《The Magical Girl Substituting me is...my Uncle?!》A Teacher’s Worry
After school period had finally ended. Instead of heading straight to the abandoned classroom mentioned in Setsuna's letter. Aika stopped somewhere else first.
Nyamo asked for some time alone and strolled around the school. Aika didn't had the time to worry or ask what was wrong with her housecat considering everything that was happening.
She plans to demand answers from both her uncle and the 'new transfer student' as soon she is done with whatever Setsuna wanted from her.
Aika opened the Class 2-F door and finds her friend already inside waiting for her. Sitting on a chair and wiping her glasses with a familiar handkerchief bearing the initials 'T.S' written on it. Now having a brand new patch in the shape of a heart sewed into them.
"You're late." Devoid of even a single greeting. Setsuna answers without even looking at the door.
"Sorry. I've had to go visit the Nurse's office first and ask Mother for the strongest migraine medicine she could find."
"Oh, really? I wonder why?" Her friend answered sarcastically.
"Did you called me just be snide or do you actually want something from me? I have better things to do." Aika didn't had the patience to go along with her friend's tone in her current state of mind.
"Just wait a bit longer. He hasn't arrived yet."
"He? Who are you talking about-"
Aika is abruptly interrupted as the door behind her opens.
"…and this place right here is one of our abandoned classrooms! Pent-up or newly confessed Couples lately have been trying to sneak into this place with their significant other whenever they THINK nobody is looking! You better take notes Speedo! School is a sacred place for learning and my brother threatened to diminish our salaries if we don't try to stop them whenever we can. Especially mine! So, no hard feelings if neither me or anyone else in the faculty tries to stop ya okay?"
"Understood Sensei! But why singling you out specifically?" Bink was enthusiastically writing notes on top of the school's map in response to whatever Shinjirou was saying as he asked.
"Well...I miiiight or might not be the one who once joked about that during class and gave the horny teenagers the idea. Changing the subject! I wasn't expecting you to be THIS popular with the ladies from the get-go! Guess the charm of a mysterious transfer student isn't something only found in movies or manga after all! Bwahahaha!"
"Hyahahaha! To be completely honest, the reason why the rest of the boys were glaring at me with such murderous intent is more up in my alley if you asked me! This place looks like is going to be so much fun! I should have enrolled in a school much sooner!"
"Bwahahaha! You never cease to impress Speedo! Guess Edgy now has a new rival for the ladies' attention eh? You are allowed to let loose and have fun anyway you want! But, be reasonable with classes and don't forget about our promise okay?" Shinji was grinning ear to ear as he slaps Bink in the back.
Setsuna eyes twitches lightly after watching their exchange.
"I knew it…" Setsuna whispers to herself.
With the two main reasons behind Aika's huge headache are suddenly found right behind her as she interrupts their conversation with a defeated sigh.
"What in the world are you two doing in here?"
"Oh! Ai-Chan! Set-Chan! I was just showing the place to your new classmate while on my way here! It kinda late to ask. But, was it ok of me to bring him along Set-Chan?"
"?" Confused, Aika turned her head back at her friend.
"Normally, I would much rather to spend whatever time we have together by just the two of us Sensei. But, this time is fine since today's topic involves him too."
"Me?" Bink pointed at himself in confusion.
"Just quit beating around the bush and just tell what is this all about already!" Losing the remainder of her patience, Aika imposes herself in front of Setsuna but the latter remains completely unfazed.
"Very well…" Setsuna slowly stood up from her chair, places it back against the desk with grace as she calmly gave the rest of the group a question:
"I'll be blunt, the three of you are hiding something aren't you?"
"‼" The group is taken aback by Setsuna's sudden question and failed to form an immediate response. She turns her head towards Bink and continues:
"I don't what you did to look so young. But, you are Sensei's friend from last month aren't you?"
"Wh-What are you talking about? Silly Set-Chan! Didn't you heard me introducing him in class and stated he is son of a friend? The reason why Speedo looks like Tracksuit-Kun is because it's his child!" Shinji was the first to step in and try to lie through his teeth.
"Physically looking like his parents would be one thing. But, your reasoning has a bunch of holes Sensei…"
Setsuna then glares at Bink, who was leaning his hand against a desk. She quickly picks something out of her skirt pocket and suddenly throws a mechanical pencil with deadly speed and precision as it pierces right through his hand.
