《The Magical Girl Substituting me is...my Uncle?!》Bink's New Friend!
It has a few weeks since Shinji passed Crow’s test alongside the path of Justice, entered the Magical girls ranks of Arcadia and had that party back on his apartment.
Other going to Arcadia for special training given by Agnicia herself over the weeks after work hours (which Shinji once described to be nothing short of hellish. But he admits to being used to this kind of Spartan training).
Neither Shinjirou or his niece haven’t done pretty much anything demon-hunting businesses. These were mostly peaceful weeks…if you didn’t include the 187 amount of times she had struck either Bink, Karasu or her own uncle over this timespan.
“Nyaa… It’s too big Sensei…it won’t…fit…zzzz…”
Nevertheless, today is set to be another peaceful day. Aika had recovered most of her sanity and energy back. (However, many aspirins were bought and consumed by her since then. Shinji has the same problem but became addicted to painkillers instead)
She is now paying attention to her classes once again. Nyamo was resting inside her desk mumbling asleep…
“Sakaguchi Aihara!” The literature teacher starts today’s third period with attendance call.
“Next is…Sekihara Sei!” Silence, covered the classroom.
“Sekihara Sei! Absent again huh? Very well! Shimizu Kouta!”
…while Setsuna is multitasking with her usual a blank stare on her face.
Using the opportunity to writing down the notes the previous teacher left on the blackboard with one hand and gently a stroking a handkerchief Shinji gave her during lunch earlier this morning. After he dropped Setsuna juicebox all over her skirt by accident, when Aika sent him flying for his antics like the two Tsunaboshi typically happen.
“Ahh…Sensei…” Not caring about her surroundings anymore, Setsuna’s face blushes a fiery red, whispers his name and slowly puts the handkerchief close to her nose and inhales it deeply.
(She’s been getting worse ever since that party! Just what the hell happened after we were gone?!) Aika thought, full of worry for her best friend until the school PA system turns on and…
“Aika Tsunaboshi! Please visit to the Teacher’s Office immediately! I repeat! Aika Tsunaboshi plea-”
“Shinjirou-San! There’s no need to yell into the mic! This is being broadcasted-”
After the cutting the announcer for second time, the speakers become silent, so does the rest of the school. Aika’s classmates all looking at her face.
“So-Sorry! Excuse me!”
Sensing the urgency and tone of her uncle’s voice and embarrassed by the situation. Aika quickly stood up, bows at the teacher and her class as she dashes towards the hallway.
But not without hearing Setsuna’s mumbling reply or Nyamo’s sleep talking first:
“No fair... I always wanted to hear Sensei say my name through the speakers too…”
“No Sensei...panties are not a playable instrument…they don’t work as emergency food either…Ai will…zzzz…” Nyamo twist and turns in her sleep, seemingly debating about something with Aika’s dirty-minded uncle in her dreams.
Aika decided to pretend she didn’t hear neither their comments and continued running forward, without looking back once…
“Pig, what is the emergency?! Did Agnicia-Sama finally called us-what in the…”
Aika shouts as she slams the sliding door open to the side.
Only to find a single teacher inside, looking completely distraught and desperate. All of the drawers in the room were open all the way or removed, tables were turned and a bunch of files and student notes were scattered all over the floor. He was so distracted that he only noticed the girl presence’s behind him moments later.
“Ai-Chan? I…can’t find it…” He lowly mumbles while speaking.
“Huh? Speak louder! I can’t hear your incoherent mumbling Pig!” His niece puts one hand over her ear.
“I can’t find the ‘Tutoring Naughty Girl in Glasses!’ collection I hid in the school anywhere! For the love of god! Please tell me you were the one who confiscated it! Argh! I knew I should have switched with the one I have at home a long time ago! Those were even signed too! Damn it all!” Forgetting his balding worries, Shinji is ripping his hair out of frustration against himself. He gets on all fours and slams his fists against the floor.
Pissed off to no end. Aika answers by performing a dive kick at him.
“Tsunaboshi Hidden Technique: Cherry-Boy Escape!”
Still prostrating, the teacher easily dodges by making use of his body fat to curl up like a ball and rolls to the side.
“I can’t believe you actually used the PA system for shit like this and waste my time because of a shitty dirty book!” She continues attacking her uncle with a barrage of kicks and jabs but, Ero-Sensei was not in the mood to get his ass kicked and easily dodged everything. He even grabs Aika by the leg and holds her in midair as he lashes out imposingly.
