《One Versus Destiny》Chapter 17: Glassfay and the Rainbow House


I was above the rainbow palace. The gold-category said, “Why did only you come out?” I responded, “Everyone else died.” I gave him the sword. He said, “Your prize is this.” He gave me a flask with some sort of rainbow liquid. “Drink it,” he said. I did. I got a message:

You have unlocked new template power (rainbow counjourement and control).

You can summon a rainbow construct (1/6)

Available forms (iron)

Rainbow house (adaptive)

Rainbow house (cozy)

Rainbow house (grand)

Rainbow house (normal)

Rainbow house (pick color)

I conjured a rainbow house, and I got a flask. I opened it, and I got a message saying this:

Rainbow house (adaptive)

Rainbow house (cozy)

Rainbow house (grand)

Rainbow house (normal)

Rainbow house (pick color)

I chose none. We started flying back to Magicspestone, and while I was training on day three, this happened:

Waeswars (Blood) Bronze 0 (0%)

Perception of Darkness (Darkness) Bronze 0 (0%)

Sinfree Soul (Sin) Bronze 0 (0%)

Cloak of Death (Death) Bronze 0 (0%)

Bad Omen (Omen) Bronze 0 (0%)

Execute (Doom) Bronze 0 (0%)

Teleport of Shadows (Darkness) Bronze 0 (0%)

Frozen Blood (Blood) Bronze 0 (0%)

Cleansing Fire (Sin) Bronze 0 (0%)

Orb of Death (Death) Bronze 0 (0%)

Slow Death (Death) Bronze 0 (0%)

Shadowy Perfection (Darkness) Bronze 0 (0%)

Perfect Luck (Omen) Bronze 0 (0%)

Blade of Death (Doom) Bronze 0 (0%)

Immortality (Blood) Bronze 0 (0%)

Live Shadow (Darkness) Bronze 0 (0%)

They were all improved. All the pefighs got two more bodies, and could transform into certain things. He told me some things about the ability, such as what it would give at higher categories (at gold category it gave a palace, for example).

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