《Kain, The Apocalypse Overlord》Chapter 9 | Bullies
Even if Nev was in perfect condition, he could confidently say that his strongest pokémon was no other than his new growlithe. An example would be how he didn't have to do anything besides instructing it to clear the dungeon and overwhelm the boss.
This was mainly because of the fact of flames having no effect on it, together with the instructions and training of Kain, and teaming up with Kain, like he did previously with Nev, it was an easy task of clearing the whole dungeon. The boss included.
During his free time, he started training Escan, improving its physical abilities and, above all else, mastery over its fire and battle experience.
Kain: Time to go.
Dismissing the panel that emerged to warn him about the time of the dungeon running out, he recalled Escan back to it's pokeball before proceeding to the black portal.
Kain: Now just have to find the locations of the other dungeons, especially the one that should exist in the forest. It should be an easy sweep with Escan.
Appearing once more in the dark principal office he looked around for a second before moving out of there.
Returning home, he took another shower before falling flat on the couch, this time in his night summer clothes. That consisted of a pair of black shorts, flip-flops and a greyish t-shirt.
Kain: "Where should I start searching..."
Pinching the bridge of his nose, he turned on the Tv. Of course, he had the care of putting in low volume due to it being night, and not disturbing the girls in the house.
Kain: ".... maybe near the mount.... or.... Wait!"
Sitting up right, he looked down at his own hands.
Kain: "I just remembered something. Wasn't there some kind of temple forgotten in this island? I am sure Laura mentioned something about it.... where was it exactly...."
He was about to search the internet, with his phone, to look up information, when he found it completely wrecked and battered. The screen had no glass left and most of the buttons were missing, not to mention how crocked it looked, as if a badly broken bone.
Kain: "I should get another one."
Putting it back on his pocket, he stood up and went to his room. Reaching beneath his bed, he took out his backpack that had the potions he had obtained from the first day of dungeon dives.
Sitting on his bed, he held Nev' pokeball in his right hand.
Kain: "I kind of have a need for these potions.... and getting another rattata won't be much of a change this early in the game, but..... I wouldn't like it if I did so. He sacrificed himself for my purpose, my objective. It's only fair that I save him, otherwise I wouldn't be anything other than one of those fuckers I hate."
Enlarging the pokeball in his hand, he squeezed it tightly.
Kain: "I regret much and nothing at the same time. If I could I would go back in time and do things very differently.... but, at the same time, I wouldn't. Since it was those specific experiences and moments that shaped me to who I am today...."
Bringing out Nev from it's pokeball, he began treating the wounded purple rodent by using the potion on it.
He was able to see the effects more clearly this time around, the burns through the purple rodent' small body were beginning to glow a little, while noticing the fact of the breathing of Nev becoming more regular.
Kain: Good.
Recalling the purple rodent back to it's pokeball, he fell on his bed as a smile graced his face.
Kain: "There is something that I found odd.... how could the injuries not worsen while it was in the pokeball? In fact.... it almost looked like Nev was... better? Could it be that it puts them in a state of stasis?"
Putting away Nev' pokeball, he was about to reach for his phone, to look up what time it was, when he remembered he wrecked his phone and watch.
Kain: "So... 5h40... almost 6 am..... they should be about to waking up now...."
He was a little frustrated of not having his driving license, from his previous life, or a vehicle for that matter, otherwise he will have to rely on Maria to get him around through the city. It wasn't that the city was like New York City, but he would rather not walk everywhere all the time.
Kain: "It's still a bit of distance, but it's not something that I haven't done before...."
He was also frustrated with the fact of not thinking of buying an axe yesterday, while he was at the mall, it was something that he didn't have in mind at the time since he was far more concerned with preparing for that night.
Kain: "Let's just hope the cunt has something in his shed."
Getting up from the couch, he went to the backyard, through the kitchen, where it laid a vast garden with a big pool to the right and a wooden shed to the left.
Kain: aghh.....cough...cough
Pushing the door and stepping inside, he was assaulted by a cloud of dust, causing him to close his eyes and waved with one arm while protecting his face with his other one.
Kain: Fuck. What did that cunt have his shed for!? Gathering dust!
Struggling to open his eyes in pain he looked to the inside of the shed, as he almost face slapped himself.
Kain: What an absolute idiot.
It was one of those moments that the feeling of beating someone up rose within oneself.
