《A(n) (Other)worldly Tale.》Chapter 3: A Good Morning! / An Amazing Aunt!
Chapter 3: A Good Morning! / An Amazing Aunt!
It was morning. The sun was shining in the sky. Rai checked her phone. She got a message from lime on her cell phone.
“Hey Rai, feel free to bring Renji back as late as you want. Just keep in mind the hour long walk, unless he’s asleep. If he is, just poof him over.” The message said
“Did Evan write this? Why does he have limes phone?” Rai wondered
“Oh well, either way. I have a free day today, like every day, I guess it’s fine to hang out and get to know Renji a little better. I think it would be good to let him get more used to me, too. Ah, this is fun. An aunt, huh? Always wanted to be one. Never really.....had a chance.” Rai said, thinking.
She went to the kitchen to make some coffee.
“Hm. What flavor would be good?” Rai asked
“Ah, maybe vanilla. Yeah that sounds good” Rai said
“Eh? I needed the mustard for this. Oh. I forgot to buy it, dang it. Whatever, mayo will do.” Said Rai
It was, as it’s original creators' coffee, horrible. This one had a higher chance of death, though. Luckily, she didn’t have anyone that drank coffee around her.
Renji woke up, and got out of bed groggily.
He walked into the living room, still kinda half asleep.
“Hey, Renji. You’re going to fall if you keep walking like that.” Rai said, her prediction coming true just before she caught him.
“Huh? Ah! Rai! Good morning!” Renji said
“Hey Renji, do you wanna stay and play some video games today? If you want, I can take you home, but your parents gave me permission to let you stay over again today.” Rai said
“Really?! Cool! Can you teach me more about games, then? Like the difference between those two bowxes? Oh, and about the games you talked about befwore!” Renji said, eyes burning with an intense and innocent curiosity.
“Haha! Of course! I’ll teach you everything you need to know!” Rai said, grinning. Her teeth emit a sparkle. She winked. And posed.
“What’s that?” Rai asked
“Another thing I’m going to teach you! Anime and manga!” Rai said
“This is awesome!” Renji said
“If you like it that much, I’ll bring some of this stuff over occasionally so we can play at your place.” Rai said
“Really?” Renji asked
“Yeah, your parents said it was ok, and it’s fun to finally share this stuff with someone else.” Rai said
“Awesome! Awesome! Awesome!!!” Renji said, his eyes sparkling
“Let’s start before those eyes burn straight through my heart.” Rai said
“What?” Renji asked, confused
“Oh. It’s a saying. A phrase. A metaphor. Eh, it’s something. Basically, it’s a weird kind of exaggeration. Your eyes were sparkling, so the phrase took it as if it were literally becoming bright enough to burn through my heart. In this case, the heart refers more towards my mind than my actual heart.” Rai explained
“I don’t understand all of that, but I think I get what you mean.” Renji said
“All right. What game do you pick this time?” Rai asked
“I went last time, this time it’s your turn! I wanna know what aunt Rai thinks!” Renji said
“Alrighty!” Rai said, getting excited
They played video games for a long time.
“Hey, Renji.” Rai said
“Yes?” Renji asked
“I’ll show you manga and anime now. Let’s start with anime though.” Rai said
“Oh? Oh! You did promise that, didn’t you!” Renji said, putting down the controller.
“Alright, give me a second to pull this up. What do you want to see? Action? Comedy? Ones where they go to other worlds? Anything interesting to you?” Rai asked
“Other worlds? That sounds cool!” Renji said
“Heh, small kid, small vocabulary, but your words convey more emotion than a teacher's lectures. Anyway, people going to other worlds are usually called isekai. Isekai manga and anime typically start with either meeting god, or waking up in a new world immediately. How it comes to be differs. Most of them get hit by trucks while they’re alive, and it makes them not so alive anymore. Don’t try it though, the stuff that happens in anime and manga will not happen in real life. I guess I should warn you about this first.” Rai said
“Yeah?” Renji asked
“Video games, anime, manga, and other works of fiction are not to be copied. They are not going to work in our world like it works in the world of the manga you read, the anime you watch, or the game you play. So, for me, don’t go and try getting hit by a truck. On second thought, let’s focus on games for today.” Rai said
“Yeah. Got it! If you say so, it has to be true! Let’s play more games!” Renji said, smiling
“Then let’s get a playin!” Rai said
“Right!” Renji said
“Go!” Rai said
They raced to the controller.
“Yes! I’m player one!” Rai said, childishly.
