《The Zombie Apocalypse: The Ville》Chapter 7: Time Management
Matt: Those of you who are just joining us, for this breaking news once again, Bryce Hoyer is back with urgent information. Katie: What is it now that we have to face? Bryce: The information I have it's somewhat bittersweet. Let me cut to chase; we have identified one of the unknown types of zombies. If it weren't urgent, I wouldn't bother the public until tomorrow to process this information. Those of you who've been taking notes of the types of zombies get ready to take some more. The new kind of zombie is called the abnormal zombie. Katie: Abnormal?! Bryce: Yes, the abnormal zombie, this breed of zombie doesn't have a consistent behavior pattern. The odds are turning into one of them is one out of one hundred. They have a minimum speed of seventeen miles per hour. Matt: What do you mean that they have no consistent behavior? I don't see why they aren't as dangerous as the runner zombie. Bryce: The biggest reason why they're more dangerous than the runners and stalkers is that almost every single one of them is different. Some are faster than runner zombies or more intelligent than the stalker zombie. The possibilities are endless with them. To all of you who are going out tonight, I urge you don't go out tonight. Go tomorrow at eight o'clock in the morning. The other types of zombies we discovered are quite horrifying with the information we possessed. Until the CDC is ready to give out all of the information we have on every type of zombie, please stay in your shelter if you want to live. Also, the abnormal zombie is more common than we initially thought. It's entirely possible for an abnormal zombie to possess every single trait of a zombie or worse.
Katie: So, what are you trying to say, Bryce?! Bryce: I'm trying to say that the abnormal zombie is the most dangerous out of all the types. It's better to wait until morning, so you can see all of the zombies, so you don't have to worry about them jumping you at night. If you want to leave Georgia, I urge you to wait until all the hordes migrate to somewhere else. I will come back here and tell you guys, but the CDC will say to you unless we get overrun if I don't. But don't worry, that's nearly impossible this early on in the zombie outbreak. But if you need the supplies that badly, I recommend that you leave your shelter at three-thirty in the morning. Or you can try your luck and go through the city of Atlanta to the north side of Georgia to get military help. The government set up multiple shelters in north Georgia, but I urge you to stay home and quarantine yourself if you have been bitten. Also, do not use guns and stay in the same area; you will attract a horde around you and be stuck for a while. Katie: What do you do if a swarm is by your shelter? Bryce: Don't make any excessive sounds; make sure you reinforce all entrances and windows. Turn off your lights, so they won't stay there longer; also hope they will move on from your area. Matt: Our producer is asking what you would do if you were out there surviving like the rest of the population. Bryce: Go to the coastline, and go up north to Canada, or if the north isn't available, then I would go to the Florida Keys and live out there.
Those are my primary options, but I would go to the states I suggested when I came here for the first time. I would go to Montana or North Dakota if I had to pick. Matt: Our producer says thank you, and is there anything else you want to say before we let you go. Bryce: That's all I had for the moment. Thanks for having, I know y'all are tired and worried about your families, I hope all is well for each of you. Also, condolences for all of you that lost someone dear and special. Katie: You as well, Bryce, take care. Bryce: Hold up! I've just received an email containing this type of zombie, and I'm allowed to share this with the public. Matt: Is it worse than the abnormal zombie?! Katie: I hope it's not; he said the abnormal zombie is the worse of all of them. Bryce: Okay, I just got done with the email. Well, I got terrible news, the new zombie is being dubbed the super zombie. Luckily they're not that special; think of them as a combo of the runner zombie and the stalker zombie and a little bit of the siren zombie. But don't worry, they're not ordinary like the others, the odds turning into one is one out of ten thousand. What makes them unique is that they are faster than the runner zombie; the super zombie sprints at a constant speed of thirty miles per hour. It can also call other zombies from a three-mile radius with a powerful scream that can reach over one hundred and forty decibels.
