《A(n) (Other)worldly Tale.》Chapter 0: Prologue The Children / A Conundrum Of Names // Chapter 1: Raising A Child / A Parents Duty


Chapter 0: Prologue

Lime and Evan had chosen a house in the suburbs. It was average, the exact definition of normal. They, too, were normal. Well, except for a few things. One of them was The Demon, goddess of beauty and love, lime, Evans' wife. The other was The god, an omnipotent being, Evan, limes husband. However, nobody here knew that. Here they were normal. Here is where they had chosen to raise a family. One, a son just recently born. The other was a little girl, Rin, who they had adopted in this world as their son's older sibling, and their own daughter. The little girl was the child of Evans best friend, and due to some circumstances, she would grow up with the three as a family. She was maybe 1-2 years older than their son. She had pretty black hair, and blue eyes. A pitch black, a glowing blue. A beautiful daughter. A boy, black hair tinted with strands of bright orange, and pale blue eyes. An amazing son.

“What should we name him?” Evan asked

“I haven’t a single idea that could be better than yours, dear.” Lime said.

“Hmm. I got a few.” Evan said

“Oh? Dear, you aren’t usually so excited about this. Tell me!” Lime said

“Ah. But you must pick between them, alright?” Evan said

“That sounds fun!” Lime said

“Alright. We have Suika, ichigo, nashi, mikan, renji, cheri, rhyme, keichi, sai, negi, aisu, satou, lets see…. ah. There’s a lot more. Let’s leave it at those.” Evan said

“Wow. Jeez, that’s a lot. Also, that selection seems...fruity… and aren’t some of those girls names?” Lime asked

“I was reading off of a list I made while we were apart.” Evan said

“Still, considering how I usually chose the names, I never expected you to think this hard. It’s quite refreshing, dear.” Lime said, smiling


“Well, I… I missed you.” Evan said

“Aww. How sweet of you! My husband has become quite the romantic, has he not?” Lime said, grinning

“Anything for you.” Evan said

He realized his mistake a little too late


“Anything, you say? Darling, I had a few ideas…” lime said

“Oh no.” Evan said

“Oh yes.” Lime grinned

Everything faded to black

Chapter 1: Raising A Child / A Parents Duty

“Dear, would you mind passing me the salt?” Lime asked

“Hm? Oh. Sure.” Evan said, using mana to pass it over

“Thanks. You want toast?” Lime asked

“Nah. I’m happy with just the pancakes, your cooking is amazing.” Evan said

“Thanks, dear. Oh. Is it my turn or yours to take little Renji to school today.” Lime asked

“It’s mine, but shouldn’t he be starting to go to school himself?” Evan asked

“Hmm. Is this the age they usually let them leave home alone at? Dear, it’s up to you.” Lime said

“I’ll let him go alone, after today of course. I’ll put some protection magic and other stuff on him though, just in case. He should be fine. I’ve made sure he memorized what he is supposed to do.” Evan said

“That’s good. Our little Renji’s going to grow into a fine young man!” Lime said

“Dad. I’m fwine. I can do this mysewf” said a young Renji

“You sure? Hmmm. No. I’ll make sure you’re safe.” Said Evan, after thinking for a moment.

“But I cwan do this!” Renji said

“It’s not that I doubt you Renji. Quite the opposite. You’re an incredibly bright little boy. It’s just that this is the last day when it will rain. I don’t want you to get caught up in the downpour.” Evan said, dangling an umbrella off of his finger.


“I’ll watch over him, then.” Said Rin, snatching the umbrella, after having run down the stairs

“.....In that case I can’t really argue too much. Renji, listen to your sister, alright?” Evan said, sighing

“Fwine. Sis, are we going yet?” Renji asked

“You need to get your boots and jacket on first. Here.” Said Rin, helping Renji get ready

“Well then, I’ll go join mom in the kitchen.” Evan said

“Bye dad!” Renji said, smiling

“Bye dad.” Rin said, waving

“Be careful out there!” Evan shouted as they left

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