《Elian's Grimoire》Chapter I - Adventure Awaits (Part III)


The Triad is an infamously known criminal organization in the capital, they are known to smuggle illegal drugs, having trade with the slave market, ferrying illegal migrants into the city and kidnapping rich children in which they ransom for the highest price. They became infamous because even though they are widely known to the public they are hard to incarcerate since they have some connection to some higher corrupt officials.

Back at the now dark alley, Kit finally sees El's familiar holding his missing dagger, It descended in front of him and droped the dagger at his open hands. El's senses returns to his body and he calls upon his familiar to his shoulder. "My beloved dagger!" Kit shouted. "No thank you?" El inquired as he nuzzles his owl’s feathery body, which looks like it really enjoyed itself as it makes sounds of delightfulness. "Thank you very much El, by the way did you see the lovely wife? Isn’t she a hottie?" Kit replied. "Really? That is what you're asking? You shouldn't play with fire like that, that Captain will kill you" El warned. "If he find out that is" Kit retorted. "Anyway, I heard an interesting conversation inside; looks like the Triad are using orphans now" El said. "Really? Ha, did you hear anything else?" Kit replied with interest. "Nothing else, I panicked when I remembered why I'm there in the first place" El explained. "Sorry hehe, change subject! You should name your familiar for convenient purposes" Kit said. "I'll think about it, how about with a drink? Your treat!" El teased. "Why me?" Kit asked. "Ah? Did you just forget what just happened and what caused it to begin with?" El replied with displeasure. "Fine my treat then" Kit replied ruefully “Race you there!" El shouted.

The two ran towards the busy streets of the Inner District to go to their go-to place in the city, the Earner's Keep. The Earner's Keep is one of the taverns located inside the Inner Walls; it is not the most popular yet it is the cheapest which is hard to find especially inside the Inner Walls. It is El and Kit's favorite establishment not only because it is cheap but also no snub rich people goes there, only the humble workers stays and drinks there. This is where they usually hang out and relax, talk about their day-to-day experiences. The two boys reach Earner's Keep and entered its doors, the atmosphere is lively as ever, the smell of beer and roasts are hanging in the air, new candles are lit, and more and more people enter the tavern as time goes by. The two head straight to their spot at the far corner where no one can disturb their conversation but will have the vantage point to see everyone else inside the tavern. They start ordering their usually drinks, a regular mead for Kit and the sweet Maiden's Tears for El. An alcoholic drink mixed with cherry and honey popular for its sweetness without eliminating the effect of alcohol.


"So what's the name?" Kit asked. "Name of what?" El answered after drinking. "You’re familiar! I thought you were going to think about it?" Kit said. "Oh, I was just joking earlier, so you can buy me a drink, but if you want you can name it" El explained taking another sip of his drink. "Ok, Pip then? Cute right?" Kit replied chewing a piece of pork they ordered. "Seriously? Your talent for giving nicknames are really terrible" El responded. "What? I'm offended, you name it then" Kit pretending to be upset. "Pip's fine, anyway, what did you do today? Besides sleeping with the Captain's wife." El said changing the subject. "Nothing interesting, you know the usually, stalk here, stalk there" Kit answered after a sip of his mead. "Another spying job from a paranoid merchant, I see" El replied trying to look interested. "So how about you? Do you say you just wasted your day in the library again?" Kit asked. "Not wasted though, I found the book right?" El answered smiling clearly glad. "Well technically, it is I who found it" Kit answered proudly. "Manticore, Chimera, same thing, the point is I have it now" El retorted. "Whoa, whoa, there is a huge difference between the two, but whatever, so that's Elian's Grimiore?" Kit said. "No, but it is a major lead" El relied finishing his drink. "So you still haven't found it then" Kit said dissatisfied "It is still progress though, means more clues!" El countered. "More clues means more searching, are you even getting anywhere?" Kit replied getting more disappointed. "I am getting somewhere, see look at this" El takes out the book and places it on the top of their table, he opens the book at the middle section and in there is a detailed map of the continent of Osloris where there can be found a trail that leads to something.

"See here, these are the trails of this owner's book where he searches the Artefact and also in this journal he said that the Grimoire has been separated into three, each of those books is hidden away in this world, the owner only succeeded on searching for the third book." El explained. "So we are going to steal the third book from him?" Kit asked. "No, no, no this person is definitely strong, but he stopped on searching for the other books and he had the location here" El further explains. "Wait, so you are fine with just one book? Odd, so where is the other one then?" Kit said giving El a confused look. "Of course I want them all but you know one is better than nothing, back to the topic, it’s not the actually location but it is somewhere in the Icecrown Mountains" El expounded. "ICECROWN FUCKING MOUNTAINS!!!, don't you say you are going there? You know its suicide right? Plus the range of that Mountains is from one end of the continent to the other, it’s like looking for a pin in the hay stack" Kit yelled. "Well if I research more, I might narrow down the location" El replied. "You are seriously thinking about it ha? As if your father will let you go though" Kit replied as he finished his drink. "Well maybe someday you know, you'll never know" El said as he fold back the book and return it to his satchel.


The two friends ordered again another round of drinks they also ordered food with it, a charred chicken leg for Kit and a vegetable soup for El who in no way tasted good. "Change topic! So back to the Triad news you heard today" Kit said. "Shh I think its sensitive information" El replied putting his hand to Kit’s mouth. "Fine, so any more juicy information" Kit replied after removing El’s hand. "Unfortunely no, like I said I paniced so I commanded my familiar to go back" El explained. "You mean Pip" Kit corrected. "Yes, Pip" El sighed. "Why are you so interested in this triad thing?" El asked as he takes a spoonful of the soup. "Not really interested, I'm just curious that's all" Kit said while munching a piece of the chicken. "Why so curious? Is it because of you're a former orphan?" El asked clearly curious. "No, just general curiosity and former orphan,? I am still an orphan" Kit retorted. "Nope, as far as I remember you are currently living with your adoptive father, Sir Wilhelm" El replied. "Well technically yes, but he's more like my employer than a father" Kit said as he finished his food. "Employer ha? What do you think will Sir Wilhelm say when he hears about it" El teases. "Oh c'mon! He’s going to smack me again if you tell him!" Kit replied. "You’ve really grown on him" El uttered. "Enough of this sentimental bullshit, I want rumors! Or any interesting boring topic you usually lecture" Kit said trying to change the subject. "You sound like a bored rich wife" El said finishing his soup. "What? What wrong with rumors, it’s the only entertaining one here in Inner Walls" Kit explains. "Wow, you are becoming more and more like the elites you hate so much" El said sarcastically. "I don't hate them; I'm just pissed at them for ignoring the poor people beyond this big ass wall" Kit replied after taking a big gulp of his mead. “Fine here's a rumor, Lady Victoria Forgesteel is said to be running for the seat in the Triachy and here is the catch, she is running as part of the Mule" El said silently. "No way! Mule? Isn't her family one of the pillars of the Steed party?" Kit replied. "Crazy right? Well, this is crazier, you see the reason that she is running for the Mule is that she is said to be engaged to one of the family that supports the Mules" El said. "Damn juicy rumors indeed" Kit said as he finished another of his drinks. "Well, it is just rumor so no way that's the truth" El said.

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