《Reborn A Paladin: The Dagger Of Shadows》Chapter 24: Down to Business
Yuta was eyed carefully by the elderly store owner as he entered the Elmvale jewellry store. Daylight poured into the store from several skylights and lit up the accessories on display. Yuta placed down the bag of gems on the counter and looked the store owner in the eye.
“I am looking to cash these in, can you appraise them and then tell me your offer?”
The elderly gentleman pulled out his appraisal kit from under the counter and pulled up a large green gem up to the light.
“This one is large, but it has imperfections… But it is a suitable piece for enchantments” the owner said.
He then picked up a red gem that was about the size of a pea and turned it in the light.
“Hrmm, this one needs to be recut, the facets are uneven” he continued.
The man then looked through the other gems quickly and put away his appraisal kit.
“I will give you four platinum for all of them”
Yuta smiled politely, “Can you give me that in three platinums, and the rest in gold pieces”
The elderly man nodded and slipped the gems into a vault under the counter and withdrew three platinum pieces, and the gold. Yuta counted the amount and put it into his pouch.
Yuta pushed his way out through the store door and then headed towards the temple of Calypso.
“How are they?” he asked the Cleric at the altar.
“Okay for the moment, do you have the gold?”
Yuta nodded and handed the cleric five hundred gold. He took it and slipped it into a pouch on his belt and then headed into a side room where Garett sat beside Silvia laid in one of the beds.
“You are back! How much did it sell for?” Garett asked.
“Four platinum,” Yuta replied.
Garett’s looked down, “Oh… I guess that makes sense…”
The cleric laid his hands on Silvia’s side and began to chant a prayer to his goddess.
“I didn’t expect their services to be so expensive,” Yuta said.
“I wonder what the god’s do with all the gold they are offered?” Garett replied.
“Who knows. I wonder how much of it the clerics keep for themselves though” Yuta responded.
The cleric channelled golden light into Silvia’s side.
“You did well to come in, the arrow punctured the lung, given enough time this wound would have been fatal” the cleric said and took his hands off of Silvia’s wounds.
Silvia took in a deep breath and sighed with relief.
“Thank you,” Silvia said. She adjusted her armor and then sat up and stared at Yuta. “How much did we get?”
“Four platinum, minus five hundred gold for the cleric’s services” Yuta replied and nodded to the cleric in thanks.
Yuta pulled out his pouch and pulled out a platinum for both Garett and Silvia. He then poured out the gold pieces on the bed and started separating it into three piles.
“Thanks” Silvia said as she scooped up her gold and slid it into her pouch, “It is a shame there wasn’t more… I can’t believe how expensive the raise dead spell is. Who can afford five platinum per revival?”
Garett took his pile and stashed it inside his bag of holding. “This is enough to provide for my family for a long time,” he replied. A tear fell down his cheek as he remembered the lives lost to acquire it. “What are you guys going to do with your share?”
“I don’t know yet, but first I am going to leave town, and so should both of you. I have heard from one of the nobles that the town is about to be attacked” Yuta said.
“What?!” Silvia replied. “Attacked by who?!”
“Apparently, there are royal factions in the south fighting over succession. My guess is that one of them sees sacking this county as a way to get more noble houses on their side. They have hired the monster hunters who are leading a Sawtooth queen this way”
“Sawtooth queen? Monster hunters? They are neutral! They wouldn’t attack Elmvale would they?” Silvia replied.
“I have heard rumors about them leading monsters to attack towns, but it has never been confirmed. Are you sure?” Garett asked.
“It is happening within the week.” Yuta replied.
“I don’t believe you guys! You hear some rumors and all of a sudden you make your minds up that the hunters are… are... “ Silvia clutched her side, and then took a breath to calm herself down. “I don’t think the monster hunters would do something like that, they protect the kingdoms from monsters, it wouldn’t make any sense for them to attack towns.”
“It is political, and where politics is concerned, there is no evil that can’t be covered up with rhetoric. The monster hunters are just contractors, of course they respond to who pays them. In other words, the noble houses and royalty” Yuta replied.
“I wouldn’t put it past them, they always treat us adventurers like trash when they are in town” Garett said.
“Tell me about it,” Yuta replied.
Silvia nodded, “Maybe Beran and his crew could do something like that, but not all monster hunters are like him and his crew”.
