《A dry land》Chapter 3


One day a letter came in the orphan, saintess Liz read the letter. 'We would like to adopt that child who has the magic of light, we know you have figured out what color yellow means. In 3 days we'll go there in person. Prepare the papers needed and make sure you present him well'. Saintess Liz is a bit worried, because Luce is already adopted.

~Luce's Pov~

"I'm sorry", he bows his head.

"It's ok", the girl replied. "Next time be careful in walking, always look forward", she also introduces herself. "By the way I'm Eira, means, I see that you're new here. So am I", she giggles.

"I'm really sorry", Lice replied.

"Do you want to have lunch with me later?", While a little bit blushing.


Looks like Bella found a rival.

~bell rings~

"Ooh looks like it's starting, enjoy!", Eira said, then she ran to the classroom.

Luce and Bella were also headed in the same classroom. Eira saw them and she was excited.

The teacher introduced himself. "Good day students, I am Mr. Finlo Grunasia, I am a pyro user. Nice to meet you all and welcome to Ledavion Academy. Before we start our class. Introduce yourself, first you name then your magic, lastly where you came from"

There are 5 promising students in the classroom including Luce, Bella, and Eira.

"My name is Bella Tuseria, my magic is earth, I came from an orphan

"My name is Luce Letizas, my magic is light, and I'm also an orphan"

"My name is Eira Vilomes, I'm an Ice user, I am from the Vilomes City"

"My name is Aiden Wicowa, I'm a fire user, I am from the capital"

"M-m-my name is...Ermir Arillo, m-m-my magic i-is...air, I-I'm also f-from the c-c-capital", he has a fluency disorder.


The introduction is done. Mr. Grunasia starts the lessons.

~while on class~

"Hey Luce you still awake?", Bella whispers to him.

"Shhh, yes I am, and very focused right now", he said, even his eyes were about to fall. Bella giggles.

~bell rings~

"Ok class, study the homework I gave to all of you, class dismissed"

"Maaan lecture class is so boring", Bella said. "You just didn't focus", Luce replied. "You're the one to talk?", They both laughed.

Eira saw Luce's back so she rushed.

"Hey Luce and Bella, you guys are really close to each other huh? Anyways the next class won't be as boring as that lecture. It's a more practical class where they teach us how to use magic even better"

They got in the classroom. But the teacher isn't there yet. ~wind swoosh~ the teacher became visible. "Hello everyone, I am your practical class teacher, Ms. Zephyr Sonliz. My element was Air and I can become invisible"

Zephyr is trying to check the mana of the students. She can see the color that surrounds them. Luce caught her interest after Ms. Sonliz saw the yellow mana he emits. She smirks, "Hey you", she said to Luce.


"Yeah you, I'm talking to you. Come here in front". "Aren't you a cutie", she adds. Bella pouted.

"What's your magic?"


"Wow, such wonderful magic"

The students are murmuring.

"Show us what you got"

Luce poses a stance and uses a small light sphere that has some spikes. Some students clapped. Ms. Sonliz was amazed by witnessing that kind of magic. "This year will be interesting", she said to the class.

Ms. Sonliz started to demonstrate some magic, she also taught them how to gather mana in their surroundings, but it wasn't easy and not everyone can do it. Luce felt something while he was focusing, he could gather mana but not from his surroundings but from someone he targets that is near him. He doesn't know how to control it yet, so he absorbed a bit of Bella's mana.


"Why do I feel like I'm weakened a bit?", Bella asked.

Luce kept his mouth shut and didn't say a word about it since he didn't know it yet.

~Lunch time~

"Hey Luce let's eat together", Eira excitedly said to him.

"Sure, let's go. Let's go Bella", his happy face turns worried when she sees Bella making a down face. "Are you okay Bella?", he asked. "What? O-oh yeah I'm fine, let's go", Bella replied.

Saintess Liz taught Bella a communication magic that can travel through their minds once a day since it uses a lot of mana and it depends on how long the message and the distance. Bella received a message from Saintess Liz stating, 'keep being with Luce and make sure his safe'. Bella was a bit worried since it's the first time she heard that from Saintess Liz.

~Saintess Liz's Pov~

After 3 days the two of the high priests arrived at the orphanage. "Good day", she greeted them.

The children starts to gather around Saintess Liz. "Where is the kid that has light magic?", They asked. "He is not here", she replied.

The high priests are a little pissed because saintess Liz didn't inform them earlier and had to travel long distance.

"Then where is he?"

"He is somewhere you couldn't know, neither do I know where he is now"

One of the high priest is furious on what she said. "You-", the other high priest stopped him in time before he make a scandal.

"Sorry for our rudeness towards you, we will just leave since what we came here for is not here"

"But the downpayme-", "Silence, we can't force her to do it since she too, did not know where he is"

The two high priests left, but on the way to the carriage, one orphan manage to sneak behind them so he heard what they are talking about. "There's the downpayment already, we can't delay that goods", he said.

The kid rushes to saintess Liz and told her what he heard. "I knew they're up to something. I must let Bella knows". "Bella if you can hear this keep doing what I told you before. Don't let any high priest or their people touch him".

Bella received the message and she became more worried and excited.

~Bella's Pov~

The next day, Bella is in high alert. Everyone who get near them, she always ask them smart questions to catch if they are an enemy.

On the way to the practical class someone bumped head on to Luce. "Sorry", the weird nerd guy smiles while walking away.

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