If he could describe the scene in front of him in one word, it would be – Stupidity.
The shed seemed to have been abandoned for a couple of years from the looks of it, since there was only rusted tools and rotten wood in sight.
Kain: "Even if there is an axe in this shithole, I doubt it very much that it will of use. And, I don't want to get a tetanus shot." ffff....
Sighing, he closed the door of the shed behind him, while going back inside the house.
Kain: "There is nothing of use in there.... it seems that I will have to spend more of Maria's money.... but I doubt that she will be willing to do it after what I said to her...."
Going to his room, he started to dress up the school uniform, while continuing to think things through.
Kain: "I shouldn't be thinking of searching for the other dungeons as well, for now... so I can put the plans of buying things on hold, for now."
Going downstairs, he had a simple breakfast consisting of a toasted loaf of bread and tea, or was it more accurate to call it snack, or maybe supper.
This time he walked out of the house with Sarah and Amy, leaving Laura and Maria behind, in the entrance, that were waving them away, Laura with a smile on her face while Maria held a frown. The reason behind such expression on Maria' face was a mystery to everyone there.
He was going to school, but not for the study and knowledge. He was going there to obtain some more Profiles from the people he had classes with. This was because, after thinking for some time, he came to realize that there were far more conditions for this broken-ass function to activate. It didn't just require for one to 'not' hate him, for it to activate.
He came to the realization that there far more requirements, since it didn't activate in the previous days. After all, the island and, consequently, the city weren't big, which meant, in some way, that everyone knew the rest. So... the question that remained, why couldn't he unlock more Profiles?
Is it because one of the conditions is that the person was to be a family member? No.
That would be a too ridiculous of a condition, and one that he didn't want to believe in, for now, as he didn't completely discard it as well.
Another reason he was going to the school was because of the bullies. After all, it wasn't just his father that beat him up all day long, whenever he was at school that job was delegated to a group of thugs.
[40 minutes later]
Kain: Well.... isn't this a piece of work?
Kain was currently standing in a dark alley with the darkness, provided by the tall buildings, obscuring the horrifying scene laying around him.
Kain: I thought I would be more affected by it.
Looking up at the cloudy sky, he smiled a little, although it was clear to anyone with a perspective eye that it was a sad smile. His expression immediately vanished and he returned to his cold neutral self.
Kain: No use fussing it over. I already knew about it.
Turning his foot to the side, a slouching sound was heard through the quietness of the alley. Something liquid was surrounding his feet. Something warm.
[Going back 20 minutes]
Kain was all alone when stepping into the school grounds, since his sister was pulled away by a group of girls, and Amy just dumped them halfway to school giving not even a fuck to the both of them. Although the feeling was mutual for both sides, Sarah already used to Amy's behavior, and Kain simply not caring about a sexy body and slapable ass.
He might not look like it, but he was more inclined towards one's personality and mind, than their body.
Standing alone, he found the behavior of his surroundings to be a little bit weirder, quickly taking glances through everything of worthy noting, he saw that several groups were whispering while looking at him through the corners of their eyes, with some of them even pointing at him.
His doubts were answered the next moment when he saw a group of young men approaching him. All of them supported a bulky frame, contrary to his toothpick one. He didn't have to look deeply into the memories left behind by his predecessor to realize who they were. This because they appeared in many of them, and not in the good way.
Blood, piss, pain...
The trauma left by their actions against his body was such, that he unconsciously started to tremble, which brought a smirk to the faces of the incoming group, and most of the people watching the scene.
Breathing down to try and calm his body, he, once again, swept his surroundings with his gaze, finding the principal hidden behind a tree with a smug smile on his face.
Kain: "So.... this should be the punishment."
What no one knew, was the fact of the prey standing there awaiting for the predators to approach wasn't the same as before.
This fact was apparent when an expression of surprise covered the faces of everyone present there, when Kain quickly made a run out of the school gate and into the city.
No one thought he would do such a meaningless action, since, although the city wasn't small, there was nowhere Kain could hide that escaped their pursuit.
Nevertheless, the group of bullies, although tardy, immediately started to run after Kain while laughing and mocking him from behind.
The difference in their builds and physique soon displayed the inevitable, as they were quickly closing the distance between them without much effort. No matter what Kain tried to slow them down, nothing seemed to work and they delighted with that fact together with the expression of fear Kain had when looking behind at them.
