《A(n) (Other)worldly Tale.》Chapter 2: A Walk To School / The Light In A Dark Corner
Chapter 2: A Walk To School / The Light In A Dark Corner
“Dad worries way too much. Even mom isn’t that bad. Jeez. Well, I guess it’s better than them ignoring us.” Rin said
“Why would they ignore us?” Renji asked
“Hm. No clue. I just heard that some people have a family like that.” Rin said
“That must bwe sad.” Renji said
“Yeah. At Least I have you.” Rin said
“Hey! Same Thwing with you! I have the best sister in the world!” Renji said, waving his umbrella wildly
“Pffft! Hahaha! Renji, what are you doing?” Rin asked, putting the now detached umbrella back together.
“Ah. Sowry.” Renji said
“No need to apologize, I have the best little brother in the world too, after all.” Rin said
“Yeah!” Renji said.
A smile that can only be found on an innocent young child’s face pierced Rins heart
“Definitely the best!” Rin exclaimed
“Hey. Wait!” Renji said
Rin had ran forward, and waited for Renji to catch up.
“We have school, we can’t be late.” Rin said
“Ah. Right!” Renji said
“Ah. We were closer than I thought.” Rin said, the school in front of them now.
Renji had quite a few friends in class, but he had two that he hung out with specifically, besides his sister. Daisuke and Nozomi.
They were walking home together after school had ended, as usual.
But it felt unusual today.
And not because of the rain.
“Daisuke? Nozomi? Where did you go?!” Renji yelled
The rain was pounding down hard.
“Sis? Anybody?” Renji asked
He wandered a lot further than he thought. He had gotten lost.
He took shelter under a bus stop.
“Where am I? This isn’t home…I don’t recognize anything around here...” Renji said
He peered out the glass again. It was still almost completely white with rain outside.
Time passed.
It was dark. Night had fallen.
The rain had stopped, the world fell into complete silence
It was still frightening.
“Where am I?!” Renji cried, sniffling
Suddenly a light shone onto the bench.
“Hello? I’m not crazy right? Why is there a little kid alone out here in the corner of a bus stop?
Kid, you ok? I’m Rai. It’s nice to meet you, can you tell me your name? Do you know where you live? Do you need me to walk you home?” Rai asked, a warm yellow flashlight shone brightly in her hand
“Eh? A-ah.. I-I’m Renji. Kami Renji. Do..do you know where I am?” Renji asked
“Ah. Uh, this is a bus stop. This is literally the corner of nowhere, though. A little kid should be at home. Not huddled here in the dark. How did you get out here? Where do you live?” Rai asked again
“I.. I live here.” Renji said. He showed Rai the patch his father made him carry all the time.
“This is? Oh! This is your address! Wait... how did you get all the way out here? That’s a good hour away from here by car.” Rai said
“Really? Is that close or far?” Renji asked
“Oh. Uh, pretty far. Here, come with me, you're soaking wet. Oh. I should call your family first. Let’s see.. aha! It is on here! But, this patch is pretty nifty. Your dad must have spent a lot on something like this.” Rai said
“He did? Is that patch special?” Renji asked
“Uh. Yeah, a little bit. Let’s go find a phone. Stay close to me. We’re near my house, there’s a phone right over there, ok?” Rai said, smiling
“Uh. Uh huh! Yeah! I’ll be fine!” Renji said, a lot more confidently than before.
“Alright, the number is… okay. They’re on the phone, I told them I’d hand it to you first. Talk to them a little. I’m pretty sure they would want to make sure you were safe.” Rai said, handing Renji the phone.
“Ah! Yeah! Dad! Mom! Sis! I’m dewing ok!” Renji said, smiling
“You’re smiling pretty wide, there. You guys seem like a pretty happy family.” Rai said
“Yup!” Renji said
“Well, I’m going to talk to your parents, so just wait there a few seconds.” Rai said
“Ok.” Renji said
Rai put the phone to her ear.
“Yeah. It’s about an hours drive away.” Rai said
“An hour?! How did he get over there?!” Evan asked
“I’m not sure. Your little gadget is pretty helpful, though.” Rai said
“Is he okay?” Rin said in the background. Her voice was soft due to being far away
“I live right over there. Ah, sorry, this block. I live on the corner. He’s doing fine, I was going to bring him over so he wasn’t outside in the cold. I have a phone there, do you mind me hanging up and bringing him inside?” Rai asked
“That’s… that’s fine by me, yeah. You said the little gadget was useful right? Which color was it?” Evan asked
“Huh? Oh, right, it was odd. The moment I touched it it went from a jade green color to completely clear with a massive burst of yellow light. Though, little Renji didn’t seem to see it. Then it went back to green. Does it have some sort of fingerprint scanner?” Rai asked
“Huh. Oh, no. Just wanted to make sure it was working.” Evan said
“Oh, well, if you don’t mind I’ll be calling you back in a second.” Rai said
“Yes, that’s fine. Be careful please, even if he’s only a few steps away from you. I don’t want my little Renji hurt!” Lime said
“You guys seem close, be right back.” Rai said, hanging the phone up.
