《Kain, The Apocalypse Overlord》Chapter 10 | Repercussions
Kain: Escan! Ember!
Escan that was trying to bite down Christian' face off, reacted immediately to its owner voice and order by facing the approaching Derek and spewing flames at him.
At the same time, Escan changed targets to Derek and began bathing the poor guy in flames, while leaving Christian behind, who looked stunned at the scene before him, failed to realize the approaching Kain.
Kain: Glad you enjoyed it.
Kain' voice seemed to pull Christian out of his trance state, he was about to look at him when an incoming shadow hit him.
Kain: Since I am going to give you something to enjoy even more.
Retracting his leg, Kain smiled at the fallen Christian.
Looking at his surroundings, his smile grew even more. Tom no longer seemed to be alive, which just showed how mangled his shoulder was. Meanwhile Derek was no longer screaming with pain from the bath of flames, such that Escan was no longer spewing flames at him and instead looked cheerfully at it's owner.
Kain: Good boy. Now... let's arrange the spectacle, and make sure that no one heard all of this noise.
[Some Minutes Later]
Christian slowly opened his eyes while struggling with the fact he couldn't move his arms around. Looking around he found Tom beside him. He was pale and seemingly without life, and blood, left in him. Looking forward he saw Kain patting that strange and magical dog, that looked to be enjoying himself in those pats.
Christian: … who are you?
Kain: … what kind of question is that? I am me.
Christian: Impossible. Kain isn't someone that would hurt others. Kain wouldn't know how to fight! Kain is someone that is destined to live the life of a slave!! NO RIGHTS!!! NO---ummm
Christian couldn't continue speaking, as the strange dog disappeared into the shadows before reappearing while 'slapping' Christian's head into the hard, cold concrete.
Kain: You would do well in calming down.
Christian: Why? Are you afraid that I would attract attention?
Spitting the blood, that was filling his mouth, Christian looked at Kain with a contempt and mocking gaze.
Kain: You should be more worried about your own situation. After all...
Getting up from the ground, Kain finally revealed what was behind him this whole time. It was no other than the churned Derek. From the small movements he could see from his chest, Christian was able to deduce that his best friend was still alive.
Kain: …. I promised you a show. Escan.
The dog, Escan, that was still beside Christian, trotted towards Kain while it licked it's lips.
A bad feeling burdened Christian's heart at this sight.
Christian: … what? What are you doing?
Looking up at Kain, he found his previous toy gazing at him with a cold expression and a big smile, as if he was enjoying all of this.
Kain: Just a demonstration. Do it.
The bad feeling Christian was having turned out to be correct, he couldn't hold it in his stomach and vomited out all of his breakfast, while a type of another fluid formed at the area of his pants.
What Kain had Escan do was nothing more than eat Derek up, that was the very reason he still hadn't killed Derek. The impact it would have upon the viewers, which was Christian since Tom was still out cold, was far stronger than if he was already dead.
Christian didn't continue watching that horrific sight, as he immediately turned his head around to avoid as much as possible, but he couldn't move his arms to cover his ears from the sounds. The sounds were enough for him to imagine what was happening in his head, tears began to form in the corners of his eyes while mixing up with the barf beneath his head.
Escan soon finish eating up Derek, with Kain patting it's head in satisfaction.
Kain: Good job.
Christian: … you won't get away with this. I won't allow it. My father will know of this.
Christian glared at Kain through the corner of his eye, as he still had his face turned to the wall, since he wanted to avoid looking at the scene where his best friend was eaten.
Kain: You are more than welcomed to do it. That is.... if you are still alive by then.
Christian last sight was that of the incoming bottom of the shoes Kain wore.
[5 Minutes Later]
Kain was alone in the alley with Escan and the bodies, and remains, of the other three completely gone.
Kain: Well.... isn't this a piece of work?
He was surrounded by the darkness, provided by the tall buildings, that obscured the horrifying scene laying around him.
Kain: I thought I would be more affected by it.
Looking up at the sky, he smiled a little, although it was clear to anyone, with a perspective eye, that it was a sad smile. His expression immediately vanished and he returned to his cold neutral self.
Kain: No use fussing it over. I already knew about it.
Turning his foot to the side, a slouching sound was heard through the quietness of the alley. Something liquid was surrounding his feet. Something warm, mushy and with a terrible smell.
One would wonder – how the hell did no one go into the alley with all the noise from the screams and shrieks from Christian' group? The reason behind it was precisely the scene of them chasing Kain into the alley.
