《Sidequest》Chapter 6


Alphonse's hands started to lose their grip on the hilt of his sword. His knees gave out and he began to slump. "Hey!" The orange-haired girl called out, breaking into a run towards him and Hiro. She reached them just as Alphonse's butt hit the dirt. One of his hands still loosely held the hilt of his sword, even as she crouched in front of him, hand hovering over his shoulder. "You're in rough shape. Why don't you teleport out?"

Alphonse tilted his head towards Hiro, "He's out cold. Can't exactly use his medallion like that."

She turned her eyes, which were strangely the same shade as her hair, on Hiro. Chewing on her bottom lip. she muttered, "Right... Oh!" Her eyes widened and her head snapped down to her bag, "I've got a potion!"

"Blaze!" The red-headed girl stomped over, "Don't just give our shit to them!" She grabbed the orange-haired girl, Blaze's, arm, "It could be a trap, " she hissed.

Alphonse rolled his eyes, "What reason would I have to trap you."

The red-haired girl opened her mouth, her nose scrunched up but she was interrupted by Blaze gently pulling her hand off her arm, "It's my potion. I'll decide what I do with it, okay Alyss?"

Alyss backed up a few steps and crossed her arms over her chest, jutting her bottom lip out in a pout. Blaze reached into her bag once more and pulled out a typical potion vial. She shuffled on her knees closer to Hiro, sliding a hand under his head to lift it up and pour the potion into his slight agape mouth. Alphonse's hand twitched on the hilt of his sword. As they waited to see if the potion would take effect, Blaze and Alyss's companion in the mask and armor slowly approached the monster's corpse...


After a shudder that ran down his entire body, Hiro opened his eyes.

He sat up quickly, rubbing the back of his head. He frowned at Blaze, brow furrowed before his eyes found Alphonse and he smiled. Alphonse gave a brief smile back as his heart fluttered. Then he dropped the smile, pulling himself closer to Hiro and flicking his forehead.

Hiro's hands jumped to his forehead, covering the red mark that was already forming, "Hey!" he protested, tears pricking at the corners of his eyes involuntarily.

"This was al your fucking idea and you get yourself knocked out? Hurry up and heal me, idiot."

Hiro pouted, quickly rubbing the tears out of his eyes, "You don't need to be so rude."

Alphonse threw a hand up, pointing at the fallen monster. "I killed that thing all by myself. I get to be a little rude."

Alyss and Blaze's eyes widened and almost in sync they turned to look back at the monster and then back to Alphonse. "You killed that thing by yourself?" Alyss asked, her strangely magenta eyes narrowing.

"Do you see anyone else in here besides me and sleeping beauty?" Alphonse jerked a thumb towards Hiro, who was holding up his staff to cast a healing spell.

A silver shower of sparks rained from the end of Hiro's staff onto Alphonse. Alphonse grit his teeth as he felt the prickly itch of his wounds mending. As Hiro healed Alphonse, Alyss grabbed Blaze's arm and dragged her away. The two girls whispered out of earshot, glancing over to Hiro and Alphonse occasionally.

Hiro let the head of his staff hit the dirt with a sigh as he finished healing Alphonse. Alphonse stood and offered a hand to help Hiro up, "Are you ready to crawl back to Suzie?"

Eyes pointed firmly at the ground, Hiro took Alphonse's hand to pull himself to his feet, "...yes..." he sighed.

"Wait." Blaze jogged back to Hiro and Alphonse. "What would you guys say to teaming up with us for the rest of the dungeon?"

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