"Gyuhh‼" Bink's body squirmed in pleasure but he kept a serene look in his face and refrained from furrowing his brows or grinning too widely. He buckles to one knee as Setsuna continued:
"…Firstly, he has the exact same name, talks and acts just like him personality-wise, even doing that same weird-ass pose. Secondly, it might have been for only a single day but I stuck around him for long enough that I would never this nasty feeling of discomfort that comes over me whenever he gets close to you. Lastly, I know you for a long time Sensei. Despite your perverted tendencies, you have never laid a single hand in not against a student under school grounds, regardless of gender for absolutely no reason unless it in the defense of another student or someone liable to damage school property. That is a line you have never crossed since the very first day I've laid eyes on you Sensei and that you consider it something sacred for some reason you never told us. The fact you just so naturally slapped his back the very moment you two came in is enough proof."
"Doesn't that mean that you are just jea- GYAHH‼" Setsuna quickly closes distance, twists the pencil on his hand before he is able to finish that sentence and returns to where she was in the manner of seconds.
"…" Shinji was so impressed by Setsuna's perceptive deductions and how much she knows about him that he found himself unable to answer her. Bink's soul was about to depart from this world and enter in a state of Nirvana in the meantime.
"Bu-But they know each other for long time Setsuna! He might have known him for as long he does us! I mean, even I have to we are one of the few exceptions for the Pig's self-placed boundaries! The same could be said here!" Aika finally stepped in, only for her friend to sigh again.
"I wasn't finished. I noticed you sneaking out a lot lately too Ai, sometimes with Sensei, of all people. You wouldn't follow him anywhere for nothing in this world unless A: something incredibly messed up was happening to your family or B: the world was about to end. Even then, I still have some my doubts if you would seek for Sensei's help or not. Considering that you are defending him further cements my point even further."
"…" Aika too was unable to assuage Setsuna's suspicions.
"Would you believe if I told that I am Bink II? Tracksuit is my father's first name and Sweatpants is my mother's-"
"Silence." Bink tries to stick his neck out but Setsuna cuts him off and aims a second sharp pencil at one of his feet. A small fountain of blood started bursting out of the wound. It seemed to have hit a vein.
"Gyuhh! Yes, ma'am…" Instead of screaming this time around, Bink lets out a soft moan out of his lips before complying. The pain seems to have him still kneeling in the same spot.
"You three are really not going to come clean unless I show you this huh? Here, I came across this while eating lunch in the rooftop. I nearly choked on my tabasco bread and passed out when I saw this." Setsuna picks up her phone, points the screen towards them and presses play on a video. Shinji, Nyamo and a scaly humanoid figure are shown inside a very familiar room.
It was Shinji's apartment. The time on the recording and the sunlight reflecting behind the window indicate it taken early this morning.
"Alright Speedo! Third time's a charm!"
"Yes Sensei! House of Mirrors! HURHH!" Bink takes a deep breath and slams the top of his head over floor. A layer of rubber covers him whole and creates something akin to a cocoon.
The shell suddenly started to crack and a young boy wearing Merry High's uniform breaks through its insides. That boy being the soon to be announced transfer student.
"Pwahh! I am never gonna get used to this suffocating feeling inside this thing! So? How do I look now Sensei?" He asks while posing with both his hands against his waist. His beauty had no equal and practically beamed before the morning sun.
"PERFECT! Can't believe we managed to make you look that male model the girls have been raving about and take a few liberties in only our third try!"
"Hyahahaha! It's the first time I try to transform without turning into the complete copy someone! I am also surprised that it was this easy! I only have to remember to tighten my sphincter at all times and not strain my face either or the transformation will be undone though…"
"So that's you have been that showing that smile that only a Buddha would make! At least it's easier than been pursued by Arcadia or other demons isn't it? Kittypaws! Let's show Speedo what's 'hard'!"
Nyamo was absent minded and paying attention at the two until Shinji called for her and Nyamo snapped out of it.
"Nya? Yes! Sensei! Nyamo! Magical Girl! Transform!"
The cat suddenly turns into a bright light and envelops the teacher. His profile starts to shine as the tank top and boxers he was wearing starts change shape. Turning into a frilly looking dress and a wand materializes on his hand right out of nowhere.