Despite being in elementary school, Renji was about as fast as Aunt Rai was. Only shorter. So he just barely lost.
“Dang wit, fine I’ll be player two.” Renji said
“Actually, this is a game in which it’s the same no matter what player you are. You can pick any character you want.” Rai said, showing him how to play smash br*s
“Alright. Let’s do this! I never did finish story mode on this!” Rai said
“Yeah! Hey, Aunt Rai, what’s that?” Renji asked, pointing at the rainbow circle.
“Just hit it, I never memorized its name or exact use, but if you hit it until it’s dead, you get, like, this super strong attack thing.” Rai said.
“Oh! Cool! This is pretty hawrd to play though.” Renji said
His hands weren’t exactly big enough to fit on the controller properly.
“Oh. Right. You’re a natural at this game, though.” Rai said, grinning
“Natural?” Renji Asked
“Oh. It means you were good at it from the start, without practi-darn it. I died, good luck for this fight.” Said Rai, throwing her controller on the couch.
“Ah. Ok!” Renji said
Renji carried her through the entire game.
“Hey aunt Rai? What does this hawrd mode and easy mode thing mean?” Renji asked
He had been looking around, learning how games worked a little better. Rai had been fiddling with the settings for another game.
“Oh. You know what it means when things get more difficult? Like, when you try to carry 1pound of lead compared to throwing around 12 pounds of it? Easy would be trying to carry the one pound, hard would be like trying to throw a 12 pound ball of it.” Rai said
“Oh, so it’s that much hawrder?” Renji asked, not understanding a single word.
“It depends on the game. Some games have virtually no difference, whether they are or aren't on hard mode. Some are incredibly easy both ways, while some are nearly impossible on easy and actually impossible on hard” Rai said
“What games?” Renji asked
“Well, it would be easier to list the games that actually do have balance between the difficulty levels.” Rai said
“You know a lot.” Renji said
“Eh? This is nothing, the more you grow, the more you learn. Beside,s I have a habit of trying to learn as much as I can from the tiniest clues because of my job.” Rai said
“Rewlly? What’s your job Aunt Rai?” Renji asked, fumbling on his words.
“I’m a detective. We help the police with getting information, and normal people who need help.” Rai said
“Coool!” Renji said
“Yeah, it’s too bad that I have so many free days though. That’s what I used to think. I have something I can do now, since I met you.” Rai said, ruffling Renjis hair
“Ack.” Renji said
“Oh. I messed up your hair. My bad.” Rai said
“It’s fine. I’m not really going anywhere today am I? It’s ok if I look like this.” Renji said
“If you say that too often it will become a bad habit.” Rai said
“Oh. Sorry.” Renji said
“For what. We apologize to each other too much. It’s too formal! Just relax when you’re with me. Let all of your worries free!” Rai said
“Thanks, aunt Rai!” Renji said, not completely understanding what she meant
“Oh, right. You’re in elementary school. That probably went way over your head. I guess it’s better to say that no matter what you say, it’s chill here. Calm.” Aunt Rai said, melting on the couch
“This then?” Renji asked, mimicking aunt Rai
“Yeah, but instead of doing it exactly like me, relax your body until it’s comfy.” Aunt Rai said
“Ah. That feels goowd.” Renji said, relaxed
“See. Bean bags would make it a lot easier. Plus, the living room is too open. Ah. That’s what I should get! Bean bags. I’ll do that later I guess, amazo-…. wait. Renji, do you know how to use a computer and the internet?” Aunt Rai asked
“Uh, no. No, not reawlly.” Renji said
“Ah, if you have problems with that stuff ask me. I’ll try to help. Oh, it’s pretty dark out. Do you wanna go home?” Aunt Rai asked
“Will you visit?” Renji asked
“All the time.” Aunt Rai said
“Then I can go hwome without worrying about not seeing you? I think? Is that how it works?” Renji asked
“Uh. You can go home, and not have to worry about me. I’ll be coming over uninvited all the time. Or, rather, your parents gave me a permanent invitation to come in.” Said Aunt Rai. She grinned.
“Awesome!” Renji said
“Yup. Let’s take you home then.” Aunt Rai said
“Are we going in that car ouwt there?” Renji asked, pointing at aunt rais car.
