《A Moth's Stories》A Spirits Flower


Souls. Such a powerful thing. A strong enough soul or one with enough of a link to something can surpass true death and survive as a ghost. The strongest version being a spirit, the complete essence of a person or creature that has survived death. Most spirits take on the exact form of the person of creature a bit before their death and the spirit themselves can choose how their body may be viewed. The exception tends to be colour, leaving most spirits a gray colouration. Spirits also have a near physical form despite their spectral existence. This allows them to manipulate things as if they were still alive. The last thing was spirits tended to be the same size as their original form but this wasn’t always the case.

But for a spirit to form rather than something as deranged as a wraith or lost like a spectre, they require something to be bound to. For myself? That would be the elixir flower that I reside on. I use to be an adventurer who often went on expeditions that ventured into unknown and dangerous lands but one my last one, I was badly wounded by an amphithere. It came out of nowhere and started attacking convoy and while these species are typically easy to deal with, this one was strong. The normally mindless eyes these creatures have were sharp, focused, intelligent. We managed to push it back after one of our archers managed to land a arrow in the join between its wing and body, making the beast flee. But it had killed and wounded many, destroyed our carts and killed our mounts, forcing us to return. I was hurt badly but if in the care of others, I would have recovered, But I had been flung deep into the forest and by the time I made my way back to the battlefield, they had left me completely alone. I tried to follow but I on my slowly weakening legs fell into a small creek that was the result of a nearby waterfall that we crossed and the last thing I focused on was small plant sprouting from the cracks in the waterfalls wall.


I had awoken once more but it felt wrong. I stood up in what I now know was the centre of the flower and looked down and saw my body lying dead on the ground. I spent a week confused and scared just hiding in the flower, my small colourless form quietly crying with no tears unable to process everything at the time. Once I had started to accept my current reality, I started to learn what I could do. I could still interact with the world around me but at my overall strength was pitiful compared to what I once had. I also has the ability to fly around but I was unable to pass through objects like most ghost types could. The annoying thing is due to being bound to an object, I couldn’t leave it and was trapped in a sphere that reached about 100 meters away from the flower I was bound to.

But with nothing else to do, I waited. I waited and hoped someone would at least come back along this trail and could help me. I waited days. I waited weeks. I waited months. And eventually years but no humans came bye. The only thing that kept me sane was a group of fae that lived nearby that had stumbled upon me.

I eventually gave up hope I would be brought back home, but while wandering around my small domain, I discovered that coming towards this way once more was another convoy. Although I came to regret meeting them. Amongst the group was a mage and alchemist who saw me and talked to me while the group made camp around the small creek which over the years had gotten a bit deeper. He told me what I was, told me about others like me. He seemed so nice and asked what I was bound to so I showed him. He told me he could bring me back to the kingdom to which I happily agreed so he replotted my bound flower and when I went to sleep on it that night, I woke to find myself trapped in a warded glass dome. The group ventured a bit further before the same creature that killed the last convoy forced this one to retreat. The mage was able to escape back fine and took me back this home in the capital city.


I remained with the dome that kept the flower alive unable to freely explore so I just decided to wait. Its not like I have much else to do anymore.

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