《The Magical Girl Substituting me is...my Uncle?!》Price to be Human
"Uhrm…" Mammothhead wakes up. He finds himself comfortably sleeping on a bed. Most of his wounds were treated and a small barrier was kept around him as many Magical Girls and the Valkyrie herself were closely watching his every move. The ones who fought against him were inside the barrier with him. Bink was the first one to notice him waking up.
"Mammoth!" He rushes towards his fellow demon and tries to help him lean on his back against the bad.
"Ah! You're finally awake! Good evening sleepyhead!" Shinji (now with gauze on his forehead and bandaged torso) greets the confused demon. Both him and Bink were the only ones inside with the second demon.
"You!" Startled by the presence of the same person who brought him to his current state and captured him. Mammothhead quickly tries to get up and fight back.
The Magical Girls prepared to chant spells and pointed all kinds of weapons towards him but the Agnicia raises her hand, signaling them to stand down. Obeying the Valkyrie command without question, the soldiers lowers their weapons.
"Urk!" But his wounds proved not be fully recovered and recoils back in pain.
"Geez! Don't move around too much! It was pain in the ass to convince the scary lady over there to let me tend to your wounds ya know?" Shinji flashes a friendly smile as he gives helps him position himself better.
(Is he talking about me? I'm adding a hundred kilometers sprint to our next training session just for that comment...) Agnicia made sure to remind herself as she kept quietly observing as remained seated with her legs crossed.
"Get away from me you psycho!" He tries to rise snout and attack him. However, Mammoth was too weak to even do that and lightly taps the cupboard next to him instead.
"Look, I just want to have a talk with you man to man! I'm not carrying any weapons with me and Kittypaws is outside the barrier." He points behind him to prove his point.
"I rushed back home and brought you one of my best bottles of wine! I was saving it for the day when Ai-Chan brother would graduate and share with me! But I wanted to prove that I'm really sorry for how things turned out and attacking you. So here!"
Shinji pours the bottle contents on three glasses that he seemingly pulled out of nowhere.
Mammoth becomes agitated again and lashes back as he points at the row of guards surrounding them.
"Why would you exactly?! You're with them! All of you are just waiting for me to give you the information you need and then get rid of me! I'm not telling shit!"
Shinji reaches for the salve on his lap and rubs a bit of it over Mammoth wounds as he spoke. That was the last remainder of his weekly quota.
"I see… Agi-Chan! Could you leave the three of us alone?"
"Huh?" Mammoth was surprised by his sudden question as the wounds on his trunk magically healed themselves.
"Denied. Sorry but I cannot comply you with that Sensei."
"Then at least ask your guards to wait outside! It's hard to reach for someone you when all we show is untrustworthiness and hostility!"
"Are you sure about doing that? Nyamo is right here next to me. If he decides to fight back in the state, you two are. Even you might not stand a chance Sensei."
"Don't worry about me! I can handle myself just fine if he tries something like that! I'm a big boy after all! Bwahaha!"
Following the sigh, Agnicia looks deep in the eyes of the guard captain and she silently nods. The next moment, all the guards left the room. The only ones still remaining inside were Aika, Nyamo and Agnicia herself.
"You can come out too Hide."
"Understood." Answering her summon. Crow suddenly appears from behind Aika as he responds. The latter jumps out in surprise.
(Whoa! I completely forgot Crow-San was following us!)
"So? How did you think his first mission went?"
"Honestly, it was abysmal. There were casualties on his side and too much property damage. But he still managed to finish the job and no one saw them fighting. So I guess we can let this one slide..."
Meanwhile, while Crow was reporting. Shinji was trying to calm the rattled demon from attacking him.
"Look. I know we started things with the wrong foot."
"That is understatement and you know it!"
"Geez! Just listen to me for a sec okay?! Speedo told me you were a friend of his and asked me to personally deal with you. He said you were a strange case, even by his standards."
Mammoth looks at demon next to him.
"Ahaha…" Bink only laughs in embarrassment as he rubs the back of his head.
"I didn't get it at first what he wanted me to do because you immediately ran away from us. Again, I'm sorry for attacking you. That was uncool of my part, But, while cleaning up the mess we made back there. I happened to stumble into this on top of a forklift and then things started to make some sense to me." Shinji then shows the same briefcase Mammoth was carrying with him when he met up with them.
"T-That's- Gah!" Mammoth eyes went wide open when he saw it. He tried to get off the bed and take out of his hands but his wounds still forced him to lay back again. That wasn't enough salve for him to heal him completely.
"Relax. Everything inside is still intact. It must have flown away the moment that I threw you inside that warehouse. See?" Shinji opens the briefcase and gently puts what was inside by the foot of the bed.
"But these are…" Aika and everyone else was confused over what he found.
