《One Versus Destiny》Chapter 18: The Magicspestone Flask Upgrades


I started gliding, looking for a place to get a house. I finally found a plot of empty land for sale, for one silver coin. I paid the silver coin, and used the grand house from the rainbow flask. I went to the suite, and told Doom, Joe, and Fesoul I got a house. They asked, “How?” I explained what happened in the contest. We left the suite, and went to the house. I found the interior was different from the gold-category’s rainbow palace. I saw that you went into the entry hall, which had some stairs leading upstairs, which had an office, two bathrooms, and six bedrooms. Downstairs, there was a living room, a calling machine, a laundry room, six closets, a TV projector, another living room, a kitchen, a garage, a stable, an indoor pool, a studio, a ping pong/pool table, a storage area, an indoor garden, a basketball court, and a football stadium. There were also four dining rooms upstairs. I also had a training room and furnace room in the basement.

I opened the flask again, looking to upgrade it. I had millions of runes in my inventory, which were practically useless. I poured some generator runes in, and, to my surprise, the house started making electricity, and had lightbulbs. I wanted to get a balcony. I poured some runeteller runes into my flask, and I got a room which told me what to put in for each upgrade. For a balcony, I had to pour some balcony runes. I poured some balcony and backyard runes in, and got a balcony and backyard. I wanted a mint. I had to pour in a diamond coin and a lot of money runes. I did so. I modeled the house to my liking, nearly doubling its side.

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