《Serendipity》The Black Swordsman
Silica was the first into the room yet what she saw was not what she expected. In the circular room, lined with finely crafted statues, several broken and shattered, were only three figures: two dead orcs, one sliced clean in two, and a single, purple-haired man dressed in strange black armor. In his right hand was a massive black sword, one clearly bigger than his own body and impossible to grasp with only one hand.
“Who are you?” Silica asked as everyone stood on their guard. The mere sight of the man was enough to raise alarms. “…. Are you with the guild?”
There was no response.
“Okay…” Silica frowned, trying not to let her temper get the better of her. She hated being ignored. “Wh-what about the warboss? Wasn’t he here?”
The man still didn’t respond.
“Hey! At least say something!”
As Liana stopped her sister from doing anything rash, Soma’s eye caught sight of smoke rising from the statues to the left.
“Uh, sorry about my sister,” Liana said as Soma moved off from the group. “Did Yanes send you?”
The man still didn’t speak.
“Y-Yanes? Um… the man in glasses. At the guild back at Tesctan.”
“Tch, think he’s deaf,” Silica was beginning to lose her patients. “Hey old man! Did that spectacle guy send you?”
“He has a name…”
Suddenly, Soma dropped his staff, moving backward, holding his mouth repulsed by what he saw. Everyone went over to him and were all disgusted and horrified by what they saw. What was there, half-buried by debris was the body of a large orc with a massive wound on his left side. His right thought was horribly disfigured. The green skin was dark purple, ghastly tendrils encroached the side, piercing from the skin like thorns, and his right hand was nothing more than a blackened stump.
“I-Is that… the warboss…?” Liana said repulsed. Angrily, she turned to the man. “You! Did you do this?”
The man finally moved his head. “And if I was the one?” Only the left side of his face was visible to them, showing off eyes similar to that of Fay. When she saw a part of the man’s face, Jil froze.
“If you are the one who did this, don’t you think that was going too far!” Liana snapped as Soma retrieved his staff off the ground. “Look at it! You can barely tell what it is anymore!”
The man finally turned to face the party. Jil’s eyes widened in shock.
“I merely engaged the orc in battle,” The man continued. “He did that to himself.”
“What…?” Mar looked back at the body and the horrible disfigurement on its right arm. “H-How does something like that happen?”
“The weapon he wielded was cursed, yet like the fool he was, he mistakenly believed he was its master. He knew not what he wielded, and it consumed him both in body and soul.” The man raised his left hand, “A fitting end for any who would misuse the void.” and clenched it into a fist.
“The… void?” Silica parroted. “You’re not making any sense.”
“Just who are you?” Mar asked. “I mean… I got the feeling you’re not with the guild, and you're clearly not from the empire, that much I can tell. That armor’s definitely not their style. Guessing you're from the kingdoms?”
The man said nothing.
“What, don’t feel like talking now?” Silica snorted.
“You …. I know you,” Jil finally spoke.
“…. What?” Silica looked at Jil. The little fairy looked very distraught, gripping her chest tightly.
“I… I know you…. Don’t I?” Her voice trembled.
Soma, Liana, and Mar all looked at her puzzled.
“Wait…” Silica looked back and forth between the man and Jil. While there was no change in the man's expression, Jil seemed to be in a lot of pain. “You know this guy?”
Panting, Jil held her head. “Ye-no… I… I don’t…”
“So you’ve truly lost everything.” The man spoke to Jil.
“Wh-What…?” The fairy looked at the man. “You… You know me?”
The man said nothing.
“Please tell me! Who am I?!”
Still, the man said nothing, only glaring at Silica. “That would make you the new pathfinder, would it not?”
“H-How do you…?” Silica was surprised. “Wh-what’s it any of your business?”
“Pathfinder?” Mar looked puzzled at Silica.
Soma gave her an inquisitive look before tugging at Liana’s tunic. “Hey, something’s not right about this guy.” He whispered to her. “I’m not sensing any mana from him. And I mean nothing.”
Liana kept her gaze on the man. “What do you mean?”