They got to her front door.
“Ah, keys. There we go.” Said Rai, fiddling with a keychain
“Alright, there we go. I’ll show you to the dryer.” Rai said
She took off her shoes. She had been wearing high heels.
“Don’t those things hurt to wear?” Renji asked, walking into the bathroom.
“Eh? Ah. No, not once you get used to them. I’ll go and call your parents back, give me a moment.” Rai said
She went to a little alcove near the front door and picked up a landline phone.
She dialed their number.
“Hello? Ah! Hello. Is Renji doing ok?” Evan asked
“Yea, he’s fine. What do you want me to do about this now? I can’t really send a kid home alone, let alone in the dark, at night. I have a spare room I can offer, but it’s up to you.” Rai said
“Oh. Yeah, if he can stay over there that would be great! Though, I’d love it if you call us when he falls asleep. Speaking of, Rin, isn’t it past your bedtime?” Evan asked, taking Rin to her room, and handing the phone to lime.
“Ah. Hello, dear. It’s nice to talk to you, I’m Lime, renjis mother. If you wouldn’t mind, I would appreciate it if you could watch over him tonight. I apologize for the trouble, and I thank you for the kindness you have shown.” Lime said
“Oh, my. Well spoken... Ah! Right, it’s no problem, I’ll bring him to bed and call you when he falls asleep. Is there anything else he needs? Like medicine? Or can he just go straight to bed?” Rai asked
“Oh, our little Renji doesn’t need anything special. I’ll leave the rest of it up to you, if you have a question, please call us. We’ll see you later, bye!” Lime said, cheerfully
“Ah, bye.” Rai said
The phone hung up
“Welp, I guess I better make sure he’s doing fine.” Rai said. She headed towards the drying machine.
“Renji? Oh. Where did you get that?” Rai asked
“Over there.” Renji said, pointing to a stack of clothes
“Oh. Yeah, that would be the place to find it I guess. Do you need me to help with working the dryer?” Rai asked
“Oh. I think I gowt it.” Said Renji
“You sure?” Rai asked
“Yup!” Renji said
“Well, once you put them in, come to the living room. What time do you normally go to bed at?” Rai asked
“Oh, uh... 8:00-8:30ish?” Renji said
“Oh. We have around… yeah, 30 minutes. You want to play a game?” Rai asked
“A game? What kind?” Renji asked
“Oh. I have a x-blox. I have, lets see here. Oh hey I guess I did set up the PayStation. I forgot I bought a new controller for it. Either way, these are the games I have, see anything you’re interested in?” Rai asked
“Ooh! That one?” Renji asked
“Guh! How did this get here. Uh… well, I guess it’s rated e… but I don’t trust this packaging. I did say anything, though.” Said Rai
“Is it bad?” Renji asked
“No, it’s just- do you know what anime and manga are?” Rai asked
“Yeah! I've watched some before.” Renji said
“Ah. Well, this is like those, but as a game.” Rai said, booting up the game
“Oh! This looks awesome!” Said Renji
It was a fighting game, he didn’t recognize anything from it.
“This game is kinda unique in the fact that they designed all the characters to be as generic as possible. They don’t even have names.” Rai said
“What? What’s that mean?” Renji asked
“Ah. They are like a person you would pass by on the street, think back to someone like that, and use the blurry face that looks like nothing special. This is that, as a game.” Rai said
“What?” Renji asked
“Yeah, it’s kind of weird. At least you didn’t pick the other games.” Rai said, focusing
“Ah! Darn it! I died. Go on.. without me… Renji… avenge...meeee.” Rai said, fake dying
“Nooooo! I swear generic villain, I will get my revenge!” Renji said, mashing Buttons.
“Oh. Nevermind, he killed me, too.” Said Renji
“Blergh.” Renji said in a really poor fake dying voice, falling over
Rai stifled a laugh.
“Ah! Renji, it’s time to go to sleep.” Rai said
“Oh, Right. I’m staying over tonight? Where am I sleeping?” Renji asked
“I have a spare room upstairs, next to my room.” Rai said
“Wait. So there’s nobody with me?” Renji asked nervously
He was used to having a shared room with his sister. He had gotten more comfortable with someone there.
“I’ll sit by you until you fall asleep, then. You can stay in my room with me.” Rai said
“Huh? Are you not going to sleep?” Renji asked
“I will, but later.” Rai said
“Oh… All rwight.” Renji said
“You ok?” Rai asked
“Yeah. Hafing someone in the same room will be more comfy.” Renji said, somewhat relieved
They went upstairs.
It took a few minutes, but Renji fell asleep peacefully.
Rai went out into the living room to call renjis parents again
“No need to call. I’m right here, dearie.” Said lime, popping into existence in front of her
“GAHAGH!” Said Rai. Understandably.
“Oh, shhh. You’re going to wake little Renji up if you’re too loud.” Lime said, cupping her hand over Rais mouth.
“What the… ok.... I have a few questions. Would you mind answering them?” Rai asked
“Of course. You’re a kind person after all. What do you do for work?” Lime asked
“I’m a Detective.” Rai said.