"At least you don't have to embarrass yourself and wear something silly like this, every time you need to fight someone! Bwahahaha!"
"Em? But that isn't a problem for me Sensei! I love frilly stuff like that! But, I admit. Keeping that sort of clothing while transformed is incredibly hard to maintain! So I tend to avoid wearing them.."
"Guess I should be taking pictures of you instead Akira then! I bet I can strike a fortune in the market with baby face like yours!"
"Ai-Chan or Boss would kill you two if either of them found out though…" Nyamo interjected.
"Urk! That's true…By the way, how are things back at Ai-Chan's place?"
"It has been quiet. I don't think she noticed me living back there just yet though. I had very few things to move into her attic now that I am free too so settling in was easy enough. If she complains or tries to kick me out, Agi-Chan gave me the order to stay there and protect her so I don't think she has a way out of this anymore either."
"Thank god that I managed to convince her to give that order somehow! I was about to run out of ideas with what I else could bribe her for to do that too...Woah! Look at the time! We are gonna be late if we don't skedaddle now!" Shinji undoes his transformation with Nyamo, quickly changes into one of his blazers and a striped panties patterned necktie in the span of four seconds. His image in the video changed into one of a blur until he finished changing and was done neatly pilling his glass bottles scattered all over the room into a corner and separates them from the burnable thrash.
"EH?! What about breakfast Nya?!" The first thing that sprung in Nyamo's mind.
"I can buy you some cat food, lasagna whatever you want on the way from a convenience store or something!"
"Really?! You're the best Sensei!"
"But, we won't have the time for that if you two keep asking me questions though!"
"Aye-aye Sir!" The two salute Shinji in response.
"Good! Let's move!" Shinji immediately storms out the door with his bag containing today's assignments and subject covered for today's classes. Cluttered to no end and filled to the brim with stacks and stacks of papers.
"NYAAHH! Sensei! You forgot to put on some pants again!" Nyamo runs after him with a pair of jeans in her mouth.
"Wait up Sensei! Your keys!" Bink follows in tow but locks the door for Shinji before going after them.
The video in Setsuna's phone finally ends after he lefts the apartment.
(That explains why was she got late for class…and why she has tissues in her nose…that idiot might actually have passed out from getting anemic after seeing the Pig in his boxers… either way…) Aika calmly rationalized to herself while staring the deep red-stained tissues hanging between Setsuna's nostrils.
"I've also finally realized that I was not going insane and the voices I kept hearing during that party and in this video comes from that stupid bird and Nyamo herself. Any more excuses you three would like to try and fool me?" Setsuna asks the sharpest and coldest of eyes.
"…" All three of them are rendered speechless and frozen on the spot.
(YOU MORONS‼!) Aika screamed so loud in her mind that you could swear to audibly hear it as if she said it out loud.
"OUCH!" She steps on Shinji's feet with tremendous force. Even one of the veins in her forehead almost threatens to pop out of there and hit her uncle a second time.
"Now hang on just a second! How did you managed to get your hands in that footage?!" Bink (who regained his senses and fully recovered from his injuries) and fires back with an inquisitive question of his own.
"Eh?" Sounds like Setsuna wasn't prepared for such a question either.
"I hate to agree to with him but Bink's right! Where did you found that?!"
"Th-That's because...I...um…I MAY or may not have hacked into one of Sensei's cameras from his Peeping Network…" Setsuna almost murmurs her admission of guilt.
"You what?!" Shinji panics and starts sweating profusely.
"Don't get me wrong Sensei! I only did for…uhm…safety! Yes! Safety reasons! If left too unprotected, people could manage find them and that spells doom for Sensei! You could be fired or worse, sent to jail! I only did it to point it out the flaws in your system and planned report them so you could fix and mend any hole in them Sensei!"
(I'm really not in the mood to be stuck in a small room with another dude for god knows how long and be deprived of woman or booze. Guess I should thank Set-Chan for doing this. She cares for me so much that she willing ignores my bad deeds! I couldn't ask for a better daugh-)
"Oji-chan! I love you! Oji-chan! I love you!"
Shinji's line thinking is suddenly interrupted by the ringtone of his phone having child Aika's voice and his stopwatch to vibrate.
