《Reborn A Paladin: The Dagger Of Shadows》Chapter 25: A Test Of Character
The Sawtooth queen screeched just outside of the range of hearing. Mirio shook his head.
*Gah, what the hell kind of monster is that?*
Mirio’s eyes flicked over to its shadowy form for a moment. He couldn’t quite see it between the trees, however, the other monster hunters were struggling to hold it down, even within its chains.
“What is that thing? And why are you bringing it here?” Mirio asked.
“A psionic” Beran pointed to his ears. “Guess it sucks you didn’t come prepared, huh?”
Beads of sweat welled on Mirio’s brow.
“You didn’t answer my question, why bring it here?!” Mirio replied.
“Kid, you have bigger problems to worry about right now” Beran stretched out his shoulders and cracked his neck.
“You mean you? I don’t think so. If you think you can intimidate me during a fight, you seriously misunderestimate me”
“Oh yeah, and how is that?”
“My fighting style is based on one principle above all others, the hunt for truth”
Beran nodded and drew his axe above his head, “Sounds like something an asshole in the south might say”
“What are you waiting for, an invitation?” Mirio replied.
Beran stepped forwards and unleashed a tornado of blows, each cutting closer to Mirio than the next.
Mirio darted off to the side and lunged forward with a pierce from the angle. Beran slipped his head to the side of the tip of the blade and smacked the shaft of his axe into Mirio’s knee sweeping him off the ground. In the same motion he lifted the axe above his head and drove it down.
A flash of blue light shot up around Mirio in a sphere, and he swatted the axe to the side as he rolled out of the way. He smashed at Beran’s knees with his boots. Beran, undaunted, chopped down with his axe again.
Mirio rolled backwards and off to the side, coming back up onto his feet.
The Sawtooth queen’s psionic call struck at Mirio’s ears.
“I’m surprised”
“And why is that?”
“You pulled off a spell next to a psionic, most people would have their magic turn against them”
“What are you talking about?”
“Psionics are known for their ability to fracture mana with their screams. Just like walking over cracked ice, if you aren’t careful, you’ll drop into the cold below”
Beran drew up his axe onto his shoulder and walked calmly towards Mirio as if to lull him into a false sense of security. Mirio lunged forward and stamped his foot in a feint, then another, testing for any hidden counters Beran was hiding.
“Feeling weary yet?” Beran asked.
*Why would I feel weary?*
Beran swiped his axe hard and fast at Mirio’s guard. He then followed up with a series of strikes, which Mirio effortlessly dodged. Mirio came back with combinations of his own, striking high and low, alternating sides and angles of attack, but Beran casually deflected the blows.
“It has been a couple of minutes already, it’s effects should be kicking in just about now” Beran said.
*What the hell is he talking about?*
“Do you know what makes a monster hunter better at killing in the field, and forests than a knight?” Beran continued. “It is because we know our prey”
Beran’s eyes lit up with a strange red fire. He gripped the hilt of his axe tighter and channelled mana into the shaft. The entire axe shone with crimson tendrils.
“Now let the real test begin”
Mirio felt a strange pang in his side, as though an invisible arrow had struck him. He glanced past Beran’s shoulder.
*It’s the psionic, it doesn’t just fracture mana, it affects stamina too*
*Shit, he’s been drawing it out on purpose. And if that is the case, he is forcing a battle fuelled with mana on purpose too!*
A blast of wind struck Mirio as he dodged the swipe of Beran’s axe. Beran followed with a series of swiping attacks and chops. All of it with the intent to drive his foot deep into Mirio’s position.
Mirio noticed Beran’s deeply placed foot like one might notice being choked by the throat. Beran swatted Mirio’s sword to the side and smashed him hard across the helmet with the shaft of his axe.
Mirio couldn’t tell where the blows were coming from as each one landed across his armor, he only knew that they were set up strikes, and the real blow was bound to be coming.
