《The Magical Girl Substituting me is...my Uncle?!》Fiery First Mission
The rendezvous point Bink and his friend decided to meet was the national park in the center plaza. A very busy area at this time of day and jam-packing with people. Unlike the one in front of Shinji and Crow's apartment. This isn't like that rundown place. Quite the opposite actually.
The morning sun shines in all its glory. Reflected in the beautifully made marbled sidewalk. All kinds of breathtaking trees and gorgeous flowers of all kinds are raised in it. A personal project Aika's father managed make into fruition with the governor and the city hall's funding nine years ago.
A bunch of food stalls, couples or people walking their pets can be seen at every corner. The place is known to be a hot dating spot between lovers after all.
Bink (now transformed into the same adult human form he previously showed before. But wearing a trench coat like Aika demanded him. Stating that a tracksuit in one of the wealthiest parts of the city would call too much attention) is sitting at a bench. Nervously looking at the toy watch Shinji gave him as a joke a week ago. It became a personal treasure of his.
At the nearest intersection are Aika and Nyamo. Hiding in some bushes, observing him with the pair of binoculars and the two walkie-talkies that her uncle just happened to have with him for reasons he decided to remain silent no matter how much his niece shook him for answers.
"This is Cat-ears speaking. Can you hear us Nya? Over!"
Bink picks up the device inside his coat as he answers.
"Whip-me-good here! Loud and clear! Where's Panty-Sniffer? Over!"
"We looked away for a second and he was gone before we realized Nya! Over!"
(Why did I allowed these two idiots to plan the ambush again? I can even tell Nyamo is starting to enjoy their stupid dynamic and getting swept in their flow too…)
Aika rubs her nose as she flagellates herself for the blunder until something incredibly cold suddenly drips over her neck and she drops her walkie in the ground.
"HYAA‼!" She jumps out of the bush and screams surprised so much that Aika felt goosebumps run all over her body.
"Torn Stockings here! My bad everyone! I was hungry! So I went and bought some food for us! Here ya go Kittypaws! Ai-Chan! My treat!"
He casually says while handing the two corndogs in one hand towards and holding a wet cold beer can with the other. The culprit in startling Aika.
"Yay! I love you Sensei‼" Nyamo pounces and devours his offering. Skewers included.
"Easy now Kittypaws! The other one was meant to for Ai-Chan!" The teacher tries to speak in an admonishing tone but it sounds weak when he says that as he squats and rubs the cat's back as she scarfs the remainder of the last corndog.
Shinji then stands, chugs the remaining of his beer and throws at the trash bin right next to them. Aika still has her face downcast and complete in silence.
"Pwah! Nothing like a cold beer in the morning! I usually try to avoid since I am usually in the school at this hour but I couldn't resis-GWEH!"
His face was struck with a high kick with so much force that his body comically flipped upside down in the air before landing on his neck, done by none other than his own niece. At the same his back faces the floor. Aika follows up and choke him before he being capable of reacting.
If it was any other regular person on the receiving end of it would have their skulls crushed into pieces by now. A testament to how physically strong Aika still is even without her powers and how durable her uncle still is.
"Ti-Tim…time…out…can't…breathe…" The teacher was blue in the face as he flailed his limbs helplessly while trying to break free. His head looking like it would pop at any second.
"Ai! Stop! Sensei is going to die Nya!"
"Who cares about this criminal sack of shit?! Nobody is going to miss him! Let him rot in hell!" Aika tightened her grip against his neck as she yelled.
"People are starting to look our way! Think about the mission Nya!"
Hearing the cat's desperate plea and prodding with her small paws. Aika came to her senses and realized that many people were staring at the three causing a scene with visible concern.
"I uhm… er…" She lets go of her uncle while trying to formulate an explanation or excuse to dismiss their suspicion but that results in nervously shaking her hands for no reason.
By the moment Aika turned her head towards the crowd. Her uncle had already slipped away from her clutches without her noticing and replaced it with a dead tree branch instead.