Garett turned to Silvia “Are you defending the monster hunters because you want to become one of them?”. He paused for a moment and then frowned as he read on her face that it was true. “Oh, my bad, I didn’t mean to make them seem like they are all bad. Maybe some are good!”.
“Some?! Ha” Silvia walked out of the medical room and into the main temple hall. “Well, whatever, even if they are corrupt I will command my own crew one day and we won’t be”
“Are you guys going to leave town? I mean, if you guys are, maybe we could all leave together” Yuta asked.
“I suppose so… But my family would be joining me, so we wouldn’t be able to travel light at first, we’ll need a cart and extra guards for it to be safe enough to travel” Garett replied.
Silvia nodded, “Okay, sounds good, I’d like to head to the city. Maybe I can find a good teacher who can make me stronger”.
Yuta put out his hand “I guess that means us three are a team now. How about we all sort out loose ends the rest of the day, and meet at the guildhall at dusk”
Garett and Silvia put their hands on top of Yuta’s to seal the deal.
“Yeah a team” Garett replied.
“A team then,” Silvia nodded.
Mirio tapped his knuckles against a small circular door with a few casual flicks of his wrist.
“Master! Master its me”
Mirio looked around as he waited for Gerlin to answer the door. His eyes drifted to a small spade that was covered in dirt by the door.
*Guess he did some gardening…*
“You there master?”
Mirio placed his ear onto the door and could hear Gerlin moving around inside. The scent of flowers and smoke drifted out from between the cracks in the door.
The door cracked open and a puff of smoke blew into his face.
“Ahh! My boy! How are you?” the gnome replied. His eyes red and his cheeks a little too rosey.
“Are you drunk?”
“Nonsense, I’m not drunk. I just am admiring the favorable scent of these flowers”
Mirio poked his head into the hut and caught a glimpse of chopped up moonflowers on the main workbench, along with a smoking pipe.
“I came to ask you some questions about magic, I recently got better at my tier one spells, and I wanted your opinion on some new spells combinations I came up with”
Gerlin swayed back and forwards. His pupils wide like a cat begging to be fed. He blinked heavily and then stumbled back onto a stool by his work bench.
“Come in, come in, have a puff… Nothing soothes the weary soul like fresh moonflower petals”
“Uh, maybe I should come back later,” Mirio replied.
Gerlin stared blankly at Mirio and then gripped up his pipe and took a puff.
*I will just leave him to it*
Mirio shut the door and turned back to Ezee.
“I wondered what those flowers were for, now I know”
Ezee looked back at Mirio and tilted his head in an attempt to understand.
Mirio smiled, headed over to Rocky, slipped his boot into the stirrup and hoisted himself up.
“Let’s go guys, no telling when he’ll snap out of it”
Garett stood by the entrance to the guild hall with five of his siblings. His mother sat beside Silvia and prattled on.
“Garett is such a good boy, he has always looked after me and the kids ever since his father passed. I worry about him, with his disability and all, but he keeps on going anyway. I couldn’t stop him even if I tried, and I have tried! But the boy won’t listen, says he is as capable as any other” she said.
“That’s great… Really fascinating…” Silvia replied.
“Oh hey, he’s here!” Garett called out.
Silvia quickly jumped to her feet and ran up to Yuta and slung her arms around him in a big hug.
Yuta adjusted uncomfortably in her arms.
*What the heck is she doing? Isn’t this too much*
Silvia whispered out the side of her mouth. “Go with it, Garett’s mom won’t shut up, we need to move this along!”.
“Uh… Ah, yeah, I am here. I see you brought your family. Shall we all get a drink or should we find passage now?” Yuta replied.
“I already went ahead and got two guards to accompany us on the road, and loaded up the carriage, so I am ready to go when you are,” Garett said.
“Okay, then let’s all head out,” Yuta replied.
Silvia shot him a thumb’s up. “Yup! Let’s move out!”
The group headed over to the carriages by the western gate and hopped on board.
“So where are you all headed?” the carriage master asked.
“To the capital city of Darlan,” Silvia replied.
The carriage master tipped his cap and then pulled on the reins settling the horses into a trot. “West, and across the bridge it is then”
As Mirio approached town something felt off. An echo from far away caused the air to sit still. The crimson red of the sunset oozed out from the mountain caps to the west as the stars rose in the east.