“All living things give off a faint trace of mana, something we wizards can detect. I should be able to sense, even a small trace but… nothing.”
The man kept his gaze fixed to Silica. “You would travel to the tower, but do you truly know what you’re being asked off, girl?”
“…. I don’t see how that’s any of your business,” Silica snapped.
“I’d wager you know nothing about who you really are.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
The man’s eyes narrowed. Black mist began to seep from the blade. “It means,” Slowly, he grasped the weapon in both hands. “I cannot allow you near the tower.”
Before anyone could respond, the man swung his sword. A powerful force was emitted from the blade, hitting the party like a storm. Jil was blown away, Soma was knocked off his feet while Silica, Liana, and Mar skidded back, trying to keep on their feet.
The man lowered his body, resting the blade in both hands before charging forwards to the group, aiming for Silica. Caliburn appeared in her hand as the man swung at her. The two blade’s clashed together, hitting with such force that Silica felt her arms begin to buckle. Then, the man completed his swing. Silica was sent flying across the air, tumbling on the ground.
“Silica!” Drawing her dagger, Liana rushed to the man’s back, aiming to strike him in the nape. The man suddenly pivoted then rammed his fist into Liana’s gut, hitting so hard, a gust of wind blasted from the impact. Liana threw up as the air was violently forced out of her lungs before going limp. The man tossed her aside at his feet.
“YOU BASTARD!!” Mar charged the man, twirling his spear before jabbing it forwards towards him. The man dodged two lunges effortlessly before moving forwards beneath the third, his left hand grabbing the boy's throat, hauling him into the air as his grip tightened. Mar dropped his weapon, trying to free himself as the man choked the life out of him.
Soma fired a spell at the man, only for him to dodge and turn towards him. Panicked, Soma instinctively put up a bubble barrier. The man rammed Mar into it, hitting hard enough to cause a crack in the sphere. Tossing the knocked-out spearman aside, the man drew back his left leg and lunged it forwards. The barrier shattered, and Soma was hit, throwing him back crashing into a statue, hitting hard enough to break it.
By the time Silica had regained herself, she saw all three of her companions on the ground at the hands of the man. They were down, but alive. And to her good fortune, the man turned away from them, glaring back at Silica.
“Oh, you’re a dead man,” Silica hissed.
“Please be careful. This is no ordinary foe,”
“…. I know,” Silica took her own stance, keeping her sword behind her while lowering her body.
The man embedded his blade into the ground, and to Silica’s surprise- and irritation- walked away from the weapon, beckoning Silica to attack.
“Cocky, ain’t ya,” Silica grinned back before charging forwards, ignoring Jil who shouted at her to be cautious. Silica slashed at the man, who took the strike on his left vambrace, the blade barely making a small stretch. Enraged, Silica slashed two more times, and the man simply deflected caliburn with only his arm, catching her third strike with his right hand before ramming his fist into Silica’s cheek, sending her flying backward. Caliburn disappeared before hitting the ground, reappearing in Silica’s hand.
“Wh-what the…?” Silica rubbed her now swollen left cheek, feeling the sting.
“Please calm down! Charging headlong will avail us nought!”
Ignoring her, Silica forced herself back to her feet, spitting out a goblet before charging in again, channeling mana through her weapon.
Dimension slash!
The man ducked under Silica’s art, sidestepping as she landed on the ground before delivering a kick to her back, knocking her to the ground again. Silica recovered quickly and lunged at her opponent, only for him to dodge her strike with a simple sidestep. The man stepped back after a second furious slash before grabbing Silica’s outstretched weapon arm.
“L-let go!”
“You should heed Jil’s advice.”
Silica froze, looking deep into the man’s red eyes. “What…?”
Without an answer, the man released Silica who retreated back. “Alright… just who the hell are you?!” She spat.
“I am no one. Just a shade of a man.”
“…. Fine. Won’t make a difference when you're dead...” Silica gritted her teeth in frustration. She pointed her weapon at the massive sword. “Now come on! What’s the point in carrying that around if you’re not gonna use it?!”
