《The idiotic adventures of Vini and Enzo》The Portuguese Teacher (Part II)
Barra da Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro
A few kilometers away, in a condo complex in Barra da Tijuca, Enzo strolled along the sidewalk being illuminated by streetlamps to the guardhouse of the three buildings at the end of the street to identify himself. The street was not very busy on weekdays, although it was still Barra da Tijuca.
- Yes? - asked a male voice over a small overhead radio.
- 21st floor. Apartment 2. Amanda Ricci.
- Your name?
- Enzo Carvalho.
He had to wait a few seconds in the dark to finally receive the confirmation that he could access the condo areas. Considering that he had lived his entire life in a closed complex, just like his friends, those procedures were already routine. Nevertheless, he had a hard time finding her apartment. But fortunately, he had succeeded.
Floor 21. Enzo pressed the doorbell of the door located right next to a glass table with a fake flower on top. It didn't take too long for her to answer it.
- Hi, darling. - Amanda was happy to see him.
- Hi - said Enzo.
- Did you bring what I forgot?
- Yes, yes. - Enzo pulled a wallet from his jacket pocket. - You left it on the table. You forgetful.
- Isn't it? I can forget very easily.
They both started to laugh.
- Don't worry, I didn't check what was in the wallet. - said Enzo.
Well, sort of. He opened the zippers, but found nothing interesting.
- But thank you for bringing it here.
- My pleasure.
- Hey, do you want to come in? It's pretty cold outside.
Bingo. Everything he wanted.
- Yes, I do.
Enzo walked into the apartment. A beautiful apartment with vintage-style decor. A television in the center with two dark-colored sofas to contrast with the light floor.
- Nice apartment. - he said.
- Thank you. - Amanda replied. - I'll get some wine. Would you like a drink?
- I'll have a Matte.
- With lemon or natural?
Beautiful, red-headed, Matte-loving girl? If she were a Phil Collins and a Formula 1 fan Enzo would rush to buy an engagement ring.
While Amanda stayed in the kitchen, Enzo paid attention to the small details in the apartment. And it was one of those details hidden in the furniture that made him suspicious.
- Isn't she engaged? - Enzo wondered.
- Not anymore. - Amanda answered, appearing behind him in surprise, also bringing his drink.
Enzo jumped in fright. His heartbeat went through the roof.
- I brought your Matte.
- Oh, thank you. - Enzo held up a peculiar cup. - Nice red Starbucks cup. You know that if you sell it on Ebay you might make some money. And get in trouble with some people.
Even his jokes were not enough to escape a mild interrogation.
- Were you looking at the picture frames?
- I was. Sorry, I didn't mean to pry.
Another lie. But this is not one of those "everything wrong with the movie..." videos.
- We broke up. When you asked me if I was okay, I sure wasn't. I found out from a friend. He started acting a little funny. I asked her for a favor. And then I knew.
- How?
- Actually, my friend was the girl.
- Ouch. That sucks.
- Tell me about it.
- But, if I may say, your fiancé is a douche to trade you for any other woman. I mean... - Enzo went up and down with his eyes on her body. - Holy shit!
- Thank you. That's very sweet. You're very sweet, Enzo. A sweet person.
People who don't know him say that.
- Hey, I don't really brag. But if anyone deserves the credit, it's you. After all, you are a great fucking teacher and the students love you.
- The boys?
Enzo was a little embarrassed.
- I'll extend to the gals too. Belgium spoke well of you. And Italy, even Russia. And Russia doesn't like anyone, to be honest. But my point is that you don't have to worry. In my books, your fiancé is the loser.
Maybe it was the wine, or the motivational lines, or even the fact that they were heartbroken, but the temperature in the apartment raised quickly. Enzo looked at the wall clock, 10:34 pm. It would be a good idea to leave now so as not to walk home too late. But who said he wanted to leave? Because the atmosphere had changed dramatically. Amanda felt good, Enzo too, but the "good" were different. While Amanda felt a comfort, Enzo trembled. Yet, as it turned out, Enzo's concern proved to be true. As his teacher leaned her body forward, close to Enzo, almost touching him in the chest. Enzo, on the other hand, did not flinch. He remained in the same place. Still, could be worse.
- Amanda, I'm scared to death. - Enzo simply said.
- This could be a good thing.
And it was. Indescribable. Amanda closed her eyes and kissed him for the very first time. Enzo had kissed many girls before, but none like the one right in front of him. Amanda knew things and led him on, initially. Maybe the taboo of that relationship made him even hornier. But he knew that if he rushed things, he would put everything at risk. Stay on the kissing, boy, let the magic happen.
After a few minutes, Enzo built up the courage for his next step, or rather second base, technically speaking. He moved down a little and began kissing her on the neck. Amanda moaned softly in pleasure, while Enzo swallowed a strand of red hair every now and then, accidentally. Again by accident, Amanda hit Enzo on the bottom and was forced to dry her arm on the couch.