A fake ID, driver's license, huge stacks of manga, how-to guides and a LOT of worn sketchbooks were piled inside. 'How not to awkwardly socialize with people', 'How live frugally on a tight budget, 'Dealing with artist block' were just one of many examples.
"You just wanted to live your life like one of us. A human. Didn't you?"
"…" He didn't respond Shinji's question and looks the other way instead.
"Mammoth. I told them that you were a Stray Demon just like me! I have been living my life here in the way you always wished for. However, I was alone for all this time. Fighting nobody but myself until Sensei came around and showed me we can live peacefully if we just help each other out and easily make friends."
"Stray Demon?" Aika quietly asks over the term to her veterans.
"Demons ostracized in Hell for any given reason. The case usually being for excessive violence or lust for power even between their own kind and then exiled by a even stronger being in the hierarchy. But I guess there might be exceptional cases like this one in front of us mixed in."
"You're damn right! I'm sick of the hierarchy and strong devours the weak mentality we have there! It has become a horrible place to live in! It has only gotten worse since it all the ice thawed out!" Mammoth responds to the three whispering.
"Wait, what are you talking about Mammoth?!" Confused, Bink stepped in and asked.
"You mean you don't know? Thanks to the Seven Heroes, the entire place was frozen solid! It took thousands of years for the that ice even start melting! Even now that it did, its desolate and dark place with scarce Mana produced on its own. An empty lot where anyone weak are forced to serve strong or find themselves dead by their hand! If you try to live on your own, there is the risk of being found by the 'Redhand'."
"Slow down! What are you talking about?"
"I'm sure that you know about this at least. For a long time now, demons mysteriously disappear every year. They can usually be found a few days later. Their corpses would at least. All found in the same manner. Their faces stiff with terror, torsos torn open and without a single drop of blood or Mana inside their bodies. The numbers have increased by the hundreds and now happens every week for the last fifteen years since the Seven Deadly Sins were released. How have you never heard about any of this is shocking Bink-San."
"Ahaha… I am a special case. I wasn't neither given birth or was raised in there like the most. I am not born out of a curse, someone's grudge or anything like that either. I only visited the place twice a long time ago so I don't have much attachment towards the place..."
"In any case. A few years ago, one of the numerous victims managed to write this, moments before his impending death."
An unsavory image followed by a message then appears on the surface of Mammoths palm.
'Beware of the one who is called Redhand' is was written on the floor with faintly glowing letters right next to a mangled corpse. Like Mammoth stated. He must have used the remainder of his life force before dying to write the message.
"…" Bink brows frowned upon reading the victim message.
(Redhand…) The name alone seemed to have stirred something inside Nyamo. But she didn't know what it was other than pure, unadulterated fear and the vivid color red suddenly flashed in her mind. She decided not to talk about it and worry the others about it needlessly. So she steeled through her unsettling feelings and kept to herself.
"…" Bink brows frowned upon reading the victim message.
(Redhand…) The name alone seemed to have stirred something inside Nyamo. But she didn't know what it was other than fear and the color red suddenly flashed in her mind. She decided not to talk about it and worry the others about it needlessly. So she steeled through her unsettling feelings and kept to herself.
"Most of the demons have left Hell behind and are now rampant here because of this. The only ones who decided to remain there are usually the conservative kind, the strongest ones of our kind who can take of themselves or both. The latter are also found dead too like the others but does not happen that often."
"…Is that why there have been so much more cases of demons attacks here with us in the last twenty years?"
"Correct. The Seven Deadly Sins being released only made things worse for us demons too. Which was why I was excited to meet with up Bink-San."
"Speedo? That's the part I didn't get it. Why's that?"
"Human culture and their recent leaps in technology always fascinated me! After I manage to escape that literal hell with the skin of my teeth. I just knew that I should seek him for advice. I once heard from one of my superiors that he angered a looooot of demons during the Blackheart Calamity and have learned a great deal from living between you humans."
"You seem to know a lot about a period that currently seems to be lost in time..." Agnicia glares at the demon as she questions him.
"Not at all. I wasn't around by the time that happened. It's taboo even between demons who lived during the Calamity to talk about it anyways. You could threaten or even try to kill one but they won't talk no matter what you do. I only know this much based from I heard from drunken demons who survived through that point in. So no. I don't have the knowledge you want. Sorry to disappoint."
"I see…" A little disappointed, Agnicia stopped interrupting him and urged Shinji to continue.
"I saw those sketchbooks too. Did you draw these? They are incredibly well done."
As he flips through one of the book pages. Gorgeous characters designs, background and plot points were meticulously put together. Even to the untrained eye, it was obviously something on a professional level.
