《One Versus Destiny》Chapter 11: The Second Trial, Part One


Waeswars (Blood) Bronze 0 (0%)

Perception of Darkness (Darkness) Bronze 0 (0%)

Sinfree Soul (Sin) Bronze 0 (0%)

Cloak of Death (Death) Bronze 0 (0%)

Bad Omen (Omen) Bronze 0 (0%)

Execute (Doom) Bronze 0 (0%)

Teleport of Shadows (Darkness) Bronze 0 (0%)

Frozen Blood (Blood) Bronze 0 (0%)

Cleansing Fire (Sin) Bronze 0 (0%)

Orb of Death (Death) Copper 0 (32%)

Slow Death (Death) Copper 1 (6%)

Shadowy Perfection (Darkness) Bronze 0 (0%)

I woke up to that system message. I noticed the cleansing fire around my bed was fixing broken bones and muscle sprains, and burning enemies who came close. Shadowy perfection was now increasing the size of my shadow, but I could make it smaller or make it disappear. I collected the drops of the monsters, but I found nothing interesting, until I found a power stone, and I absorbed it:

You have absorbed power stone of luck

You have unlocked soul stone of omen power (perfect luck)

Class luck aid

Effect (copper)

Makes your luck perfect, unless you have an effect that gives you bad luck, or are dealing with an enemy of a higher category

Won’t be good until I get out, I thought. I asked Ordeath to do the next trial. He told me to get to a specific building. I started fighting my way there, getting a new power:

You have absorbed power stone of weaponry

You have unlocked soul stone of doom power (blade of death)

Class conjured weapon

Effect (copper)

Gives you a dagger, inflicting all your possible afflictions every hit

Cost: moderate smith mana

Incantation: Blade of one, arise

Waeswars (Blood) Bronze 0 (0%)

Perception of Darkness (Darkness) Bronze 0 (0%)

Sinfree Soul (Sin) Bronze 0 (0%)

Cloak of Death (Death) Bronze 0 (0%)

Bad Omen (Omen) Bronze 0 (0%)

Execute (Doom) Bronze 0 (0%)


Teleport of Shadows (Darkness) Bronze 0 (0%)

Frozen Blood (Blood) Bronze 0 (0%)

Cleansing Fire (Sin) Copper 1 (4%)

Orb of Death (Death) Copper 0 (32%)

Slow Death (Death) Copper 1 (6%)

Shadowy Perfection (Darkness) Bronze 0 (0%)

Perfect Luck (Omen) Copper 0 (0%)

Blade of Death (Doom) Copper 0 (0%)

I started using the dagger. The jade-category ice king came, and I treid teleporting away. The Ice King was an elemental king and a jade-category gone astray. It was extremely worrying, so I summoned a bunch of daggers on the floor behind me to slow him down, but they did little but annoy him. He jumped over the daggers like a kangaroo and attacked with his sword of ice. The blow was so strong that the dagger was knocked out of my hand and froze. I summoned the cleansing fire and my cloak, because I had heard that he was weak to fire. Whenever he dealt a blow, I summoned a new one.

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