《The idiotic adventures of Vini and Enzo》The Portuguese Teacher (Part I)
Barra da Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro
Barra da Tijuca, 8 pm, Friday. Because of rehearsal for a theatrical performance the following week, Enzo and Vini were forced to stay well past the end of school schedule. While Vini didn't bother to lose some hours of his Friday for the sake of something bigger, Enzo was a bottomless pit of complaints.
- Thank you very much, Vini.
Vini didn't understand.
- What did I do?
- Oh, nothing! "We can stay late." "We don't have any appointments. "No need to worry". - Enzo did a very cartoonish imitation of his friend.
- Enzo, did you have something better to do?
- Who the hell cares? At least I would be at home, betting on some football championship and having a snack. It's eight o'clock at night, my cell phone is dead, and the cafeteria is shut down! I couldn't even buy a Matte!
- Are you going to tell me that this is also my fault?
- Of course it is! I didn't want to stay, but you are a moron and you didn't leave because of Belgium. And you dragged me to the devil with you.
- Of course. If I get screwed, you'll go with me.
- What have I done with my life? And where the fuck is Julio?
Julio, the bus driver who usually takes Enzo and Vini to school in the morning, is also the driver of the route back to Lake, which matches the time they leave school. Eventually, the three formed a friendship that persists to this day, to the extent that Julio texts Vini to ask if they need a ride. Unfortunately, because of the time of day, Julio was caught in heavy traffic on the way and took much longer than expected. And the road was not a smooth one, as Enzo's app showed that the traffic was bad from the school to Lake. In other words, it was going to be a long night.
Nevertheless, Julio slowly stopped the fifteen-ton vehicle at the bus stop. The doors opened and Enzo and Vini could finally relax a little.
- How are you, Julio?
- Very well, thank you. - Jimmy smiled. - And how are you?
- Vini is fine, of course, but I am going into a tailspin.
- Why?
- Because Vini is a complete idiot.
- Is this true, Vini?
- Enzo is a whiny baby, Julio. We stayed late at school because we are going to participate in a play. But only few of us were available to set the stage and practice our lines. My girlfriend stayed and asked me to do the same.
- I think I understand why Enzo is frustrated.
- It's not that, it's just that he hasn't kissed anyone in months.
Enzo raised his eyebrow.
- Excuse me?
- Oh, Enzo, you can't deny it. Did I say something untruthful?
- Well, no. But you only stayed because of Belgium. And I was forced to take care of the girl who has anxiety attacks simply by going on stage. Imagine these people in a job interview!
- Don't run away from the subject, Enzo. - Julio reminded.
The traffic was unbearable. The bus seemed to be going at 3 km/h. And as it turned out, they really were going 3 km/h. A collision with a Corolla and a Mercedes GLC on the Americas Avenue blocked one of the three available lanes. If the traffic is usually bad because of the time of day, when there is an accident, it gets even worse.
- Great. - Enzo regretted. - We'll never get home.
- You can put your wallet away, crazy. - Vini complained. - Don't even think about getting some trash from those guys at the traffic lights.
Then it happened. A rectangular piece of paper fell out of Enzo's wallet and straight onto the floor. The next thing he knew, Vini was faster and bent down to pick up who knows what. At first, Vini didn't understand.
- Enzo, why do you have a picture of Ms. Ricci?
Enzo didn't answer, precisely because he didn't have a ready answer.
- I can't believe it, Enzo. - Vini was incredulous.
- What is it now, moron? - Enzo didn't like to be challenged.
- Are you still into this?
- No, I'm not.
- What? What? - Julio was not aware of the events.
- Enzo slept with the hot Portuguese teacher.
Julio had to stop the bus. And asked Vini to repeat the previous line.
- Yes, didn't you know? Enzo is a dog.
- Enzo? Is he serious?
- Yes, - Enzo confirmed.
- Isn't that a crime? - Julio asked a pertinent question. - Abuse of authority?
- She can continue to abuse me all she wants.
- Then Enzo complains about me when I do my girlfriend's bidding.
- You didn't know this story, Julio?
- I had no idea. I guess you never took the time to tell it.