- You're really excited, big boy.
Enzo ignored the comment and started sucking the teacher's ears. He stayed there for a few seconds until he returned to her neck. Any step from there had to be done very carefully.
- Ms Ricci, holy shit! - said Enzo. - You are so hot and naughty!
It was time to go. Gently, Enzo removed her blouse, just as she removed his and threw them on the floor. He opened a smile the size of Brazil when he caught a glimpse of Amanda's breasts. They kissed again, as if it were the first time that night. But an occasion like that needed to be in a special place. He led her to her own room. But before he went to bed, he remembered a detail, and asked, before something went too wrong:
- Wait. You and your fiancé used to...
- Here? Oh, no! I used to go to his place.
- Well, awesome! - He smiled. - So can we do it here like a bunch of animals?
Okay, not Enzo's most romantic line. Amanda's non-answer was the best response he could get. Enzo's eyes stared fixedly at Amanda's firm breasts, almost statuesque.
- Come on, I know you want to. - she said, flashing a devilishly sexy smile.
With that golden permission, Enzo gently caressed them, slowly, softly, like a sculptor molding his work, to finally hold the nipple with his lips and then let his imagination do the rest.
- Oh, Enzo! - Amanda moaned.
Amanda took off her underwear and asked Enzo to do the same. Of course, the idiot obeyed without objection. Continuing, Enzo lay down on top of her body, staying on her boobs, but this time exploring new surroundings. Slowly, he began a journey of kisses from top to bottom. Lips, shoulders, breasts, belly, thighs, and finally, the biggest prize.
- Enzo! Fuck! Holy shit! - Amanda shrugged her legs, almost kicking him.
Enzo licked, sucked, wanted to kill her with pleasure. And it would be that night. He began to taste something funny coming out of her body, which didn't stop him from continuing.
- My turn, baby.
Amanda stood up and asked Enzo to spread his legs. He was completely exposed. No chance of defense. If Amanda wanted to do something nasty, well, that would be her best shot. But no, Amanda did exactly what Enzo never thought a teacher would do. Well, at least those who didn't want to be arrested. At first she used her lips to pleasure Enzo, making repeated up and down movements with her mouth. It was Enzo's turn to moan.
- Fuck, Amanda!
But there was still one more thing missing. Two, in fact. It was generally agreed that the boys at school adored... Amanda's ass. Well, the whole situation was more than surreal, so he couldn't miss the opportunity. With both hands, he stroked her back, gently, like he was stroking a kitten or a baby bird. But the calmness soon turned into a storm, as Enzo squeezed his partner's ass, slapping it, squeezing it, without hurting, but still leaving red marks, some souvenirs and memories that the night really happened and that everything was not a dream. Enzo had to pinch himself a few times to confirm that he was not in one of those infamous wet dreams. Amanda answered the questions in his head with moans and subtle kisses.
But there was still one more thing missing. The final act. The climax. When David meets Goliath, when Max Verstappen and Lewis Hamilton meet on the last lap of the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix. When John McClane meets Hans Gruber in the final scenes of Die Hard. Or when Phil Collins approaches the drums on "In the Air Tonight" in his live concerts. Anyway, you get the idea.
Enzo lay down again on Amanda. Their eyes met. Slowly he bent toward her body and entered. She felt a slight squeeze, but got used to it. He repeated the motion up, down, until they were both comfortable during the act. Enzo and Amanda moaned at the same time, as they stayed connected as a single organism.
- Fuck me, Enzo! Fuck me, shit!
- Holy fuck, you fucking hot!
After a while, Enzo began to sweat cold and his legs became numb, which could only mean one thing.
- Are you going? - Amanda asked.
- Yes, yes! - Enzo confirmed. - Do you want me to get up?
- No, no. - Amanda held his arm. - You're not going anywhere. You don't have to.
Enzo took a deep breath. He let out three gasps of air. His muscles were no longer strong. He stopped resisting and simply let it out. Exhausted, but proud, he collapsed on top of Amanda's wet breasts of both sweat and saliva.
- Holy shit. - Enzo said. - You're amazing!
To end the night, Amanda propped herself up on the bed and lay with her face on Enzo's chest. He thought she would fall asleep, but she didn't, because there was still some - underrated - post-sex left, like in football, when the players talk to the reporters as they leave the pitch, and once in a while there's a fight in the crowd. That sort of thing. But in this case, Amanda wanted to talk to Enzo about relevant issues, which could have implications on both of their lives forever. As she continued her conversation, Enzo stroked her red hair and gave her a surprise kiss, on the shoulder and on the breasts.
- You know you won't be able to tell anyone about us, right?