Beran gripped hard onto Mirio’s helm and sunk his thumb around the strap. He drove all his weight onto the strap, and buckled Mirio over with the force of a knee to his chestplate.
The blow was so forceful it tore the helm off of Mirio’s head. Mirio flicked his sword around in an attempt to cover a retreat, but Beran stepped again deep into his position as he tried to flee.
Beran’s elbow slammed hard into Mirio’s temple causing the world to start spinning.
Beran’s fingers wrapped tightly onto Mirio’s neck and lifted him off of the ground, before slamming him on his back.
Beran wedged the shaft of his axe hard against Mirio’s neck and sat on top of him.
Spit shot out of Mirio’s mouth as he tried to gasp for air, and enough room for blood flow. He tried to roll off to the side, but Beran had the flat of his back pinned, and his hips locked down tight.
Veins bulged on Mirio’s forehead as the handle crushed deeper into his neck.
Light flickered off of Mirio in a rapid burst.
Beran drove the shaft of his axe into the dirt as Mirio vanished.
Space distorted behind Beran, as a blue image of Mirio suddenly popped behind him. As Mirio’s hand manifested he drew his dagger from his waist, and drew it around Beran’s neck. As he cut into the flesh blood spurted from the wound. Beran gripped it in shock. Blood gushing through his fingers
Mirio blinked unevenly, and stumbled back and forth trying to find his footing, while the world still rocked back and forth around him.
*Fuck, he almost killed me. I was cornered. I had no other choice. If I had let him have even a second more, he would’ve regained the advantage*
Mirio felt deeply disgusted by the bloody dagger in his hand and tossed it to the ground.
*My sword, where is it?*
Mirio kicked Beran’s body to the side and gripped onto the handle of his blade. In one swift motion he spun it around and slid it into its sheath. The red glow of Beran’s axe caught Mirio’s eye.
*It has a runestone, I should take it*
He knelt down and picked up Beran’s axe and slung it over his shoulder.
“Beran! The fucker killed Beran!” a woman monster hunter screamed out.
“No way,” the elf replied.
“What do we do?” the half orc said.
Just as the hunters were distracted the queen freed one of its tendrils and gripped onto the lock holding its chains.
The chains broke free from the beast with an explosion of magical energy, blowing the three monster hunters to the ground and several paces away.
The monster lashed out with its tendrils in all directions, and gripped onto the fallen monster hunters. Their screams were drowned by gargles as tendrils gripped around their necks. The sawtooth drove psionic energy into them, and plopped them back onto their feet.
Mirio looked over in its direction with one eye.
*Shit, the monster has broken free… I can’t possibly fight it alone, I need to get help*
He turned towards Rocky and ran through the field until he reached him.
“Yah, yah!”
As Mirio turned to look over his shoulder he saw the three monster hunters running at full speed after him, their eyes glowing bright violet like that of a thrall.
*Did it take them over somehow?*
Chills ran up Yuta’s spine as he heard the call of the Sawtooth coming from far behind them.
“What the hell was that?” Silvia jumped up from her seat and turned toward the monster cry.
“It’s the Sawtooth,” Yuta replied. “I didn’t expect it to happen so soon”
*But now that I think about it, it only makes sense. No point destroying everything if the hero isn’t there to see it*
Garett hopped up from his seat and looked towards the east with the others. “I have heard that Sawtooth queen’s control their colony with fear and mind control power. Originally it was thought they were a hive mind species, but it was later found out that Sawtooths attempt to flee when they aren’t under control of the queen”
“It is a psionic creature, they always have nasty charms,” Silvia replied.
Mirio burst into the captain’s office covered in blood and bruises, “Sir we need to mobilise all the men, and the knights. A monster is on the loose just outside of town”
“What?! Is that what I heard earlier? What kind is it?”