- That's true, Enzo. But this ends today. We are going to be in traffic for hours. So, to pass the time, tell the story of how you managed to sleep with the hottest teacher in school.
- First of all, who is this teacher?
- Amanda Ricci, Portuguese teacher. 29 years old, redhead, 1.70, married.
- Huh, she wasn't married back then. - Enzo clarified.
- This detail saved your ass, I assume.
- Anyway, Vini, let Enzo tell the story. - Julio's curiosity increased.
- Okay, I'll tell you. Well, not actually me...
- But without cutaways and lies!
- As the customer wishes.
- Because there are some details that I don't remember.
- But you remember the basics, right?
- Yes, I do.
Shut up and let me tell the story!
- We'd better be quiet. The narrator is about to have a cow. So, bring the flashbacks, already.
Enzo has forgotten one detail. In a book it is difficult to separate flashbacks from the story in the present day. But to make a difference, I can start by saying that the events of the past start now.
It was a Wednesday at the school of Vini, Enzo and twenty other students without much relevance to the story, unless the plot needs them, as the principals are Vini and Enzo. And like in every school in the world, the kids were looking to fill time by telling jokes and making a mess while the next class didn't start. And, for some weird reason, the Portuguese class took forever to start.
- Hey, what time is it? - Vini asked one of his classmates.
- 11:20.
- How unusual. The class should have started half an hour ago.
- So what - Enzo complained. - One class less, big deal!
It was then that the school director - dictator - stepped into the room unannounced. Immediately, all the standing students gave a silent Nazi salute and showed respect to their leader by sitting down on their chairs. But the surprises did not end there, because he did not enter the room alone. He was accompanied by a beautiful woman, white as the light or the sands of the Barra da Tijuca beach, green eyes, thin body, round and firm breasts, long blue dress, pink lipstick, and what really caught the attention of all the boys, besides all the rest.
- Holy shit, look at her ass. - It seemed the general consensus of XY teenage chromosomes.
The class went silent as soon as the principal started to give an important announcement. It didn't even take long for the rumors to spread throughout the entire school that this woman would be the new teacher.
- This is Amanda Ricci, your new Portuguese teacher. - said the principal.
The funny thing is that nobody remembered the old teacher anymore.
- Treat her well, if you don't want to get into trouble. - That was the end of the announcement.
Oh, you wouldn't have to treat her badly to get into trouble, thought Vini. Just a bunch of horny high school kids would be enough. But there was still one thing missing.
- Hello, students. I'm Ms. Ricci, but you can call me Amanda. - she said. - I'm sure it will be a very good year...
As she introduced herself like a salesman in a Ford, Vini stared at Enzo, who was making a funny face. Although he thought it was weird, he didn't say anything, until he glanced to the side and noticed that all the boys were making the same funny face.
- Holy shit. What hormones can't do to a man.
Vini nudged Enzo.
- What? - Enzo was upset.
- Stop daydreaming like an idiot.
- I'm not daydreaming.
- But you are an idiot.
- No argument there.
- I can't believe everyone is crazy about her.
Enzo stared at Vini.
- Isn't it obvious? We're donkeys, not blind bats!
- I wouldn't count on it. You have to be very stupid to fall in love with a woman fifteen years older.
- Nine. - One of the busybody students interrupted the private conversation between Vini and Enzo.
- What did you say?
- The age difference is nine years.
Enzo smiled broadly.
- How on earth did you get this information? - Vini asked an important question.
- We snooped on Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Tik Tok, LinkedIn. Amanda Ricci, it wasn't too difficult. We got her age, academic background, hobbies, place of birth, previous relationships, places of interest.
Private schools in Rio de Janeiro: training for life. If your life is meant to be a forensic investigator.
- We even tried porn sites just to check a thing or two. - Another student intruded into the conversation.
- Obviously! - Enzo smiled wryly. - And the fact that you're a wanker has nothing to do with it.
- What? It could be a prank. Hiring a hot teacher? It's kind of hilarious.