"Nya!" The three look behind them and find Nyamo meowing at them. She points her chin towards outside and struts away.
"Would you look at that? Ai's boss is calling! I've been escorting Ai-Chan for her workplace lately! Apparently, she messed with some sketchy and scary thugs a few weeks ago! I have been by side just in case something went wrong. She didn't want to be seen with me so we sneak out. Set-Chan!"
"…" Setsuna glares at the teacher still trying to avoid telling the truth and pouts her cheeks. Shinji decided to give up and pats her head.
"Look, we can talk about this later. Her boss is not the kind of person who likes to wait. I promise to answer you any question surrounding this by the end of this week okay? Set-Chan?"
The warm smile he gave made Setsuna's heart skip a beat and lowered her gaze in order to hide her blushing face. Although, she didn't realize that her redness spread all the way into her ears.
"Yes, Sensei! Hehehe…"
"Did they forgot we were here or something?" Bink whispers at Aika.
"Just leave these two idiots alone and let's get moving. She probably won't bother us about our secret now that the Pig tamed her just like that…It's kinda pathetic for someone like her. But I guess I should be grateful for her simplicity this time around…" Aika shrugs before turning away from the classroom.
"Ops! Almost forgot!" She then records a voice note into her own phone.
"Remember to kill the Pig later and change his damn ringtone…"
The two left the scene while Shinji took a few more minutes pampering and sucking up to Setsuna until he managed to catch up to them…
*Knock! Knock! Knock!*
"It's open!"
At Agnicia's command, Aika tries opens the door of the new and small temporary Valkyrie Quarters made out of wood and clouds until they manage to gather enough Mana and materials to rebuild the place to the way it was before yesterday's Demon Purging Ritual.
However, her uncle stepped before she could reach for the doorknob again and waltzed inside as if he owned the place.
"Good evening girls! Agi-Chan! What are the colors of everyone's panties toda- EIGH!!"
Shinji is greeted with another one of Yale's hind legs to the face.
This time however, he managed to grab tone of the massive goat's feet inches away from his face, counters by throwing Yale hard on the floor (in a similar manner to the Amane's technique) and much like a professional wrestler, puts him in a chokehold.
The Sacred Beast tried to escape but couldn't gather enough strength to slip away from the position he was in.
"Give me a single 'Maaa!' and I'll let you go!"
"…" Yale decided to remain motionless and glared at Shinji with his regal, intimidating eyes. However, Shinji stayed strong before his gaze and reveals a snotty grim as he provoked him by stroking his bearded chin with his free hand.
"C'mon! Just a little yelp and you are fre- BLEH!"
An office chair suddenly goes flying and hits Shinji right in the face. He is sent flying and gets smashed between the chair and the support pillar right behind him.
"I appreciate if you didn't pestered others like that Sensei. Just because you have somewhat adapted to a Magical Girl lifestyle and the fact I look the other way for most your shenanigans doesn't means you can bully my partner and get away with it Sensei. You better keep that in mind next time." Agnicia states as she adjusts her orange-haired bang covering her left eye. Yale gets up and rests behind her.
His body was lightly twitching.
"Sensei!" Bink, Mammothhead, Nyamo and Karasu shouted his name at the same time and rushed to his aid.
"Are you okay? Can you see how many fingers am I showing you?"
"Fi…ve…" He weakly answers Mammoth's question.
"Let's check his memory too just in case! What are the two things you love the most?" Karasu lightly smacks his face with one of his wings.
"The math checks out! He's fine Nya!" Nyamo exclaims with a sigh of relief.
"Then one last question that only Sensei would know just to be sure! What is Ai-Chan's cup size?"
"That's…Ea…sy… minus…twelv-BLEGH!"
" HOW CAN YOU HAVE THE ANSWER TO THAT SO CONFIDENTLY AND WHY IS IT IN THE NEGATIVES ?! CARE TO EXPLAIN THAT HUH?! FILTH! THRASH! SCUM! " Aika began to huff smoke like a chimney as she repeatedly steps on her uncle's face, almost flattening it like a pancake.
Even the embodiment of the Sin of Lust and the former demon unanimously agreed in their minds that she was way more demonic than the two will ever be.
