《One Versus Destiny》Chapter 12: The Ice King


I needed help, badly. It was extremly worrying to have a jade-category to fight alone, but Shadeath started draining his mana. I tried teleporting away, but every time, a peice of ice flew out of both of both our inventories, and flew us to each other, knocking me off. I had no ice in my inventory, so I think he conjured the ice. “Suffer the cost of a lifetime. Freeze, bloodless one. Suffer the cost of a lifetime. Your luck’s fate is to suffer. You will die.” That seemed to have no effect whatsoever on the monster. “Feel the power of reality remade.” That did a bit of damage, but not a lot. Abjwe started to die, so I called him back in to let him heal. I tried using my soul, but it hit me with a soul attack so powerful I was dealing with tourture.

“Suffer the cost of a lifetime. Suffer the cost of a lifetime. Suffer the cost of a lifetime.

Suffer the cost of a lifetime. Suffer the cost of a lifetime. Suffer the cost of a lifetime.

Suffer the cost of a lifetime. Freeze, bloodless one. Suffer the cost of a-.” That was all I could remember before I blacked out.


The ice king got on top of Arjun, nearly crushing him, but seeing food in the distance, ran off.


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