《A dry land》Chapter 2


Saintess Liz reached the capital. She heads to the church where the high priests are. Saintess Liz showed the orb(she hasn't restarted it yet). The high priests weren't in shock, because it wasn't their first time seeing like that. There are 2 people who already have that magic, and it wasn't that popular since the other 2 became silent after showing it. "We will talk and decide if we are going to tell you what it means", the leader of high priests.

While she was near home, she heard the kids cheering, so she rushed to the yard. Saintess Liz was shocked to see that Luce's magic was light. The reason the children were cheering is because they are giving him a tip to control and unleash the mana to form a magic.

"Saintess Liz! I did it!", He happily shouted.

Her feelings are both happy and worried. Worried in a way that she feels that the reason they didn't tell her what it was is because they are up to something.

"Saintess Liz, I'm so happy-", he fell down out of mana exhaustion but Saintess Liz caught him.

Bella is very happy.

~3 months later~

Luce is training to control his magic better, at the same time with Bella with an earth element, and sub-element of nature. Luce learned a few tricks in attack, defense, and blinding techniques. While Bella can attack, defend, and heal.

One morning there was a rich man named Craig, who wanted to sponsor some kids to an academy. Saintess Liz didn't hesitate to recommend Luce and Bella. Craig wanted to see if they really are worthy so he bought out one of his men—Dale—to test them.

Dale and Luce stand in an open field so there'll be no casualties.

"Start!", Craig shouted.

Luce uses light bullets. Dale uses body earth body armor since light is fast. He dodged 3 out of 8 bullets. His armor was scraped. Luce uses blinding magic—point blind—only the target enemy will be blinded. But Dale reacted quickly and covered his body. At the interval time, Luce uses a light spear and compresses it so it is smaller and faster. Once Dale is removing his cover arms he quickly saw the trajectory but couldn't react because it was so fast. Luce misses, but Dale's legs are frozen and cannot move. "Luce won!", Craig concluded the fight as he was amazed by Luce's light magic. "Looks like he is worth my money", he said in his mind.


"Ok next", Craig said. He brought out his other men—Ker—since Dale was tired.

Ker and Bella stand in the same location as Dale and Luce.

"Start!", He shouted.

Ker was the first to attack he is a water user, he uses water slash. Bella uses 2 layers of earth shield the one behind is slanted. The first layer was cut through it, but the attack just slid off the second layer. While fighting Craig notices that Luce and Bella were geniuses. Bella got Ker trapped in a mud and burst Ker with earth bullets. Dale manages to put a shield on Ker on time. "Stop! We concede. Bella wins!".

"They are promising Saintess Liz, amazing", Craig said to Saintess Liz. "I'll arrange the paper for you", she said. "Good I'll consider adopting Luce", Luce eavesdrops on what they're talking about and butt in, "It's my pleasure mister Craig. But if you were to adopt me, can you consider adopting Bella as well?". Craig doesn't mind so he adopted them both.

They both enrolled in the Ledavion Academy—2nd of the best academy—as freshmen. All the students were friendly and disciplined. Of course some of the students are bullies because of their status as nobles.

Luce was very amazed by the structure. He is looking everywhere. He isn't looking forward, because of amazement he bumps into someone.

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