“I don’t know, it is some kind of psionic, I think it turned the monster hunters that were transporting it into thralls”
“Fuck! So it is true then. Beran’s crew was conspiring with a royal faction in the south. I didn’t want to believe it”
“Sir! We have to hurry before it reaches town!”
The Sawtooth’s screams shook the air.
The captain sprung into action and called to four runners in the next room “Guys, gather the men, and one of you contact what remains of the knights, and form up by the spurs!”
“But what about Gimly?!” Mirio replied.
“If it is a psionic, then the village is already lost, we have to rally away from the battlefield, or we won’t stand a chance”
The runners burst from the room and headed in all directions to gather up the men.
The captain then stormed off.
“Wait, where are you going?!” Mirio asked.
“I am going to inform the count”
“What do I do?”
“Go to the rally point with the others!”
A noticeable silence lingered around Mirio.
*Should I just go to the rally point?*
Mirio made his way out of the barracks and told Ezee and Rocky to stay in the training yard as he went out into the street. As he exited out onto the rocky pavement he saw several store vendors still tending their stalls before packing it in for the night.
“Guys you have to get out of here! A monster is headed this way!”
“Aren’t you guards meant to handle that” a man chimed back with a dismissive wave of his hand. “I have things to organise!”.
“Can’t you hear it!” Mirio replied as he ran further into the street and waved both of his hands to get everyone’s attention he could. “Everybody listen to me! We have to evacuate to the west of town! A monster is coming from the east!”
“Is that what that sound is?” a woman called out. “Is it really that dangerous?! I can’t really hear it all that clearly, shouldn’t a large monster have a deeper roar?”
*Everyone is confused, they aren’t familiar with psionic creatures, I have to say something to jar them into recognising the reality. But what can I say that they will instantly believe*
Mirio searched his thoughts for things to say
The monster hunters brought a psionic creature from the east to destroy our town
*No that won’t work, it hinges on them believing the monster hunters would do that, and relies on them understanding what a psionic creature is*
A grade S monster is headed this way, no one, not even monster hunters can stop it now!
*Doesn’t that make the hunters seem like the good guys? Should I really make people feel dependent on their help and give them the wrong idea about monster hunters? I can’t say this, it would omit too much of the truth… But I can’t fuss over what I say, it just has to work. Maybe if I change hunters into knights it will work better?*
A grade S monster is headed this way, no one, not even the knights can stop it now!?
*No, the people will ask where the monster hunters are! I have to make it more pressing… Wait, I have it!*
Mirio took in a breath and commanded as much attention from the crowd as he could, shouting at the top of his lungs.
“The monster hunters have been DEFEATED! There is a creature just outside of town! It is headed this way! We have to evacuate to the WEST! NOW!!!”
The people in the street looked at Mirio with their eyes wide, and their feet frozen in place.
“What?! Really?!”
“Move it!” Mirio replied.
The people roaming the streets began to yell and stampede towards the west of town. Only a few people remained there for a moment longer than the others, confused and in shock. Mirio ran up to the store keep, gripped him by his tunic and forcefully dragged him over the stall, tossing him into the middle of the road.
The store turned and looked up at Mirio from the ground. Finally recognising the seriousness in Mirio’s resolve he scrambled to his feet and fled.
Mirio then ran towards a young man who was trembling in fear looking towards the east.
Mirio gripped his shoulder and tossed him off behind him.
“There is no time to waste, you have to run!”
“But my family are still at home in the east part of the village!” the man cried out.
*He’s right… Many people don’t even know what is coming, I have to find a way to save as many people as I can*
“I understand”
The man looked at Mirio’s silhouette as it glowed in the lantern light of the main street.
“Please, help them!” the man said before fleeing.
*How can I do this… Should I do this? Is this even possible*
Mirio’s feet moved before he could end his train of thought.
*I can’t sit around thinking, I have to act!*
He sprinted through the streets with his hand lifted in the air. He set off pseudo continua flash spells in rapid pulses. Flickers of light splashed in through house windows, and down alley ways as he passed by calling at the top of his lungs for everyone to evacuate.