"We really can't a quiet day whenever you two decide to show up huh?" Crow stated as he easily lifted Aika by the armpits, away from the bloody pulp that remained of her uncle and a small puddle made of his own blood.
Karasu takes the opportunity to smear his face with an entire worth of a healing salve.
"You say that now but yall would miss my bullshit if something ever happened to me! Bwahahaha!"
Regenerating proved to be incredibly effective, even if the healing properties were to be taken into account. It wasn't supposed to heal this instantly and the amount damage Shinji surmounted under a minute would have incapacitated a normal person for the rest of the day.
"By the way, what are you wearing Edgy? You didn't seem the kind to wear sloppy clothes like that." Shinji points to the loose top, baggy pants Crow is wearing and harpoon in his hands. A scuba is hanging in his waist while a raincoat is tied around it. A fishing rod is leaning against the chair he was sitting on.
"I'm have a night shift helping in a tuna boat in about two hours. These are supposedly to be throw away once I get home."
(Why does it look you are about to go whale hunting then) Shinji thought to himself.
"Crow-San does seem like the person who would fight a shark with his bare hands…" Bink commented.
"That already happened twice in the past! The brat actually kept one of their teeth as a keepsake for Ayumu-Chan! The shark fin buns he made that day also tasted heavenly!"
"Really?! Huh. Maybe I should go shark wrestling next time I'm in the red-"
"I would like if we could put the pleasantries aside for now and start the meeting. shall we?" Agnicia intervenes with an imposing tone.
"Yes Ma'am!" Everyone in the room saluted. The Magical Girls took their orders and went outside to guard the place. Leaving all nine of them alone.
"I call you three here today because Mammoth finally agreed to provide us the info we wanted yesterday."
"You mean about the host of the Sin of Sloth?"
Everyone turned their eyes towards the man in question and he started to explain himself.
"Yeah. Just like Bink-San, I've met him on a forum about geeky stuff and talked about personal things. We shared a bit of ourselves and ended discovering to be a demon an hour after we talked. He was one who introduced me to Manga and encouraged me to write one too."
"Sounds like a swell guy so far."
"Yea. In fact, during last week we promised to meet in his house today and make plans on how to sell my manga. Way before I even planned to meet up with you Bink-San."
"I assume you have his address on hand then?" Crow asked.
"Yeah. I'm not sure why but, I have a hunch there is something wrong happening between him and Sloth though." Mammoth hands his cellphone to Shinji hesitantly.
"Relax Scribbles! I'm not going attack him out of the gate and-huh?" He suddenly comes to a halt and one his eyebrows rises while checking their exchanged messages.
(But this address is…) A smile blooms on Shinji's upon the realization of something.
"Agi-Chan! I would like to ask of your permission to let me handle this personally!" He suddenly turns serious, deeply bows and before begging the Valkyrie.
"Today's target is one of the Seven Deadly Sins. You might not get away unscathed or talk your way out of it like yesterday's mission."
"Then consider it as an extension of my first mission! I promise you that I will not fail!"
"You seem sure about this. Is there a reason why you are so determined?"
"There is. I happen to have some business in that address anyways." Shinji answered without faltering and showing complete confidence on himself. He did not look away from the Valkyrie's scrutinizing eyes for even a moment.
"Very well. I'll allow it. But, you better not comeback empty handed, losing a limb or anything like your last time." She sighed in response.
"You have my word on that."
"I'll stuck to him like glue and help Sensei if anything turns sou-"
"Sorry Speedo. But I'm going there with Aika alone this time."
"Eh?! But Sensei, we barely managed to defeat Mammoth yesterday. The enemy today is going to be twice as strong than him at minimum!"
"I have to prove that I am strong enough to protect Aika and deal with things on my own. You just focus on our promise in the meantime. I'll call you for help if things seem to spiral out of our control."
"But, you…I…alright Sensei." Bink couldn't find something to answer Shinji back and reluctantly accepted.
"We are going to strike while the iron is hot and go there right now! Let's go Ai-Chan! Nyamo! See yall soon!"
"Ye-Yeah!" Shinji looked a lot different all of a sudden and that puts everyone out of a loop.
*creak* The rusty hinges of the makeshift door noisily make sounds until it eventually closes. Leaving only Mammoth, Bink, Crow, Agnicia and their two Sacred Beasts.