During the break, the only thing that anyone could talk about was Amanda Ricci, the Portuguese teacher with a degree in pedagogy and the idol of the teenagers. The presentations were held before lunch break. But while classes weren't back on schedule, the kids were busy in the patio, with their cell phones, checking out the new teacher's social media. After all, for a bunch of 15-year-olds, she was all that and a bag of chips.
- Check it out. - The boys smiled as they looked at the screens. - Her in a bikini.
- Her breasts. Fuckin' hell.
- They are perfection.
But life is not a bed of roses. The girls in the class began to notice a certain detachment from the boys. Thanks to her, they were even stupider than before. Someone had to do something.
- Vini, you have to stop idealizing the new teacher. - Belgium made a thoughtful comment.
- Me? - Vini was shocked. - I'm being the most rational here. Sure, she's pretty. I'm not blind. But the boys really think they're going to have something with her.
- It's getting out of hand.
- And it's still day one.
- You stupid! Go talk to Enzo.
- Why? Why do I have to do everything? If something is bothering you, fix it. Isn't that what feminism taught us? Fight for things, for rights, yada, yada, yada.
- Don't give me that, Vinicius Valverde. Enzo is a complete idiot, his pheromone levels must be through the roof.
- Not only his.
- Vini!
- Look, I'm sorry. If you want, talk to him. But I warn you. He's not as understanding as I am. Especially when he believes he is right. Which is always.
- Years of experience?
- Unfortunately.
- Right! I'll figure it out myself! Thank you for being useless!
- I'm just saying...
- If I kill him, don't blame me.
- I'm way ahead of you.
After this - let's say - conversation, Belgium had no choice. He went after Enzo, hoping for a friendly and meaningful dialogue with no bias or personal attacks.
- Enzo, we need to talk. - she said.
Enzo smiled. Debauched, of course.
- How can I help you?
- Stop this nonsense!
- What nonsense?
- Oh, rubbish! You and all the other boys are all grabbing on to her.
- I haven't grabbed her yet. I'm thinking about it after the break.
- Enzo, I'm serious. The boys are acting all stupid and childish.
- And why exactly would this be a problem for you? Is it because the boys ain't giving you that much of attention and probably never did?
Belgium's facial expressions changed rapidly. If there was a real chance that she would kill Enzo in History, it would be after that question.
- This is so ridiculous! I don't need any attention from you!
- Then why bother?
Well, she didn't have a ready answer.
- Because she might be married and all the attention might make her uncomfortable.
- Relax. It won't be a problem.
But as it turned out, the problems were just beginning, as Enzo was called by the boys again.
- Hey, Enzo, we found a picture of her husband!
- Holy shit! Belgium, if you will excuse me, I am going to see my future wife, mistress, mother of my children...
- The reason you are going to jail.
Enzo started laughing hysterically.
- Let's face it, sweetie. I'm not the one going to jail. Especially if nobody finds out about it.
Enzo left Belgium behind, something he used to do only with Vini. The pictures of Amanda's husband were on all the cell phones.
- Wow. - Enzo was a bit surprised. - He is not as handsome as I imagined.
- Compared to her, no one else in the world is. - said one boy.
- But is he really her husband?
- Of course he is, you bastard!
But he wasn't. A quick investigation by the horny boys' patrol concluded that they were only engaged to be married, not husband and wife - yet. In other words, there was still hope.
When Amanda returned for the break, she walked into the classroom. The whiteboard was all marked with ballpoint pen, the other teacher had not erased the content of the previous class - lazy.
- Could someone erase it for me?
Of course, Amanda's short stature kept her from reaching the higher reaches, even while wearing heels. In a moment of sheer courage - and lack of shame - Enzo stood up and practically begged:
- Pick me!
Everyone looked at Enzo as if he was some kind of saint, as Amanda smiled and handed him the eraser. And she had a spectacular smile. But not everyone smiled, as Belgium stared at Vini with angry eyes.
- What? - Vini didn't understand the complaints.
Erasing the painting would require nothing but a little effort. However, Enzo wanted Amanda's attention regardless, so he made sure to make his work the best he could. On average, a teacher takes about ten seconds to erase a blackboard. Enzo, though, took 250 seconds.
