《Kain, The Apocalypse Overlord》Chapter 11 | School
Every single person, business and family were affected by the events from the alley. Although most of it were because of Christian existence, Tom and Derek were also people. They were also beings that had families and people that cared about them.
For example, although the cries sounding from the West' Manor ceased, the same didn't happen in the Freire household, which was the home of Tom, were the woman of the house, that was about to get ready to work, dropped to her knees and sobbed at the confirmation of death of her youngest. The same was happening in a block of an apartment located in the messy and dirty Old Quarter.
The pain of their death was felt not just by their family but many others as well, with some not even knowing such suffering was waiting for them.
While all of this was trespassing through the city, Kain knocked briefly on the wooden door before opening it.
Peering inside he found no one paying attention to him inside, both the teacher and the students were in their own world. Quickly taking a glance at the blackboard he found it to be inscribed with a couple of words, but he didn't pay much attention to it.
Kain: "Must be some kind of exercise. Let's see.... where is my seat?"
Looking around, he soon found a couple of seats free of people, and another one where the seat was located right beside the trashcan.
Of course he wouldn't choose the one beside the trashcan, the problem was when he was just about to sit down, a girl blocked his path.
???(Girl): Look who it is. If it isn't the little shit.
Kain: "Getting pretty tired of this cliché. Was this kid the toy of everyone in this city?"
Sparing a quick glance to the sitting teacher, he locked gazes with her before she turned back to her book.
Kain: "I wonder what is going on for them to be so scared to even move."
Seeing Kain ignoring her caused the young woman to rage. Not to mention the reputation Kain had, she was the most popular girl in the school. This fact didn't rely solely on her looks and figure, since her grades were nothing fantastic to talk about. No. It was because of her boyfriend. He was no other than Christian himself.
Using her boyfriend reputation, which was because of his father, she had established herself as a queen in the school, with no one except the man himself being able to refuse her orders.
She wasn't the only one in this situation, the seat right beside her was a beautiful black young woman with black curly hair cascading down her shoulders. She was Beth and the girlfriend of Tom, she, in comparison to Rose, Christian' girlfriend, was messing around with her phone, seemingly growing anxious as more time passed.
Kain: Whatever.
Shaking his head in defeat to this kind of behavior, Kain sat down where he intended to.
Rose' golden locks seemed to grow from her anger, as she raised her hand high up and brought it down.
Kain: Don't annoy me.
Kain didn't block her slap, since it wasn't needed. With all of that strength and anger clouding her, he was able to dodge her hand easily by simple moving to the side. Scratching his hair at the annoyance that was this young woman, he kicked her shin, causing her to screech in pain and grasp her leg while jumping.
The interaction between the two of them attracted the attention of the rest of the class, but no one gave a rat about it. Just as the adults were affected by the existence of Christian, so were their children and younglings, with some of them having suffered at the hands of Christian and his gang.
They simply spared a glance at what was happening before returning to what they were doing, or were watching everything happening like it was some kind of a show or movie.
Meanwhile, Beth, that continued messing with her phone, received a text that caused her to freeze entirely before pushing away from her desk, attracting the attention of everyone present, even the hurt and cursing Rose.
Rose: Beth? Don't worry. I can deal with him alone. Or I can just leave it up to Christian.
Beth didn't say anything in response to her best friend, the color was quickly draining from her face. Turning her head around and gazing at the indifferent Kain, she could barely contain herself.
Beth: What did you do?
Rose: Beth?
Kain: ….
It was clear to anyone watching that Beth was talking to Kain, who continued not giving them a single piece of his attention. He wasn't doing this on purpose, he was just thinking of the reason behind why he received so little profiles from his classmates.
He was observing who the profiles belonged to and was trying to determine what the requisitions for this function to work. At least he was more relieve with the thought that it didn't require for them to be part of his family.
Rose: Hey! Didn't you hear her!?!
Beth: Stop it Rose.
Rose was beginning to lose her mind at the actions of Kain. This never happened to her before. She always got her way. Beth, on the other hand, didn't have the mindset to keep up her useless pride and dignity.
Her boyfriend was someone that constantly keep up with her at all times, be that through texts, calls, visits... but for a long time now he didn't answer her texts.
Just when she received a text, her heart felt peaceful until she read the content on it.
'Beth... we don't know for certain... but... and I don't know how it happened... but.... I just received news that Tom is.... he is... he.... he is dead.'
The sender of the text was no other than Tom's mother, Margaret Freire, a well-known lawyer of the city. How she got her job and reputation was a left unanswered question through the city, because of her husband job and wealth. Beth could feel the sorrow present in the text she just received, and she knew that Margaret wasn't someone capable of messing up with something as serious as this. Or that she wouldn't have confirm everything up until she texted her, through her own sources.
Rose was a little taken back by the attitude of Beth, it was rare to see her best friend like this. She begun having a bad feeling about it, she just hopped it had nothing to do with Christian, and that was solely about Tom instead. It was a bad thought for her to have, since it would mean that her best friend suffering was inevitable, but she dread the thought of something serious happening to her boyfriend instead. She knew that all of the power she held in the school and the city would disappear if such thing occurred.