“What are you talking about?! These aren’t dirty books! They are just a bunch of fashion magazines with spicy stories written on the back cover!”
As he ignores her skirt flipped upside down. Aika uses both her hands to hold her skirt up and swings her ankle in a backwards motion as she then fiercely slams against his face. It was a clean hit as he lets go of his niece ankle in the process.
“You seriously don’t expect me to believe you now? Do you?!”
Like a professional acrobat, Aika uses her limber body to regain her balance before failing on the floor by performing a backflip three times. She rushes in and then pelts her uncle with another stream of consecutive blows. However, he deflects almost all of them with perfect precision.
“I’m serious here! When I said those were signed, I meant they were done by the model themselves! Do you have any idea of the lengths and hoops that I had to go through to get that done?!”
Without stopping her relentless assault, Aika confronts him.
“So, you are actually telling me that YOU, of all people, don’t have a single dirty book hidden in the school grounds?!”
“Of course I don’t! (I totally do! Can’t ask for favors from the sophomores and Seniors without them!) I told you before that I still pride myself as a respectable teacher after all!” Shinji discreetly crosses his fingers behind his back. His mind’s saying something completely different from what his mouth does.
Aika’s attacks began to lose speed as she occupies her head with other thoughts.
(Wait a moment! Aren’t those that books I found inside that hollowed cherry tree that I told Setsuna last month…oh.)
Aika then remembered the deal she had made with her best friend at the cost of her dignity. Back when she teased Naomi for her secret and asked her for help so she could get away and transform with Nyamo.
“If it makes you feel any better, the collection and everything inside is handled by the Blushing Maiden and its newest subsidiary.”
Interested, Aika ears perked up and she immediately stopped moving soon as she heard the company’s name.
“Wait, the Blushing Maiden did?”
Interested, Aika ears perked up and she immediately stopped moving soon as she heard the company’s name come out of his mouth.
“Yeah! You know, that fashion company which specializes in sexy lingerie and gained world renowned fame in this last decade! I heard that these stories are written by none other than the CEO herself, who had created the brand right after graduating college! Not that I have any idea if any of this is true or who she is. I’m not THAT interested in the fashion business after all...”
“Then I guess I can let you go this time...”
“Wait, really?! You believe me?! Can’t say that was expecting that to convince you! You having a fever or something?” Shinji sounded surprised over how he managed to convince his niece this time around that he tries to put his hand on her forehead but Aika responds by throwing him hard on the floor.
“Of course I don’t take your word for not even a second! Disgusting Pig! The only reason that I am willing to set this aside for now is because the Blushing Maiden is-”
“Nyanko Rangers! Gaaatheeerrr!” Their conversation is cut short by the theme of a recent anime involving catgirls and alien invasion genre rings from Shinjirou’s cellphone alongside the stopwatch attached to his waist.
“Hello! Hello! Maid-Lover69 on the line! Who’s speaking?”
“…Agnicia here. We need you to pick up Aika and Nyamo then meet us here. It’s important.”
“Huh? But I am still on the clock here! I can’t just abandon everything and-”
“You don’t have to worry your lessons or her attendance. I have already asked for a contact of mine to speak with your brother to ask him to let you and Aika off early. We already got his permission.”
“My brother did? Fine! I’m on my way! But you better tell me what the hell is going with that later Agi-Chan!”
“Understood. By the way, we have to talk about this codename of yours as well as this name you gave me too...”
Ending his call, he looks then at Aika deep in the eyes.
“What’s wrong?”
“Nothing! Duty calls! I have to clean this mess I’ve made, so go ahead and pick up Kittypaws! I’ll meet you two in the abandoned classroom in the fifth floor and open a portal there!”
“Got it!” Aika make way for the door but Shinji stops her.
“But before that…by the way…I… uhm...” Shinji gets red in face as he fidgets.
“What is it now?!” She asks impatiently.
“If you happen to find a mug written ‘Bobbie Lovers’ anywhere, could hand it over to me? I’m starting to think a ghost is messing with me! I am 100% sure that I made some coffee this morning and the before I’ve realized, that was gone too!”
“Don’t hold your breath on that…”
(Setsuna is probably the culprit of that as well… and why do you bring something like that to school in good conscience?)