The man glared, his left eyebrow raising at the challenge. “Foolish girl…” He turned his back on Silica, slowly grasping the hilt of his greatsword. “Learn to pick your battles more wisely,” With one hand, the man pulled the sword from the ground, holding it above his head before letting the thick edge rest on his shoulders.
Twirling her own weapon, Silica charged forwards once more. The man heaved his weapon overhead, black energy seeping from the blade.
“Something coming… Silica! Move!”
Silica leaped to the right as the man slammed the weapon into the ground, releasing the built-up energy that blasted across the room. Silica herself was thrown to the ground by the sheer power of the attack.
“Wh-what was-?” Before she could recover, the man was charging her, the weapon held low, scaring the ground as he approached before leaping into the air. Desperately, Silica rolled away before the man brought the weapon down on her. The impact of the blade scared the floor, shattering the ancient stone under the swing. By the time Silica had gotten back to her feet, the man prepared another swing. Silica raised caliburn as she ducked, fortunately deflecting the blade upwards despite buckling under the weight of the swing.
The man moved with the weapon's momentum, kicking Silica while her guard was down. Once more, Silica flew before crashing into one of the statues. “Ahhh…” Her body was beginning to feel heavy from all the hits she had taken. The man’s strength shockingly made her think she was fighting an orc in human skin.
The man was not finished, charging more energy in the sword. Eyes widening to the danger, Silica ducked on the ground as the man swung, the energy released shattered every statue that was in its path, leaving behind only a pile of rubble.
Silica scrambled away before regaining her footing. No sooner had she done that the man was upon her once again. Shocked by his speed, Silica rolled underneath the man’s swing, recovering and slashing the man’s torso leaving behind not even a scratch. Silica then raised her blade up as the man brought the weapon down on her. Caliburn mercifully held as Silica felt her bones rattling, forcing the weapon to her left. She retreated back as the man once more swung. Silica blocked, skidding back across the ground by the sheer weight of the swing.
“Wh-what’s with this guy…?”
Then, Jil finally spoke.
“Silica…. We need to retreat.”
“We don’t stand a chance! If you continue, he will kill you!”
Silica gritted her teeth. She knew Jil was right… but to run away.
“It seems she understands the perilous predicament you are in,” The man said, slowly turning to face the battered pathfinder. “Will you not heed her warning?”
“…. You mean Jil?” Silica raised her weapon again. “Just who the heck are you anyway!”
The man raised his weapon once more. “Pity that it was you who was chosen to bear this burden.”
“Why don’t you try making sense for once!”
Silica rushed in again, letting the man take another furious swing at her, ducking under the blade at the last minute, skidding into the man’s blindspot before taking a swing at his head. Finally taken off guard, the man leaped back as caliburn dug into his right cheek. Silica recovered her stance, looking on gleefully as the man stood to face her again with a deep cut on his cheek.
“Don’t go underestimating me,” Silica chuffed.
“On the contrary,” The man raised a hand to his cut cheek. “I’ve overestimated you, pitiful child.” With a single swipe of his hand, the cut vanished without a trace. For the first time since the battle began, Silica’s resolve wavered.
With energy coursing through the blade, the man unleashed another energy attack. Silica jumped right, narrowly avoiding the black energy as she was blasted off her feet once more. Caliburn flew from her grasp as she landed.
“D-damn it…” sprawled across the ground, Silica reached out her hand, recalling caliburn to the grip. Before she could launch a counter-attack, the man was already looming overhead, pressing his right foot hard on Silica’s sword arm, pinning her to the floor. Gritting her teeth in pain, Silica used her free hand to try and move the foot, clawing at the black armor in an attempt to free her.
“While a deal born of necessity, you have no conception of what lies at the center of the world,” the man said, resting his great sword on his shoulders. “Perhaps, slaying you now would be a mercy,”
Silica growled in pain as the man pressed his foot down harder. Caliburn fell from her grip under the pressure.
“You have to do something!”
