《One Versus Destiny》Chapter 6: The Rainbow Palace


One day, as I was leaving the hotel for work, I noticed part of the sky had turned purple. I thought there might be a contract to remove it. There was nothing of the sort. However, I heard people muttering about the purple in the sky. There were rumors that a diamond-category lived there. There were rumors that it was evil magic. It turned out to be something simlar, but not too simlar.

A few days later, someone emerged from the purple. It was a gold-category. He announced, from a thousand feet in the air, so loudly that anyone within fifty kilometers would have heard, “I have a contest. The second-place prize is five power stones. The first place prize is a surprise. Who would like to join? You have to be iron category.” Almost all the iron-categories within fifty kilometers did, including me. A white ladder descended from the purple. I climbed it, realizing that it was not purple, but the full rainbow, as the bottom was purple, the walls were blue, and the towers were all the other colors. It was great, especially as the gold-category gave us all a room that was the size of a house.

A few days later, ships started pouring into the harbor. The gold-category went out to meet them. I saw multiple jade-category kings here, with their iron-category adult child.

A few days after that, I felt a lurch, as I realized that we were leaving Magicspestone. I went down to the training room, figuring I would have to start training like before I got my job. I soon realized I wanted to know the specifics of the mission, so I asked the gold-category. He said we were going to have to get a very powerful sword, and overcome enemies of up to bronze category. I asked why he couldn’t do it himself, and he said only up to iron category could enter. I then went to a deserted training room, and thought about what had happened ever since I got to Glassfay, and it was crazy. Then, out of the blue, a system message came up:


Weaswars (Bood) Copper 5 (92%)

Perception of Darkness (Darkness) Copper 7 (18%)

Sinfree Soul (Sin) Copper 7 (92%)

Cloak of Death (Death) Copper 5 (54%)

Bad Omen (Omen) Copper 4 (96%)

Execute (Doom) Copper 3 (4%)

Teleport of shadows (Darkness) Copper 6 (83%)

Flozen Blood (Blood) Copper 6 (22%)

I practiced with my soul for a few hours until this happened:

Sinfree Soul (Sin) Copper 8 (0%)

“Yes!” I said. At that exact moment, someone walked in the room. “What are you so happy about,” they asked. I said, “I just leveled up a power.” They said, “Hmmmm, you do feel like you just reached bronze 1 in soul strength.” I told them I had two titles.

I had a few more days to practice, so I did so. A few hours before we arrived, a system message came up. I’d learned to control the system messages showing my powers, and one popped up:

Weaswars (Blood) Bronze 0 (0%)

Perception of Darkness (Darkness) Bronze 0 (0%)

Sinfree Soul (Sin) Bronze 0 (0%)

Cloak of Death (Death) Bronze 0 (0%)

Bad Omen (Omen) Bronze 0 (0%)

Execute (Doom) Bronze 0 (0%)

Teleport of shadows (Darkness) Bronze 0 (0%)

Frozen Blood (Blood) Bronze 0 (0%)

Waeswars would now poison enemies it bit and was humanoid. Perception of Darkness allowed me to enhance all my senses. Sinfree Soul made me resistant to any affliction from the Soul Stone of Sin. Cloak of Death allowed me to glide. Bad Omen made bronze category monsters rain on the enemy. Execute increased the category of one-shoting to bronze and allowed for extreme death mana to one-shot a silver, and had a low chance to twenty-shot a gold-category. Teleport of shadows increased my teleport range to any shadow I’ve been to before or is within a hundred miles, or I could see. I could also create a portal, but my range for the portal was fifty kilometers, and the portal had a cooldown of ten minutes, and the portal cost high movement mana. Frozen blood could cause cardiac arrest now.


“Yes!” I cheered. Now I had to practice using my powers as a set at bronze-category.

We reached, after about three hours of me getting all my powers to bronze. We saw a portal over us, and the gold-category told us to go in, and what the mission was for. We all went in.

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