Their intelligence is quite impressive; think of them as a primal hunter. They can track you using your footprints and follow you by smell. Also, they appear to have a good memory, so they won't forget their prey. If it sees you going inside of a house and it can't get in, it will wait for you until it's dealt with. But luckily they are not common, and they can be dealt with a gun or a fatal blow to the head. And the report states that they can open doors and climb ladders. Well, folks, double-check your doors to see if they're locked. Since they're faster than any human being that we know, if you want to escape from them, run in a zig-zag so you can counter their speed. Also, make sure you go in different directions because they will follow your car until something else will get their attention. That's all I got, have a safe night, goodbye, everyone! Matt: Wow, he disconnected so suddenly. Well, if you're joining us, don't worry, you didn't miss anything. Because we will do reruns because our news team is tired so we will come back if anything develops.
Eli: Damn! Two new fucking zombies!!! Are you fucking kidding me!? And that news report took up twelve minutes! Guys, we have to get going!!! Those of you who are on the supply team try to find bags and shit! Justin: Niko and Deshon, I'm giving you the task of watching the guns. Don't let it out of your sight! Abigail: Justin, are all of those zombies still outside of the gates?Justin: Yep, last time I checked it when that CDC guy was talking. I don't think they're moving on anytime soon. Mike, empty those bags filled with supplies in them so we can use them. Eli: Mike, pass me my bookbag and bat, please! Also, give me the black duffel bag, I'll carry it. Michael tossed me the black duffel bag and my bookbag. I hurried on up to the back of the school's hallway where there are two sets of double doors; I'm inside is what we call the box when you're between them. I'm waiting on the others to come on. Tim, just walked in with his book bag on his back, and he has a small blue duffle bag. Wrapped around his left shoulder.
Tim: I can't believe we're actually doing this. That CDC guy said to wait until eight in the morning, not eight at night! I'm not trying to die tonight with those freaks out there, Elijah! Eli: Don't worry about it, man, just don't do anything stupid and stay with the group. And you won't die, and I thought you were some kind of zombie slayer; when you talked about your kill count. Tim: All my kills were basic zombies, so I didn't have to worry about the runner zombie after my ass! Eli: Timothy, I need your ass to stay calm when we're out there. One mistake and that can cost someone's life. We're going to use caution outside, so don't worry about it. Tim: Hey, if I die, I'm blaming you niggas! I come back as a zombie and bite one of you niggas! Eli: Come on, Tim-Tim! I would've just kicked your ass if you got bitten by a damn zombie and blew your damn brains out and set you on fire! Tim: Fuck you nigga! Eli: No, thank you! But on another note, do you know if Greg is alive? Tim: Oh, yeah, I had forgotten to tell when you came back; yeah, he's safe. Greg is in a military camp in Puerto Rico, there haven't been any zombies, and the military has it on lockdown, according to him. Luckily he was out of state, so he didn't have to experience any of this shit!
The entire group showed up. Dariel, Mariah, Brianna, Aalyiah stayed right outside of the box. While the rest went inside of the box. Justin just dropped the gun bag and told everyone in the supply-run team to wait because he will decide what guns people are getting. Justin is wearing a bulletproof vest with black combat boots, and also has a twelve-gauge shotgun strapped upon his back while carrying a hunting rifle. Justin is also holding a book bag on his torso. After all of that, he's wearing a dark blue jacket. Audrey is wearing a yellow hoodie that says, "All-Star" because it's forty degrees. And Audrey is carrying her red-orange book bag. Don has on his blue hoodie with his wave cap on. He's holding two large black duffel bags. Marv is wearing a grey and black jacket while carrying his black book bag, while his black aluminum baseball bat is attached to it on the book bag's backside.