“Yeah, that’s my car. It’s not that uncommon of a car, just normal. Why? Is there anything about it you see that’s interesting?” Aunt Rai asked
“No, I’ve just never really been in a car before. I don't think I have, anyway. I don’t remember it.” Renji said
“Oh, so it’s your first actual drive in a car?” Aunt Rai asked
“I think so, yeah. What’s it like?” Renji asked
“You’ll see.” Aunt Rai said
They got in the car
“Its small, but this is…. hey, wait. Do I need a car seat for you? Uhh. Lemme look this up.” Aunt Rai said
She scrolled through some stuff on her phone
“Uh… it looks like it depends. As long as you sit in the back seat I think it will be fine…I’m not risking that, though….. well, it’s either we walk there or you stay over again. What do you want?” Aunt Rai asked
“I’ll stay over then!” Said Renji
“That’s good to hear, walking that long would be almost impossible for someone your age. And I’m getting old.” Said aunt Rai, acting like she was old.
“This is fun. I wish Sis was here twoo.” Renji said, laughing
“Oh, right! I haven’t met your sister yet.” Aunt Rai said
“Wait… aunt Rai, how am I supposed to get howme tomorrow if we can’t drive or walk?” Renji asked
“Well, when you go to sleep I’m going to go out and buy a booster seat. Or is it child seat? I forget.” Aunt Rai said, as they headed back inside
“Oh. It’s almost dinner time. I’ll make us some food, you want anything? We have Uh… meat, most kinds of it...vegetables… this thing…. and ice cream.” Aunt Rai said
“Aunt Rai, what do you usually eat for dinner?” Renji asked
“I eat something called cup noodles, it’s noodles in a cup. Actually, it’s pretty cool. You wanna try it?” Aunt Rai asked
“Yeah!” Said Renji
“Alright, comin right up.” Aunt Rai said, grabbing something from a cabinet.
She took a tea kettle and put some hot water in it, and set it on the stove.
“This is a prewtty nice kitchen. I think. Mom always says ours is pretty nice, and this seems arouwnd the same.” Renji said
“Yeah. I cook pretty often. I may eat cup noodles for dinner, but I believe in a healthy breakfast!” Aunt Rai said
(Pro tip: Do NOT eat her food.)
“Makes sense, I hear my mom tell dad about how important breakfast is awll the time.” Renji said
“Huh? They argue over breakfast?” Aunt Rai asked
“No. mom one sidedly lectures dad. He has no power against her at all.” Renji said, as if he were repeating something
“Wow. You’re In elementary school and you understand the hierarchy of your family already.” Aunt Rai said
“No, sis told me about it. I think.” Renji said, understanding a little bit of what she said
“Your sister seems like quite a smart lady, then.” Aunt Rai said
“Ah! Yeah! She’s the best sister ever!” Renji said enthusiastically
“Oh?” Aunt Rai said
“Yeah! She hewlps me with anything I don’t understand, hewlps me if I can’t do something, teaches me how to do stuff, and more! And she’s my sister.” Renji said
“Yup, it sounds like she’s a pretty incredible sister, huh? Here, dinner.” Aunt Rai said, placing a styrofoam cup full of noodles and boiling liquid in front of him.
“Careful, it’s hot. Want a fork instead?” Aunt Rai asked
“Chowpsticks are fine.” Renji said stubbornly. He fiddled with them a little. He figured it out after a little while. Long enough for the noodles to have cooled to a not-scalding-your-tongue kind of temperature.
“That’s good!” Renji said, finishing it in a few minutes.
“Alright. It’s time to go to bed I guess. It’s what, 8:28?” Aunt Rai said
“Yeah, I feel tired..” said Renji, rubbing his eyes, drowsy after having eaten a decent amount.
“Alright, it was a fun day! I’ll come over tomorrow, for a little bit.” Aunt Rai said
The day ended, and Renji fell asleep
“He said do… this?” Aunt Rai said, pressing a button on the key Evan gave her.
“Ah, Yup. I’ll go get Renji in a second. He’s sleeping like a log..., I hope. But, anyway, this is a nice neighborhood.” Aunt Rai said.
She had been teleported into the alley Evan had described. She looked around for Renjis house.
“Ok, this one, got it. It’s…. generic? Yeah. That’s a good way to put it. I guess that’s the point.” Aunt Rai said
She went and got Renji
“Easy does it.” Aunt Rai said, gently carrying Renji into his house, and into his room.
She laid Renji on his bed, next to his sister, and put the blanket over him
“Seeya tomorrow” aunt Rai whispered
And so, the day came to an end
Renji woke up
“Eh? Oh. I’m home. Aunt Rai must have gotten that child boowster, then? Uhh. Oh. I have school today, right.” Renji said, rubbing his eyes
He got up, and went to go have breakfast
“Oh. Morning, Renji!” Aunt Rai said
“Oh! Hey, aunt Rai! You stayed owver?” Renji asked, hugging her
“I told you I’d come today. I slept on the couch. It’s surprisingly comfy.” Aunt Rai said
Lime and Evan walked into the kitchen.