???(Bully #1): There is no use running you little shit!
???(Bully #2): You are dead meat!
???(Bully #3): I am going to break those legs of yours!!!
Their excitement rose when they saw the skeleton shit going into an alley, it just added to the fact of seeing the expression of horror on Kain' expression.
Kain: "No one is missing, right?" What do you want?
???(Bully #3): Hoooo! So the little bitch has finally gained some balls.
???(Bully #2): We just have to teach him some manners again.
???(Bully #3): Fk u Derek! The last time he pissed himself so hard it was hard to hit after!
Derek(Bully #2): What did you say bitch!?!! I will kill you fucker!
???(Bully #3): Hahaha
???(Bully #1): Stop fucking around!
Derek: Hmph
???(Bully #3): hhhh
The group of thugs circling Kain was composed of three young men.
Tom, the most mellowed out of the group, had brown curly hair with a few freckles on his cheeks and a deadpan gaze on his face. He was also the least dangerous of the three, with him only hitting Kain from time to time.
Next up was Derek, he was a black young man with a short messy black hair. He was the most aggressive of the group and the craziest. But! The problem of the group wasn't him, it was the remaining young man. The leader of the group. Christian.
Christian wasn't an exact stranger, in comparison with the other two, in regards to Kain. In fact, the two of them had known each other from childhood, since their fathers were closer to each other.
Although since that time till now their relationship hasn't change. It had always been a relationship of pain and hatred.
He was the worse of the group, because of his viciousness.
The three of them gradually closed the distance between them and Ethan, without a worry in the world, as Derek and Tom fought back and forth about who would have the first bite of the day.
On the other hand, Christian was squeezing his eyes at the sight of Ethan. He felt that something was different about him, he just couldn't put his finger what it was. It wasn't anything physical, but the light in his eyes.
Christian: "What is this sense of discomfort? It almost feels like..."
Christian wasn't able to finish his thought, when they saw Ethan perform weird actions.
All of the sudden, he retrieved some kind of ball from his pocket and threw it to the entrance of the alley. They ignore it after seeing it doing nothing, that was until growl was heard and light flashed in the alley.
Looking back, they found a dog growling fiercely at them, none of them recognized this kind of dog.
Derek: What the fuck is that!?
Tom: How the hell should I know!!
Christian: …
Christian was the only one that stole a glance at the strange dog before returning his gaze back to Kain, that was smiling.
Derek: Are you smiling for what fucker!?!?!
When Derek found Kain smiling he was losing his mind about what the entire situation, not to mention that he was already pretty testy from all the drugs he consumed when they were together at school.
Irritated he kicked the trash can nearby, before running towards Kain while he began the motion to punch him.
Tom: AHHHHH!!!!!
Derek was about to punch Kain straight in the face, when he staggered at the sudden scream from behind. Kain immediately took advantage from this moment of deconcentration of Derek to dodge the incoming attack and put the far larger and bigger young man in a head-lock, with Derek facing a scene of terror where Tom was laying on the ground clutching on his right shoulder that was bleeding like a faucet and his face grimaced in pain, while he leaned on a nearby wall. Opposite to him was Christian fighting against Escan, by preventing it from biting him. The only one that wasn't afraid or terrified of the fiery dog was Kain, since his smile was growing bigger and bigger at the sight of the injured Tom and struggling Chris, short for Christian.
He couldn't control his face expressions like before, it was almost like a subconscious reaction. He attributed it to the fact of the previous host always had the desire to have his revenge on his bullies.
Kain: "Shit! My body is still no good enough."
Kain was beginning to lose the feel of his arms, from all the strength he was using to lockdown Derek, and was about to let him go.
Kain: "Don't think you are going to get away without punishment."
Just when he let go Derek, he lowered slightly his stance, before stretching upwards and jamming his knee in the young man' guts.
Derek was struggling from the hold of Kain, not to beat him up but to help Christian and kill that fucking dog. This was mainly related to the fact of Christian and his father. Otherwise, he would have gone help Tom instead, who had, by now, lost a lot of blood and the color was vanishing from his face. He had tried to stand up and walk away from this cursed alley, but every time he did it more blood would gush out from his wound and the excruciating pain that assaulted him was too much and it robed his strength, causing him to fall to the ground.
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