《One Versus Destiny》Chapter 19: The New Norm


I then went to bed in a rainbow bed. It was extremely comfortable. It was more comfortable than anything in my whole life. I got up, and my soul still hurt from being suppressed. I then thought to get it healed. I drank a diamond-category healing-potion. I then passed out.

When I woke up, it was lunch. I used the interdimensional room to check the date on Earth. It was the twenty-ninth of December on Earth. I went to the job hall, looking for a festive contract. I found one, and did it. I then wanted to have a party for new years. It was easy to do one, because a year on Glassfay was entirely flipped. New years on Glassfay was on July thirty-first. It was much harder explaining to Doom, Fesoul, and Joe, who I found out were called Team R54. R54 came from Doom’s family, which required a specific name for each team. I then remembered my birthday was on January twelfth. I hadn’t thought about that since third grade. I remembered I was turning ten this year. My Glassfay birthday was Eightmonth fourth, as that was the day I arrived. I also had sevenmonth thirteenth as the day I was supposed to get older, as that was Glassfay for January twelfth.

I started taking contracts at a rate of five to six a day. By my birthday, after I had got back, I had done sixty-six contracts. I took the day off.

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