Aika feels her expectation of people dropping sharply as she went and picked up Nyamo peacefully napping inside her classroom…
Now, back at Arcadia, Aika gently knocks at the door of the Valkyrie Quarters. Nyamo yawns as she is carried in her arms. Shinji gently pets her head as she purrs.
“Agnicia-Sama, please excuse us…”
Shinji doesn’t wait for a response and opens the door whilst screaming:
“Agi-Chan! We’re arrived! Just like you asked! Will you finally be telling me your three size-Bweh!”
“You never learn do you Pig?!”
“Nya!!” The sudden movement and loud thump shook Nyamo awake. Every strand of her fur stand on edge.
Just like last time he got here, Yale introduces Shinji’s face to his hooves once again. Apparently, harassment such as these started to happen every time Shinji opens the door has become routine between the two at some point.
This time however, he broke through the whole ceiling before perfectly landing flat on his face.
“I regret…nothing…” He says before collapsing while trying to get up and gives a thumbs up.
“Geez! I already told you to not barge like this or Yale instincts will kick in and kill you someday Sensei!”
“Heh! So you say but stuff like this aren’t enough kill the likes of me! Besides, his attacks are getting somewhat weaker every time!” Shinji eventually rise, sneezes a glob of blood off his nose and stretches his neck (making a sound that a neck it isn’t supposed to make). He then applies some of the healing salve on his forehead where the mark Yale’s right foot left on it starts to disappear. He then applies some of it to his nose as well.
“No fair Agi-Chan! I want to get like that too!” Bink, who is still that cage as he sulks.
“Speedo! Long time no see! Did ya lost some weight?” The two high fives each other as a greeting.
“Sensei! This is nothing! Starvation is probably the reason! Agi-Chan only feeds me bird seeds once every three days! I should’ve let myself get caught sooner!”
“That’s my punishment because the two of you insists in calling by this stupid name!”
“Heehh?! It’s not fair that only Crow Boy was the right to give you pet names! It’s not like your codename is any better anywa- GYAA!!!”
Angered, Agnicia snaps her fingers and the cage suddenly catches on fire set on fire.
(Shit!) Shinji first reaction was face the other way on reflex and hug the ceiling’s lights.
“Don’t make me do the same to you Sensei! Are we U-N-D-E-R-S-T-O-O-D?!
“Yes, Yes! I’m very Sorry! So please, put out the flames now!” The teacher drops from the light, stay in the corner of the room as he meekly asks while on his apologizing and sitting on his knees, afraid that he would be the next to be set ablaze if not being careful with his words.
“*Sigh* Let’s just go straight to business...” Undoing the fire from the cage with another snap, Agnicia sits back on her chair and sips the herbal tea in her cup.
The tea in question was a gift Shinji gave her the other day. It relaxes the mind and soothes the nerves. It’s also very effective against pains on one’s joints and people who has bad posture while sitting down. Perfect for someone who spends hours with paperwork like him and Agnicia does.
“I have been personally training you for a while now and given the information Bink told us yesterday. I’ve decided it’s finally time send you on your first mission!”
“Are you really sure he is up to task Agnicia-Sama?” Aika asks in doubt.
“He is one of the few that went through my training! Not only that, but he is the first one to do it without complaining it once. Besides, even if I didn’t want to, Bink requested Sensei by name for this mission. He would only give us the information if we agreed his condition.”
“Hm? Why is that?”
“Because it’s not an extermination mission, but a capture one, Ai-Chan!” The seared lizard demon answers her as the skin on his face regenerates.
Frightened by the visage in front of her, Aika hits the demon in the face with her backpack in full force yet, he doesn’t even budge an inch. By the time the bag struck him his face was already recovered completely.
(Huh. Since she lost her powers, Ai-Chan strength is on par of the level of a normal human girl…)
“Thanks you for the compliment Ai-Chan! But anyways! I have been lurking on the web lately with the help of the phone Sensei gave me after he taught me how to use so I could gather intel for you guys and also help me make new friends! Including an another demon there! He recently told me that he might know here the host of the Deadly Sin of Sloth is too! So we decided to meet today in person for the first time and hang out!” Agnicia cuts in and start explaining
“That’s where you come in! You will follow the two of them and find an opportunity to catch this demon who goes by the name of Mammothhead, by force if you have to! It’s embarrassing to admit but we have been looking for the whereabouts on any if the Deadly Sins or their hosts for years now and not even with Crow’s help, we managed to find a damn clue until now! This is a mission of utmost importance! There aren’t for failure!”