"Yeah. I got inspired while reading through a bunch of these while I scavenged for food and place. I got a gig as a salaryman for now and a small condo. I planned to save money and draw manga myself."
The demon who was suspicious of everything until now seemed to relax as he was flattered by the teacher praises.
"No wonder Speedo wanted me to meet you! Bwahhahaha!" Shinji exclaims as he energetically shakes the demons hand and takes a glance at the four behind him.
"Never mind about that! Speedo come closer!"
"Okay Sensei!"
The three huddle together and forms a small circle. *Whisper, whisper, whisper*
After a minute talking quietly. They turn around and face the woman sitting down with her legs crossed.
"Agi-Chan! We talked a bit and I would like to ask you something."
"Rejected." She flatly answers.
"But you didn't even let me finish!"
"I know how you operate Sensei. You want to ask me if we can keep him around just like Bink correct? He already was a controversial decision on my part. Even if he proved to be useful like him, that would cause unrest and mistrust of the faith all Magical Girls have on me."
"…" Neither Bink or Shinji knew how to respond. They are aware of the lengths and loops that the Valkyrie had to go and accept their first request. Any more than that would be both selfish and ungrateful on their part.
"…Then, what if I am not a demon anymore? Would that be enough for you to change your mind?"
"Oh?" The Valkyrie raises her eyebrow in surprise and curiosity.
"Mammoth! Are you thinking of trying to do 'that?"
"Yeah. It's the best end scenario if you asked me."
"There is no way that would work! You could die too you know?! Not to mention we cannot convince anyone to act like the sacrifice either!"
"What are you talking about?" Feeling left out of the loop, Shinji asked the two demons.
"He wants to try the Demon-Purging Ritual." The Valkyrie answered for them.
"Demon –Purging Ritual?" He asks a question followed by her answer.
"Just like the name implies. Its a forbidden ritual that could purge the demon blood in one's veins and turn him into a human. It is mentioned on a fairy tale well-known between Demons and Magical Girls alike. There was once a point in time where one of our past Valkyries and a high-ranking demon office fell deeply in love with each other. However, because of their roles getting in the way. They could never truly be together and fought against everything throw their way, despite all odds. But then, they realized that was never enough as long they kept their positions in the world. The two decided to defy fate itself and said to have developed a dark ritual where the demon could purge his bloodline and turn into a human by feeding a portion of the Valkyrie's soul to him."
"Judging by the way how Speedo is panicking. I imagine that story doesn't have good ending."
"Correct. The ritual went horribly wrong. The Valkyrie gave too much of her own soul away and the demon involuntarily tried to devour hers whole. He tried to kill himself in order to stop that from happening. The sorrow and despair those two faced when the two realized they were to lose one another forever plus the defiance over accepting their significant other death had made their souls fuse into one. Giving birth to a hideous and murderous fiend that ran out of control. Constantly craving Mana, blood and death in order to sustain its very existence. It took the entirety of Arcadia and demons at the time to eventually form a truce and join forces in order to give those two lovers a merciful death and allow their souls to finally rest in peace."
"Holy shit. You weren't kidding when you said it wasn't pretty. No wonder Speedo is shook."
"Isn't that just a fairy tale though?" Crow finally decided to speak up and asked.
"While the whole story itself was never proven. I have found a forbidden tome in one of Hell forsaken libraries that explain the process step by step. I trespassed it and burned into my memory before escaping to the surface. I might a theory as to why the ritual went wrong too. That is, if the stories are actually even true or not."
"Oh really?" While she sounded sarcastic, Agnicia was actually very interested in Mammoths confident assertion.
"First and foremost, the demon wasn't completely willing to go through the ritual."
"What makes you think that?"
"According to the fairy tale. The demon was none other than a vampire. They are known for their immense pride and narcissism. A high ranking one too at that. So it's safe to assume he had some sort of ego. I do think his love for her was genuine. However, I personally believe that deep down. He hesitated in letting go of his demonic heritage for his beloved. Secondly, the Valkyrie didn't properly balance how much of her soul she gave away all at once. It was supposed to be given at small doses. I suspect that might have been the trigger to the horrible outcome it ended up happening.
"That's right! Dying is the least of our worries if the anything goes wrong! There is no-"
"Alright! I've decided! I'll take full responsibility and do it!"
"HUH?!" Everyone in the room stare at Shinji in shock as their jaws drops on the floor.
"Don't get me wrong guys! I don't intend to die today or are not very keen on the idea of becoming a monstrosity either! But, I still have to make amends for mistake Scribbles here! I might also end in history book as the one managed to prove a fairy tale being real or not and for have turned a demon into a human for good!"
