《One Versus Destiny》Chapter 5: Work and the Theater Invasion


Doom told me I had to go to the worldsafers hall for work. While I was going to the worldsafers hall, I noticed a small thing, on the edge of what I could sense with my soul. I didn't know what it was, but I knew it could be big. When I could see the complex, it looked like a gray tower, with seval offshoots. I sensed a lot of souls in there, that were such a high-category it had to be high-category.

I went to the complex, got my worldsafers badge, and got pointed towards the jobs hall, where I could get a job by a couple of bronze-categories, who, for some reason, had donned blocky, black suits with burple eyes. They were three meters tall. They were also wearing black headbands with red fists.

It was a white hall, with brown noticeboards, with the words iron, copper, bronze, and silver, and a number of stars on each board. The noticeboards had some contracts each. I picked one that was interesting. It was a contract to clear out some thieves and arrest them. The reward was a hundred thousand bronze coins, so I took it. I had to give it to a man in a booth. He said, “You have to pick a one-star iron category contract. That’s a bronze category, three-star contract.” I put it back and chose a contract to clear out an infestation of ice walkers in a mountain village for twenty thousand iron coins, and three thousand bronze coins. There was also a bonus of five gold coins. I took the contract. I decided to use my power stone of the dragon. It said:

You have unlocked soul stone of darkness power (teleport of shadows)

Class mobility

Effect (copper)

You can teleport to any shadow within a hundred miles

Cost: low movement mana

I teleported to a house’s shadow. I saw the ice walkers moving towards me. I conjured my cloak. I summoned my waeswar. “Your luck’s fate is to suffer. Your luck’s fate is to suffer.” They started falling off the mountain, and the ones I didn’t attack were stung so painfully by my waeswar that they fell off the mountain. Out of an ice cave, a giant ice walker came. I could sense it was silver category. I used my golden firespewer, and it died. Ten more came. “You will die,” I said, and one went on half health. It chopped off my leg, and I froze it with my powers. I used my iron-category balance to keep on balance. I started sword fighting against it, until my atrion sword broke. I punched it, and it shattered. I collected the drops from it, and received the same coins as I got when I beat the dragon, but I also got a power stone of ice. I used it right away, and I got a power that slowed down an opponent’s heart fifty percent, for moderate death mana, without a cooldown, and the incantation was, “Freeze, bloodless one,” and it was on the blood soul stone. It was called Frozen Blood. I tried using it on another ice walker, but they don’t have blood. I teleported back to the job hall. I said, “I’m missing a leg because I fought ten giant silver-category ice walkers, and I could kill one, and I got a new power, but some silver-categories need to go up there and kill them.”


You have earned the title (Mentally strong)

Mentally strong: your soul heals you and its strength increases by two minor milestones.

My leg began to heal. My soul strength was now iron three. Once my leg healed, I practiced with my new powers, using them to be a sort of teleporting afflictions ninja. I could also attack with my soul. After a couple days, I got the pay. I then took another contract to clear a rat infestation in the sewer, but the rats had teeth that could bite through rock. I did that in just a day, with no problem, as my quest power informed me when all the rats were dead. I did that sort of thing for the next two months. There weren't really any intresting contracts during that time.

It was really boring, but it was also a good lifestyle. I was one of the hundred richest people in Magicspestone, which was a city of seven million people. I had also met many more people, with me having to meet around a hundred new people a day.

One time, as I was sitting in the billionaires box of a theater (at the time, I was worth about seventeen billion dollars), I sensed something with my soul. "The dragon flew to Uijen and burned it," Said the narrarator. The dragon flew to the city of Uijen and burned it in the play. The Worldsafers were helpless against it.

I ran out of the booth and looked up. People were staring at me. I jumped to the roof and grabbed a floating magical candle. I pulled out my worldsafer badge and showed it to the people. Most left. A few stayed in a bunker uderneath the theater, and the actors were taken backstage. I jumped on a platform carriyng the candle.

I saw a silver-category with pure black on blending in with the ceiling. As the silver-category (I could sense from his soul his name was Hyub) jumped down, I summoned my cloack and waeswars.


I jumped away from Hyub. As he jumped towards me, I leapt to the stage. I drew my sword, a dancer's blade made out of a combonation of steel, titanium, and gold. As Hyub ran towards me, I ducked behind a pile of plastic slag. Hyub didn't stop and tripped over it. Abjwe stung Hyub on the forehead and calf.

I hit his spine with my dancer's blade and backed away, but it did no damage to the silver-category. "In the clash of life, I shall emerge victourius with strength." I sensed Hyub got seventy per cent damage reduction. "Oh yeah? Two can play at that game. Your luck's fate is to suffer." He tripped on his big toe. I laughed and stabbed the back of Hyub's head with my sword. It couldn't crack his skull.

Hyub jumped towards me. I switched out my sword for a longsword. Hyub tried changing directions but couldn't. He impaled himslef all the way through the head on the longsword. He would probably die soon.

"If one, me, shall go, all shall."

There was a mighty explosion. That was all I remembered before I passed out.

I woke up to immense pain in my left foot. I sensed I had broken every bone, but they had healed most. It had taken a silver-category healer.

What was worse for Magicspestone, though, was that the entire entertainment district had been destroyed. About two hundred thousand people had died. My foot looked like a jade-category baby dragon had bit it and lifted the top half. Everything below the bottom of the arch had been restored, but it was stll hanging from my foot.

I sensed all my bones had got stronger. My foot was slowly fusing itself, but I couln't walk for a week and go on contracts for two weeks. Even then, the doctor said to keep it light. It took a month before I could get back to normal.

If my foot hadn't taken the blast, about six and a half million people would have died, and 6.8 million would have been severly injured. I knew it would take eight months to fix the district.

Once my foot got back to normal, I took advantage of the strngthened bones to help me. I could lift heavier weights. With this, I started taking harder contracts.

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