“Well…. I’m open to suggestions…”
The man then heaved his weapon off his shoulders, inverting the grip while bracing himself. Something then hit the flat of the blade, shooting off sparks on the impact. Looking up, Silica saw Mar before her. Imbuing mana into the tip of his spear, the spearman tried to force him off his downed companion.
“Forgot about us?” The boy snickered.
The man’s eyes narrowed, preparing to retaliate when he spotted Liana aiming an arrow directly at his head and fired. The man moved his head out of the way, breaking the engagement from Mar before leaping back.
“Silica!” Liana limped towards her fallen sister helping her to her back on her feet. Mar stood to her left while Soma fell in behind, his eyes darting across the entire arena.
“I-I’m fine,” Silica said to her sister as she took her stance once more facing the man.
“Soma… you sure this’ll work?” Mar asked.
“No, but I can’t think of anything else so,” Soma then turned about to the large statue at the back of the room, charging energy into his crystal staff before unleashing it on a spot directly above it.
Silence fell. Both Silica and the man looked perplexed. The dust began to settle, with only a small hole made in the ancient stone work.
“….. What was the point in that?” Silica asked.
The room then began to shake. Cracks began to extend outwards from the incision point.
“Run!” Soma shouted. A small explosion erupted from the ceiling, then another and another. The shaking got worse as the room began to fall apart. Large stones fell from the ceiling, crushing several of the statues.
“What did you do?!” Silica said, seeing the destruction unfold.
“Sis come on!” Liana pulled on her arm as the party ran to the entrance. Silica, however, resisted. She saw the man standing in the center of the room, simply glaring back at her as though the chaos unfolding around was a gentle breeze. The sight made Silica’s blood boil. She couldn’t just let this go unanswered.
“Sis!” Liana tried to pull Silica away, struggling under her sister's stubborn strength. “SILICA!” Frustrated, Liana moved in front of her sister and smacked her on the cheek as hard as she could. “WE HAVE TO GO! NOW!”
Silica held her cheek, stunned that her sister raised a hand to her. She looked back at the man. He was still glaring at her, even as the rocks fell around him. A black mist engulfed him, and when it dissipated, the man had vanished completely.
“Silica,” Jil spoke to her. “This is an enemy you cannot defeat. Please….”
Reluctantly, Silica nodded. With her pride in tatters, she ran with her sister, catching up to the other two as the ruins began to break apart. They had cleared the rotunda as the balcony they were on collapsed, rushing through the corridors, leaping over the wrecked statues, dead orcs, and goblins that littered the path. Soma tripped over one but was helped back up by Mar, who dragged him the rest of the way. Through another rotunda, the party navigated around several enormous statues as the ceiling behind them was falling, passing through one final corridor.
The entrance was in sight, and the rockfall behind them was getting close. Using the last of their energy, the party sprinted as fast as they dared, leaping through the thread hold as the entrance collapsed behind them.
The dust washed over the group as they lay on the ground gasping for breath. Caliburn shimmered in Silica’s hand as Jil reverted back, hovering over her exhausted companions. “Are you okay?”
“N-never better…” Though painted breaths, Silica gave her companion a weary thumbs up. “Everyone…. Still in one piece?”
“I-I’m okay…” Liana said.
“Yeah… somehow…” Mar waved.
“I… think so…” Soma coughed as he got up, adjusting his cap.
“What the heck was that?” Mar asked, using his spear to prop himself up. “I thought you said you couldn’t destroy elven stuff with magic?”
“That’s… not entirely true,” Soma adjusted the strap of his bag. “A strong enough force can leave dents in the masonry. You saw the damage the orcs did.”
“But… bringing the entire thing down?”
“That uh… elven structures like that have vains of magic flowing through them. The short version is I hit one of them causing… well that.” The boy continued looking over the entrance. “I still can’t believe it worked. A little too well…”
The massive passageway that they had run through was now collapsed in on itself, debris now blocking the entrance. “…Forgive me grandpa,” He muttered quietly to himself.
Silica stirred blankly at the ruin.
“Sis… are you okay?” Liana asked.