"Scribbles? You really don't have nothing but air and tits on your brain do you fuckface?! Stop being so damn carefree for a moment and use your-"
"Very well. Hide, please help them draw the magical circle they might need and heal them as much as you possibly can. Stand ready to put them down in case anything goes wrong as well." Agnicia cut Aika off and smiles a little as she gave her order and reveals to be holding a piece of chalk on her left hand.
"Understood." He immediately picks it up, draws a circle and then proceeded to etch symbols over the floor.
"WHAT?!" Aika's jaw drop on the floor for a second time
"Thanks Agi-Chan! Edgy! I promise that we will make it through this and give you the life you always wanted Scribbles!" He extends his arm towards Mammoth as he reveals a kind smile.
"A-Alright!" Mammoth returned the kind gesture and held the teacher's hand. He didn't exactly knew the reason why but Mammoth felt that he was sure nothing would go wrong and his dream could be finally fulfilled as long he followed the man who had managed to almost shatter his skull just an hour ago.
Half an hour later. The group found themselves in the Valkyrie Quarters. It was decided that it would be better to perform the ritual from the location furthest away from everything else in the clouded paradise. Just in case of the worst case scenario happens.
Most of the furniture inside was either moved to the corners or left outside the building. A large circle was drawn over the floor alongside strange symbols. A piece of Mammoth's fur was placed in a small circle alongside a few drops of blood from Shinji's hand placed on top of it. Nyamo is administering Shinji's transfer of Mana and make sure the output is properly balanced. Bink was watching over the runes and magic circle. Crow is a few steps behind Shinji with a switchblade in hand. Agnicia was leaning against wall and covering all entrances with her armor already on, carefully observing the ritual hawk-eyed and ready to attack with her shield at the first sign of anything going wrong.
"Alright, the countermeasures are all in order Nya! We can start whenever you guys are ready!"
"Ready Scribbles?" Shinji asks the demon. The prospect of entering in history in Arcadia is making excited like a little kid.
"Are you sure about doing all this for a demon who you just met and even tried to kill you?"
"I haven't forgotten. Do you regret your actions?"
"Very." The demon answered the teacher question immediately.
"Then there is nothing be self-conscious of! It is my decision to help you and mine alone! If you really want to atone for that. Then buy me a drink or maybe lend me some hard cash down the line once you hit it big as 'Mammoth-Sensei'! Besides, I gave you my word didn't I?" Shinji's face reveals such a pure and innocent smile that only a child would make.
"*Sniffles* You are such a nice guy Sensei…" Mammoth rubs his misty eyes at the same time he is done preparing the appropriate procedures.
"Bwahaha! Hardly! I'm just doing whatever I feel like doing! So enough with the tear-jerking already and let's get this over with!" Following his response, Bink began the count down with his watch of a strange semi-naked superhero wearing a pair of fishnet stockings and having pair of a panties as some sort of mask.
The circle began to glow in a red and white lights and Nyamo's fur started to pulsate in response
Shinji was forming a triangle with his hands and pointing at Mammothhead's chest from a few inches away. The moment the lights reached for him, Shinji felt as if something was trying pull his heart apart and nearly screamed in pain. He managed to grit his teeth and endured it at the last second.
(Shit‼! This stings way more than whatever the hell I did with that monolith for the Justice Path and Agi-Chan's fists combined! FUCK‼ FUCK! FUCK!)
He took a page of Aika's book and cursed repeatedly in his head.
"Sensei!" Nyamo, Mammoth and Bink shouted his name at the same time concerned.
"I'm fine! Focus on your roles! It's just going to be a reenactment of that tale if we hesitate now!" He squirmed in pain but refused to give up and kept the stance on his hands firm in place.
"ARGH‼‼" From the small hole his hands had formed, an incorporeal mass of Mana began to slip out through it. The moment it grazed Mammoth's skin, he too winced in pain and almost hunched over. His feet were firmly rooted to the ground.
Strong gusts of wind started to fill the room from all directions.
(Now is really not the time for one of your dumb comments! Forget it! If only him dies here and now. Nyamo returns to me and this nightmarish headache would end…) Aika was so focused with such dark thoughts that she didn't noticed the marble desk flying towards her at breakneck speeds.
"AIKA! Shit!" Her uncles shout brought her back to reality but it was too late for Aika to dodge in time.
"Ahh…" Aika just closed her eyes and braced for the impact.
*Swish! *
The table is suddenly cleaved in two and misses their mark, landing against the two remaining glass windows in the room which Shinji didn't broke through Yale's 'greetings' instead.
Aika opens her eyes and finds Crow standing in front of her. He effortlessly cut through the sturdy table with knife in his hand like it was made out of paper and quickly turned his attention back to Shinji was without even checking if she was injured anywhere. He is shielding his face from the strong winds and suddenly broke in cold sweat. Agnicia had her shield ready to be throw at any second now.