Beth: Litt---
Beth stopped herself from continuing speaking and uttering the nickname they all had given to Kain.
Beth: Kain... can you tell me what happened?
Rose, in the meantime, was confused to all of this until she felt a vibration coming from her jeans' back pocket.
Kain: Nothing that concerns you.
As Kain answered Beth automatically, since he was still peering at the profiles he had just acquired, Rose was trembling while gazing at her phone.
She felt going through all kinds of emotions - Anger, Confusion, Despair, Sadness, and many more.
Unlike Beth that trusted her ex-'mother-in-law', Rose wasn't the same. With that she couldn't completely believe the text she had just received.
Beth, on the other hand, was beginning to lose her mind at the reactions from Kain, especially with the weird smell, she and Rose, and the rest of the classmates nearby, began to feel.
Beth: Don't you dare treat me like this. You better know your place.
The pride Beth was previously holding back, came forward in a raging tide. In that regard she wasn't any better than Rose, both of them used their boyfriends' reputation for their own sake, even if that meant at the cost of something precious to them.
Kain: "For the love of god."
The two girls, and some of the classmates that were paying attention to the event, were surprised by Kain standing up and glaring at Beth through the corner of his eye.
Kain: What kind of bitch are you? Shut the fuck up and leave me alone.
Beth & Rose: KAIN!!!
The man in question ignored the two of them and walked out of the classroom. He had just obtained what he came here for, and it wasn't like he was going to turn into a serial murder and kill everyone that annoyed him. Although that wasn't the main reason behind his mercy. He just didn't want to deal with the aftermaths of killing them, after all, in comparison with the previous situation of Christian' group, this time around there was a lot of collateral damage that he would have to deal with.
Beth and Rose didn't stay behind in the classroom, quickly signaling one of their friend before rapidly following Kain out of the classroom.
The teacher wasn't concerned about the situation, until she received a text from the principal. One that seemed that he had sent out to every teacher, and from the tone it carried... it wasn't anything good.
Meanwhile, Kain felt his stomach turn and nature' calling to him, causing him to get into the men's bathroom at the ground floor.
He could barely sit down and begin his business, when the door of his cubicle was kicked open by no other than Rose with Beth right beside her.
Reacting instinctively, he covered his private parts to the sudden event, but recovering a little he reached into his right pocket of his jeans while still covering his privates with his left hand.
The two girls, on the other hand, also reacted instinctively and pulled out their phones to film him.
Beth: You better start talking little shit! Otherwise, you are going to make the headlines tomorrow!
Rose: You said it Beth.
Kain: You are more annoying than what I am trying to do.
Saying so he calmly retrieved a small ball from his right pocket and threw it over the girls, who immediately dodge it thinking it was something nasty.
Kain: You would have done better if you had stayed in the classroom. Nev. Their legs.
Light burst out from behind them, prompting them to turn around and discover a strange rat fiercely looking at the two of them.
Rose: What the fuck is that!?!
In comparison to her friend, Beth couldn't react to the emergence of this strange creature.
It only got worse with the speed the strange rat moved towards them, they couldn't manage to react in time and the next moment Beth only heard the scream of agony from her best friend.
Rose: AAHHH!!!
Kain: Huh? Nev. Door.
Beth: "It has a name!?!" Rose! Are you okay!?
Beth lost the strength on her legs when she looked at her friend, a big piece of her leg was missing.
Meanwhile, Kain was about to continue his private business and leave the two bitches to Nev, when he felt something from the outside. It almost felt like a small sound, more precisely a step.
Hearing to his order, the strange rat changed routes and ran to the door of the bathroom before ripping out the handle with it's fangs by using [Hyper Fang] to assure that it would come off since it was made of metal.
The handle on the other side of the door simply fell out to the ground, leaving a hole in the side of the door.
As Nev was taking care of the door, so that no one could enter inside, Beth was scared out of her life. She finally understood everything. It was certain that her boyfriend and his friends were dead. If Kain used this creature to fight against Tom and the others, then they wouldn't have a chance. She was still terrified with the wound on Rose' leg and it only intensified with the screams of agony coming from her best friend.
Rose: AHH!! MY LEG!! BETH! HELP ME!!! BETH!!!!!!
Beth wasn't the only one panicking in the bathroom, Rose was trying to clutch her injured leg, but every time she tried to do it a jolt of pain would course through her body.
Kain: Shut her up.
Beth was only able to see a shadow pass near Rose' face, the next moment she saw a terrifying scene. She was about to scream out when her instinct kicked in and made her remember Kain' words.
She could barely keep herself from screaming, but she didn't want to be the next one.
In front of her laid the corpse of Rose.
Nev using it's speed together with the boost from [Quick Attack] ripped out the throat of Rose, silencing her eternaly.
Kain: I didn't mean that way. But it works.
Nev quickly made it's way to Kain' right shoulder and began squeaking to him.
Kain: Leave her alone. If she tries anything then just kill her.
