became hunters and others farmers, I'm sure everyone here is satisfied with their life.
I'm friends with one of the ex-adventurers myself, his name is...
Oh there he is....
"Hey bill, how was the hunt?" I said
"Oh, hey mari, it was ok, but i only cought one though."
He said while lifting the red boar on his right hand
"I see, what about the boy?" I said after noticing the boy on his left shoulder ye was wearing some well made but weird clothes.
"I found him passed out and about to get eaten by this very boar in the forest."
"Oh my, do you know him?"
"No, I don't, I'm going to leave him at the chief's place, is he there?."
"Yes, he's there in a meeting with the hunters."
"oh...the meeting, how did i forget?"
"Ha ha, if you hurry, you might get there in time"
"Right, see you then."
"Bye" i said, smiling wryly as i watched as Bill went to the center of the village.
After the small chat with mari, a good friend that i made 2 years ago when i moved to this village, i went to the village chief's place...it is located in the center of the village and it's quite the fancy house.
The meeting place is beside the house itself and there is a room there that i can let this young man rest.
I was going to the meeting place when...
"Oh my, if it isn't RedBill." said someone behind me, that's my nickname... i turned around and saw the village chief's wife, Rinette.
"Good morning ma'am."
"Good morning, how are things going?."
"Fine, what about you?"
"Same, i see you cought something today too..."
"Yes, but I'm planning to go hunt again today, this is not enough."
"I see, hardworking as ever, who's that you got there?." Asked Rinette, i proceeded to explain what happened on the forest and she agreed to take care of the boy until he woke up, she called her servants to accompany me, they guided me to the guests room.
After leaving the boy at the chief's place, i rushed to the village hall where the meeting was still taking place.
I knocked three times ,"excuse me" i said while opening the door. Inside were all the village's elite hunters seated in a big round table, there were 30 of them, i personally knew 10 of them.
Upon entering the room all eyes were on me....
"Red, have a seat." Said the chief.
I took my seat and the chief started speaking.
To summarize, the Horned rabbits have been attacking the fields more often and this meeting is about a extermination quest, issued by the chief to the hunters, we discussed about many strategies and shared some knowledge related to the quest.
The meeting ended in the afternoon and the quest is for two days from now, so I had to prepare myself, i talked a little with my comrades then went to see the chief.
"Hey Red, how are you doing?."
"Fine, what about you, chief?"
"Well ,except the stress from this rabbit problem I'm fine, you have something to say right?"
"Yes, you see..."
I told him about the boy.
"Oh , worry not, we'll take care of him for now... I'll decide what to do later."
"Right, thanks"
I woke up with pretty bad headache...
"Ahh, the hell?"
I tried to get up but couldn't...the world was spinning, so i just sat down on my bed...or i thought it was...
"!?" Looking around, i realized that this wasn't my room
That when i remembered...
I was still wearing my Earth clothes ( simple blue jeans, and a black T-shirt underneath a white long sleeve shirt)
Doesn't this mean i was transported?
"Shouldn't i have been reincarnated?" I asked to no one in particular.
I heard a knock on the door, "enter" i said, the door slowly opened with a creak, from the now open door came a very...very beautiful girl, from her appearance only, i would say she was right about 17 or 18 give or take.
She looked at me... those Scarlet red ayes were mesmerizing.
"Amm, m-mister..." She said staggering and blushing.
Then i noticed two things..
She was dressed like A MAID...*ahem, sorry getting too excited here*....and...
I WAS STARING AT HER THIS WHOLE TIME, guess i made her uncomfortable.
"Ahem, I'm sorry for staring."
"It's okay, I'm used to it"....no, she's not.
"Anyways, where am i?"
"You are at Master Geld's House"
"I see, do you know how i got here?"
"No, i don't, but master should be here soon, he will be able to tell you..."
She paused.
Yes, i was staring at her.
I quickly averted my eyes, i got the feeling that i left a pretty bad first impression.
She continued...
"He should be able to tell you how you got here, i only came here to see if you were awake, now i shall take my leave."
She said, bowing and leaving.
"Come on!" I said, when my headache returned.
Hello, my name is Mavis, I'm 16 and currently a maid working for the usari village's chief, Geld, he is a very kind person.
He treats me very well, even though i have these eyes...these eyes.
I grew up with my grandparents in a big city ,north from here...you might think that my grandparents, from my mother's side, spoiled me with a lot of cookies, a lot of food and a lot of...love, but it was the opposite, i ate 2 meals a day and if i was lucky, it could be more than just the leftovers.
My mother died giving birth to me and my father assassinated when i was 7, my grandparents told me that he tried to steal from a noble and was executed, but i didn't believe in that obvious lie, my father was a very kind person and he wouldn't steal, besides, they never liked him.
You see, my grandparents are merchants and they wanted my mother to marry with a nobles son, but when my mother decided to against them and married with my father, a simple commoner, they began to herass him and his family and when i was born it only got worse, since my mother died and i was born with the rare red eyes that neither of my parents had, they began to call me "the cursed child" and accused me, a baby at that time of killing my mother.