“Something is wrong”
Mirio felt a churning pain deep in his gut.
Run. Run. Run. Just leave.
A cacophony of voices called out to him. The sensation was similar to that of the voice he had heard in his mother’s womb but unlike the deep voice he heard that time, these voices didn’t sound like people he could trust.
*Why am I thinking like this… It is just an echo, and a change in how the air feels… Why am I so certain of danger?*
A pain shot up Mirio’s right arm as the curse churned throughout his entire body.
Mirio shook his head and blinked in an attempt to get his focus back. “Maybe I inhaled too much moonflower smoke?”.
“Ah!” Mirio clutched his ears as he heard a strange high pitched noise cut through the air. The noise sounded like glass being scratched against itself.
Ezee turned to the east, the hair on the back of his neck shot up straight, as he began to snarl.
Rocky turned in circles and stamped his hooves.
“Whoa boy, whoa! Calm down Rock”
Rocky’s ears twitched wildly, and he shook his head.
A screech so shrill that it could cut through glass echoed out from the forest beyond.
Mirio looked out towards the forests. The voices in his mind clambered over one another in panic all telling him to leave, and leave now. He looked at the town, and then back at the forest.
Tendrils of rainbow colored light streamed from Mirio’s hands and channelled into Rocky. Mirio then kicked his heels, “Yah yah!”
Rocky galloped towards the forest, and towards the strange sounds.
“Yah! Yah!!”
Ezee thought twice about following, but after a moment of hesitation bolted after him.
*What the hell am I doing?!* Mirio thought to himself.
“Yah yah”
*I can’t stop to think, I have to act!*
Mirio wasn’t at all sure what he was doing, or why, but he knew that if he didn’t rush forwards, a feeling behind him would swallow him whole. A feeling that had pursued him his whole life, the reason he had wanted to leave Gimly, a feeling of not being good enough, of being weak, and a failure in his family's eyes. As crazy as they were, because they were his family, a part of him couldn’t help but believe in their doubts about his character. He rushed away from Gimly and towards danger, because the idea of faltering now would have marked him somehow.
Maybe it would have proved his brother, and father right. Though Mirio wasn’t acting in order to save face. He was acting because he had always moved towards his fears. He had always sought to overcome them.
His horse’s hooves thundered through the underbrush as tree’s swooshed past.
“Yah yah”
Rainbow energy streamed into Rocky’s body, filling him with courage and strength of will.
Ezee bounded between the trees, and shot alongside Mirio.
*Shit shit shit shit shit! What am I doing!? Arrrrgh!!!*
Mirio’s breaths became short and sharp. His muscles began to tremble and shake. Yet his eyes were as sharp as a hawk.
Rocky’s gallop matched Mirio’s heartbeat. Each stride taking him closer to danger.
The screech echoed out again. This time much closer. So close that it shook the air around him.
*I have to move forward, I just have to move my body first, and try to adapt, try to think as I move!*
Mirio, Rocky and Ezee all dove out of the underbrush and sailed into a clearing.
Mirio could see four figures up ahead, fighting to control a large beast obscured by shadows in the far treeline.
*Worst case, I have to fight all of them*
His thoughts were cold and emotionless. But were injected with bouts of extreme emotion.
*You are going to die if that happens!*
*No, I won’t! I have to face it step by step!*
*They will slit your throat if you slip up even once*
*Then I’ll have to not give them the chance*
Mirio pulled on the reins and brought Rocky to a stop.
“Hang back here boys” he said as he hopped off.
Mirio grabbed his helmet from the saddle and fastened its strap under his chin. He then strode towards the commotion with his visor up. His walk was slow and casual. And he flicked two fingers into the air.
“Hey guys! Need a hand?!”
*Remember, just like you teach, take control of the situation with your words. It is your first line of defense and it can buy you enough time to find an advantage*
Mirio held his hands up high like a nobleman greeting esteemed guests.
“Who the fuck is that” a half-orc grunted.
A man with yellow eyes and as tall as the tower turned towards Mirio with a smirk on his face. “How thoughtful of you!”, “You guys handle her, I’ll handle the knight”, “Why good sir I always appreciate the help of those who offer it, sure come on over”
Mirio looked into the monster hunter’s pale yellow eyes and knew that stepping closer was akin to stepping into the strike zone of a wild beast’s jaws.
