《One Versus Destiny》Chapter 4: The Dragons


I got my badge for the job. But then, there was a shocking turn of events. Doom told me the job was to protect people. One day, a silver category guard noticed a dragon the size of a large house flying towards the city. Civilians were sent to a safe bunker. I had to fight though, should it invade.

The dragon arrived, and burnt most of the town, along with most of its iron and copper categories and a few bronze categories. I then sensed it was a gold-category. The town’s forty or so silver-categories assaulted, while ranged attack specialists-including me, with my spell, Bad Omen, and Execute attacked. Most died, however, so it was just a bunch of bronze. Most of them, too, were incinerated, or tail swept, or got stomped.

Under a melted apartment building, I saw Doom, contemplating and muttering something. I jumped onto the building, ignoring the sulfurous smell. I looked down, and saw that from the knee down, I was covered in blood and heat. I activated my cloak and dimmed the light further, with the dragon's smoke obscuring the sky. As I did a jumping roll onto the roof, I saw the dragon destroy the hotel I had been staying in since my first day on Glassfay.

Doom was hanging from an overhang that was holding on by one thread. As it broke, I saw a flash of orange light, and then Doom had wings flying him back up.

"This fricking, stupid summon ring!" He yelled, so loud, that everyone in the bunker could hear. I faintly heard some children repeating it. He clicked the diamond on his diamond ring. Nothing happened, and he cursed. I tapped him on the back. "Doom, we don't need you to keep clicking a ring," I said, not bothering to look down from the dragon. All around us, the city was in chaos. Bob's house was one of the few standing stuctures. I saw a purple glow enmating from it. He swore, then looked at me. He said, "I have a plan, and it is very dangerous." I nodded.

"I know there is a wocal under the town senate. I'll get there and call my grandfather. I'll follow the aquadect until it reaches the city square. I'll use the crack there and my flight power to break the ground there. There's a warehouse underneath that reaches under the town square, but the door has been fused to the ground and covered in two feet of thick rock. At the edge of the city square, the warehouse under the senate has a thin roof and a crack. I'll bust through and call my grandfather. He can summon his sword and come in a thitieth of a second.


It'll only take ten seconds. That's my part."

I replied, "What's my part?"

Doom said, "That's the risky thing. You need to go out and distract the dragon. Joe and Fesoul are injured. Bob's mom is injured. Bob wasn't allowed to fight by his mom. Most worldsafers have been killed. Civilians are too weak. A lot of worldsafers are on contracts or are too slow. In short, you are the only one who can do it."

"I think I'll die. I may have a triumph card, though," I said, as I felt the small blue token growing hot. "Why don't I call instead? You are way more tanky. If I get hit, I'm done for."

"You don't know his number," Doom reminded me, smiling. The prince was right though, so I waded away, scowling. It hurt to wade through the scorching-hot blood, but it had to be done.

"Hey, sinner!" I said to the dragon. "You want to go to where sinners go? Because I have the sin soul stone." It breathed fire, incinerating my shirt. I swam away, saying, "Your luck's fate is to suffer." The dragon fell out of the air, with a mighty "Thud!" I heard people screaming, thinking there was an earthquake. People were falling over. The dragon had crushed a large portion of the city wall. It didn't help that at that exact moment, Doom destroyed the ground over the warehouse. I heard Doom throwing the worldsafers that the owners had selfishly took to be guards out to the fight, where when the dragon breathed fire, it destroyed all my clothes and killed them.

The bunker had been thrown into pandemonium. People were running away, only to crash into each other or the walls. Someone wailed, "The periscope is only showing blood! Ahhh!" I was wading around in a river of molten blood as the dragon scooped me up into its mouth. I ran out, all thought of magic forgotten, and I narrowly escaped-except missing my ear! My waeswars tried to heal it, but it wasn't that powerful. The sulfurous air started seeping into the bunker, where I heard thuds as people fainted.

I pulled out the token.


World Warper:

Diamond Category

Say, “feel the power of reality remade.”

Will instantly kill anything beneath diamond category you want, but only one.

It burned my other arm off. In a cold, hard, bone-chilling, granite voice I said, “Feel the power of reality reamde.” The dragon tattered up and exploded. The civilians were let out. The fight had destroyed most of the stuff in the city. Someone saw eleven more of the dragons coming, but Doom had finally called his grandfather. We were about two thousand kilometers away, so, with his jade-category speed, he arrived in about a thirtieth of a second, walking on air with the speed he was at. He started hitting the dragons with his sword, and they died after two of three hits each. I collected the drops from the dragon I killed.

You have received dragonscale set (Gold category)

You have received 2 diamond coins

You have received 20 gold coins

You have received 200 silver coins

You have received 2000 bronze coins

You have received 20000 copper cons

You have received 200000 iron coins

You have received 20000000 normal coins

You have received gold magic core

You have received power stone of the dragon

You have received soul stone of the dragon

You have received twenty thousand kilograms of gold

You have received golden firespewer

Outsider gift evolution: interface became party interface

I fainted.


Arjun’s arm and ear had been cut off. Doom’s grandfather picked him up and flew to the suite in a nonillionth of a second, where he gave him a gold-category healing potion. “There,” Doom’s grandfather said. He should be fine by tomorrow. Then, Doom’s grandfather left.


I woke up groggily. It felt like I had just had a silver coin. I noticed a system message:

You have earned title: Immortality of category

Immortality of category: Defeating a much stronger enemy has left a change in your soul. This will make enemies afraid and increase your soul strength by a minor milestone.

I noticed a scar, going from my left ear, to my neck, where it turned, went to my right shoulder, and went out to my elbow, and wrapped around my arm there. When I went outside, I saw the true devastation to Magicspestone.

The building I was in was a shack, somehow made purely out of swords. The blood, while some had been let out, was still a meter high. The air, while no longer toxic to normal-categories, was sulfurous. Many buildings had been melted. The lake to wade through, with melted buildings and blood, was two meters high, with corpses like lily pads everywhere. Some blood and material had cooled to form a new, entirely flat floor. The dragon corpses were littered on the streets, crushing what I estimated to be seventy corpses and seventy tons of material. To put it as something that could happen on earth, imagine Pompeii when it was destroyed. Now imagine twelve dragon corpses, a bunch of human corpses, and a one meter-high lake of blood on top.

It looked like that. The shack crumbled, the swords disappearing. Small children were being carried. So many people were closing their eyes, people kept bumping into each other. I saw at least one child being swept away from their family by the current, who I picked up and returned. The family was really grateful, but I had moved on. I kept going until I had seen the entire city. Only some silver-category buildings had survived, and they were heavily damaged. Only one building was untouched: the Gokfur manor. Gokfur was Bob's last name.

I had heard that his house was gold-category. For the next month or so, only building efforts were done. Doom's grandfather had casted a spell so no monsters could spawn in the next month without being hit by a jade-category sword within fifty kilometers of Magicspestone.

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