“Geez! Talk about pressure eh? No worries! Sensei is on the case! Time to show everyone what we learned Kittypaws!”
“Aye-aye Sensei!” Now fully awake, Nyamo raises one of her paws in excitement and trots behind Shinji.
(Hope you get run over by a car or something on our way there you Pig…)
Jealous of her uncle getting some action in her place, Aika reveals a toxic thought as the two go at the door while holding Bink’s cell before Yale defiantly stood in front of them. The three recoiled before his presence.
“There’s more to it you three so wait and sit down!” The trio obeys her command as the Valkyrie sighs deeply.
“Personally, I would’ve preferred to give you something simpler as your first mission. But, there is a reason why Bink asked we sent you specifically in exchange for the information.”
“You see Sensei. The thing is…Mammoth-Kun is a strange kind of demon, even by my standards! Given the things we talked, I can safely consider him a friend of mine. Which is why I would like you to see him with your own eyes and help Agi-Chan come to a decision over what we should with him next!”
“How could I ever say no to you Speedo? Besides, if he is your friend and you of all people is saying that he’s unique. All the reason for me to meet up with him!”
Full of emotion, the pair rushes to each other with open arms…until their faces hit the bars.
“Idiots…” Aika whispers with total disappointment.
“Know that I don’t believe you to be lying to us Bink. But, as the current Valkyrie, I must take into account every worst case scenario alongside the safety of everyone involved, Magical Girls or normal people! So, just in case this is a trap. I am sending Hide to accompany you three is Sensei’s first mission as a Seraph! Are you fine with it?”
“No objections from me.”
“What?!” A disembodied voice answers Agnicia and surprises everyone as they try to find the source. Shinji slowly walks towards to a gigantic wolf’s head hanging on the wall.
“Heh! Found ya Edgy!” He casually opens its mouth and finds him hiding inside. Crow jumps out of his hiding spot and land stand next to Agnicia. He has a hammer in his hands and is wearing a hard hat, a dark blue thick set of overalls with yellow lines plus a large belt full of nails and working tools.
“You are getting better at tracking me down Sensei! Color me impressed! It took months even for Bea to detect my presence in the same room I disappear in!”
“Heh! Course I am! I can’t allow the humiliation that I faced when we first met to repeat after all! Our weekly sparring also helped up a lot! So, where’s birdie?”
“Karasu is busy working on a construction site in my place since I had to leave when Bea called me this morning! Hopefully he doesn’t hit on anyone or get me into trouble while I’m away…”
“Guess this explains the getup…”
The two shakes hands as Agnicia gives her order:
“Hide, you are to observe Sensei and Bink in this mission! However, you’re not allowed to act or even help them whatsoever unless you deem Sensei or Aika’s lives to be in danger. If he does, I will consider the mission automatically failed and you are to be relieved from your duties as acting Seraph Sensei.”
“Harsh boss as always huh? Guess it’s finally time for me to shine!”
“Erm…We might have a problem to solve first.” Crow said unsurely.
“Hm? What is that?”
“We have been trying to convince Bink to leave his cell for the past two hours but he won’t leave no matter what we say!”
“But it’s so cozy and warm in here! Why would I leave?!”
“How exactly do you expect to meet your friend inside this?!”
“Can’t we just put an illusion like last time?”
“That only works with regular people! Your friend would see it coming from a mile away!”
“I might have an idea that might help change his mind! Speedo, remember what we talked about you on the day we’ve met? I can think of one place that might be even better than this one! It will be a lot more fun outside rather than is this bleak confined room!”
“You don’t mean…”
“Yea, I do!”
“Alright! What are we waiting for?! Let’s go see Mammoth-Kun!” The cage suddenly shatters into pieces as Bink breaks free from his shackles as he runs down the hallway.
(Don’t tell me that he could’ve left at any moment…)
Crow and Aika have the same thought as they begin chasing him. Before joining the rest, Shinji remains inside still talking with Agnicia.
“Agi-Chan? Do we really need to bring Ai-Chan though?”
“I understand what you mean Sensei. But, I doubt anyone can convince her not to and stay put until Nyamo eventually returns to her. She would just follow us around either way. Better have her close than from away from our prying eyes while in the middle of a fight.”