Seemingly unfazed by his niece attacks (even the purple spot on his forehead left by her kick was already gone by time he got up) and quickly reassured everyone that was nothing wrong with him.
"Nothing to see here everyone! Move along now! We are just rehearsing for a school play! It's called Snow White Panties and the Seven Piglets! Please come to Merry High next month if it catches your interest! Bwahahaha!"
Going along with the lie he planned on the spot somehow managed to assuage the crowd in under a minute and they dispersed. The group then prone behind the bushes again when nobody else was looking at them anymore.
"Phew!" That was close! Thanks for the save Kittypaws! I owe you one!"
"Consider that my gratitude for the food Sensei!"
"I should start carrying cat food with me at all times then…" He them stretches his neck before crouching inside the bushes with the group again.
"…Still! It has been a while since the last time you strangled me like this hard Ai-Chan! I think the last time was a year ago! Back when I accidentally told Yozo your cup si-" He suddenly covers his mouth before finishing that sentence.
"Huh?!" Aika glares at him with immense bloodthirst and cracks her knuckles.
"Ne-Never mind! I'm not in the mood for another asphyxiation play…How's the current situation Striped Panties? Any sight of the target? Over!"
Shinji tried to change the subject fast as he could and picked up the device off the floor.
"Negative! No sight of the him just yet Maid-lover!"
"Got it! Keep us posted Ball-gag! Over!"
(What is even the point of keeping aliases if you don't stick it to them and change them every five seconds? These idiots are just messing around again…)
"By the way…" Nyamo suddenly hops onto Shinjirou's shoulder and gently puts a scarf around his neck in order to the marks Aika left on it while she popped a question.
"I've been wondering this for a while now. But, how are we going to find out how Bink-San's friend is going to look like Nya?"
"What do you mean Kittypaws?"
"I mean, isn't he going to be disguised between humans as well? We don't even know what he looks like!"
"Shit, you' right! We have no idea about his actual name either!" Aika felt stupid for not realizing it sooner and have Nyamo of all people to point it out something this obvious.
It wasn't only her magic that was severely weakened. Aika began to notice that her sharp focus and fast thinking were starting to lose its edge as well.
"Did you guys forgot already? His name is Mammothhead!" Bink answer from the other side of the line.
Aika answers in anger as she takes the device off her uncle's hands.
"You moron! That's probably just his online handle! We have to figure out a way to find him quickly before-Gyeh!" Aika suddenly bit her tongue and her eyes widened in surprise after finding something with her binoculars.
Noticing her reaction, the other two behind her puts their binoculars too and tried to find whatever Aika had saw. It didn't take even five seconds to find it.
"Welp! Guess we found our target!" Shinji snickers as he says that.
"Nyahahaha! No way!" Nyamo couldn't help but giggle at what she saw.
In the distance, there was a short and very thin man in a suit carrying a briefcase. There was nothing in particular that made him stand out from the rest of the crowd…if it weren't for the fact that his entire head was replaced with the same extinct mammal which his name derived from. Not a single passerby seemed to be bothered by his appearance or paid him any mind at all as he walks amongst them and makes his way towards Bink.
The man suddenly stops behind Bink and quietly asks him a question right out of nowhere.
(What are they doing?) Aika thought to herself.
"Why did God abandoned this realm?"
After subtly looking around him. Bink carefully turned off his walkie-talkie before answering the question.
"What the hell are you doing?" Aika whispers into her uncle's ear.
"Weird. The signal got cut all of a sudden…" Shinji checks the batteries of the device and they turn their attention towards it, failing to notice Bink turning his head back at the man.
"…Because he was afraid how far the one who loved humans the most would go to be with them."
He then immediately proceeds to turn his walkie back on right afterwards. Looks like it was some sort of code between the two.
"Ah! The signal is back!"
Since their exchange was so subtle and fast, the three spying on them didn't noticed anything suspicious or particularly strange about it.
"I see…it really is you…" The man then circles around and stands right in front of Bink.
"It is an honor to meet you in person Bink-Sama!" The demon respectfully bows before him.