Aika couldn't move her legs but turned her head towards what seemed to be worrying the two so much.
"ARGH‼‼!" The momentary distraction where he took his eyes for a second was enough to disrupt the ritual. Shinji howled with pain and collapsed to his knees. Still trying to keep the triangle with his hand and holding his arms over his head, trying to keep at the same angle it was before. The mass had changed to a crimson color and the white lights on the circle changed to a black gleam.
"Sensei!" Almost everyone got worried and shouted.
"FOGHUS ON MIISON!" Shinji couldn't even form words as spit and drool fell from his mouth as he orders. He slowly but surely managed to stand up again and proceeded with the ritual again.
"HRAA‼ FO I POMISED!" Using all of his remaining willpower and Mana. Shinjirou poured his everything into one last push and roared with all his might. The gale winds grew even stronger as they shattered all windows, the circle now glows from an incandescent red to purple. The mass of his soul was suddenly straightened out and started to enter Mammoth properly again.
Everyone's vision but Bink was impaired and he was the only who could still see Shinji. His eyes widened in surprise.
*BOOOM‼! *
Before he managed to get closer or even finish his thoughts, the three were engulfed in a pillar of light which broke through the ceiling followed by a large explosion. The entire building crumbled under it and fell apart.
"Is everyone ok?!" Agnicia and Crow quickly flips over the debris and pulls everyone one by one except for Shinji and Mammothhead.
"Urgh…" Nyamo is still groggy from the ritual aftereffects.
"Where's Sensei?!" Bink exclaimed.
They started to search for the two and clearing the smoke. They find a half a body buried under the rubble with his legs hanging upside down.
"Sensei!" Bink and Nyamo were the first ones to go to his rescue.
"One! Two!" After counting, Shinji is pulled back by his legs.
"Urgh…" He slowly gets up and holding his now bleeding forehead.
"Hey guys! You two sound like you seen a ghost or something!"
"Are you really Sensei? What is Agi-Chan's cup size?"
"I'm fine! I've had hangovers worse than this! The answer is B cup by the way! Bwahahah!"
"It really is you Sensei! Uaahhh!" Nyamo cries as she rushes towards his chest. Agnicia lightly bops him on the back of his head with her shield.
"I'm going to overlook that comment and not going to ask how you learned that in reward to your actions. But aren't you three forgetting something? Rather, someone?"
"Ah! Mammoth/Scribbles!" They realized what she meant and started looking for the last survivor as they were helping Shinji walk for he was stumbling.
"Hey‼" Behind the curtain of smoke on a high pile of rubble was the figure of a man waving at them. He slowly slides off the path and his features are revealed. He still has the face of his name's keepsake.
"No way! Did the ritual failed?!" Bink and Shinji got depressed and got on all fours.
"Not exactly!" Mammothhead assured them (Even though whether his face is now a mask and has a human head or not is up to debate)
"He's right." Crow makes a circle with his right hand and peers at Mammoth through it. His eye shines blue and scans Mammoth from head to toe.
"There are barely any traces of Mana on you. The ritual was a success. Congratulations!" The Valkyrie claps for the four.
"Alright!" Shinji and Mammoth high five each other as Nyamo tries to hop and hit it with her small paws. Bink had a sour look on his face as he gazed at Shinji's back.
(It's definitely a good thing that the ritual was a success but…there was no way this was supposed to happen. I knew from the moment he started screaming. Both Sensei and Mammoth-Kun weren't going to survive if it weren't for that intervention…)
A flashback of moments ago pops in Bink mind's eye. There was a incredibly dark-colored butterfly resting on Shinji 's shoulder which was secretly helping him with the ritual moments before the explosion happened. There was no presence to it and it faded away soon as the ritual completed. Nobody but Bink, who was close to Shinji when it happened had noticed it. The mere sight of it gave Bink the shivers.
( It might have been faint and lasted only for moment. But, that overwhelming darkness and the fact my body is still trembling in fear. There's no mistake. It was definitely 'her'. Is her seal already weakened by this much? Now? After all this time? Why would she even bother to manifest outside the seal, waste her power to help us with a ritual like this one in the first place? It's concerning...)
Whoever that is. Bink got increasingly worried about the future and started considering if he should go against his gut and talk about it with the others or not. That is, until Shinji interrupts his thoughts by slapping him on the shoulder.
"We are going to celebrate the rebirth of our new friend over here at conveyor belt sushi place! His treat!" Shinji exclaims while pointing at the wallet in his hand.
"Eh?! I'm the one paying?!" Mammoth answered surprised.
"You wanted to repent didn't you? That's the best way for you to do it in my opinion!"
