《Supreme Empire》Chapter 7 Training


On the way back home mom and dad asked me the actual reason as to why I best the prince and I simply told them that he was being unreasonable I told him off and then he started fighting me, mom and dad didn't continue asking about it anymore and just talked about some work-related stuff but the atmosphere was pretty awkward between James and me, especially after what he did

After getting back home I began to do my exercise and I decided to visit the training grounds the next day not for running this time but I wanna see how my strength is compared to normal knights

William then went towards the training grounds where he once again met with Reid

"Good morning sir"

"Good morning their young master what brings you to the training grounds today is it running?"

"Haha not today sir I have come here to practice some sword fighting with the knights"

"That's fine but are you sure you can keep up?"

"I'll do my best" after I said that I quickly prepared to close my ears because of what was to come next

"Everyone gather, here we have young master who wants to practise his swordsmanship on one of you which one if you are willing to become his sparring partner?"

A nervous voice was heard after Reid finished

"I would like to volunteer"

"Haha okay, young master why don't you go to that platform and here this a wooden practice sword" ried went over to a rack and asked, "Which one would you like?"

I looked over and realized I don't even know which one I wanted so thought about it and then said

"I'll take the long sword" after I said that Ried took a wooden long sword and handed it to me and then said


"Alright the stage is yours, Alex go up there," Ried said to the person who volunteered earlier I went up there and saw a short black-haired youth looking no older than 20 at best

"Are you ready?" he asked

"Yes, bring it"

As I finished speaking I rushed over to Alex's side and slashed the weird sideways at his waist to which Alex parried the strike and moved back a step and slashed at my neck

I did get by dropping down and slashing at his legs to which he responded by jumping over the slash and slashing my head I quickly roll over to avoid the strike as I thought this guy always goes for the head(Thanos reference)

After I stand up and adjust myself Alex comes head-on with his sword on his chest ready to deliver a blow, I know I can't match him in strength so I dodge it but I guess you can call this my inexperience but as I dodged Alex's blade turned horizontal and slashed sideways at my chest making me fall over as that strike hit me

"Haha I guess it's my defeat"

"Not at all young master if you were more experienced then you could've taken advantage of my sideways slash at the end to dodge and slash at me and I wouldn't be able to do a thing because my hands would have been extended outwards"

*claps clap clap*

Ried came up on the platform and said "that was a splendid performance young master why don't you come to the training grounds every day to practice your sportsmanship here

Come to think of it I was enjoying fighting with a sword it was as if using a sword is like brute strength and adding techniques makes it a very efficient use of my brute strength


" sure" after a bit more talking with Reid and Alex and the soldiers I left to head to the library because I want to learn more about how people do the managing, planning etc in this world

In the library, William was going through books describing how to maintain finances etc and realized one thing and it is that it's too complicated "Well can't compare a modern society with a society in the middle ages can I but I think I'll let dad know about the modern way of managing inflow and outflow 4 column table because this is way too long"

After exciting the library William started heading towards his dad's study when he got there the knight informed him of his dad's recent departure to a mine so William had to leave and towards his mom's room

*knock knock*

"Whos there?"

"It's me mom can I come in?"

When William finished saying that the door burst open and his mom rushed out and hugged him "aww you know will mom is so sad that you don't even visit me unless I ask you or we meet outside"

When she said that I realized that I have been such a crappy son all I have done was think about how to better myself and ignored mom "I'm sorry mom ill visit you more often from now on" William said with determination

After grace put William down she asked him if he has any problems

"Well you see mom I was in the library when came upon the account book for our inflow and outflow of cash and materials (and released once again how rich we are) and saw how complex it is so I decided to make it into a new table do you have paper?"

"Yes wait a minute let me get it" Grace went to the drawer and pulled out a piece of paper and an ink pen and handed it to William

William then proceeded to draw and explain the modern table to his mother

"will with this new technique it will make our accounts much more effective and efficient, we can also easily point out whether there is any overdue payment and wether some cash is missing or not, this is amazing will!" After that, we talked for an hour and told each other what was happening in our life and then I left the room

William thought phew...who knew mom was such a gossip queen

William returned to his room later that night and slept like he never had after this exhausting day

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