Bink stumbled a bit before returning the gesture. With exception of Shinji, he wasn't used to others treating him as nicely.
"The feeling is mutual Mammoth-Kun! I would never have expected to find another demon who feels the same way I do about humans!"
"Guess makes us kindred demons right?" The man in the suit smiled as he spoke.
"Of course! Speaking of it, forgive my surprise! But, I am honestly shocked to find that nobody is paying any attention to how you look! Last time, I tried to walk around in my natural form, people labelled me a pervert and called the cops!"
(That's because it's exactly how you act and look like. Moron…) Aika quietly mutters to herself.
"Oh, this? It's just a small misdirection spell mixed with illusions! They are built in a way that can subconsciously circumvent the perception and self-awareness of others. It's definitely nothing compared to the only demon of the Seven Deadly Sins who managed to escape the Seven Heroes grasp!"
"Hyahahaha! You praise me too much…" Bink nervously laughs.
As the two laugh and exchange more small talk. The trio still hiding in the bushes overhears their conversation through the speakers.
"They sure are getting along right off the bat…"
"Is someone getting jealous over here, Sensei?" Nyamo teases the man she is clinging onto his shoulder.
"Nah! I'm just happy he is allowing himself to open up with others since he always kept a safe distance from what he told me. So, don't play cheeky with me Kittypaws!" He playfully pulls on her ear in response.
"Enough playing around you two! We have to pay attention to find a chance to step in and capture that thing!"
"Jeez! Relax a little Ai-Chan! They aren't going anywhere without us!"
"What he said Nya! We can do this as long we…Nya?" Nyamo suddenly stopped speaking. Her pupils sharpen while her tail started to swipes left and right repeatedly.
"Hm?" The uncle and his niece take a look behind them to whatever Nyamo was staring at.
They happen to find a tiny yet beautiful purple butterfly fluttering high in the air.
(Don't she/Kittypaws intend to…) The two have thought at the same time as Nyamo positioned herself like predator about to pounce at its prey.
"Nyaa‼!" She meows loudly and jumps at butterfly who began to move away from her.
"Kittypaws! Wait up!"
"You idiot!"
They tried to catch the cat before she got too far. But, Nyamo had too much of a head start and their hands reached nothing but the air instead. They jump out of the bushes and went after the cat.
Meanwhile, Bink and Mammothhead were still talking with each other.
"Would mind join me for a cup of coffee Bink-Sama? I would love for you give me advice with 'that'" The man lifts his briefcase and pats it.
"There's no need for formalities Mammoth-Kun! You can just call me Bink or even insult me if you want! I personally would prefer the latter over the former if it were up to me but I'll leave it up to you!"
"Got it um…Bink-San!"
"Fantastic! Now let's get that coffee you-BLEH!"
Bink was suddenly tackled hard in the back by a pair of people holding a certain tabby cat in their arms. His eyes were swirling around while buried beneath them.
"My bad Speedo! Nyamo saw a butterfly and got excited-"
"Get off me shithead! You're too heavy!"
Aika shouted as she kicks her uncle, who was on top of her, high into the air.
"Don't worry about me! Are you guys alright?"
He offers his hand towards Shinji and helps him stand up while Aika shakes the dirt off her skirt.
"I take you guys know each other?"
"Who? We? Uh…"
(Shit! I was so focused on Nyamo that I completely forgot about the mission!)
Aika was panicking in the inside. But Bink suddenly stepped in and introduced them.
"You could say they are my servants! They have been helping me get settled in amongst them in exchange for allowing them the honor to serve me!"
"HUH?! What are you talking about asshat?! Did you hit your head on the fall and made stupider or some- Mhpf!" Shinji quickly muffles her mouth and whispers in her ear.
"Shhh!! Just play along for now…"
Realizing now what they were planning at. Aika nodded, managed to find a way to bottle her anger somehow and silenced herself before the situation.
"Allow me introduce them! The little girl is Ai-Chan! She's a bit of a Tsundere and I LOVE how smacks me around every now and then! So please ignore her words and volatile outbursts! She's still a nice girl on the inside!"