The reputation the four of them were almost common knowledge through the entire island, and, by the fault, the city. As such, whenever they heard some kind of noise coming from the alley, they immediately associated it with the suffering Kain was going through. None of them would even consider the possibility of Kain reversing their situation and beating up Christian and his group instead.
Although that applied to the most of the passersby, some were curious and tested their luck by peering into the alley, only for them to be scared out of their minds by the appearance of a vicious rat. They didn't pay much attention to the rat, since they would start to run away instantly, otherwise they would find the rat to be of a strange color, that being it purple.
It was no other than Nev, the rattata of Kain. Nev was a lot better after some spending some time in it's pokeball and because of the use of the potions.
Sparing another glance at his surroundings, Kain thought of the following events that would occur as consequences from what he has done to Christian and his group.
For example, putting Christian' case to the side, just Derek and Tom had families that would be aware of their disappearance. The maximum time Kain would get, and that was pushing it, was probably one and a half day. This was mainly due to the fact of their group constantly being adventurous. Consuming drugs, going to parties....
Walking out of the alley, he went back to the school.
Kain: "I still didn't get any Profiles... the reason why I didn't get from those three is obvious, but what about the other ones.... I need to confirm this."
He knew that going back to school, especially in the condition where he was unhurt, would arise suspicions, but he couldn't simply hide himself in the dungeons and live the rest of his life like that. Not to mention he had his own reasons besides confirming how the function Profile works.
The very sight of him walking down the street was strange, especially considering the fact that he was unhurt. The information regarding this scene spread through the city like a wildfire. It went to the point of reaching even the ears of the least interested on this kind of crap, until they learned that Christian was included in it.
The most shocked one was the principal, back in the school, as he was waiting for Christian and his group to return, expect for the fact, that the one that came unhurt and smiling at him wasn't them but Kain.
A chill ran down the principal' back, causing him to take a step back. This wasn't because of the gaze from Kain, since he had got used to it when dealing with sort of business that shouldn't be pronounced. No. What caused his insides to turn was the sight of Kain' used and tattered shoes having a strange color of crimson and a fishy smell.
???(Principal): ".... it isn't possible.... he couldn't have..." Gulp... Kain. Where is Christian? And the others?
Breathing a little to calm himself down, while swallowing the saliva accumulating in his mouth, he asked the question weighting on his mind. If he were completely honest, he didn't care about the other cunts, apart from Christian. He was most terrified if something happened to Christian, since he would have to deal with his father. The one person he feared the most.
Kain: You don't have to worry princ. They are resting.
Saying so Kain walked past the principal, but he couldn't go far since the principal grasped his shoulder and pulled him back. Looking behind, he found the principal' eyes burning in rage.
???(Principal): Don't fuck with me! You little shit!!! I will--- why the fuck are you smiling about!?!
The principal bottled stress exploded out. Not to mention the other things that occurred through his life, where it mostly consisted of interactions with Christian' father. The principal was losing his patience with Kain recent attitude. He was sure that he was the one flooding the bathroom the other day, and he was also certainty that he was one sneaking at the school the previous night, although this last one he wasn't completely sure about it.
Furthermore, when he was raging out, the kid on his grasp began to smile towards him. Was he still ridiculing him on this situation?
???(Principal): AHH!!
The stress and anger combined caused the vision of the principal to narrow down, and not notice subtle changes such as the right arm of Kain moving.
Blood flew through the air, while the principal let go of Kain and began grasping his left cheek. Feeling the wound on his face and looking at his left hand covered in blood, gazed back at Kain that was looking at him with a one-side blade sticking out of his sleeve.
It was nothing more than a knife Kain purchased on his way back to school, since he missed having a weapon to protect himself while fighting Christian and his group. Not to mention that he was rather becoming more proficient in handling small weapons, such as daggers and knives with all the battle he had done in the dungeon – The Beginning. Although it wasn't like he became an expert with them, it was still some improvement in comparison with before.
Kain: Do not mistake me for some pushover. And the next time you touch me again, I can promise you a wound far more worrying than that little cut.
Looking deeply into the eyes of the principal, he exhaled before going back to the school.
The principal left behind wanted to stop him and fight, but he wasn't someone dumb or stupid enough to fight against someone with a knife, even if it was a young man like Kain. All it took was one mistake for him to lose his life, which was something that he didn't want to risk.
Struggling to keep his rage in check, he clenched his hand hard before walking to his office.
Meanwhile Kain had already gone into the school building and to the classroom where his class having the lessons.
Unknowingly to him, the fight between him and the Christian' group had caused multiple events to occur, with most of them leading the situation to check the alley and attempt to contact Christian and his friends.