Justin: Audrey, you can have this small revolver. It's light, so you will be able to run away when it comes down to it. Audrey: Well, it's better than having no gun. You will be at the rearguard. Meaning that...Audrey: I know what the rearguard job is! You don't have to explain it. Justin: Alright, then no need for the attitude! Tim, take the M4; it's a good gun; it has range and power. Also, take six mags, just in case we get into some trouble. Tim: Thanks. Justin: I got the perfect gun for you, Don. I was thinking of a shotgun, but that's the safe choice; I'm giving you the M-16. It got everything you need. It can cover us from far, and it has good stopping power. And five-thirty round mags should be enough. Don: Hopefully, we don't use all the ammo when we're out there. Justin: Just conserve ammo; that's all we can do. So, Marv, I thought something simple, like a Glock, should get the job done for a person like yourself. Marv: Hey man, you're the expert; this is probably what's best for me. Justin: I'm giving you seven mags. Make sure you conserve your ammo as much as possible. But remember to double-tap, zombies. You can't be too careful. Marv: Alright. Mike approaches Justin with his 44 Magnum in his hand. Mike is wearing a white hoodie that says "Goku forgives, but I don't" with skinny blue jeans and white sneakers.
Mike: I'm going to need more bullets for this gun. Also, I want another gun; I want to be the first one to hit one hundred kills. Justin: For the 44 Magnum, I only have six rounds for it; but I have more at my home. I can give you the rest of the ammo right now, but you can't be wasteful. Mike: Just give me what you got for it, and I will worry about the ammo problem. Justin: I can provide you the AR-15. I have plenty of ammo for it. It has excellent ammo capacity, and it has high-grade stopping power. What do you think? Mike: Do you have a sniper rifle or an AK-47? Justin: Well, I do have a sniper rifle, but I'm not giving it to nobody, and plus, it would be kinda useless if you aren't behind cover or don't have a high vantage point. A hunting rifle could meet your standards, but it has low ammo capacity. Mike: Just give me the AR and the rest of the ammo of the other gun. Justin: Sure thing. Mike: I'm about to go off on these zombies! Ain't no zombie taking a bite out of me! Marv: Watch you be the first one to get bitten. Mike: Nah, bruh! My greatness outshines everything! Marv: Alright, Escanor! Justin: You have anything in mind? Eli: Yeah, may you give me another Beretta. Justin: You want another one? Instead of the same Beretta, how about I give you a Beretta 92FS? Eli: What's the difference? Justin: For starters, it has a better sight on it. The one I'm giving you has a painted three-dot sight while the one you got only has two-dot sight; also, Beretta 92FS is more durable. Basically, it's more durable because you can shoot over thirty thousand rounds, while the M9 can shoot over seventeen thousand. Eli: Alright, I'll take it.
Justin gave me the 92FS and six more rounds. He also pulled out his white handle katana in its sheath and a tactical belt along with it, strapped it around his waist. He then tosses me two pocket holsters, then proceeds to zip up his gun bag and pass it to Niko. I put both guns in their holsters and put them on each side of me, inside my shorts. Mike takes a gaze outside through the window, then I did the same thing. The little back wall light on the school shed some glimmer during the gloomy lit sky, with the moon only revealing a third of itself. The low light that we possess appears to be a clear lane to the freeway. Some of the undead continue walking around the basketball courts, surrounded by a twelve-foot fence with the gate open. On the other side, open while the one on our side is locked with a padlock. The only thing separating the school and the freeway is the thick bushes and trees, then the cement guardrail.
Mike: Why are we waiting?! Let's go! Abigail: How do we know if the air is stable? Niko: It was on the news; why would they lie to us? The news is always a credible source of information. Eli: It depends on the news network. The big ones are spreading propaganda so that they can get better ratings. Deshon: I don't think they would lie to us during a crisis like this. I looked up the CDC dude; he's legitimate. And he's responding to questions on Twitter. Also, he is live on IG right now. We could ask him if the air is safe to breathe. Eli: How many folks are in there right now? Deshon: Two hundred-eighteen. I could request to be in the live stream. Mike: That's quite weird to join someone's live stream that you don't know, but if you want to, then go ahead. Abigail: Just join it! Don't be scared of what other people think about you. Deshon: Fine, I'll request to join it! He's probably not going to let me in any way!
