《One Versus Destiny》Chapter 13: Tourture


I’m defending against suppression. It hurts so much I would almost become a monster to stop.

The pain went up. I would be dead if Abjwe wasn’t fighting. It’s like having your body destroyed and your soul sent into a volcano, with the same pain receptors as a body.

The ice king is going to kill me. My guess is it’s been thirty hours since I started getting suppressed.


I wonder why that iron-category midget hasn’t died yet. I need to suppress it harder.


Arrgh! I wonder how I haven’t died yet, after about forty-eight hours. Owwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! This hurts so much, I almost want to die. I wonder how jade-categories are so powerful! Put emphasis on the so. I'mworried about this. This pain is unbearable. Snap! Went something, and it hurt even more. I'malso worried about moral decay. If this is what it is, I'm extremely frightened.


That midget hasn’t died yet? This is odd. I might want to never stop, just to see how long it goes before he dies. What? I broke some of his bones and tore his clothes? Odd.


“I’m worried about the iron-categories,” said the gold category. “Guess the strength has gone up. They will be back soon, I’m sure.


“I think I can get a few jade-categories in,” I said, and did so.


I went in, and scoured the territory. I sensed most of them were getting on fine, but one was being suppressed by an ice king. We went towards it and killed it, then we left.


“Yes!” I cheered. My soul was unsuppressed, and I felt a team of jade-categories had killed it. I got a new title:

You have earned title: perfectly elite

Overcoming such a strong suppression makes your soul almost unsupressable, and increases the soul’s strength by a major milestone.

My soul strength was now silver 3.

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