"But I was saving that money until I could find a publisher…"
"Don't you worry! I have a family relative who can help you with that and maybe even invest if we play our cards right! Bwahaha!" Shinji was giddy and proud after learning he managed to make ritual a complete success.
"Really Sensei?! Thanks!"
As they talked about business. Shinji blows his whistle and opens a magic portal back to the warehouse they were earlier that day. After the teacher had already entered, he pops his head back at Arcadia.
"You guys aren't coming?"
"Someone has to clean up the mess you two made." Crow answered for them.
"Just ask the other girls to do that for you! C'mon! It's free sushi we are talking here!"
"*Sigh* I guess we could indulge you for a little bit and ask him question about Sloth…"
"I'm against it! Let's talk about that tomorrow! The ritual took a lot out of all of us and literally took a part of my soul away! Today is the time to get drunk, party and then pass out!"
"Fine. I figured you would say something like that. Nyamo. Aika. You two go ahead and save a seat for us. We still have to wait until someone gets here at least."
"I don't have the mental fortitude to handle this madness much longer…" Aika proceeds to swallow another aspirin.
"..." Nyamo trots her way towards him without saying a word.
"Great!" Shinji pulls his head away and the two steps into the portal.
"Wait one second Bink."
Bink moved a single step and Crow stopped him from going further. The atmosphere was heavy.
"What? Did I do something wrong?"
"Bea was looking through my eyes what you two did in the warehouse just. I wanted to say that after witnessing you risk your life for Aika. We have finally decided acknowledge you as our ally and you are free to come and go as you please."
"Really?! It's shame leaving that cage but…Alright!" Bink got excited and bumped his fists high into the air.
"Which brings us to our next question."
"Hm? What is it?" Bink was a little confused.
"Why have never used your 'true power' to fight against us before?"
"What are you guys talking about?"
"Don't play dumb with us. We saw that thing on your back when Mammoth almost made Aika into charcoal."
"…" The smile on his face was suddenly gone. Bink takes a deep breath and responds:
"For starters, that thing is not part of me. I despise that power too. I only peered into 'that' thing when I saw there was no other way to save Ai-Chan in time."
"I see…" Crow crossed his arms and looked at Agnicia behind him.
"Very well. Sorry for the interrogatory but we have to make sure about these sort of things."
"It's alright. I understand the concern."
(Besides, Sensei is not the only one with his own fears to handle…) Remembering the darkness he had touched and stared back Bink at that moment made his hands shake similarly to how Shinji's did...
Little did the group know what would happen thanks to Shinjirou miracle. Mammoth was going to become a successful manga artist in a just few weeks after starting his career and his first series would become the fastest selling manga in the entire country.
The story of his first work is supposedly based on a certain someone who somehow helps all sorts of people he stumbles across in one way or another while on a drunken trip all over the world (which he decided to go on a whim) alongside a little girl always behind him. She smacks him for any attempts of trying to swindle or flip someone's skirt as a reward and sets him straight. The pages are also filled to the brim with spicy and erotic scenes that constantly happened with the protagonist during his journey (either accidental or not. The chapters usually ends with the little girl punishing him for something). The title was 'The Selfless Drunkard and His Aggressive Voice of Reason…'
There is only person who criticizes the work harshly and that was a certain grumpy schoolgirl with blonde & black hair…
The next day…
*Sigh* Aika has her resting on the desk during classroom during lunch break. Heavy bags were formed under her eyes.
"I can't believe we ended up partying in his apartment again after we ate the entire stock of that restaurant. Ended up eating too much. Why does the tacos that Pig makes have to taste so damn good…" Aika rubs her belly as she talked to herself.
(Setsuna disappeared soon as the bell rang too…) She looks at the empty desk next to her before turning her head to the cat hiding inside her desk.
"Are you okay over there, Nyamo?"
"…" Nyamo was spacing out while looking at the window.
"Oii! Earth to Nyamo!" She waves her hands in front of her face.
"…" Aika then gently pat the kitty on the head.
"Nya?" Nyamo was brought back to her senses after that.
"Are you okay? You barely ate anything yesterday."
"Yeah! I'm ok. Really! The ritual also took a lot out of me! So I am feeling a little lightheaded Nyahahaha!"
"If you say so…" Aika reaches for her juicebox and glances around her classroom.
"…" In truth, there something that was gnawing at the back of Nyamo's mind since yesterday. After they ate and decided to visit Shinji's room for a second time...
"By the way, Scribbles. There was something that got me wondering…" The teacher said with his face a little red and with a bottle of strong sake on his hand.
"Pwah! What is it Sensei?" Mammoth asks as he chugs a whole bottle of champagne by himself.
"Back the park, why did you got so suspicious of us and ran away as soon you saw Kittypaws? You mentioned something about a Dominant Blunder or something to that effect? Can't say I heard about some sort bedroom role-play with a name like that before."