“…. No I’m not,” Silica replied frustrated. “That guy got away…”
“What?” Mar looked up.
“Saw him… vanish into smoke…” Silica kicked a rock towards the wreckage.
“A-At least we’re still alive, right?” Liana said, trying to take Silica’s mind off the encounter.
“Silica… We had no choice but to flee.” Jil said flying in front of her partner. “If you continued to fight, we all would have been killed.”
“…. Yeah, I know,” Silica said quietly, clenching her fists. “We didn’t stand a chance…”
“Sis…” Liana bowed her head. “So… what now?”
The ruin before them was now blocked off completely. Slowly as the shock of the previous encounter and the collapse subsided, the party realized they were now at the very bottom of the mine’s main shaft where the orcs had set up their encampment. Just cresting the ridge was the crude structure the brutes had created, laminated by the torchlight, and several bodies could be seen scattered about; townsfolk that was killed by them.
More unnerving though was how quiet it was, and the fact that not a single patrol had come to them especially after the mines collapse. When the party reached the encampment, they realized the orcs had abandoned it.
“They’re… gone?” Silica was puzzled.
“What about the people of Fawn?” Liana said. “Y-You don’t think they-?”
“We don’t know that yet,” Mar said, though he too had his suspicions. The party searched the camp. Given how much of the orcs' equipment was left, it seemed they left in a hurry. Silica had thought they could have had a run-in with the woman, but there seemed to be no sign of struggle.
“Wait,” Jil suddenly spoke up. “I sense… someone’s coming?”
“Who? That black armored bastard again?” Silica asked, though her question was answered by the unmistakable bellow of an orc. The party ducked into cover, peering out from behind the wooden gate and saw a trio of orcs approaching the ruin.
“A patrol?” Mar said. “Must’ve heard the ruins collapsing.
“Looks like it,” Liana said. “What should we do?”
“There’s only three. I say we jump them,” Silica suggested.
“Can you air on the side of caution for once?” Jil urged.
“…. No, I agree with Silica.”
“Huh?” Silica looked around confused at Soma.
“But leave one alive. We’ll get him to tell us where the others are”
“…. Okay, sure,” Silica turned back to the orcs. While she clearly had her reservations, Jil transformed into Caliburn. Liana put a hand to her shoulder, gently tugging her back.
“Let me go first.” Drawing an arrow, Liana quietly made her way over to the orcs as they stood before the ruin perplexed by it’s collapse calling out for the warboss, unaware of his demise.
Silica moved in closer to the group, flanked by Mar and Soma. They got closer to the group, ducking behind a nearby mound of earth staying as hidden as possible.
The orcs seemed not to notice, now bickering amongst themselves. Then Liana made her move, firing at the orc closer to the ruin, landing a hit in its neck.
“What’z dat!?”
“Who’z dare?!”
The other orcs jumped, looking around for the threat. Silica was the first to approach, charging towards the closest startled orc, slicing into its torso while its guard was down. As the orc staggered back, Mar pounced, running the monster through its heart. Soma emerged from the darkness and fired a spirit arrow at the final orc, hitting its weapon arm, destroying both the crude weapon and its fingers. He fired another at its right shin, sending the beast toppling to the ground. The first orc staggered forwards, struggling to pull the arrow from its neck before another arrow struck it.
“Good shot,” Silica waved at Liana as she emerged from her position. “Now,”
The wounded orc held his ruined hand as it rolled onto its back in pain. “Y-You?! You dem humiez…? Scuttling aroundz…”
“Yep.” Silica rested her foot on the orc's chest while aiming caliburn at its throat. “And I’m in a very bad mood.”
Mar pointed his spear at the orc’s neck. “Where’d you take the townsfolk?”
The orc looked between the two of them. “Youz all dead…” It snarled. “Da bozz’ll rip ya guts out ya throat!”
“We saw him in there,” Silica nodded towards the ruin. “And from what I saw, he’s not gonna be ripping anything out ever again.”
Silica pressed caliburn to the orc’s throat, the enchanted blade piercing through the green skin. “Now answer the damn question!”