"Well, I have a lot of work to do and manuscript to write! Also a lot of stuff to pack! Sensei showed me a cheaper and bigger place in the same building you two live in! So, if you excuse me-" Mammoth tries to stand up but Crow stops him from doing so.
"We still have businesses to talk about. Keep seated you two."
"Okay…" Bink and his friend look each other in the eye, they knew whatever the two veterans waited to talk until Shinji left was not a good sign.
"I'll be blunt. Both me and Hide are aware that you know more about the Blackheart Calamity than you two let on."
"…" The two knew they couldn't keep a secret like that for long but didn't expected to be found out overnight and remained silent.
"We have no idea why either of you would lie at this point. If it were up to me, I would force some answers out of you. But, our hands are tied since we promised Sensei not to go about without his approval. We can't to afford to lose an asset like him during these turbulent times. But we expect you two to help with EVERYTHING else that happens today onwards. Did I made myself clear?"
"Yes Ma'am!"
"There is also another reason for this and you of all people should know why Mammoth-Kun."
"We trusting you in order to honor the selfless sacrifice Sensei made for you yesterday. Dealing with a human like you now would go against Arcadia code of conduct anyways. Similarly, to our friend Bink here, we are granting you amnesty for his all efforts. Keep that in mind and don't disappoint us in the future when we need you. That is all. This meeting is over."
"YES MA'AM!" With that, everyone goes their own way. Leaving Agnicia alone in the room.
(Now then, how am I supposed to go about this?) She stares at her cellphone screen. A message was sent to her a few minutes ago while it was in silent mode.
{The shareholders meeting went so well that Usami-Kun finally gave us the A-OK to take the day-off this Saturday! Take notes for whatever you need help with in Arcadia and demon related stuff beforehand so we can be done with it fast and surprise everyone later! Love, Your big sis!}
"Where the hell are we going?" Aika asks her uncle impatiently. Nyamo is resting on top of her head.
They have been walking non-stop for almost two hours since they returned from the portal and going over hills from the district which has the wealthiest residents of the city.
"You'll see it when we get there. It's right after the next catwalk." It was the first thing Shinji had said ever since they left Arcadia. He has been texting back and forth with someone on his phone and unusually quiet since then.
"Mind at least explaining yourself? I still don't have a clue where we are going or even doing here!"
"Perfect timing! Just like Fujisaki-San said! She's over right over there!"
"Listen to me for a damn secon- buh!" Aika suddenly bumps into someone and bites her tongue.
"Watch you are going you fucking pric-eh?" The person in front of her was a massive man in black suit and wearing sunglasses. He twice as big as her, almost on par with her father. Aika looked ahead of her and found four more men like just like him ahead of her and fell silent out intimidation due to their sheer size.
Shinji however, held his breath briefly and easily walks past them unnoticed and reaches for the woman in front of a fenced gate, in front an incredibly large and tall mansion. She was about to close the gates behind her when he politely pokes her over the shoulder.
"Excuse me. Mrs. Sekihara?" Shinji was talking so softspoken and formally out of a sudden that Aika was so surprised, that she had a hard time realizing it was coming from her usually very vulgar uncle.
The woman folded the very expensive looking fan in her hands. She folded it with grace as she turned around and immediately smiles once recognized the man standing behind her.
To put it bluntly, she was drop dead gorgeous, even without makeup, a model would have a hard time outmatching her. She was wearing an intricate black silk dress, a peacock feathered hat and had an air of elegance and royalty about her.
"Hm? Oh! Shinjirou-Sensei! Long time no see!"
Finally noticing Shinji presence, the guards quickly reached for their pistols hidden inside their blazers but the lady motions them to stop at the last second.
She tries to cordially bow before him but Shinji stops her before she is able to lean further.
"Please Mrs. Sekihara! The pleasure is all mine! Akin to aged wine, the years have only served you even more prettier since the last time we've met! No painting could ever hope to capture your beauty and grace! To be remembered by a woman of such high caliber like yourself is an immense reward in and of itself!" Shinji slowly kneels in one knee before her and even takes her hand to kiss it.
"Oh my! What a gentleman! I see that your smooth talking hasn't dulled with time at all! I suppose you might have heard that I'm a married woman again now! If only you came about three years ago..." She blushes and giggles like a schoolgirl as she says that.