When my father died, they took me for some reason, all the 6 years i lived with them were pretty tough, i was basically their slave dressed as a maid, but i had no choice... other than bear it, because i knew that my dad's family couldn't do anything to rich merchants, but when i overheard my grandparents talking about turning be into a random noble's concubine, i decided that it was time to leave, the only reason i was able to deal with them, was because of the other servants, they were kind, they used their free time to teach me all kinds of things and they sometimes shared food with me, i will never forget them.
So if my grandparents were planning to send me away, I decided that i would just leave myself.
I had some coins on me, courtesy from the servants, i travelled on a caravan to the furthest place that money could take me...
That's where i am now, a Faraway village and i have never been happier, I can't thank the village chief enough for taking me as a maid, when i first came here, i was a little scared and worried if i could find a place to live, i knocked every door looking for a job...until i met my now current master.
He was kind and accepted me right away and i began working as the second maid to the village Chief.
Today i was doing my everyday chores when...
"Have you heard?" Asked pram, my colleague
"That hunter you like brought a unconscious boy here"
"Who? Hunter Red?"
Hunter bill or...Red is the person who after i knocked on his door, told me that the village Chief might need a new maid and went as far as introducing me, i was scared of him first but...i realized that he was actually a very kind and generous person.
"Have you seen him?"
"Yeah, he's skinny but handsome, just how you like them."
"Sh-shut up."
"Oh right, the Lady is calling for you, i think it has something to do with the boy."
"Anyway, don't keep our Lady waiting, go, rose, go"... that's my nickname.
"You called, my lady?" I asked the chief's wife, she was seated outside drinking tea.
"Oh, yes, would you please notify Geld when our guest wakes up? And prepare something for him after he does."
"As you wish, my lady." i said, bowing.
I spent most of the afternoon doing my normal chores and occasionally go to the guest room, knock and listen to see if the boy was awake.
After about 4 visits to the guest room i heard him allowing me to go in.
"Excuse me." I said in a low voice while slowly opening the door.
Upon entering i found a weirdly dressed noble looking guy...he was wearing some strange looking pants and a type light shirt that i have never seen before, he had black hair and was as pram said, thin and quite handsome.
I looked at him and noticed that he was staring at me....well, i was also staring at his clothes...but you can't stare at a lady like that.
"Mister..." I said trying to get his attention...he seemed to realized what he was doing and quickly averted his eyes.
"Ahem, I'm sorry for staring." He said while scratching the back of his head.
"It's okay, I'm used to it" i said, remembering how rare my ayes are and the title that comes with it.
Everyone in the village except the people on this house, still stare at me from time to time, it is said that red ayes is a sign that a person has been cursed by the heavens and almost everyone believes in this, of course there are some who people don't... Like the village Chief
"I refuse to belive that god would curse a child... The meaning of innocence and purity itself"
It makes sense, but some people still believe in this non-existent curse.
But, the way he was staring felt.... different, his expression, was not of fear, disgust or of hate, it was... different
"Anyways, where am i?" He asked, makes sense.
"You are at Master Geld's House"
"I see, do you know how i got here?"
"No, i don't, but master should be here soon..."
I knew that he was brought here by Hunter Red, but nothing more than that, so I'll just notify Master Geld and Let him tell him.
"....he will be able to tell you..."
I paused.
Yes, he was staring at me.
He quickly averted his eyes, maybe there's something on my face?anyway I'll be leaving.
"....now i shall take my leave." I said, bowing and leaving.
i went to the my Master's room to notify him, After that i returned to doing my everyday stuff.
Hello, I'm usari village's chief, Geld Rangs d'latoria, a former knight captain and i am currently thinking about the extermination of the rabbits, that forest is very dangerous.
I lived a pretty decent and simple life, i retired from my knighthood because of an arm injury...my left forearm...was devoured by a wyvern, how did i escape from being eaten whole...well, pure luck, it seemed that the wyvern did like the taste of my gauntlets, ha ha ha, they had a very potent monster warding potion sprayed all over them, ha ha ha.
After swallowing my forearm, the poor wyvern fainted on the spot, my comrades helped me by pinning him down with chains and nails, why? obviously so i could kill it, i slit his throat right there and i had my revenge, ha ha ha.
Well, after that, i retired, why? you ask?
Well, my wife was pregnant and i had decided to focus on my family more.
Since i was knight, I'm technically a noble, but i prefer this easy going life.
I moved to this village when it had about 60 people... the beginning of the village, my son was about 4 that time, I helped to build the village up with my own money and when, at that time current chief died i was naturally selected as the next, we were good friends... that was 10 years ago, my son is now 14, he's studying at the Daymoon magic academy, he went there when he was 12, i have always been fascinated by magic and when my son displayed talent at such a young age, i had to send him there, you have to nurture talent.
He frequently writes home, apparently he's doing quite well at the academy and already has a lot of friends...Good boy.
"!?" Someone knocked the door.
"Enter." i said
"Excuse" Mavis said while opening the door, she bowed and began speaking.
"The guest is awake, my Lord"
"I see, prepare something for him to eat"
"Right away" she bowed then left.
"So he's awake?" I said while standing up " let's hear his story".
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