Bryce: Hey, their thtboi_D. Deshon: Oh, I didn't think you would accept it!? Bryce: Nah, you were the first one to be in the live stream. Do you have a question or what? Deshon: My group heard you on the news network. You said it would be safe to go outside right now. But we have some doubts about it because some of us don't trust the news on everything they say. Bryce: Before I answer your question, you will have to answer my questions afterward. It can be private or public; it doesn't matter to me. Deshon: Alright, but you questioning us will have to be covered. Bryce: I agree to your terms. If you're going outside right now, then don't, it's way too dangerous outside, not because the air is adequate as of right now, it's because of what's out there; I do not recommend that you go out. So I recommend you stay put where you are. You should go in the daytime's safety so we can see zombies and people. Let me clarify; the air is acceptable for the time-period I laid out—eight at night through two in the afternoon.
The air won't turn you into a zombie, or you won't die from it. But don't go out there if you have severe respiratory problems. Well, I was going to save this until tomorrow, but I will tell you that you shouldn't be around the slain zombies. Their bodies release toxins that will first result in loss of touch and pain. But don't worry, it's only temporary once you leave the area in under four minutes. But if there longer, then the second phase will occur, loss of smell and taste, once again temporary once you leave the place you're at eleven minutes. Anything past twenty minutes results in a long period of time of loss of senses. Deshon: To make sure we're clear, it's safe to breathe the air? Bryce: Yep, unless you have severe respiratory problems. Since you want my questions to be private, call me on IG. Deshon: Will do. Mike: Why are we scared to go out?! He just confirmed it three damn times!!! I'm going to go on ahead, meet you guys on the freeway! Mike grabbed his stuff and went out. Next, Bryce answered the call and asked everyone to be on the camera. Bryce: Okay, I left the office; I'm in my private break room. So, I see that you guys are in high school. Everyone introduced themselves to Bryce and told them what their job in the group was. And Audrey talked about Mike and why he stepped out. We also told our location and how many resources we have.
Bryce: Alright, I have some questions. You even answered most of them, but some are still unanswered. How long will your group stay at the school? You need back up plans; you need multiple of multiple contingencies plans. Where will you guys stay at? Eli: We have an entire neighborhood across from the school. But if that were compromised, then we would go to a county that has a low population. Bryce: Sounds like a great plan, but I think I have a better one. I have houses in every state. They're very well secured, and they are made for every type of apocalypse. But most of my homes I have are in challenging locations to get to because of all the zombie's hotspots nearby. I wouldn't stay in the United States' southern part, go north or the midwest states. The south will collapse in a year and a half, so gather many resources so you could travel to a different state. Justin: What's the catch?! There has to be more. Bryce: When I say most of my homes are in challenging locations, I mean like there are only five states that don't have difficulties when it comes to zombies or people. Elijah: Are there any nearby us?
Bryce: Unless you want to make a risky trip to Savannah. Elijah: Would it be worth it to take the supplies from there? Bryce: It's very high risk versus high reward. That idea should only come to fruition when you're on your last leg, like on the brink of starvation. It would be more prosperous for the group to travel to a different state. Then go to Savannah, and jeopardize people's lives. Marv: What are the states that we should go to? Bryce: I'll rank them in terms of the best home and surrounding area. At rank five, it's Idaho, then Nebraska, Montana, South Dakota, and finally North Dakota. North Dakota has the best facilities to deal with the weather and zombies, also people. I could send you all the exact locations to each safe house, just in case you're on the run. Deshon: Please do; you never know if we're going to talk to you again. Bryce: Guys, I'm running out of time. Is there any way I can help you at all right now? Justin: What areas should we avoid? Bryce: Stay outside of Atlanta and Peachtree, and don't go east or south of Georgia. That's all-time I have, so if you have any more questions, just message me on IG or my other socials. So I won't be confused, always type omega beam before you start up a conversation with me, so I'll know it's you guys. May your journey be celebrated, and may your last moments be meaningful. See you later.
Audrey left in a hurry since twelve minutes had passed when Michael left, then followed by Donovan. Then the rest of us left without saying a word. A chilling breeze struck my body soon as I left the building. The remaining zombies on the basketball court are trying to reach through the gate as they wail their arms through the loops. As we went past the fence, we charged in through the thick bushes; we were met with its thorns and past two trees on the way up to the freeway. And climb up the cemented guardrail and step on the highway—multiple unmanned vehicles on the other side of the expressway—the digital billboard showing an advertisement for click it or ticket. On the side we're on, there's no cars, not even one. Mike is sitting on the cemented guardrail on the opposing side, with Audrey and Don by his side. Mike got up soon as he saw the rest of us.