"You misunderstood Sensei. I mean, She IS the Sacred Beast of the Demon Hunter isn't she?"
"Demon Hunter? Did anyone ever pissed off Ai-Chan and she went on a killing spree or something?" Shinji tilted his head. Agnicia sat next to them and answered his question.
(Only when it involves your jackass! Gee! I wonder WHY that is?!) Aika smashed the soda can in her hands as a vein popped out of her head.
"That was the Valkyrie from two generations ago. I heard from veterans older than me that she was one of the best leaders Arcadia ever had. Her life outside Arcadia is a complete mystery and she was entirely devoted to Arcadia 24/7. Never steeping a single foot on outside world if not for missions or anything of the sort. Because of her obsession, she usually acted on her own and head hunted a multitude of powerful demons all by herself. She suddenly stepped down after the Seven Deadly Sins seal was broken and she was never heard of again. Her name alone still instills fear in many demons who either survived, escaped or at least heard of her. She pretty much dragged the previous Valkyrie before me into joining Arcadia and mentored her as well too. According to her, the Demon Hunter strength was not to be trifled with."
"But that doesn't any sense Nya!" Nyamo, who overheard their conversation intervened.
"I have no idea what you guys are talking about! I have awoken within Ai's body for the first time in centuries! I never heard of this Valkyrie either!
"Are you sure? I am one of the few lucky enough to survive one of those hunts. Granted, you may not sound like her and the one from my memory was much bigger than you are. But, I could never forget that stone cold glare in her eyes or fur pattern in her partner. Even if she was not one of the Firstborn. That tiger could put even all other Sacred Beasts to shame…"
"…" Back in the classroom, Nyamo was pensive until her concentration was broken by the school bell.
Shinji opens the door and enters the classroom not a single second shorter.
"Alright everyone! Break time is over! Fix your desks and move into your seats already" He claps his hands as the students set up rearranges their desks in the way it was before their break.
"*huff, huff* Sorry I'm late!" Setsuna suddenly slams the door open while out of breath.
"It's fine. It's still within the thirty seconds tolerance. You may enter."
(Weird. She isn't the sort of person who gets late. Especially for one of the Pig classes…)
"Yes! I'm sorry!" She bowed before entering and walked towards her chair.
"Then let's start the attendance call. Shall we?" Shinji does not even have to look at the roster on his desk. He knows all of the student's name and faces from top of his head.
"Aika Tsunaboshi!"
(I can never get used to his seriousness while in class. Not that it lasts him that long anyways…) Aika thought to herself as he continued calling student names.
"Sekihara Sei!"
"…" There was no answer.
"Absent again huh?" Shinji sighed as he wrote down something in one of his notes and continued the call.
"…Setsuna Amane!"
"Here!" The moment she got up and answered. Naturally as she possibly could. Setsuna drops a small note crumbled into a ball next to Aika.
"Hm?" Aika knows Setsuna isn't the sort of person to do this kind of things and curious, she immediately opened the note.
{Meet me in the abandoned classroom 2-F when classes are over}
After she was done reading, Shinji had also finished the attendance call at the same time. He got off his chair and stands in the center of the blackboard. He was smiling from ear to ear.
"By the way everyone! I have great news! He is a little late because he was busy signing the paperwork with my help. But, we have a new transfer student joining us starting today!"
*Chatter, chatter* Gossip ran amok in class. A group of five boys in particular were very excited with the news.
"Alright! Please tell us it's a girl Sensei!
The teacher laughed heartily before answering.
"Bwahahaha! Sadly, the answer is no! It's another sausage to our package!"
"Tch!" A bunch of boys sat back in their chairs as they either grumbled, booed or clicked their tongues in response
"But trust me! He will be lively addition to our little group! He is the son of a good friend of mine! You guys will hit it off in no time! C'mon in kiddo!"
"KYAHH‼ He's so hot!" As Shinji called for him, a bunch of girls could be heard screaming or swooning down the hallway.
A gorgeous boy with beautiful skin complexion and short green hair enters the room. His looks were enough to make you think that he was some sort of model and the chatter in class cracks to the max.
(Hm? He seems oddly familiar…what is this feeling annoyance whenever I look at his face? I'm getting this urge to punch him in the face so much…)
"Why don't you write your name and introduce yourself?" Shinji says while having a shit eating grim on his face.
"Yes Sir!" The boy writes his name on the blackboard in huge and yet delicate letters.
"Yes Sir!" The boy writes his name on the blackboard in huge yet delicate letters.
"AHHH‼!" Reading the name on the blackboard out loud. Aika quickly stood up from her chair. The chair she was sitting on fell backwards with a loud thump. She slams one her hands against her desk and points at the transfer student with the other.