Nev jumped from Kain' shoulder and faced Beth, that immediately shuddered at the sight. It went to the point of a pool of a mysterious and smelly liquid forming beneath her fallen legs.
Kain: "Finally. If a man can't even shit alone, then something is very wrong!"
[Sometime later]
Kain: Next time you should listen to my advice.
Kain was washing his hands at the sink while speaking to the fallen Beth, who didn't care about him the slightest. She was far more worried about the unnerving purple rat facing her.
She was worried that the moment she took her eyes of it, she would no longer be able see the light.
Kain: Now.... what should I do with you...
Beth: K-kain... please... spare me.
Beth could only plead in this situation. She didn't even think of using her phone to call for help, although it wouldn't help since Nev would rip her throat the moment she picked up her phone, or fight against him, because.... that is something easy to guess.
Kain: hmmm.... you are in luck. I don't feel like killing you.
Beth: Does that mean--
Hope was beginning to shine brightly in Beth' eyes at his words, until she heard his next words.
Kain: But I don't want you to go babble about what just happened. Forget it. Kill her.
Beth: WAIT!
The black young woman immediately reacted to his words and put herself on her knees, ignoring the fact that she was getting dirty everywhere from her piss. Nev that was about to move on the kill, stopped itself and climbed on top of Kain' shoulder.
Kain: What is it? You better say something good, otherwise you will regret it.
Beth: I...i.... I can help you.
Kain: I doubt very much you can help me.
Seeing light at the end of the tunnel, Beth desperately held on to it. She had to prove that she was useful to him, no matter what.
Beth: I can. I can...
Kain: What can you do for me?
Beth: I... I know! If you need something I can get it for you! You know my father is the owner of the shopping center, right?
Kain: And?
Beth: My mother is also a lawyer! She can help you with anything you need, even getting rid of the charges of killing Rose and---
Kain: No need.
Beth: huh? Hmmm...
Seeing the expression of Kain not changing at her suggestions, Beth began to lose hope but she felt more determined as well. Especially when she saw a glint appearing on his right hand, she was desperate to not disappoint him.
Beth: I can.. pleasur---
Beth was about to say a certain word, when she remembered her dead boyfriend, Tom. She wasn't some whore like Rose, she truly loved Tom and she felt that she couldn't do that to him, even if he was dead.
Jason Santos
1.68m / 60kg
Jason is a young man known for his high grades, especially in math and biology, and beautiful appearance. He is bewildered by the behavior towards him, his sister and mother. He usually ignores others and keeps things up to himself, in turn he likes games, manga, anime, hentai and cosplay.
Likes you.
Kain wasn't wasting his time while Beth got herself in a dilemma, he was reading through the profiles he had just gotten, he was just about to continue reading through them, when Nev began squeaking at him.
Kain: What is it?
Kain: You know that I can understand little of what you say. If you begin talking that fast, I won't understand shit.
Nev seemed to sigh at it's owner. It was a cute interaction between the two of them, but Beth couldn't care about it. She continued thinking about what to say to Kain, to prevent him from killing her.
This time around Nev used it's own body to explain what it was trying to say, for example, by using it's head to nudge Kain to Beth.
Kain: And?
Kain: Oh... that is actually not a bad idea. Beth.
Beth: Yes!?
Kain calling out to her, caused the young black woman to jolt and respond like a soldier in a military camp.
Kain: I have a job for you.
Beth: ...what is it?
Beth was feeling rather worried about what he could ask of her, especially with that cold gaze he had on his face. It was the same expression he seemed to have at all times, it was an extreme difference with the previous expressions he carried before, back when he was more pleasing to the eye and didn't kill anyone, back when her world was perfect.
Kain: You just have to go help me hide for a while.
Beth: What do you mean?
Kain: After everything that happened in the alley and because of this bitch.
As he spoke, he pointed towards the corpse of Rose.
Kain: There will be an investigation, among other things. So I need to lay low for a while.
Beth: I don't know if I can help you with that.
Kain: Then death it is.
Beth: WAIT!
Kain: You say that word one more time, and I will feed you something of your own.
Kain was beginning to lose his patience with this woman, he was holding himself back because of what he had understood of Nev' message. This was because like him, Christian, Tom and Rose, Beth was someone that lived in the High-Neighborhood.
Beth: I am sorry. What I meant to say, was that I don't think I will be much of a help regarding that. You should just turn yourself in and face the consequences.
Kain: You are as dumb as you are gorgeous.
Beth: …. I don't know if I should thank you or curse back.
Kain: I don't need you to think. You should just do as I tell you, otherwise I am going to enjoin this.
His lips began twitching as he brought out the knife hidden in his sleeve, which immediately scared Beth, while he crouched near her.
Beth: I understand! Please. Just get away from me!
Kain: Good. Now. You are going to get me some clothes and a pair of scissors.
Beth: What are--- never mind. I will do it. You can trust me.
Kain: You think too highly of you if you think I trust you. No. Nev is going to escort you.
Beth: … t---there is no need for that. I promise you that you can trust me.
Kain: I don't need your promises, because I won't trust you. Don't let her out of your sight.
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