《Sidequest》Chapter 5


With its roots cut by Alphonse's blade, the monstrous plant finally fell. Breathing heavily, Alphonse collapsed next to the still unconscious Hiro, his sword clattering to the ground. He pressed a hand to his left side, blood oozing through his fingers. Gritting his teeth, Alphonse nudged Hiro's leg with his toe, "I need healing."

Hiro shifted, a quiet moan slipping through his lips and his brow scrunching up briefly but he didn't wake up. Alphonse groaned and scooted closer, wincing in pain, "Come on, Hiro.."

Distantly, Alphonse heard footsteps approaching the chamber. Heavy, armored footsteps. For a moment, Alphonse wondered if Suzie and Kelsi caught up. But there were three sets of footsteps, two normal sets alongside the armored footsteps.

"Hiro, wake up." Alphonse hissed through his teeth, grabbing his dropped sword.

As shadows appeared in the doorway, Alphonse forced himself to stand and face whoever it was head on. The tip of his sword dragged across the dirt as he straightened his knees.

A tan girl with short orange hair stepped into the chamber, "Wow! Its already dead!" After her a girl with long red hair tied in a high ponytail and a tall person in a suit of armor and a black hood with a black and white mask came in.

The first girl caught sight of Alphonse and called out, "Hey! Are you okay?"

Alphonse stabbed his sword into the ground and leaned on it. "Not really..." he muttered.


When the dungeon came into view, Suzie's steps slowed. Her eyes panned down until she saw Kelsi standing at the base, a hand on its smooth, black surface.

Kelsi heard her approach and her head whipped around. She ran back towards Suzie, her soft brown eyes wide open and worried. Before she reached Suzie she cried out, "It won't let me enter!"

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