"Ni-Nice to meet you…"
(Just endure it for now! You can always deck him for this later…)
While Aika was bowing with grace. Her left eye was twitching with anger.
Bink then casually put his arm over Shinji's shoulder and points to his face.
"This one here is a man I love like a brother! We speak as if we knew each other for years, despite only being for little over a month actually! But we resonated at a spiritual level from the moment we met! I call him Sensei!"
Instead of introducing himself, Shinji returned the gesture by putting his other hand over Bink's shoulder as well and pokes him in the cheek with the other.
"Wow! Didn't knew you had your words like that Speedo! The reason why you are still single is a mystery to me!"
"Hyahaha! Give me a break Sensei! That aren't that many men or women who matches or even delves in the same tastes that I have!"
(Nya? Men or women? Doesn’t this mean you are…)
"Only because you are looking in the wrong places! I can help you get lucky and wet that noodle of yours in a single day if you just asked! Bwahahaha!"
Shinji makes an obscene gesture as he places his thumb between his index and middle finger while laughing heartily.
“For real?! You’re the best!”
"Ahem!" Aika clears her throat forcefully.
"Woops! We got too carried away in our adult talk! Sorry! The next one is their magical housecat! Nyamo!"
"Nyace to meet you!" She extends one of her paws while Aika internally cringes because of that pun.
"I didn't know you had servants! It is a pleasure to meet you-Urk!" Before he managed to shake Nyamo paw. Mammothhead suddenly froze and all color left his face.
"Nya?" Nyamo tilts her head in confusion.
(This fur pattern…dazzling aura and mana pressure…there is no mistake…but it can't be…)
Letting his eyes fixated at the floor with his face downcast. Mammothhead carefully steps back and asks Bink another question.
"Bink-San…Does the name Demon Hunter reminds you of anything?"
"Hm? Demon Hunter? Let me see…hmm…" Bink crosses his arms and stares at sky while furrowing his brow.
(Demon hunter Nya? That sounds familiar…but I can't remember why…) Nyamo tried to remember where she heard that name but couldn't draw a conclusion.
"I do remember being chased down by someone who went by that title but that was ages ago. Even her face is hard to picture…"
"Then, let me ask you another question. Are you being forced to go after me because of Arcadia?"
"!" Everyone was so shocked by the sudden question that they didn't knew how to answer.
"I knew it!" Mammoth pushed the teacher and demon away from him with his trunk and made a run for it. Shoving aside anyone who got in his way.
"After him! We absolutely cannot afford to lose him!" Aika quickly picked them up and pursued his trail.
"Go-Got it!"
The four split up and started their chicken chase all over the city…
It has been over two hours since their frantic chase of the man in a suit and his oddly shaped head.
Aika ended up bumping into Bink in one of the alleyways.
"Any sign of him?"
"None just yet!"
"Fuck! So much for acting as our radar! You're useless!" Aika slams her fist against the wall.
"He is twisting the feeling of his physical presence with the help of his illusions! I can't help it!"
The walkie-talkie in Bink's pocket suddenly turned it on and Shinji's voice came out of it.
"This is Transparent Nightgown and Cat-Ears! Can anyone hear me?"
Bink quickly picked up and answered.
"Loud and clear Sensei!"
"Perfect! Is Foul-mouth with you?"
Aika takes device from Bink's hands and shouted.
"Just listen to us Nya! We are still hot on the target's trail! He is making his way towards the abandoned docks! I can safely transform with Sensei there and we corner the target if he enters one of them!
"What Kittypaws said! Meet us up there!"
"Got it! Let's go Ai-Chan!"
"Tch! Fine!"
Half an hour has passed since the call happened. With the help of Bink literally paving the way towards the docks by drilling into the ground with Katars, they managed to get there faster than Shinji and their target.
Currently waiting for them at one of the warehouses in dock #15 like Shinji had instructed. Bink and Aika were prepared to stop Mammothhead no matter what.
"Here they come!" Bink shouts and waves his arms at the other end of warehouse where Aika was keeping watch.