In the neighborhood where his home was located, Jack's house, also known as the High-Neighborhood, was the most expensive and fancy quarter of the city. It was to the point that there were simply 6 mansions, and the other five were far bigger and exquisite than Jack's house.
[High-Neighborhood] [West' Mansion]
Inside the largest mansion of the High-Neighborhood. The most dangerous man of Milory was sitting at his desk in his private office with his eyebrows frowned. He was the father of Christian.
The man sitting at the desk didn't say anything in response to the knocking on the door of his office, he simply lifted his head and gazed at it for a short moment.
???: Sir. It's me. May I come in?
The voice of a woman sounded from the other side of the door. The man concentrated on the paper he was grabbing, answered without with a grave, rough and calm voice.
???(Man): Yes.
The sound of the door opening was heard through the silent office, as a beautiful woman with fantastic curves stepped inside. She wasn't a monster like Maria, but she still could be considered a goddess with her beauty. She was dressed in a simple yellow thick dress that barely raeched the middle of her tighs, exposing the clear and white color of her thick legs. She also carried a pair of stylish sunglasses and black high hells.
???(Woman): Sir, we have supervised the alley.
???(Man): ….and?
???(Woman): …. sir, there were found traces of blood, among other things. We also discovered a strange burnt pattern in the concrete.
???(Man): … is that it?
???(Woman): No sir. There was also a corpse and a message in blood.
???(Man): Is it---
???(Woman): It wasn't him. It was Tom. One of his friends.
Through the whole ordeal the expression of the man sitting at the desk didn't change, putting the paper, on his hands, on the desk, he looked directly at his right-arm/secretary and asked the following question with a cold gaze that sent shivers down his subordinate' back.
???(Man): What was the message?
???(Woman): Payback
???(Man): …. is that so....
Silence permeated the office as the woman didn't want to risk and anger her boss any further. Not only was this a direct attack to the figure of her boss, Christian was also the only child he had.
???(Man): What about Kain?
???(Woman): Huh? Oh... he has gone back to the school. You don't have to worry about him escaping sir. We have already deployed forces to surround the building and they all have orders to bring him alive here.
???(Man): There is no need for that.
???(Woman): Huh?
The confusion the secretary was experiencing was justified. Your son, your only son at that, dies and he didn't seem to be angry. In fact... he seemed to be smiling at her.
???(Woman): I apologize sir. But I don't understand.
???(Man): Are you perhaps wondering my reaction or my decision?
???(Woman): Both sir.
???(Man): If he is really dead, then that means that he was weaker than that little punk. There is nothing more to that.
???(Woman): ….
???(Man): You have seen him multiple times, right?
???(Woman): Yes sir.
???(Man): What were your thoughts about him?
???(Woman): Sir, if I can be truthful. I think he was a pitiful young man, and it was a miracle how he could survive every day.
???(Man): Exactly. So... now explain to me how did that guy kill my son?
Even now as he spoke of the death of his son, he spoke casually and smiling at his secretary. She was slowly getting the creeps from this reaction of her boss; she had known him for years now. She had seen him do a lot of illegal business and his hands were far from clean, they were even far dirtier than hers, but this was above all of that.
???(Woman): I can't even imagine sir. We already questioned everyone that were near there, and no bullet shells were found in the alley... so we can assume that no shots were fired. Which means that he didn't use a gun to kill them... after examining the corpse of Tom, we deduced that what killed him was blood loss to a kind of a bite, but the marks don't correspond to humans' teeth. So..... the only explanation is that he must have used a dog to kill them.
???(Man): And... was the dog waiting for them in the alley, and it attacked them by surprise? Otherwise, I doubt that the three of them would lose and get themselves killed to a dog. They weren't the smartest bunch, but they weren't complete idiots as well.
???(Woman): mmm.... I... don't know, sir.
???(Man): That is the mystery surrounding him that intrigues me. Even I wouldn't been able to solve that situation without a weapon, and leave unharmed.
The woman didn't dare do anything more. She simply couldn't understand how her boss wasn't angry but excited.
Cries sounded in the house, but they didn't belong to any of the two of them. It was the wife of Christian' father, Cynthia. She was sobbing and trashing the living room after hearing the news.
???(Man): Go put that woman in her place. I don't need a headache from her cries.
???(Woman): Understood sir.
Saying so the woman bowed a little before turning around and leaving the office. Unknowingly to her, the man was containing himself. It wasn't anger that he was holding back, but it was excitement. His smile grew bigger and bigger as he thought of all kinds of scenarios that could have unfold in that alley.
???(Man): How did he do it?
Spinning in his comfortable leathery chair a little so that he could put his feet up on the desk, while he lit up a cigar and began enjoying it's taste.
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