《Blue Road》Episode 7 (Part 3)


Fawn reappeared beside the water and sighed. “That was a close one.” She looked down at the drifting coat and hat in the water with a confident smile. “Coast is clear, great job holding your breath.” There wasn’t a response. “Hello?” The bubbles didn’t show up on the surface either. “Oh, no.”

Fawn predicted the worst outcome and dove straight down into the water. Richard helplessly sank lower into the bottom of the sea. He tried to flail his arms to swim up faster, but it was no use. He kept plunging further down below.

Is this it? Is this how I’m going to die?

Eventually, he gave up and let the currents take him away. He squinted his eyes as a moonlight pierced through the waters. Fawn’s figure illuminated from the light, her body descending, coming closer to him.

No, you won’t go out like this.

She extended her arm to lend him more of her powers, levitating his body to ascend above the waters. After carrying him over to the piers, Richard shot up wide awake and coughed, trying to get the water out of his system.

“Oh my god, I thought I was a goner.” Richard wheezed and clutched his stomach.

“Thank goodness you’re alright.” Fawn sighed in relief. “Are you feeling better?”

Richard stared down at his hands, trying to clear his mind. Now that I think about it, did my family ever teach me something like how to swim? Wait a minute, I can’t recall any of them ever teaching me other stuff besides etiquette and…

“Are you ok?”

“Huh? Oh, yeah...”

“Let’s wait to recharge and then fly back to our base of operations safely. No one will see us if we go invisible.”

“Hold up.” Richard got up and raised his hand.


“Oh, are you still catching your breath?” Fawn questioned.

“No, it’s not that. Before we go, I want to ask you something, and I want you to be honest with me.”

“Um, alright?”

“We only met yesterday, right?”

“Right. Where are you going with this?”

“Why do you know so much about the species I’m in the body of?”

Fawn raised an eyebrow. “Um, why do you want to know?”

“Don’t play dumb with me!” Richard snapped. “Why did you pair up with me, of all people?”

“Like I said, it’s because we have similar stuff happen to us. Each of our powers can help each other out.”

“Oh, really? Then why is it you’ve never told me what to do to find your killer? I need the information to work on here.”

“I don’t remember.”

“How are we supposed to find the killer at this rate? Unless you’re siding with the people, I’m up against?”

“No! It’s just that, well, there is something I wanted to tell you, but I don’t know if it’d be helpful. I’ll tell you about it in due time...”

“Oh no, I want you to tell me right now,” Richard demanded, his tone growing harsh. “I’m not going anywhere until you lend me some info, pronto!”

“You know I can control your body and force you back myself!” Fawn thundered.

“Do you want my help and cooperation? You better let me in the stuff you’re hiding. Tell me what you know, now.”

Fawn stayed silent and clenched her fists. She inhaled and exhaled before loosening her palms and calming down.

“Alright, fine. I’ll explain to you on our way back.” Fawn turned Richard invisible and levitated him toward the motel before following him.


“Alright, whenever you’re ready to talk, Fawn.”

“Ok, listen up, because I’m only going to say this once.”

“I’m listening, loud and clear.”

“Alright. When I was still alive, my parents studied this unknown species that crashed down here.” She explained. “I swear I don’t know why or what they did as a job.”

“But why, though?”

“The government assigned my parents to inspect the creatures. Why they were here, what they wanted to do, etc.”

Richard scratched his chin. Huh, that sounds rather familiar. “Where are they now? The blue blobs, I mean.” He inquired.

“No clue. The species went extinct much later, I believe. I didn’t believe it when I first saw you in the lab with another blue blob.”

The two stayed silent as Richard took in every word she told him in his mind. He wasn’t sure how to respond after listening to all that, but it wasn’t necessary, not now at least.


Richard and Fawn arrived back at the motel undetected and unscathed. The two phased through the walls and made it back to their room.

The first thing Richard did was fall onto his bed after such a long day. “I never thought I’d be relieved to be here again.” He sighed with content.

“I guess you want to call it a day? No need for a shower?” Fawn asked.

“I’m pretty exhausted, I need a rest. Besides, I already did that this morning.”

“Alright then.” She hovered over to the couch and lied down.

“Hey, Fawn?”

“Hmm? What is it?”

“I’m sorry about my previous outburst...”

“Oh, it’s ok. I’m sorry for withholding information.”

“Water under the bridge, now we’re even.”

“If you say so, good night.”


The two closed their eyes and drifted off to sleep. In the middle of the night, Fawn overheard something and shot up. She floated over and noticed what appeared to be a shadow standing on a building across from them. Fawn turned back, about to get Richard up, but when she turned back around, the shadow vanished.

“Unbelievable.” Someone muttered.

Was that my imagination? Do I hear things or...? Fawn pondered to herself. She decided to wait until tomorrow to discuss this with her partner and think things through before going back to sleep.

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