“Guess you are right. That girl is such a handful…I wonder who she learned it from…”
“I wonder…ha…” Agnicia refrained from giggling and tell Shinji the obvious answer.
“Changing the topic though. Once we done with this mission, It’s about time for you two to have faith in both Speedo and me.”
“You sound confident about all this.”
“That’s because I am! I already have begun to pull some strings here and there. Soon as Speedo becomes a free man, we are ready to go through with that plan all four of us discussed previously. I intend to hold him for the second end of our promise that night.”
“I doubt Aika will be thrilled by any of this but go right ahead. Once all this is done and over with, you two have my permission to do as you see fit. Within reason of course. No more setting cameras at the changing room in our armories, the hot springs or inside here either. I will personally punish both of you if I find another one planted somewhere.”
“Cheh! So you already knew huh? Your punches already hurt way more than your friend goat hind legs even when you are calm too… Bah! You’re no fun! Fine, I promise not to do it again. Happy now?”
“You don’t sound very sorry. But I’ll let it slide this time since I know how much promises means to you.”
“Thanks! Once we are done with all this, I’m thinking of having another party at my place! You interested? I also found an old tape of match with Big Ed before his transformation to heavyweight class” Shinji says the widest grim imaginable.
“Really?!Looking forward to it Sensei! I have a bunch reports to blitz through in this case! See you soon!”
“No need for the formalities, Agi-Chan! We are all friends from here on out! Bwahahah!!”
Shinji proceeds to run down the hallway after the three.
(I wonder from where he gets all this energy from…hm?)
Agnicia is smiling by the window while looking at the cloud of dust Shinji left while catching with the rest when suddenly, her cellphone that she left on the table behind her began to ring.
“Hello! Beatrice here…Oh! Nee-Sama! Long time no see…Really?! You might find some free time this month to visit us? Hm? Of course! Me, Hide, Aika and everyone else will be more than glad to see you! Haha! Yeah, I bet the surprised look on ‘their’ faces when they see you will be priceless! Especially ‘him!’”
Time quickly flew by while Agnicia was busy talking with the caller and practically ignored or shelved most of her duties as Valkyrie for the first time in a long while…
- In Serial227 Chapters
The First Corridor of Old Works
But what is it, really? Old Works. They say, some do anyway, or would, if they still had tongues - it's a dream. That it's a million year old mystery connecting three planets. Some, yet other, anonymous entities, charge that it's a structure, more accurately, an architecture - a quest, even, made from, and through - corridors. Pretty inarguably, for one thing, it's a maze. Even some pronounce, if you can understand those currently vomiting blood, that it's a corporation, and yet others - the brave ones – and dead - say it's... near death. Or that it is. Death. - Death itself. But that dark thing on the horizon, that thing emerging to replace the only system we... know. - Whatever it is it couldn't be the end, of everything, could it? Eminently possible, but - it couldn't be worse? 3 civilisations/3 planets... and Old Works. 4 heroes: The Cyclops seeing out his Eye the reality of that place - and by means of that vision - greasing the many-toothed gears of that great old churning nightmare. The Writer sweating to keep the story alive that supports the great old lying structure. The Fake King who abides among all those tunnels of dreams and lies and dreams and... slaves. And the Hero Dreamt, all those slaves - to maintain that structure's even functioning, have to - at all... they dream him. They literally dream him. But that thing, from whence, who knows, arriving? What kind of sick demonic mind could even - But it can only be psychosis - Or possession. Reducing all of reality to some kind of – what would you call it? A Game? A video... joke? And that half-Cyclops, that beauty – what does she have growing – beneath her supernatural genitals? A game for him? A game/a dream; a – world? Or just Old Works. And this Wound in reality – that our writer near-died putting inside her. What is it anyway? And what reality does it bring with it. This demon or God. Through the corridors; lattices of smoke and shadows and colours; dungeons; and supernatural organs; the labyrinths made from dreams... and flesh. - What happens when they face that Wound – staring the absolute. right. in. them? - Through - What happens to all us... slaves... then? But at the end of the hallway, you see it there, I say you do, that turning - It's only the First Corridor of Old Works. This finished 104,000 word kind of LITRPGy fantasy novel, the First Corridor of Old Works will be released in daily 2000 word chapters, or equivalent [unfailingly at 20:47 GMT] Immediately followed by the Second Corridor of Old Works [161,000 words, edited, ongoing, as of 24/09/21] At first lite on stats these LITRPGy elements will become increasingly - built meticulously upon what precedes - ubiquitous, as we proceed into a world painstakingly built to support these mechanisms. After - minimum - 6 months, this manic daily release schedule will be somewhat relaxed: 5 days a week. - But don't lie to yourself it's not there. That thing watching at the end of the hallway... and where it leads. It's - Of countless, it could only be - The First Corridor of Old Works.