*there isn’t time to tell everyone the truth, how can I get people to flee from their homes!*
“What?!” a lady leaned out the window to see what was going on.
“Please grab everyone you can as quick as you can and flee to the west, NOW!” Mirio replied before running further east.
“Everybody, you have to leave now! There isn’t time!”
Mirio finally made it to the edge of the village as the silhouette of the Sawtooth queen emerged from the trees, surrounded by the three monster hunters. They each foamed at the mouth as their eyes glowed with violet light.
The Sawtooth queen’s tendrils ripped trees out of the ground as it made room for itself, tossing them into the air and off to the side. The sound of timber snapping and thudding echoed out over the field in front of Mirio.
*Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! What do I do?*
Mirio turned around behind him and saw a family rush out from their home and onto the street.
“You all have to run to the west! Go now! The monster is here!”
The family nodded and then turned to flee.
“What about you!” a small boy replied as he stood his ground.
“Look kid, you have to go with your parents now. I am tough to kill, I will be alright”
Mirio smiled at the child. “Please, leave this to me”
The child nodded “Good luck Mirio!”
Mirio drew his sword with a flick of his wrist, and channelled the rainbow light of his oasis spell into the blade. It shone brightly, responding to the powerful emotions flowing through Mirio. The explosion light blasted back shadows and darkness in all directions for hundreds of paces.
*Stay calm Mirio, stay calm! Focus on the fight, not the fear*
He let out a breath and twisted his back foot into the perfect position for a fight. The tip of his sword aimed towards the monster hunters as tendrils of rainbow colored light danced around his body like magical ribbons.
The half orc half gnome monster hunter reached him first. It charged forth with its axe lifted high. Mirio prepared his footing and darted off to the side.
Two poison darts came flying in from the direction of the elven hunter. The elf then unsheathed his twin blades and prepared himself to fight in melee. The axe from the half orc cut through the air next to Mirio and thudded into the ground beside him.
Mirio glanced off to the other side to see the woman with red hair aiming her crossbow at him before swiftly tugging on the trigger.
Time slowed as the arrow shot towards Mirio, he turned his blade to its side and narrowed his profile by twisting to the side. The bolt let off a ding and a crack as it deflected off the edge of the blade and then ricocheted off of his plate armor.
The woman then drew her spear and charged towards Mirio.
*Gah! I can’t fight them in the open like this!*
Mirio turned to look over his shoulder, and spotted some boxes stacked by the side of one of the houses closeby. He dodged and spun his way between attacks as he made his way to the house. He swiped his sword before leaping up on top of the boxes and then up onto the roof.
The monster dragged its worm-like body out into the field. Its four mandibles peeled back like a grotesque flower to reveal countless rows of teeth inside. A dozen tentacles flung out in all directions as it released a tree flying through the air in Mirio’s direction.
Mirio’s eyes darted between the hunter’s making their way up the boxes, and the tree hurtling through the air towards him. He looked side to side before dashing back along the roof.
The tree smashed into the house, blasting it into splinters as Mirio dived off into the next street. Shrapnell spattered against his armor as he raised an arm to cover his face.
Mirio looked around himself again in order to find anything that might give him an advantage in the fight. He saw rusted tools lined up against the walls of the house next to him, and clothes swaying in the wind on the line of the house next to that.
“Bah! Screw it!”
Without anything to give him an advantage he ran westward through the street as the hunters ran around the houses to close in on him.
Mirio darted between the gap of two houses as the elf closed in on him with its twin blades.
Another pair of darts shot past Mirio as he flung out from between the houses and into the next street.
“AHHHH!” screams shot out from just outside the house behind him, as a man wandered out from the front door and was speared in the gut by the woman with red hair and a scar over her eye.
Mirio swallowed hard.