- Right, right. - Enzo understood the message. - For obvious reasons. It would be like a Vic Mignogna in reverse.
- What does this mean? - Amanda didn't get the reference.
- Nothing, not a thing. But I just wanted to say that it would make everyone in the school jealous.
- I know.
- But I'm not going to tell. Except for Vini.
Amanda now was concerned.
- Not even Vini, honey.
- But Vini is my best friend. I mean, he's a douche, but I like him. And he's very smart, which annoys me a little, and he'll probably find out even if I don't tell him.
- What do you mean?
- He says I'm too transparent. But as far as I know I've always declared myself Caucasian.
Amanda started to laugh. And kissed him. At this rate he should get ready for round two.
- Do you want to stay the night?
Enzo looked quickly at the window and smiled.
- Absolutely.
- For how long?
- Indefinitely(*).
Enzo smiled. I've lost count of how many times Enzo has cracked the biggest smile in this chapter. Amanda moved closer to him and kissed him once more, this time more lingeringly. The conformation that he would be rewarded with round 2.
The next day, Enzo could not find his underwear. Or his pants. In fact, Amanda's bed was a complete and utter mess. After searching hard in every corner of the room, she found them.
- Here it is. - Amanda said.
Amanda just forgot to mention that the underwear was, in fact, beaten, torn, crumpled. This was an emergency situation that required ridiculously special attention. He couldn't go to school in his pants, so Amanda offered Enzo a pair of jeans.
- No one will notice. - she said.
- Vini will notice. As I said yesterday, he is annoyingly intelligent.
But there was one more detail missing.
- I need a pair of underwear. I don't feel comfortable... Going commando.
Stupid problems required stupid solutions. Soon, Amanda went to her living room and returned with a Speedo in hand.
- Take this swimsuit.
It didn't take long for Enzo to notice the first red flag.
- This belongs who I'm thinking of?
- It's from my ex.
- I'm not wearing someone else's swimsuit! Especially not your ex's.
- Why not? He's a scumbag, but he's clean. Sure, sometimes he farted in the kitchen, but I always scolded him.
That changes everything.
- Amanda, there is a principle involved.
- And what principle is that?
After a few seconds of silence, Enzo confessed.
- All right, I've got nothing. Trust me, I'm trying.
But as it turned out, Enzo really had no argument. And desperate times, desperate measures. Thinking that things couldn't get any worse, Enzo put on that Speedo, but unfortunately another problem soon arose, because depending on the suit Enzo's got, the back area of Amanda's ex-fiancé was.... Large.
- Oh, God. He's got so much rear end!(**)
But there was no other viable option. Enzo was forced to wear that sunrobe to class. Amanda gave him a ride in her black Peugeot 206. Luckily, there was not much traffic on the way. He even insisted on a handjob at the red light, but Amanda declined. They arrived five minutes before the first class, but Amanda had to stop her vehicle in the first parking spaces of the school.
- I'll stop further away so as not to arouse suspicion.
- That's fine. - Enzo didn't mind.
An awkward silence.
- Want a quickie? - Enzo tried again.
- No, Enzo! - Amanda complained, but at the same time smiled at his boldness.
Finally at school, Enzo met up again with Vini, who didn't speak to him at all, initially. It was only during the break from the first to the second class that Vini acknowledged his presence in the classroom.
- Where have you been, dummy? - Vini asked.
Enzo played dumb.
- What do you mean?
- Don't "what do you mean" me, Enzo! I wanted to talk to you, but you weren't home.
- Eh, My... Bad?
- Where the hell have you been?
By a funny coincidence, or a brutal irony of fate, Amanda entered the classroom seconds after Vini asked the question. As said in the previous paragraphs, Vini was very intelligent. At first, he couldn't understand why Enzo didn't feel comfortable in his pants. And when he noticed the sunrobe, everything made a little more sense. Note: a said "little more".
- No - Vini found it hard to believe. - No!
Enzo grimaced in confession.
- Enzo! No way in Hell. I don't freaking believe it! - Vini was still incredulous. - You and the teacher?
- You know the drill.
- No, I don't!
- Come on, buddy. Don't let the cat out of the bag.
A reasonable request. But the question would be: an acceptable proposal?
- Enzo, this is another one of those abuse cases.
- She can abuse me all she wants.
- I am serious, Enzo.
So is he.
- So am I! And furthermore, what's the problem? Why can't a teenage student date the hot teacher?
- Because.... Because.... I'm not going to explain it to you!
- So I'm just sorry.
- Enzo, think about what you are doing! If anyone else finds out, her life goes to shit and so does yours.
- Relax, Vini, no one will know. Unless you decide to spilled the beans.
- I won't. But that's so not right.
- Of course it isn't, Toto(***)! But so what?
- Enzo, this relationship is completely unbalanced. She has much more power over you than the other way around.