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Paragons of the Collective
In the future, humanity lives within the Collective as they expand their dominance throughout the known universe. Technology has advanced to the point where it operates like the magic of ancient history and species throughout the universe look similar to the monsters that have plagued the human imagination for centuries. All of this is immaterial for John, a young man with an F-ranked Avatar stuck in a system designed to keep him in the dregs of society. In a society where advancement depends upon Contribution Points and those without points are forced to toil in labor for those that do. Follow John in his journey to collect enough Contribution Points to firmly entrench his place in the galaxy as a Paragon of the Collective.
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The Unbreakable Sword God is a Doting Mom?! Cultivation of the Strongest Bond Between a Mother and Son!
Yi Zen has a problem, his mother is too powerful! In a world where martial strength rules, and everyone is born with their own unique “Skill,” his overbearing and overprotective mother has the strongest Skill and is the world’s greatest hero! Yi Zen, who’s Skill is Zero, can’t escape his mother’s gigantic shadow, and he is constantly made fun of for his lack of power by other students. Forcefully enrolled in the hero academy as everyone expected him to be as strong as his mom, he just wants to relax and live a normal life. The awkward comedy of a boy trying to have a normal teenage life but his mom won’t leave him alone in a wuxia world begins!
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Whites' Veil
A boy leaves his hometown, tired of his menial life and, most importantly, the poverty of his village. His destination is Rubia, Capital of the Five Continents; and his goal, money to bring home. Though, that may just be an excuse; an excuse for him to leave the confines of his so-far idolised life--a life free from the endless adoration and praise, for reasons he detests. So he invites you to join him, to grow alongside him and to, one day, celebrate next to him. The year is 97c. Welcome to the Pentas Dale. Welcome to Whites' Veil... ‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵ Useful info. Usually, I publish on Sundays, if not, I aim for once a week or attempt to keep at least a bi-weekly schedule. This is a hobby/side project for me so I may go for long periods of time without uploading. I also recommend reading the story with Garamond, as this is the font I use for my manuscripts (obviously optional). ‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵ Links. Discord: https://discord.gg/ExRVMK Instagram: (Coming soon, hopefully)
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Princess Freckles
In the Kingdom of Garten, things seem idyllic. The half timber architecture and cobblestone streets, flaky delicacies sold on every corner, children playing down the alleyway pretending to be knights, princes, and princesses. Everything is lovely, in order, and overflowing in abundant flower gardens in every quarter. But in this period kingdom filled with tea parties and notions of chivalry, every noble family must pay homage to the Pink Crown. And every marriage within it's reach is arranged by the Dowager Queen.All but one.Chammielle Kuchen is a thoughtful and caring maiden. The oldest daughter of Lord Kuchen and his lover before he married, she has never quite fit into her stepmother's standard of beauty. She has spent her whole life walking with books on her head, dancing with a glass of champagne in hand, eating up tomes of etiquette, and endless nightly beauty routines to try and scrub away her dark brown freckles and lighten her auburn hair to a blonde. A never ending cycle of trying to please her stepmother Lady Delphi Kuchen...or is it herself? Lord Kuchen on the other hand, openly has a special place in his heart for the daughter of the woman he once loved. Together the two steal away to read about politics and economics, bake pastries and cakes in the servants' quarters, and visit tea shops once a month to try new blends. But will her beautiful days in the rose gardens of his Lordship come to an end when His Highness the Crown Prince comes for a tea party with the Kuchen Ladies? And what could be lurking within the Pink Palace to disrupt the peace of a kingdom so far removed from war?
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one ➳ zarry
❝...what's our ship name?❞ zayn asked quietly.harry tilted his head to the side. ❝aren't boys supposed to like girls?❞❝it's called gay hazza.❞❝gay means happy.❞❝no, it means two boys like each other!❞zayn and harry falling in love over the years.
8 171