“Morning, guys.” Aunt Rai said
“Oh! Rai, dearie! Good morning! How are you?” Lime asked
“Eh? Oh. Good morning Rai. Wait, Chocolate milk counts as a breakfast right?” Evan asked. He was staring into the open fridge. His long brown hair was messy, unlike usual. He was slouching, and scratched his head, thinking. Apparently god does get tired in the morning. A 19 year old looking old man was a sight to see.
“No, of course not! Just sit down and let me make the food.” Lime said, shutting the fridge
“I kinda wanna cook for once.” Evan said while yawning, almost half awake now
“No. That’s my job.” Lime said
“Oh, come on, please? I’ll make sure it’s safe this time.” Evan said, a little more awake than before.
“Fine. You can make dinner.” Lime relented.
“Is Evan not good at cooking?” Aunt Rai asked
“What? No, that’s not the issue here. He’s the best cook in the house.” Lime said, sighing
“Wait, then why not let him cook?” Aunt Rai asked
“He is the best chef in the universe, actually, anything he cooks tastes divine. It can be addicting. But, I enjoy cooking. It’s a fun activity, even if it doesn’t really matter to us. Plus, we need the kids to have some normal food to eat. Oh! Come to think Of it... Dear, I’ll make dinner, you make the dessert.” Lime said
“Hot chocolate?” Evan asked
“Of course, dear. It’s family tradition at this point, but what about a dessert that isn’t hot chocolate as well?” Lime asked
“Hmmm. I guess I can make Sora's favorite chocolate cake. That one is pretty good. Yuis Cream puffs too. We could go in the backyard and relax while we eat the light, puffy, sweet goodness. Oh, what about cotton candy? The recipe I made for Akari that one time. Then I believe I could make you… huh. You have lots don’t you. limes are pretty good. It would take me an hour to list them all. The others would be….. oh, I can make Harutos black and white cookies. I think I made Akari some konpeito that one time. I could try that again. What about the carnival lollipops? The candy popcorn sounds good, but that doesn’t really fit, unless we watch a movie. We are already having my hot chocolate, so… oh! What about my vanilla ice cream? It’s been a while since I made that. Doughnuts sound good, too. Sugar, Boston cream, glaze, dulce de leche, custard, cream, chocolate, sprinkled, oh god it keeps going. Maybe normal cookies? I could do peanut brittle easily. Chocolate peppermint candy bark? Croissants? Crepes? Pudding? Chocolate? Shaved ice? Chocolate coated potato chips? Gummy candy? Butterscotch? Taiyaki ice cream was pretty cool. It keeps going. If you have anything you guys wanted to add, go ahead.” Evan said, drooling
“Hmmm. White chocolate?” Lime asked
“Uh...red bean jelly desserts?” Aunt Rai said
“Sour candy?” Renji asked
The rant ended
“That was…. impressive. I see it’s not just because you’re god that you’re considered a good chef.” Aunt Rai said
(Note: knowing food does not make you a good chef.)
“Well, I’m the best chef when it comes to anything except stuff that comes close to being near water. I hate fish as a food with an extreme burning passion. And I have no idea why. I occasionally consider making it so fish has never, and will never be used as food.” Evan said
“Yeah. That’s why we don’t eat fish here. If he gets about 2 yards away, or any that he smells, any food that has to do with fish gets eradicated. Down to the last atom. It’s not intentional either. We have no idea why.” Lime said
“Yeah, but ignoring what I can’t cook, let’s focus on what I can. My goal is the ultimate food. Liquid, solid, doesn't matter. An ultimate dessert. The greatest, no, greater than even that, dessert to ever to even be theoretically possible, blah blah blah….” Evan rambled
“He’s only like this when it comes to sweets. Or some kinds of science and philosophy. My husband is a tad… eccentric. But we’re going with the vanilla ice cream. That pairs best with my husband's Hot Chocolate. It’s one of our oldest combinations. Rai, dear, are you staying for dinner?” Lime asked
“Ah, sure. Let me know if you need any help.” Rai said
“Good morning! Wow, the kitchen’s so loud today, what’s going on…?.” Rin asked.
Rin looked at aunt Rai.