- Holy shit! What an ass! - The boys said in silence.
After finishing his work, Enzo pretended to be tired, a poetic, almost Hollywood-like scene, to finally hand the eraser to Amanda again.
- Thank you. - she said, smiling.
- Anytime.
Needless to say, Enzo became a national hero at the end of that class. But it didn't end there, because as soon as the alarm went off, Amanda walked over to Enzo's desk for the first time. The boys watched their conversation, trying to guess their next move.
- Thank you for erasing the board for me.
And Enzo got a hug from the prettiest teacher ever.
- Don't mention it. - Enzo smiled. - You smell great. Like ocean leaves at night(*).
Amanda started to laugh.
- Thank you.
As soon as she left, Vini had to ask anyway:
- Ocean leaves at night?
- I'll give you the reference later. - Enzo made a mockery of this. - Now I need to go to the bathroom. My pants are kinda wet.
A word to the wise is enough...
And that's how it started. Over the next few weeks, the students got to know Ms. Ricci a little more, while a reserved number of students actually knew who she was. Belgium surrendered at once and finally realized that Amanda was not bad and that she was not to blame for the boys' reaction. After all, no one is to blame for being born beautiful, smelly, smart, a good talker, and having the body of a Greek god.
Enzo's real approach began on a Thursday. He was having difficulties with the subject and didn't know if he would be able to get a sufficient grade to go to the winter vacation without having to take the final exam of the semester. So he was forced to find her at school. Not that he needed a reason.
- Hi, teacher.
- Enzo, we've known each other for a while, call me Amanda.
- Amanda, I'm having trouble with your subject. And Vini is a selfish, backstabbing jerk and won't help me. I don't think I'll get the necessary average to get a good grade.
- Sure you will. - she said, comforting him. - I teach classes at the end of the day on Thursdays. If you want, I can include you.
It sounded like a good plan.
- I accept. - But then he remembered an important point. - Wait, these are private lessons, right? You charge for it.
- Yes, dear.
- Oh.
- That's fine. We can look into that further.
And that was it. On the first day of her personal classes, Enzo was the first to show up. He sat down in the first chair and waited. He checked his wristwatch a few times. Then the door opened violently, Amanda entered the room with a tense expression on her face, but as soon as she saw Enzo, she tried to cover it up.
- Oh, hello, darling. I didn't know you were here already.
- Too soon?
- No, no.
Strangely enough, Enzo could sense that Amanda didn't look well. Whatever the reason for her concern, the redhaired teacher couldn't hold it back from Enzo. Therefore, Enzo needed to be creative and change the heavy mood of the environment. And this he did very well.
- Are you a real redhead?
- Sorry?
- Are you a real redhead? I'm asking because that idiot Vini says you are. We had a silly bet.
- I am.
Enzo's eyes widened. A real redhead and a pretty teacher? Boy, she's a find!
- No way!
- Yes, everyone asks me.
- It's just that it's hard to find a real redhead. Your people were kind of condemned to be burned at the stake in the Lower Middle Ages and during the Inquisition.
- Yes, yes. We were witches.
- Beautiful witches.
- Thank you.
Enzo was succeeding, which didn't surprise him, but he still needed to talk about the elephant in the room. An innocent question would not be all bad. What could possibly go wrong?
- Amanda, why were you upset?
- Oh, it's nothing. Silly.
Of course Enzo was not convinced.
- Really? I'm sorry, but I think it's more than silly.
Sadly, the other students started to enter the room. Amanda gestured with her hands and left Enzo alone. The class began, but Enzo didn't seem that interested. Anyway, when he returned to Lake, he made it a priority to review all the Portuguese homework in order to get the best grade possible. For Amanda. And for himself. But more for Amanda.
The following week, Vini did something he rarely does. He knocked on Enzo's door and asked to borrow something late at night. He rang the doorbell and waited for his friend to answer it. Except that this never happened, because Enzo was not at home. Strange. Vini could already foresee the consequences of this.
(*) Reference to The Wonder Years, when Kevin goes to the store to buy a Christmas gift to Winnie. He says that Winnie smells like ocean leaves at night.
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