*Sorry… My guy… I am doing what I can…*
The half orc smashed through a twig fence and blasted his way into the street in front of Mirio as the elf shot out from the houses behind him.
The Sawtooth queen shot its tentacles into surrounding houses, pulling people out by their necks, kicking but unable to scream. Their eyes burst with violet light before being placed on the ground to flood into the streets.
Mirio’s eyes darted around in a frenzy as he envisioned thousands of ghost images running in all directions.
*The half orc is too fast, I can’t get past him, I have to run back*
Mirio planted his feet, and pivoted on the spot. He charged back into the elf, and smashed into him with brute force, blasting his pursuer off of his feet. Mirio then darted back into the fields from where the monsters had come from and turned back to see that the monster hunters were no longer following him, but instead darted in and out of houses, pulling stragglers out onto the street to be gripped up by the tentacles of the Sawtooth queen.
Mirio gasped for breath, and gagged as he saw dozens more villagers dragged kicking from their homes and turned into thralls.
“No!” he let out a cry. “No!”
He frantically looked around for answers.
*I have to circle back around, make my way to the barracks to Ezee and Rock, then head to the rally point*
Mirio darted off to the north and then around to the west. As he came down the street of his family home Tad rushed out from the door.
“Tad!” Mirio called out “Is anyone else inside?”
“No! I heard you from the street before, I got them out”
“Then what are you doing?!” Mirio asked.
Tad buckled up a sword at his waist.
“No Tad, just get out of here! You can’t fight this thing!” Mirio said.
“I have to do something! This is my home!”
Mirio couldn’t argue with his logic, so instead decided to appeal to his reason. “If you must fight, rally with the guards and the knights by the spurs, Gimly is lost!”
Tad loosened his grip on his blade and looked Mirio in the eye, before nodding. “What about you?”
“I have to get Ezee and Rock and then will circle around to see if I can get anyone else out”
Mirio didn’t wait for his brother’s response and rushed towards the barracks where he found Rocky trotting in circles in the training yard with Ezee.
“Come on guys, let’s get out of here”
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Sadistic Player In A Fantasy Game World
"Life is meaningless. If I can't have fun then what is the point of living?" these were probably the thoughts that constantly plagued Gray's mind. Now that the world has changed drastically overnight, and powers and magical beasts have suddenly appeared, what will Gray's world be like? Will he finally be able to make the world the playground he so desperately desired. "Enjoy that feeling of pain. After all, you're only human." laughed Gray as he watched his last classmate be devoured. *******This is a new project I'm working on. The MC is different from other MCs, he has a mental disorder. If you like goody-two-shoes MCs then please don't read. Also, character growth is something I am fond of, so if you dislike this please also don't read. There are some gruesome scenes, and some may trigger a few readers, if you are soft-hearted please skip this book. I do not own the art and if there are complaints it will be changed. Around 12chaps/week update.
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Everyone knows how the general story is supposed to go. A man, unwittingly going about his normal and ordinary life, is suddenly whisked off to a game style fantasy world where he is expected to become the unwavering hero of the realm. That is until the summoned hero throws a Hail Mary and gets himself transported to a tutorial world before the summoning can be completed. Add in a clumsy goddess and a broken planet and that is just where our story begins... Greetings all, thanks for taking the time to read this. This is my first story here on RRL and it's becomming one of the things I look forward to working on each day. As of June 2020, the story description has been updated (now that the characters have told me what was actually going on this author thought it prudent to update this) . Updates will be sporatic as i have time to juggle real life with writing. You the readers have become an integral part of the story helping to decide how things will progress, so enjoy the story and please leave a review or rating so this author can continue to improve the story. New chapters coming soon with edits to existing ones in process As a side note, I wish I could add a science tag to this. While this is still fiction, I have been incorporating real life scientific theories and explanations for how things could be *plausibly* explained. (No, I will not lecture on these points, but they are added to author notes) ~badw0lf
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