“Indeed. You do look like one, what with the sunglasses and long blonde hair. Oh. Not to mention your posture. And the clothes.” Evan said, popping into existence like lime did. Albeit, upside down and floating, sitting cross legged, with a stupid special effect.
“Jee-mgmgmgs” said Rai, lime covering her mouth again
“Alright. Let’s answer her questions, lime.” Evan said
“Um. Ok, then. First, who exactly are you?” Rai asked
“I’m god. The god. You can call me Evan.” Evan said
“I’m lime. People refer to me as either the goddess of love and beauty, or as the demon. It’s nice to meet you face to face, Rai, dearie.” Lime said, smiling
“Um. God? As in that omniscient, omnipotent being?” Rai asked
“Uh, yes. Yes, that’s correct. Except I usually choose to reject omniscience.” Evan said
“Then.. the demon… does that mean satan or something?” Rai asked
“Oh. No, dearie. Of course not. It’s how people referred to me from another time, and another mind. Right now I’m just the goddess of beauty and love.” Said lime
“Oh. Then… who is Renji?” Rai asked
“Our kid. He’s a normal human. Don’t worry about that. He didn’t seem to inherit anything other than physical traits from us.” Evan said
“Oh. Wait so… god and the goddess are living as a normal family in a Suburban neighborhood, raising their children?” Rai asked
“Yeah.” Evan said
“What about your daughter?” Rai asked
“She isn’t our biological daughter, so she didn’t inherit anything from us.” Evan answered
“Huh. Why did you appear in front of me?” Rai asked
“Hmm. How do I put this… we’re interested in you. We like you.” Evan said
“Wh-“ Rai started
“OW!” Evan said, getting smacked on the head by lime with a rolled up newspaper
“Sorry about that, my husband is not very… tactful.” Lime said
“Oh.” Rai said, studying Evan as he floated peacefully, occasionally bumping into and off of objects or walls softly
“Well, either way. Rai, dearie. We would like to be friends! It’s up to you though. We could go have fun shopping at the mall!” Lime said
“That sounds good! I’ve been needing some new glasses, and a scarf.” Rai said
“Ooo, some earrings would look beautiful on you.” Lime said
“They would?” Rai asked
“Of course!” Said lime
“This is getting off topic, we wanted to come and introduce ourselves, as well as thank you.” Evan said
“Huh? There’s no need to do that. I had fun playing games with him. He’s better than I am, though. I’d say he can come over whenever he wants, but it is pretty far away. Same with visiting.” Rai said
“That’s fine! Visit us whenever you can, instead! I think having an aunt would be a good thing for Renjis growth. I want him to grow up into a respectable young man, after all. Thank you, Rai, Dear.” Said lime, smiling
“Ahh. If you put it that way, I can’t refuse. I’ll get a schedule for whenever I can come over.” Rai said, her heat melting when she saw limes face
“We can just poof you.” Said evan
“What if you guys aren’t there when I come over to visit?” Rai asked
“True. Alright. Oh! I got an idea.” Evan said
“What the-“ Rai said, fumbling with what Evan tossed her
“It’s a key to our house. Press this button and it will poof you to a street lamp near our house. If you press this other button, you will poof right over there. If not there then to your bedroom. Feel free to stay the night, too.” Evan said, motioning to the living room.
“It’s like a second home, is that what you’re trying to say?” Rai asked
“Yup. It feels good to have friends here, right lime?” Evan asked
“Yes. I must admit, it does feel quite nice. This world is a nice change of pace, dear.” Said lime. She smiled
“Oh my god that’s so cute!” Rai said, unable to withstand limes smile any longer
“Huh? Ah! Oops.” Lime said, Blushing
“Evan, you got a way to capture pictures of that right? Send me some.” Rai said, drooling
“I wish it could capture her properly. Recordings and most photos seem to have a slight blur for her. We do have family photos, but not much else. It’s going to be a few days before we can fix it.” Evan said, dejected
“Oh. Darn. I’ll just burn it into my head then...wait. I’ll have plenty of chances to see it, I guess. Plus, Renji looks almost the exact same in that regard.” Rai said
“Well, we’ll get going for now. See you tomorrow, Rai.” Evan said
“Yes. Bye dearie!” Lime said
“Seeya Evan. Have a good night, lime.” Rai said
They poofed away
“Wow. It’s been a while since I had friends I could interact with like this… no, I guess this would be more like family. It feels familiar. Happy. It doesn’t feel like I only met them a minute ago at all. I know I have, but….. It feels warm. Oh. That’s what it was. Family. I knew it was something. Evan acts exactly like my brother did. No, I guess my brother acted like Evan did. Hm. I don’t know how to describe lime. She feels like a friend I’ve known since elementary school. Regardless, I guess my life will finally have some fun in it! Especially watching lime and renji!” Rai said, drooling again
“Ah. I should get to bed, it’s rather late.” Rai said, snapping back to reality
She went into her room, going to sleep in her bed.
Rai fell asleep in the comfort of her warm blanket, a tiny Renji sleeping soundly next to her.
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