《My Batman System》Chapter 07 - Surprising power


Jason didn't look that reliable, so the others imagined that his attacks would only annoy the beast. Still, not only he could kill the beast with only two Fireballs, but he also could use them one after the other. While the high-level awakened people could use their skills pretty often, the low-level ones had a cooldown time for their skills.

"That wasn't half bad…" Mary said. "Can you keep using that spell often?"

"I guess so," Jason replied.

Jason actually didn't know. It was the first time he used mana, and he didn't find anything in his system or any information about how much he could recover over time. He knew that he could recover one point of stamina every minute because he used it very often.

"I see… In that case, let's change our strategy a bit," Mary said. "I will target their legs, and you will target their heads. Usually, I blind them to make sure my friends won't get hurt too often. Once I do that, you will hit them, and then I will finish them off."

"Shouldn't I just fire two and then be done?" Jason asked.

"Even if you have a decent amount of mana, we might need it for later. Monster's ambushes are common, after all," Mary said. "With my special skill, I can pierce their skulls easily, but I need some time to charge the arrows. Fortunately, your attacks can give me the time necessary."

It didn't seem like Jason's quirk could gain experience and level up just by being used, so he was fine with that. While he nodded, he saw the tanks carrying the corpse of the giant boar. The beast weighed over two tons, so those guys could carry things that weighed over five hundred kilograms each, and yet… that power wasn't enough to kill the monster or even hold it back by themselves.


The strength of those guys was so high that they even threw the bodies to the back of the truck. Regardless, Jason had heard that those monsters live pretty close to the walls, but he didn't imagine that they would find one behind the first hill. Hopefully, they will do more as soon as possible. Jason wanted to test other things using his system and get rid of his debts… It was annoying to think about it every day.

The group began to move again, and it didn't take long for new monsters to be found. Unfortunately, the truck's movements drew the attention of two of them.

"Change of plans!" Mary said. "Go all out!"

From the top of the truck, Jason and Mary began to attack the monsters. Although he had a hard time aiming since the beasts were fifty meters away. Jason hit his target since his Fireball crossed those fifty meters in half a second. Jason's attack hit the left ear of one of the monsters. The explosion made the beast fall, so Mary targeted the other. Despite the fact that the truck was moving, she still hit the leg of her target. Making the monster slow down. Although that kind of situation was troublesome, things ended without an issue. Jason fired two other Fireballs to kill the beasts.

During the time the tanks were moving the corpses to the back of the truck, Jason noticed that he had recovered one point of mana. Ten minutes had passed since the time he used his first spell, so he imagined that was the recovery speed of his mana.

"One point every six hundred seconds… this isn't good," Jason thought.

Call him reckless, but Jason was planning to go hunt by himself soon enough, he would have to think of a way on how to transport the monsters to Los Angeles, but that was a problem for later. Right now, he had to think of how he should improve his mana recovery.


Before Jason could find an answer, they managed to hunt two other giant boars, and then the back of the truck was filled, and they had to return. It wasn't half bad since they only worked for half an hour to get those. Throughout the day, they went around many times to hunt the giant boars. Still, even with his current mana recovery, Jason managed to make things work. The reason for that was that despite the group being made of fighters, they were low-level ones, so they had to do plenty of things inside the walls, like unloading the cargo. Meanwhile, the bigger groups hired them sometimes to help them with what they considered miscellaneous tasks.

"Today was a pretty good day of the hunt," Mary said. "When they returned to the city while the sun was setting. We usually take a lot more time to hunt them because I am the only one with enough firepower."

"From what I saw, we made a lot of money today… around five thousand bucks for each of us…" Jason said. "Why don't other people work on hunting those more often?"

"That is because we still are at the bottom when it comes to hunting monsters," Mary said. "Sure, we could make a lot more if we ignored the people that can't fight, but that would be the same as stabbing our consciences. Most of the hunters focus on improving their abilities and kill stronger monsters to make more money and become more famous, but that only works because there are people on the below ranks that are willing to take this kind of job."

"Well, things have changed much since back then, I guess…" Jason said.

"I suppose…" Mary said.

After a while, they finished unloading the last few monsters in a warehouse, and then Mary proceeded to pay those that worked with her. It seemed that Jason could pay his debt in a week, but instead of saving it, he decided to invest it.

Quirks Shop: Fireball Upgrade (0/1000) +

Improved Strength - 3000

Improved Endurance- 3000

Improved Magic - 3000

Improved Spirit - 3000

Improved Quickness - 3000

Improved Dexterity - 3000

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