"Bwahahaha! Surely you jest Mrs. Sekihara! If I may, a stunning woman such as yourself would be wasted with the likes of me!" Even Shinji's noisy laughter now had a kinder and delicate tone. A stark contrast from what it tends to be.
"Fufufu! Please don't make such a troubled, cute face when you say that and sell yourself so short Sensei! I won't be able to resist the urge to gobble you up right here and now otherwise..." The lady reveals a twisted smile and looks him deep in the eye. She then seductively licks her lips as she expresses such bold statement without a shred of hesitation.
"Hahahha..." Shinji scratches his nose bashfully as he pretends to look the other way.
(Setsuna-San would be fuming by now if she caught wind of this nya! God forbid if she actually saw this happen in person...) Nyamo thought to herself when looking at the three while hiding inside Aika's backpack.
"But, on a more serious note. What do I own your visit?"
"As you might be aware already. Sei has enrolled to Merry High but, haven't went to class a single time since the term began. Now that he is a student of mine legitimately means I act like a proper teacher this time around and fulfill the promise I did for you, the former Mr. Sekihara and Sei himself."
"Please do Shinjirou-Sensei! That boy always a been kind of an introvert but it has been five months since he even left his room for anything and doesn't listen to what anybody has to say! If anyone can drag him back to society, it should be you! Oh shoot! I'm going be late for my stepdaughter's recital! Please help yourself with whatever we have in the fridge and help my Sei mature to a splendid man such as yourself!"
She hands Shinji a set of keys before entering the luxurious car parked in across the street, guarded with a row of bulky bodyguards. The car was fully plated with gold and diamonds in its wheels. The windows made of bulletproof glass and taped with black cover, making it hard to actually see anything inside from the outside.
"I will do my absolute best! You have my word Mrs. Sekihara!" Shinji deeply bows again and only rise up after the car has completely disappeared in the distance. The guards that remained either returned to the mansion or entered other cars and followed their client.
He turns his head back at Aika and Nyamo. Showing the keys in his hand and smiled:
"Hehehe! Looks like my silver tongue still works! I still might have some game after all!" He says that with a devious smile as he dangles the keys in front of them.
"What in the hell was that all about?!"
"Hm? I thought I told you that before. I also give private lessons whenever I have the time or gets too behind with rent. Sei was one of the very firsts students I gave lessons but we haven't seen each other for about two years since then."
"I don't give a damn about that! What in the hell was that all about?! You almost sounded like a responsible adult for a second!"
"Hey! Even I can actually responsible every once in a- Bwahahaha! Sorry! I couldn't finish that sentence while keeping a straight face! Seriously though, I try to do my best when I'm in work mode outside the school. Gaining a parent's trust and have their approval to guide them toward the right path is the bare minimum a teacher has to show."
"What are we even doing here then?! I thought we going to the address that wimpy Mammoth gave you!"
"We did." The teacher closed the gate behind and as walked towards the doorway.
"Huh?" The two follows behind Shinji as he pushes the intercom without pressing onwards.
The sullen voice of a young boy answers:
"Who is it?! I'm busy with something right now and my parents are away! So, be quick! I have no interested in whatever you are selling if you are a salesman! I have no gripes with sending the hounds on one again!"
Shinji suddenly pinches his nose before answering and the voice of a very sensual and seductive charm only an older woman would make comes out of his lips.
"Ara-Ara Sei-Chan! How mean! Have you forgotten about l-i-t-t-l-e old me already?"
"That voice…alright. It's open. C'mon in!" Followed by a loud ring, the door in front of them opens. Revealing a large elevator inside.
"Thanks! You are such a good boy Sei-Chan!"
"Hmfph!" He ends the call instead of answering.
"Phew! Looks like I still got it! It has been a while since I last did my Lady Violet impression so I was worried that it was rusty for a second there! " Shinji exasperates with relief as he presses the button for the twenty-fifth floor.
"I'm going to sound like a broken record at this point. But, care to explain what this was all about?" Aika takes a massive deep breath and presses her against her forehead before asking.
"That is our target! Hopefully we can talk things out before it gets ugly."
"Gee! Thanks for the head up! But I wasn't talking about that!"