“Of course,” he replied. “And I am eager to offer my aid to good monster hunters like yourselves. But what brings you all this way”.
Mirio stopped a couple paces away from the monster hunter, just out of reach.
“Oh you know, just doing our part, clearing the area of monsters”
“Words of a brave man! I would know your name hunter!” Mirio asked.
“Beran,” the yellow eyed man replied. “And yours?”
The man paused for a moment, “No shit!? The kid from the guard I heard about? Ha, I confused you for a moment with one of the knights”
“It happens,” Mirio replied.
“So what the hell are you doing out here? Slaying some goblins or something on patrol?”
“No, I heard that monster of yours”
Beran bared his teeth, just barely disguising it as a smile “And you ran towards it, rather than away from it. Maybe my comrades were right about you, maybe you’ve got what it takes to be a hunter”
Mirio smiled openly, and swung his arms back and forth as though he was a diplomat brokering a deal “I would never presume I have the skills required of you hunters, you are after all, heroes”.
“Shall I teach you a thing or two, about what it takes to be a hunter?”
*Shit, he has decided to fight*
“No I couldn’t possibly”
“I insist”
Beran drew an axe from his back. It shimmered with a faint red glow, emanating from a runestone at its hilt.
“I see… Very well then”. Mirio smacked down his visor, drew his sword and flicked the tip at Beran.
“You didn’t even hesitate to draw your sword on me! That isn’t very nice of you” Beran replied.
“Consider it a complement,” Mirio said.
Beran stormed forward and slashed from above.
He then spun off to Mirio’s side and slashed down at his knee.
He then picked up his boot and drove it into Mirio’s plate armor with a thud.
“Too shallow” Mirio responded, “But almost”
“Ha, cocky enough to talk? I’ll change that”. Beran’s eyes shone with his love of violence.
Sweeping blows miss by inches in front of Mirio’s visor. Followed by the crack of the axe handle against the side of his blade clearing way for a fast vertical chop. Mirio dived out of the way just in time.
*Fuck he’s fast with that thing*
“Hmph, you moved a little clumsy just now, not used to a fast opponent? Having only trained out here in the sticks, you shouldn’t be surprised” Beran said.
“I was just admiring your form, thought I’d get a closer look,” Mirio replied.
Beran rushed forwards, and smacked Mirio’s sword to the side. Mirio danced backwards and off to the side and fought to return his sword back to guard. Beran swatted his sword to the side again. Mirio dodged off to the side and evaded a violent swipe from Beran.
*Shit, his pressure is like nothing I’ve ever fought before*
Beran shuffled his footwork and then shoved himself forward as though he was about to attack.
*A feint!*
Mirio kept his sword tip steady and matched Beran’s footwork to keep his distance.
“Nice footwork,” Beran said.
“Just trying to keep up,” Mirio replied.
Beran zig zagged from side to side and then lunged forwards unleashing a violent combination of sweeping blows, and fierce overhead attacks.
Mirio weaved and dodged, pivoting around Beran until he could place his lead foot just outside of his boot. Mirio struck hard and fast like a serpent. Darting forwards with piercing thrusts, and short slashes aiming for Beran’s wrists and neck.
“BAH!” Beran replied, swatting Mirio’s attack away with a swing of his axe. “Bahahaha!”
“Good counter combination,” Beran said.
Mirio quickly regained his position and slashed at Beran, the tip of his sword whistling just a hair’s breadth away from Beran’s mouth.
Mirio pivoted to the side and weaved under one of Beran’s attacks, slashing from hip to shoulder, and then from shoulder to hip, missing by inches as Beran shifted the angle of his body out of range of the strike. Mirio lunged forward and smacked into Beran’s wrists with the hilt of his sword, and followed over the top with an elbow driving his body weight into the blow and sending Beran toppling back. The satisfying thud of impact resonated through Mirio’s arm.
“Ha, you are a nimble fucker!” Beran spat back.
“Hrmph!” Mirio’s eyes sharpened and his focus deepened. It was like something inside him clicked into another gear, and a calm flooded into his body and actions.
He could feel the night’s breeze dance around his armor, and felt a sweet sensation soak into his muscles. His mind disconnected from the previous banter, he no longer needed it, he was finally warmed up.
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