"Ok!" She nods and then takes cover behind one of the many stacks of boxes on a corner and ready to press the button on the wall behind her that will cause to drop down all the emergency shutters inside.
Bink made sure that was nobody nearby but still put on barrier around the place just to be safe. He also tried to find Crow but couldn't detect his presence anywhere despite getting the feeling they are still being watched.
"Get away from me!"
Mammothhead tried to launch himself high into the air with the help of his trunk but Shinji manages to grab it before it left the ground.
"Not so fast! DORYAHH!" Holding his trunk firmly in his arms and with a war cry. Shinji spins in place and throws Mammothhead at the warehouse's direction."
"Magical Girl! Transform!" Nyamo uses the momentum to quickly fuse with Shinji and transform herself into a wand while his clothes change into the usual frilly dress.
The demon quickly crashes into a yacht covered in a dusty sheet at the center of the warehouse.
Hearing his command, Aika presses the button and her uncle slides inside with such dexterity that belies against his plump appearance. All from just inches away from the shutters hitting with his face and possibly cutting it off clean.
"Mammoth-Kun! Just listen to us! We don't wish to fight you! I don't want to fight you!"
"You are still trying to say that after they just did?!" He throws a large crate at his direction while Bink dives to the side.
"Speedo is right! We just want to talk!"
"Get away! I don't believe in any of you!" The floor below him reveals a magic circle and Mammothhead speaks in the same foreign language that the Magical Girls uses.
"Lighting Spear!" Multiple jolts of electricity began to gather into the air. Taking shape of a sharp stake, they fly towards the two.
"Woah!" The two manages to dodge but the explosion that happened once they touched the floor caused a bit of damage against them.
Shinji hits a ceiling light before falling down.
(Shit!) He fell on top of glass shards and felt his shirt getting stained with red and moist . While pain was bearable, Shinji immediately realized that his reactions and reflexes were slowed because of the impact and guessing that one of his rib were possibly broken.
"Speedo! Time for some teamwork! We are doing formation #9!"
"Understood Sensei!" Bink locked his feet side to side and firmly put his arms around his waist.
Instead going towards the bolt throwing demon. Shinji dashed at Bink's direction and grabbed him in one hand like he was some sort of javelin. The two then shouts the name of the technique together:
"Lustful Teacher Special Technique #9: Bink's Torpedo!"
In the blink of an eye, Bink is thrown like a dart and crashes against Mammoth's torso and he is pushed into hitting the yacht a second time.
Bink's skull and bones, tempered to be harder than diamonds over the constant abuse over hundreds if not thousands of years made the otherwise silly move into a very deadly technique. Combined with the teacher's superhuman strength, it was like being ran over by five trucks at once.
One of the tusks on his head fell due to overwhelming power behind said move.
Mammothhead slowly stands up while holding one of his shoulders. His business suit was left in tatters.
"Please stop for a moment and listen to us already! We are not your-Aika?! What are you doing?!"
Turning his head away from their enemy for a second. Shinji finds his niece trying to conjure a faint magic circle. Her wrists locked together as she chants:
"Oh, Fires of Creation! Hear my call! Lend me the power to scorch down my enemies! In return, they will return into your being as embers! Ignite! Cinder!"
“Wha…” Aika tries to cast a powerful magical spell but only smoke trails and sparks fizzles out of her hands.
Realizing she is the weak link of the group, Mammothhead turned his attention towards her.
"If I'm going down! It won't be alone! Watch and learn little girl! This is fire!" Mammothhead takes a deep breath with his trunk and his belly inflates as he retaliates her failed attack with another.
"Snoutfire!" A large wave of flames suddenly comes out of his trunk and makes its towards Aika.
(Shit!) Shinji thought to himself.
"Ai-Chan/Ai!" Both Bink and Nyamo desperately called for her. Bink was the only one who ran against the cone of concentrated flame going her way.
"Sensei! What are you doing?! We have to go and save Ai! Hey Sensei! SENSEI!"