"Oh? You mean that voice? It's just from a maid character I once voice acted in a hen…I mean, family friendly anime! Don't ask!"
"…" Aika stares at her uncle rather dubiously.
"Don't give me that look! It was a one-time thing and easy cash! Besides, the pay was so good that it was supposed to keep the landlord off my back for five months! If only I didn't crossed that damned pachinko parlor that day…"
"You really are disgusting…"
"Say what you will about me but that was what paid for your eighth birthday present sweetie!"
"WHAT?! I will never look at Nebula-Tan the same way ever again…" The incredibly large, custom tailored, sixteen feet stuffed whale Aika has in her room would be placed in her attic later that night. The same place where many others things from her dark past (such as the many things that her uncle bought for her when she was little, are stashed away) and became Bink's new bed. Never to be seen the light of day again…
- In Serial56 Chapters
After Life
The full story is still on this site for free! But now you can purchase the edited/fully polished Kindle/Paperback version if you so feel inclined. https://www.royalroad.com/amazon/B09P26HVDQ Armageddon, everyone dies. Certain people called Ultrasapiens come back to life with superpowers. Who are you, what power do you have, and why? That is the question I asked of my friends. They told me their idea and I wrote them into this story. Feel free to leave a comment of your character's ability. I'd love to add them in! - In the near future scientists have discovered a very real threat to the earth brought on by massive solar flares. With anarchy spreading, the governments of the world have banded together in order to prepare for the worst. Building disaster vaults, and designating safety zones in order to protect lawful citizens and the world's elites. After a chain of catastrophic events beings known as Ultrasapiens, arise from the ashes of the old world. In essence, they are a transcendence of human evolution fused with a primal will of instinct. These individuals are able to reclaim their physical selves, to pursue a road laid out before them by something bigger than us all. Struggling to piece together everything that happened, the Ultrasapiens learn that there is much more to the universe than ever thought possible. They will discover the key role that they, and the Earth truly play for the future. Two forces strive for dominance. One encourages the will of natural growth, letting the universe flow to its own design. The other controls with a forceful manipulation, shaping reality to a designed outcome. Religion is met with science, faith met by truth, and fiction with reality.
8 188 - In Serial93 Chapters
The Legend of The Grandmaster
Yu Xiaogang's fate changes after a particular incident! Will he continue to suffer? or Will he defy his original fate and reign supreme? Disclaimer: The author does not own anything. Douluo Dalu belongs to the original creator Tang Jia San Shao
8 211 - In Serial68 Chapters
The Calamity of a Dungeon Crawl
Udon Kubo, a game and AI programer who has spent most of his life severely physically and mentally bullied, he suddenly finds himself in a situation where he witness’s his own death, or so he thought. He discovers he has awaken up in a new world, a dungeon crawl world, it doesn’t take long for the ways of his old life to come into his new life. Udon is soon alone, betrayed and on the verge of another death, with no one to turn too, and no way to get back to his world, he is left with only a Crystal Clear Gem. Now, Udon must climb the Dungeons floors to get the revenge he so desperately craves. {New Chapter Mon & Thu}
8 207 - In Serial60 Chapters
Another World and I'm still rich?
This is the story about Colin Tyccus, a Pro-Gamer who also has an interest in the Otaku part of Japan... Colin Tyccus is a very rich person due to winning a lot of tournaments with high rewards. Now... He is transported to another world. How will he react to this world?
8 149 - In Serial12 Chapters
B1nary Bl00d
Hello everybody, BoredNerdBooks here. In this web novel I bring back to life the story Binary blood. For those of you who have read the Original, my story operates with the same basic premise but with a few changes like who the main character is and to how the LitRPG, mission, shop, and classes work.(I made them more powerful) And now to the real synopsis. So a weird day starts when you wake up in an escape pod hurtling towards a planet with no idea how you got there. A terrible day is when you get attacked by weird semi-robotic monsters. And an absolutely AWESOME day ends with you getting superpowers because of it. Many thanks to The Irregular for giving me permission to write this. Also, I do not own the cover image if whoever owns it wants it down contact me and I will replace it.
8 174 - In Serial23 Chapters
risk it all ─ jasper hale. iii ✓
RISK IT ALLi'll risk it all for the ones i love©cuIIenshaIetwilight eclipse
8 188