《A dry land》Chapter 4


4 years have passed since Luce and Bella entered the academy and now is the day of their graduation.

'Graduation. One word but it is a heavy one. Your graduation means that you all succeeded in all the things required to finish here. Graduation is the end, not of your life nor your learning have stopped. But it is the start of your new life as a person that contributes in our country. Remember, be the change because you are the new hope.' principal's message to the candidates.

"Hey Luce, what do you plan after this graduation?" Eira ask.

"I want to be an adventurer but since I am still a minor, maybe I'll train more so when I am allowed to register as an adventurer/hunter, it'll be only a piece of cake for me."

"How 'bout you Bella?"

"Depends on where life takes me. But I am thinking of staying by Luce's side."

Eira smirks hearing what Bella said. Luce blushed, while Bella was shouting embarrassment inside her.

A carriage arrived at the academy. Saintess Liz was very happy seeing them two graduates. She gave both of them an artifact that allows them to tract each other, they can also check their status depending on what color it shines. Saintess left the academy before Craig came to pick them up.

~Pov of the one who bumped into Luce~

"Looks like you survived 4 years in that academy without being noticed, how is he?", someone who hired him.

"Well he is outstanding as you told me"

"He'll be a big asset for our party, thank you for your service here's your last payment"

"Oh and last one he has someone that is always by his side, it's a girl and she has earth magic and a healer too"


"Ok thanks"

The party has 6 members. It consists of two swordsmen, two tanks, one mage, and a healer. The name of their party is Aridal.

~Luce's Pov~

"Aaaah, what a great feeling to be an graduate", while he lied in his bed

"Yeah, so what's really your plan?"

"I want to polish my magic first, and I will visit my mother on the weekend, wanna come with me again?"

"Sure no problem"

He always visits her mother twice a month in the past 4 years. Luce's mother cried in happiness that his son had become a good person. Luce cried, and Bella was in tears too. She hugged Luce and Bella as well. After the visit Luce took Bella into a shop.

"What are you going to buy?"

"I want to buy some books and uh...training swords"

"Training sword? For what?"

"Well magic is very useful in range combat, but if I can use martial arts and swords I can deal with both"

"Then what type of sword are you planning to use?

"A one hand sword is good for me"

Luce bought martial arts and swords skill books, as well as a training dummy and a training sword. After arriving home, Craig was sitting in the yard to relax and have some fresh air. He saw them with a bunch of items and he asked.

"What are those things for?"

~Luce explains everything to him~

"I see, so you want to be a magic swordsman?"

"Not really, what I'm trying to say is, that I want to be able to fight in close combat. But being a magic swordsman doesn't sound bad"

"Ok, good luck with that. If you need anything just ask me"


Luce starts training the sword. Reading and following the moves in the books that he bought. Bella didn't waste his time watching Luce, instead she polishes her magic that would be useful in every way possible. Craig watches them, he finds that Luce's and Bella's training was not efficient. He knew that having a proper teacher will boost their training and skills. So he contacts someone he knows that can use magic and sword, and even a magic swordsman.


~1 week later~

Luce realizes that his training improvement is slow, and so as Bella. They saw an average height woman that has white hair, walking towards the door.

"Looks like Craig has a visitor", Luce said while panting.

*Knock 3x*

She turned her head to look around, then she saw Luce and Bella at the yard staring at her. She waved at them with a smile. The maid opens the door and she get inside to go to Craig.

"Welcome, long time no see Neva"

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