“Um. Hello, nice to meet you. I’m Kami Rin, or Rin Kami. May I ask, what’s your name?” Rin asked, bowing politely
“Ah. Nice to meet you Rin, I’m your aunt. My name is Rai, nice to meet you.” Aunt Rai said
“Wait. Dad, we had family outside of you two?” Rin asked, thinking
“Of course we do. Though, I guess Rai isn’t related to us by blood or familial ties.” Evan said
“Oh. So a friend of the family. it’s nice to meet you, aunt Rai.” Rin said, bowing
“Oh dear. How did you raise such a respectable young lady with Evan here?” Aunt Rai asked
“Ah, my husband is the one who spends the most time with her, actually.” Lime said
“Oh, I get it. She Became responsible out of necessity. Makes sense.” Said aunt rai
“Actually, that’s what I would have thought too, but it turns out My husband is just really good at parenting.” Lime said
“Hey, I feel like that was a tad mean.” Evan said, pouting
“Pfft.” Aunt Rai laughed a little
“Ahem. Alright Everyone, breakfast is ready, all of you sit down.” Lime said
“Actually. Now that I think about it… what do you two do for work?” Aunt Rai asked
“Oh. We’re pretty wealthy, we just prefer it here.” Evan said
“That makes a lot more sense in your case than it should, normally.” Aunt Rai said, sighing
“Wait… dad.. what did you say?” Rin asked, slightly confused
“What? Oh. I never told you guys. Lime, was I supposed to keep it a secret?” Evan asked
“Dear, that was your decision.” Lime said
“Wait, what? Then why are we living here?” Rin asked
“A rich life gets boring, Rin. You become complacent, and the children become arrogant and feel entitled. You two aren’t like that. And I’m happy you aren’t. We’re gonna live a normal life here, ok?” Evan asked, grinning
“Yeah...fine. As long as I never hear the excuse, ‘our funds are running a bit low’. I thought it was weird that neither of you worked.” Rin said
Evan thought for a moment.
“Lime. I’m going to bring Rin to the study. We probably won’t be back until pretty late. Can you call the school as well?” Evan asked
“Which floor?” Lime asked
“The first and second only. I guess more, depending on her answer. It’s not too early, right?” Evan said
“That’s fine, dear. It is around the right age to ease her into all of this.” Lime said
“Dads rich?” Renji asked
“A little. I'm richer, though.” Lime said, smiling.
“Oh. That’s pretty cool.” Renji said
- In Serial172 Chapters
The Jinni and The Isekai
Jinni babes, isekai samurai, dungeons and quests! What's not to like?Below you can find the individual blurbs for each of the books/arcs in the series. Please don't forget to follow, rate, and if you're feeling like a true adventurer, to write a review! The Jinni and The Isekai (The Jinni and The Isekai, #1) Shiro Takeda, a samurai deep in debt and forced into a swashbuckler’s life, wanders in search of dungeons to raid so he can pay back his loans. Unfortunately, his lenders have already sent headsmen after him. His fortunes change when he finds a piece of legendary loot—a jinni lamp. But before the insolent spirit can bestow her gifts upon him, Shiro must find and kill the Jinni’s current master; a sultan of vast wealth, power and harems. Perhaps with the help of his newfound companion, Shiro can discover who isekaied him into this strange land. * * * The Black Cobra of Mar’a Thul (The Jinni and The Isekai, #2) With his new companion, Jessamine, Shiro finds himself in Darshunn, the shining jewel of the Abassir Empire on a quest to find a way to sever Jessamine’s bond with her master Darius. With her full powers, surely they can work together to discover the mystery behind who isekaid Shiro into these lands, but all goes awry when the samurai is confronted by the Black Cobra of Mar’a Thul, a top-tier adventurer working for the vizier Faridoon al Rashik. * * * Coil and Strike (The Jinni and The Isekai, #3) After arriving in Darshuun and losing Jessamine to the Sultan Darius, things couldn’t be worse. Jessamine was unresponsive when Shiro last saw the lamp. But he can’t go back to save her. Not yet. Because first Shiro must set out with a top-tier adventurer known as the Black Cobra of Mar’a Thul in a desperate effort to rescue Ali before he’s tortured and executed. *** The Sultan of Darshuun (The Jinni and the Isekai, #4) With the help of Ali and Debaku, Shiro has found the top-tier adventurer, Razul in the dungeon of Azurbadan. Now with the strength to fight Darius and his Scorpion Guard, it is time for the group to come up with a plan to get into the Sultan’s Palace to find the lamp and rescue Jessamine.
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