However, no matter how loud she yelled or shook him from the inside. Shinji's legs were stuck in place. In fact, his entire body simply stopped. Even Nyamo's voice was distant and drowned between his thoughts. The swaying wall of flames reflected in his eyelids and intense feeling of heat were the only things crossing Shinjirou's mind.
"HONEY! We are alive! Please stop! I beg of you! Please stop! You need treatment! There's no need to kill them! Remember your promise! Please don't abandon us! HONEY!"
He remembers the faint voices of a woman hugging him close to her chest under a pile of debris. He couldn’t move his head or body, which felt much thinner and smaller than it used to be and his vision was blurry.
as the tears running down her face fell on his while she screamed so hard and for so long that woman began to cough up blood. The red moon in the sky gave him disturbing feelings.
"Ho...ney…" Even then, that didn't stop the woman from continuing her desperate pleas.
"Raiga-San! Please spare me! I have a family too! I can pay for it! Just name your pri-Ahh‼
The monster mercilessly pierces through a man’s heart with his bare hands.
“Stay away!” A second person shoots with his pistol but the beast dodges them easily and grapples him.
“AHH!!” The man tries to say something after he shivers in terror and glows a bright red until the creature sinks his teeth into his shoulder as he severs his whole arm with a savage and sharp chop
Another victim was made every five seconds as they scream in terror, beg for their lives or tried to fight the monster, failing miserably and paying with their lives. The spreading fire barring all exits only made the situation more menacing and into a hellish landscape.
He remembers the searing heat burning through his skin, the thick stench of blood, burnt flesh and death permeating the air alongside the smoke filling his lungs as all he could see was the afterimage of a figure covered in blood and wounds as he torn many men apart in indiscriminate wrath on top of a mountain made of their corpses.
Black and red jolts of electricity crackled around the ruthless beast’s body which sometimes escaped, randomly destroying anything or anyone unfortunate enough to be struck by it. The monster moved so fast that no features on his face could be seen until it was too late, likely being the last thing one would ever see again.
His large silver mustache and hair shimmered under the moonlight were standing on all ends and had a reddish glint on them. The facial hair on his face looked as if they were was a pair of fangs. No matter how much he was shot at or stabbed. The creature did not stopped his one-sided carnage. Instead, he moved forward and continued to brutally beat another victim, rinse and repeat.
Despite being on a murderous spree, most of the monster's howls were not out of anger but of pain.
His body was covered in numerous wounds and the blood splattered on him from top to bottom which was mostly from his own. The state the figure currently was far from what you could call a human. There was no doubt in Shinji's mind that even demons would probably be very afraid of whatever the monster was.
"Sen…sei…" Those fears and memories deeply rooted inside Shinji's heart and mind began to seep further and resonated within Nyamo's very core. She went silent and started to enter into a similar trance to his.
(I won't make it in time and Sensei is acting weird! Dammit! There's no other way! I will have to use 'that'!)
Still running desperately. Bink closes his eyes for a moment, removes his trench coat and shirt while he tries to reach for something that Bink had kept it tucked away in the deepest corners of his soul...
(Am I…going to die here? Just like this? No way…) Aika fell on her knees as the cone of flames grew closer and closer. She closes her eyes and waits for the inevitable.
"Ai-Chan‼‼" Bink suddenly floated towards her in incredible speed and turned his back at the flames.
The fires suddenly move past them from the sides as large translucent barrier is placed in front of them. Aika opens her eyes to find Bink shielding her. His back revealing three large black eyeballs with green pupils that sprouted on his back as they creepily roll in different directions from each other.
The eyeballs were so unsettling to her that the death scare and the sight of it instilled something unsettling inside Aika and she passed out after taking a single glance at them.
"Sensei! Are you fine with Ai-Chan or me getting hurt or worse?! No?! THEN WAKE UP AND PLEASE HELP US!"
The demon's persuasion managed to successfully enter the teacher's mind and he wakes up from his dazed state.
Quickly grasping the situation, a vein suddenly twitched in Shinji's head.
