《One Versus Destiny》Chapter 16: The Final Trial


“Enter that building,” Ordeath said. I did so. “That portal leads to you suffering, and hundreds of innocent prisoners being liberated, and that one leads home,” Ordeath said.

I went to the liberating one, and there was a voice. “Everyone else has died,” it said. I got a power stone of shadow. I used it:

You have used power stone of shadow

You have unlocked soul stone of darkness power (live shadow)

Class pefigh

Summons a shadow of death as a pefigh

Waeswars (Blood) Bronze 0 (0%)

Perception of Darkness (Darkness) Bronze 0 (0%)

Sinfree Soul (Sin) Bronze 0 (0%)

Cloak of Death (Death) Bronze 0 (0%)

Bad Omen (Omen) Bronze 0 (0%)

Execute (Doom) Bronze 0 (0%)

Teleport of Shadows (Darkness) Bronze 0 (0%)

Frozen Blood (Blood) Bronze 0 (0%)

Cleansing Fire (Sin) Copper 7 (37%)

Orb of Death (Death) Copper 4 56%)

Slow Death (Death) Copper 1 (6%)

Shadowy Perfection (Darkness) Bronze 0 (0%)

Perfect Luck (Omen) Copper 6 (8%)

Blade of Death (Doom) Copper 1 (4%)

Immortality (Blood) Copper 0 (16%)

Live Shadow (Darkness) Copper 0 (0%)

I summoned him. He said, “My name is Shadeath.” I saw a sword. I tried lifting it, but it was too heavy. There was a diamond-category monster, but with a copper-category soul. I started suppressing its soul, but it punched me to the other side of the room, breaking all my bones. I used the cleansing fire. We were locked in battle when something miraculous happened.

Outsider gift evolution

Inventory and levitation became Soul House and Levitation

I could open a portal to the soul house, so that’s what I did. In the house, the monster died. I put the sword in the soul house.

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