Mike: What the hell took you so long!? You got me waiting out here! When we had a plan to go out when it hit eight!!! What the fuck!!! Tim: See, what happened was Abigail was worried that the air wasn't safe, then Niko said it was safe because of the news then that damn CDC guy on the news network was live-streaming on IG, so Deshon hopped in the live with him then ask him is the air is safe. Then he started to give out this long ass answer just to say yes. But the CDC guy wanted to ask some questions about us. So he called us on IG, then we told him everything, then gave us advice so we won't run into trouble; also, he has safe houses in every damn state. But only five of them are easy to reach, but we got to travel across the fucking country so we can get to one of them! Mike: He has a safe house?! Where is the place located in Georgia?! Eli: All the way in Savannah, but he said we should only go there if we're on the brink of starvation and there's no other place to go. And Mike, stop fucking yelling. We don't need to attract zombies to us. Marv: Do you think it's possible to get one of those cars free on the other side? Justin: Well, if we go to the highway exit and hopefully find a vehicle with keys in it. Then we use GPS to the rental car place instead of walking there, which would take one and thirty minutes to get there. Deshon: What's the best option? Justin: What the actual fuck?! Eli: Who let this fucking pig out of its cage?! Audrey: Why did you bring your bitch ass here!? We don't want you! Get your bum ass on somewhere!!! Deshon: I'm not staying inside of the school! I'm not just going to sit in there! I'm a grown-ass man; I'm going with the men that we got! Eli: Pause! Justin: That nigga Deshon gay as fuck! Audrey: You want to be with the men, alright, go ahead then!
Tim: It's okay to be gay man, we will support you. Marv: It takes courage to come out of the closet. Mike: It is what it is! Deshon: Are you niggas done?! You niggas know what I was trying to say! Eli: Yeah, we do! You want to be with the men, but none of us roll that way. Deshon: Fine, I'll clean it up! If my friends are risking their lives for the group, I want to be part of that. We only have each other; we can't start to imagine how much we lost. I want to help by going out and risking my life just like y'all! Eli: Alright! You can come along if you stop bitching about not going. Deshon: Thank you; you won't regret it! Justin: Did Niko give you a gun?! Deshon: Actually, he had to use the bathroom and told me to watch it. I took a Glock Forty-Two, I think. Justin: Did you take any ammo? Deshon: Oh, shit! I forgot it! Justin: Better make your shots count. Only shoots six-rounds, but the good thing is that you can carry it in your pocket. Deshon: We haven't left yet; I can get some ammo. Justin: We wasted too much time, Deshon I need you just guard our backside. You will be our emergency shooter, don't use the gun until we tell you to. Deshon: That's what I get for not thinking ahead; let's go. Justin: Follow me, I can waste my battery on GPS. If we keep pace, no one else has to use their phones until we get the cars. Deshon: What's actually the best option? Justin: Going to the rental car place, there's a guarantee that we can find a car.
Eli: How much food and water did we bring? And who has it? Audrey: I do, that's why we didn't rush out like some chickens with their heads cut off. Well, I actually have some drinks and snacks in my bag because of baseball practice. Marv: You should give out food after we gather the cars. Audrey: I was planning on doing it after we went everywhere that we needed to go. But your idea can work as well. Tim: I ain't never imagine that I would be walking on the freeway, and especially at night! Eli: I imagined it plenty of times but not for a supply run. Deshon: Stop it! Eli: I was just joking! Deshon: How much further?! Justin: Nigga, we just start it! We got one hour, twenty-eight minutes left. Make sure you look out on what's behind us, Deshon. Deshon: That's a copy! Justin: Why are you the way you are? Deshon: Leave me alone. Justin: Watch the right side, Don; Eli, watch our left side. Mike, Marv, and Tim, you're at the front taking point with me. It's night time, so look alive. Look out for those stalker zombies; we don't need them on our ass.
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