"That's it! No more playing Mr. Nice Guy!"
"Get away from me!" Mammoth shouts as he creates a volley of lighting spears to attack once more.
(I can't use magic since Kittypaws is still stunned because of me so it's time to use overwhelming force!)
*Inhale, Exhales* Shinji fills his lungs with air and lets it out while he hops in place in rhythm with his breathing.
"Die! Lighting Spear!" Mammothhead is about swing his arm down to launch his spears until his opponent stopped his breath completely.
Under the span of five seconds, Shinji pretty much disappeared from where he stood and had made multiple afterimages, making harder to keep track of him. Suddenly appearing a few steps away from his opponent.
"Tsunaboshi Ultimate Technique…"
"What in the?!" Mammoth tries to hit him using trunk as some sort of whip before he could get closer.
Shinji takes the blow head-on despite probably yet breaking another rib and pulls the trunk towards him as he counters with a headbutt.
"Demonic Gong!"
With a powerful thud, Mammothhead is sent flying far away. Breaking through multiple crate and not only one of the warehouse walls but three of the ones which were placed right next to the other. Even the sea inches away parted for a couple of seconds due to the sheer intensity caused by Shinjirou's reckless attack.
(Amazing…) Bink was slack-jawed before the wreckage that a single headbutt of human had managed to cause.
Shinji slowly drags his feet towards him.
"How's Aika? Is she okay? Hurt anywhere?" He ignores the pain of his own wounds as he questions Bink.
"Ai-Chan's is fine Sensei! She just passed out again. It's funny to see how often this happens since you came along!"
He lets out a breath of relief as he gets closer.
"Thank goodness…if something had happened to her. I wouldn't be able to look myself in the mirror and face neither her father or brother ever again…" Shinji brushes her golden and black hair to the side as he gently caresses her face.
"Urm…" She squirms a little in response to his touch and pushes his hand away.
"Hahaha…Even in her dreams. She still seems to reject me…guess it doesn’t matter as long she is safe… " Although he was obviously hurt literally and figuratively. Shinji was still genuinely smiling as he said that.
"I know what you want to say. But let's leave that to another day where we can get drunk beforehand and don't have our bodies screaming in pain okay? ." He then proceeds to limp his way towards the unconscious demon and drags him back to the first warehouse where they are.
Playing the magical whistle, he kept in his pocket. A dimensional portal opened before them. Shinji casually hid his hands inside his pockets and grim at his friend.
"Speedo, you mind going on ahead of me? Someone has to clean up this before it gets worse or the police gets here…"
Looking at his friend acting somewhat suspiciously, Bink remembered the day they met.
"Why don't we set a bonfire instead of using a lamp for warmth, Sensei?"
"What? Risking this gorgeous garden in process?! Don't be silly! We can just warm ourselves with some booze if it gets too chilly! Bwahahaha!"
Bink began to draw the lines between with many of the teacher strange quirks.
His strange response that day, that strange lighter of his, the lack of gas in his place, his overreaction when Agnicia set his cage on fire earlier today.
Finally, Bink took a glance the hands Shinji had tried to hide. They were shaking uncontrollably.
"Sensei. Correct me if I'm wrong but are you by any chance afraid of-"
"Speedo! We can share a few more stories about ourselves once this is over! For now, get your butt moving already!" He shoos his friend away with a wide smile.
"Ri-Right!" Bink goes through the portal carrying Aika and the Mammothhead in each arm.
The moment the portal closes, the smile in the teacher's face was gone. He takes a deep breath and talks to himself.
"Seems like my fears managed to creep into your system! Sorry for feeding you with my own baggage and shiz Kittypaws! I know they aren't very pleasant! Just give me a fews minutes to recompose myself and I will deal with this…"
The pair were peering into the engulfing flames. Nyamo however, was silent. The fear deeply rooted in her partner heart triggered something entirely different inside Nyamo's…
She sees herself pinned by some sort of monster. Everything else in the surroundings were completely hazy and indistinguishable.
He grabs her by the wrist with his misshapen and incredibly hard arm, lifting her into the air as her feet leaves the ground.