"My name is…" The boy suddenly makes a very familiar pose by hits the top of his head against the floor while forming a bridge with his arms crossed, flashing a serene and composed smile on his lips, the sunlight reflects on his teeth, making him look almost divine-looking as he faces everyone in the class. His hard head forming multiple cracks on the floor.
"Calamity Bink! Pleased to meet you all!"
"KYAHH! He's so handsome!"
She screamed in her mind so hard in both anger and shock that Aika's mind went white and steams began to come out of her ears. She failed to focus on none of her classes for rest of the day while the others girls were staring at Bink with hearts in their eyes and the boys staring daggers at him…
- In Serial148 Chapters
Upheaval - The Gentle Apocalypse
The world is changing, but people carry on. Early in the summer, the world started changing. It is not known who first found out, but magic was real, or had become real. Of course, with the world as interconnected as it is, it took only two days for most people to know about it. Online groups sprang up, eager to test humanity’s collective new toy. Quickly, it was found out that it was all but harmless; there were (unconfirmed) reports of deaths as soon as the first day. Nevertheless, it is a novelty to most, trying it out like you’d try sports or a game. The world marches on as scientists set out to study this new phenomenon, to use it for furthering our collective knowledge and to understand it. But that won’t show any results any time soon; it is only five days since the “Reveal” meanwhile I’m out camping. I had planned this since March, to unwind from sixteen years of studying. Finally! Finally I am done with school! Getting a job is another matter… So I figured, with this magic stuff, why not try out meditating on it? I’ve enjoyed more than enough books and other media that at least some of the magic methods should be viable. Turns out, the world might not let me relax. R15+ Coarse language and adult themes. This story is finished.
8 321 - In Serial12 Chapters
A laid back thief
Marco has turned into being a thief to make helping his mother easier. Little does he know that his grand heist will change the course of his life forever. Watch his journey from being a laid-back thief to someone who will protect everything. Posted only on Neovel.io and here
8 433 - In Serial53 Chapters
Dungeon of books
Jacob when rip from his world by radiation sickness, and brought to nothingness. Finds himself wandering into a world of magic and wonders. Yet when he arrives in that world he finds himself as a book with the power to create Demi-planes. With this newfound power to create worlds inside books he gets classified as a dungeon, well he was a dungeon, but now the people recognize him as a dungeon. Plus, is there any good adventure without the chance of death? So then why would Jacob baby the experience of exploring his Demi-planes? Yeah, sure, he may be slightly insane from the nothingness, but that is for another time. Yet, If anyone wants to take away his creation and passion, he will do far worse than just killing them would. The earlier chapters in the story have yet to be rewritten, and just from this brief stunt so far I have improved by a mile and more. So don't be surprised when you see the worst grammar of your life in them. But I must say I am terrible at grammar but amazing at coming up with a story. The minimum word count is, 1250 My schedule is really all over the place, so don't expect consistency. I will at least post 2 chapters per week. Cover art brought to you by kingdedede11
8 248 - In Serial50 Chapters
[BHTT] Thôi Miên Trên Đầu Lưỡi - Diệp Sáp !!!
Tên gốc: 舌尖上的催眠 Tác giả: Diệp Sáp - 葉澀.Thể loại: đô thị tình duyên, mưa dầm thấm lâu, tình hữu độc chung, báo thù ngược ngẫuTình trạng bản raw: Hoàn (50 chương: 49 chương + 1 chương ngoại truyện về Hạ Dĩnh)Nhân vật chính: Trầm Thước Hi-Hạ NhânNhân vật phụ: Hạ Dĩnh, Tống Niên Niên, Tiêu Bảo BốiVăn án: Một nhà tâm lý chững chạc có thể đoán hết tâm tư bệnh nhân gặp gỡ một nữ nhân xấu xa, xảo quyệt như hồ ly.Trốn không khỏi vận mệnh.Thứ thôi miên không phải là lòng người, mà chính là tình yêu, là dục vọng cuối cùng, chính là đầu lưỡi.------------**Nguồn: https://wtulip01.wordpress.com/2016/09/10/dau-luoi-thuong-thoi-mien-diep-sap/!! LƯU Ý !!-TRUYỆN NÀY LÀ REUP. -Tôi lưu lại để dễ xem và tiện cho việc tìm kiếm khi bản thân muốn xem lại .
8 198 - In Serial13 Chapters
Best Friend
hanggang diyan lang ba talaga? best friends lang?
8 78 - In Serial5 Chapters
Assistance [ʀ]
As two dominants struggle with the sexual part of their arranged marriage, a little assistant comes along- changing their whole dynamic.NOT A SLOW BURN- STAY MAD
8 69