《A dry land》Chapter 5


Luce has already finished reading the books that he bought. He can feel the changes, but it's not enough. He still lacks something.

"Hey kids, I have something to say to you", Craig said, while Neva is standing beside him.

"Hi Craig, what is it?"

"I've seen that this past month that you were doing some training. You Luce is learning swordsmanship. And you Bella, I can see your creativity with your magic"

"Yes, we are. Well, I can't just slack off because I already graduated, and since I can't join the hunter's association yet, I want to learn something new"

"I see. . . Okay, so I've decided to help you guys too"


"This is Neva Vilomes. Her family was known for using ice magic. And she is also a swordsman"

Luce's eyes were shining, knowing that he met someone who can use magic and sword— a magic swordswoman— and can finally be able to have proper training.

"Wait... Vilomes? By any chance Do you know Eira?" Bella asks. Luce nods.

"Yeah, she is my younger sister", "how'd you know her?" Neva adds.

"We are classmates for four years", Bella smiles.

"Ok. Kids introduce yourselves to her"

Luce and Bella introduce themselves to Neva.

"Nice to meet you"

Neva starts lecturing them for a bit before she starts their actual training. Their first training is to improve their physical attributes. She gave them their first task, they both have to increase their stamina. They need to run 5 kilometers everyday.

Bella was given a different task besides running. Neva gave her a task that focuses on concentration. She asks Bella to put her element inside a glass jar without breaking it and with its cap closed. Bella finds it hard, but Neva demonstrates it to show her.


Luce on the other hand was given a different task too. Since he wants to use weapons, Neva assesses his skill so he can analyze what kind of sword is fit for him. He gave Luce different weapons to test it out while casting magic. Sword, dagger, spear, dual dagger, long sword, great sword, axe, and katana, etc.

"It's a little bit hard to handle this sword, I can't focus on doing one thing"


"I kinda like this dagger, it's light and it doesn't need that much attention"


"This spear is a big no"

"Next", Luce tried the dual dagger

"Next", He tried a long sword

"Next", He tried an axe

1 hour later.

*Huff* *huff* Luce is exhausted trying these different types of weapons.

Neva saw that there is something wrong in Luce. He can only focus on one thing, if he uses magic he barely uses his weapon, and if he uses a weapon he barely casts magic. Neva remembers how hard it is to do it. But she has a special method that she found out herself, and is very effective.

"Luce, come here", Neva shouted.


"I know what you're lacking"

"What do you mean?"

"You have a potential in every weapon. You just need to be able to use them if you don't only focus on doing one thing"

"You saw that? It's really hard for me to do so"

"I know, I already experienced that. I have a proposal"

"Ok, I'm listening"

"If you find out how to do it by yourself, I'll give you bonus training. But if not I will tell you my method, and be my errand boy"

"Eh?? Errand boy?"

"Yes, I'm serious"

"Then, when is the deadline?"

"1 week, but you still have to do the physical training I will give you two"


"No problem"

Day by day, Luce and Bella trained physically. Sprint, push-ups, squats, and even enduring Neva's snowstorm magic.

~1 week has passed~

"Neva! I'm ready"

Luce shows Neva the thing. Neva was speechless. She didn't expect what Luce showed her. Luce uses his weapon to cast a magic, which is a comment thing for a mage, but mages can only cast if the weapon has magic stones that can amplify the mana for more powerful magic. But Luce is holding a weapon with no magic stone nor magic enchantment, it means that it's impossible for a normal mage to cast magic using melee weapons.

Neva was astonished at Luce's talent. He was able to fuse magic in a sword. Although, he's body is not yet ready to handle this type of power. He collapsed, he also collapse when he found out how to do it. He can only last a couple of minutes, because of Neva's training.

~Luce's POV while figuring it out~

5 days before the deadline.

"Ok . . . Aaghh! How am I supposed to do it"

Luce started to cast magic in his left hand and swing a sword while holding the magic. The magic disappeared in just 2 swings, he can't split his focus.

"This is hard"

2 days before the deadline.

"If I can't focus on doing two things, what if I used magic on this sword"

Luce tries to put magic in the sword. He can't do it. Then instead of putting magic in the sword, he casts magic in the hand where he is holding the sword. It works. Then he collapsed. After an hour, he heard Bella calling his name. Luce regained his strength then he went to Bella.

Every night he goes outside to secretly train. He did the same thing for 6 times since he is collapsing every time he does it and regains his strength after he sleeps for 1 hour. He then realized that he was still lacking something.

The day of deadline.

Luce casts magic using the hand where he is holding his weapon. He lasted 2 minutes then he collapsed.

Neva caught him from falling.

"You really are a genius one, just like Craig said"

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