《Phantom Year one》Where is my suit


“urgh” a groan escaped Hank lips as he regained consciousness and laid eyes on upon an unfamiliar ceiling. “What the-“ Hank muttered before quickly making it to his feet as he remembered what had happened, he was brought to a halt though as he felt the stinging pain in his pain.

Looking down Hank saw the source of the pain, his side was bandaged up. Hearing the sounds of footsteps, Hank grabbed a scalpel and sent it at the newcomer’s side. “woah, woah, woah. Its me Ferdinand, Takyi my friends call me Takyi. Not that you would care, what I mean is please don’t kill me”

“How’d I get here?” Hank asked as he moved to stand mere inches away from Ferdinand. “so…wow you are buff, I mean eight abs and…” Ferdinand caught the look in Hank’s eyes and went straight to the point “so after you went all help me, and fainted in front of me. I brought you here and help to treat your wounds… well I kind of asked for help in doing that but don’t worry I gave a fake reason for my boss having a gunshot wound, well I mean one of the bosses you own part of the company by Mr. Thompson is like the one who is really in charge”

“Oh by Mr. Thompson I mean your uncle”




“oh right yeah, they have no idea you are the phantom… which I should probably not say out loud”

*sigh* Hank pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration, “how long was I out” Hank asked the most important question “oy yeah… you were out for two days”. “ two days!” Hank exclaimed but grunted once more as he moved his hand to his bandaged wound.

After letting out another grunt Hank spoke up, “okay I’ve got to go… where is my suit?” Hank asked after looking around and failing to locate it. “ Yeah, hold up I’ll get it” Ferdinand spoke as he left the room to go retrieve the suit, Hank just stared at his back as he went to retrieve it before looking around and grabbing a shirt laying around.


“here you go, one dry cleaned super suit which is repaired and of course blood free”, Hank just gave him a really look before grabbing the case containing the suit and making his way out of the apartment, “you’re welcome!” Ferdinand called after him.


“so it seems you were right” Jarred came over to Naa’s side, “I’m always right” Naa retorted without turning to look at Jarred. “Okay then, so what exactly have you found” at this Naa finally turned to face Jarred.

“Okay so remember when I was sure Ronald Walker was part of a syndicate” Naa questioned partner. “yeah the syndicate you now have evidence to prove it exists” ‘’yeah that one and I found another member Samuel Oku. Now what I know is somehow the phantom is hunting down this syndicate and he got really close with Walker”

At this point Naa stood and made her way to her wall, “to silence him the syndicate killed Roland now Samuel hired an assassin for probably a power struggle” “and then they tortured and killed him to set an example” Jarred added.

“yeah, for now our best lead was the building… but I tried poking into the other owners and suddenly poof, its like they never existed” Naa exclaimed as she slammed her fist on her desk. “so that confirms whoever they are they are really high up”

“And there is a high chance they have some officers in their pockets” at this comment Jarred narrowed his eyes narrowed in realization of what she was implying. “Who do you think is compromised?” Jarred asked with his voice taking a serious tone.

“I don’t know that’s why I am sharing this only with you” Jarred nodded before speaking up, “so now what?” “The building was our strongest lead but now its useless, but that doesn’t mean we are completely lost. If the phantom is hunting them, what do you want to bet he has a way to find them”



At this moment the man they were talking about had just made his way back home to meet his cousin who stared at him with a piercing gaze.

“Where the hell have you been? It’s been two days Hank! two days! You are not a teenager anymore Hank you can’t just disappear for two days, do you have any idea just how worried I was!” Michelle began ranting as soon as she saw Hank.

But as she got a better look at Hank face, she stopped and gained a look of concern. “Hank what happened to you are you okay you have a bruise on your face” Hank caught his cousins hand stopping her outstretched hand from touching his bruise. “It was just a minor accident that left a few bruises, I’ll be fine with some rest”

“Accident? What are you doing here then you should go to the hospital!” “I already have” Hank held her shoulders calming her down. “Let me just put some stuff down, then how bout you and I go get a burger” Michelle began laughing at that before speaking out “okay then but you’re paying”

“of course, I am, I am a billionaire remember” “that’s right, let me just put something on” Hank kept his smile as he watched his cousin leave but regained his scowl as soon as she was gone, turning to look at his reflection. Hank’s mind went back to that night, “Jessica” he muttered the name as he gained a dangerous look in his eye.

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