She glanced at the puddle of blood nearby so she could look at her own reflection. Nyamo realized she wasn’t in her body nor bounded to neither Aika or Shinji’s.
(Who…are…you? Where…)
“…flood…blood…drive!” The monster chanted something and pain suddenly encroached her entire body.
"Gah!" Nyamo groaned in pain and collapsed on the floor instantly as she felt her soul getting torn apart from else. Her vision began to grow darker and fainter.
"Nyamo...Senpai…." A girl with a hair similar to Aika was restrained inside large red crystal distant shouting desperately. But Nyamo still couldn’t hear her voice or see her face well. The woman next to Nyamo had her shrouded in some sort of static. Still, the kitty cat felt that closeness to her unlike any other.
Unlike the girl’s distant voice. The monster’s voice was loud and clear in her ears this time. He licks the drops of blood on his lips as he steps on the woman’s stomach. Stopping Nyamo from continuing her thoughts. Everything else grew even darker and she until couldn’t see anything in front of her anymore.
"Know pain and despair‼" She could feel the demon palm against the gem on her forehead.
Suddenly, Nyamo and the woman which they shared spews forth large amounts of blood from every orifice and pain irradiates their entire body. They feel their body growing cold and have their consciousness slipping away.
"YAHAHAHAH!" Laughing maniacally, the monster pieces her body together, cures them of their pain and force them to regain consciousness. Only to use the same attack again and repeating the endless cycle of torture over and over again.
Everywhere she looked, Nyamo could only see the color red. Even the darkness she saw was completely gone.
The pain was so strong that Nyamo's shouts of agony overlapped all voices, including the person who was so mysteriously dear to her, was also in writhed in pain.
The name which the girl inside the crystal shouted like a broken record with all that she could muster was the last thing she heard while Shinji tried to shake and wake her from the nightmare from the outside. Nyamo try repeating the name it was called constantly.
"Kittypaws!" Shinji manages to forcefully split his soul from Nyamo's as she regains her feline body. He quickly holds her in his arms before she fell on the concrete floor.
"Sen...sei?" She asks absent-mindedly.
"Phew! Looks like separating did the trick! I'm really sorry! My memories seem to have jumbled with yours for some reason and caused some you some suffering!"
She slowly glanced around before finally understanding what was going on.
"I see…it's okay…I'm fine now Sensei. Do you mind fixing the damage we did on the area while I deal with the flames?" Nyamo asks as she hops out of his arms still stumbling a little.
“Are you really ok?”
“…This is just a headache Sensei. I’m sure it will be gone soon…”
"Got it!" Shinji stands up and dashes to the fire opposite direction but stops after just three steps.
"…Don't sweat it Sensei! I can handle a bit of heat! We are partners for as long as it takes until Ai restores her powers and will be best friends long after that happens too!" Not wanting to worry him. Nyamo regained a bit of her strength through the teacher upon hearing his words and the feeling the gratitude in that single sentence of his.
"Yeah!" Affirming her statement, he turns his attention away and starts fixing the hole on the wall with ice and the construction tools nearby.
(Was all that really just an interference between our memories though? It seemed so real…) Nyamo thought to herself as she blew an air so cold that it could dissipate the flames…
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Disciple, Don't Cause Trouble, Master Won't Leave the Mountain!
Benedict was transported to a world of cultivation and awakened the Invincible Domain system. Within this domain, he was invincible!Furthermore, the system allows him to expand and increase the level of his domain as he accepts more disciples and completes more quests.In this world, the most powerful people could tear space apart with a single palm; cruel demons are prevalent. Thus, Benedict proclaimed that he would not leave the mountain for the sake of his own safety!After he accepted a few disciples, they went down the mountain and made a mess of the world. When they couldn’t win an opponent, they would flee back to the mountain and plead Benedict to seek revenge for them.With a leg of a strange beast in hand that he had just roasted, he waved his other hand and said, «Good disciple, master will not leave the mountain. Why don’t you invite them up?»
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