- Huh. That's because you didn't see me going for it yesterday. By the way, that one will go to the ESPN highlights.
- And I have no plans to check it. Think about what I said.
- Fine.
- You won't think about it, will you?
- Honestly? I stopped listening minutes ago.
Already in the present day, after hours and hours in traffic, Julio finally stopped at the bus stop in front of Lake. It was a long, tiring and surprisingly revealing night. After everything, Julio could not help but remark:
- Wow! That's all I can say.
- I told you so. - Enzo smiled.
- I can't believe that I only got to know these details today! - Vini was impressed.
- But thanks for telling me. - said the driver. - You bet I won't tell anyone.
- You can. - Enzo shrugged. - It doesn't make much difference anyway.
- Enzo! You're mad? Amanda is still teaching. - Vini reminded.
- But why doesn't it make any difference? - Julio asked.
- She went on with her life. - Enzo said.
- Is that why you keep a picture of her in your wallet? Do you miss her?
- What can I say? She was the best person I ever had a relationship with. Honestly, I think she will be the best person I will ever relate to in my life. Of course, of course, the Twitter mob would say that this is child abuse...
- And it is. - Vini reminded him once again.
- So be it then, Vini! This is not a competition of who is the most or least correct. Happy?
- Oh, cut the drama short. - Vini complained.
- I'm serious, Vini.
- Then stop being serious. You're scaring the shit out of me.
- Because you're a wimp!
- Okay, cut the bullshit. But answer me something I've never asked. Are they actually real?
- As real as the astronauts on the moon in 1969.
- What about the ass?
For that particular answer, Enzo just smiled. Words were not necessary.
From the silence in the hallways of Lake and the neighborhood, it was very late at night. The two tried to make as little noise as possible so as not to disturb the other residents. Vini said goodbye to Enzo and went to his apartment. But instead of going to the floor above, Enzo pressed button 1, ten floors below. He was not going home. At least not at that moment.
Despite the hours, Enzo had no shame in going to a friend's apartment on the first floor to borrow the keys to his electric bicycle. As soon as he opened the door, he was not very excited about the request.
- Why don't you use your bike?
- The doormen won't open the bike parking for me at this time of night. - Enzo justified. - Let me off the hook.
- All right, all right, all right. But you owe me one.
Enzo took the keys and turned on the bike. Then, he rode alone through the streets to the condominium on a little-used street nine kilometers away from Lake, which at night was practically an urban desert in the middle of the neighborhood.
As soon as he arrived in front of the gate, he dialed the phone of the person he desperately wanted to talk to. Yes, late at night on a Friday. His chances were small. But he had to try. But upon hearing her voice, the table has turned.
- Enzo? What are you doing here? - She looked confused.
- May I come in?
- Yeah, of course. What happened?
- I miss you.
- Oh, dear.
- No, no, no, no, no, no. It's true. I miss you. You were the best person I ever had a relationship with. And I think about that night a lot. Even more so today with the flashbacks because of the chapter.
- I am sorry, Enzo. It was a mistake. I shouldn't have done that to you. I was frustrated with being betrayed and I took advantage of you. I was thinking only about myself.
- Are you still frustrated? Because you can make another mistake. With me, obviously.
Amanda laughed and kissed him on the lips. Oh, Enzo hadn't forgotten that good feeling of being in the clouds, flying like a bird. Just as Amanda hadn't forgotten her student's jokes.
- All right, enough talk, and let's go into the bedroom to get naked and fuck like horny rabbits.
At first, Amanda didn't follow him, which almost broke the mood. But with a woman like that, there is no such possibility. And then, something in her chest slapped. A snap that makes her change her mind, saying:
- You know what? What the hell.
A few miles away, in a metallic, plate-shaped spaceship, two aliens were discussing the events of history from a distance. The extraterrestrial creatures had tentacles and a body shape that resembled the old Earth octopus. In front of them, a control desk with the most diverse buttons, of the most varied colors.
- Je li spavao s učiteljicom? (He slept with his teacher?)
- Kakav pastuh. (What a stud).
- Što ćemo sada? (What do we do now?)
- Uobičajeno. Raznijeli smo Zemlju. (The usual. We blow up the Earth).
From underneath the ship, a huge weapon came out of the metal chamber. One of the creatures pressed the red button, firing a single red laser beam at millions of kilometers per hour into the vacuum without producing any sound. The Earth was hit by the lightning and exploded into several pieces, turning into cosmic dust that dissipated into our immense and unknown space.
(*) Notting Hill movie reference.
(**) Reference of Lewis Hamilton when behind Sergio Perez in 2021 Azerbaijan Grand Prix.
(***) Reference of Toto Wolff words during the last safety car of the 2021 Abu Dhabi Grand Prix.
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