The orc gritted his teeth, looking to the ruin then back to the girl. “Fine… You’z not getting out alive anyhow…” The orc began to chuckle. “We took em… up top…”
“To the town?” Soma parroted.
“Are you going to kill them?!” Mar roared angrily.
“Course… but not yet… Not while day still useful….” The orc chuckled.
“You bastard!” Silica withdrew caliburn and stomped on the orcs face, hitting with enough force to knock out its right tusk.
“Silica!” Liana pulled her sister back before she stomped on the orc again. “What are you planning?”
The orc growled as he held his bleeding gum. “S-shield….” It moaned. “B-Bozz wantz… uze dem… az shieldz… ‘gainst dem…. Humiez…”
“Shields?” Mar looked to Soma. Given the boy's reaction, he seemed to have pieced the plan together.
“…. By the goddess. I think there gonna march them out in front of the town,” Soma said. “Assuming Fay told them what happened, the imperials will send a second force. They’ll bombard the town before engaging the orcs.”
“Shit… They wouldn’t fire if they have hostages.”
Silica and Liana looked at each other, both having the same concern.
“Actually… The governor might do just that….” Liana said grimly.
“Damnit!” Silica swore. “That bastard governor might just bomb them.”
“H-He wouldn’t do that! Would he…?” Mar asked concerned.
“Governor Calonico doesn’t care much for the colonies. He’s made that pretty clear to even the army how detached he’s to the archipelago.” Liana explained. “Most of the island guard officers and officials of Testcan are his personal lackeys and they’re known for their cruelty even to the soldiers. With how important Tesctan is, I don’t think they’ll risk the chance of losing it to the orcs, even if that means blasting the citizens to pieces.”
“Th-that can’t be true? He’s the governor. He has a duty to the people of the empire. I mean… it’s in the constitution for crying out loud!”
“Ahh, guess you're from the mainland.” Silica nodded. “All my life the imps have done almost nothing for our home.”
Liana reluctantly nodded. “A token garrison at best. In fact, a week ago our island of Chadd suffered a massive attack that killed most of the island guards. Yet Tesctan won’t send any reinforcements until the situation with the orcs is settled. That’s part of the reason we came here.”
Mar still seemed in disbelief.
“Then we need to free the townsfolk before the empire retaliates,” Soma spoke up. “I feel our battle’s not yet over.”
“Right,” Silica nodded. She looked down at the wounded orc that was trying to claw his way towards a discarded weapon. Silica finished it off, stabbing it in the back. “Let’s get moving!”
Everyone nodded, running to the path that would take them up, graciously marked out by the orcs. Silica followed behind, still holding Caliburn. Jil remained oddly quiet.
“Jil?” Silica ended up asking. Jil only gave a small hum sound to indicate she was still there. “.... That guy, did you know him?”
“I…. I don’t know….” Jil said. “I… I really wish I did…”
Silica said nothing. For now, it was best to put the man in black armor out of her mind until the situation in Fawn was well and truly over.
A large orc and goblin force moved through the small chasms towards the hidden entrance of the mine. Just moments ago, goblin spider scouts outside reported a human force moving up from the large settlement in the south, bringing with them more cannons and a strange metal wagon moving behind them.
Kuzak still wasn’t back from the expedition so it was up to the rest of the clan to hold off the humans until he arrived. Under the watch of Buzkar Goar-render, the humans were to be used as shields in front of the camp as per Kuzak’s orders. It made perfect sense as the humans would dare not blast their own people. While they stand there stunned, a second force would charge them from behind, using the gully for cover to overrun and destroy the humans like they did before. They hoped the humans hadn’t discovered the passage with the human scouts still within the mine. However, those hopes were dampened when the force came across the goblins that were to guard it. They were all dead, and likely with some kind of human firearm or explosive.
A human must have gotten out….
“Be ready…” The front orc announced. A tough battle was coming. They moved forwards, hastening the march. Then the orc stopped, taking a deep sniff. “Whatz dat smell?”
The other orcs and goblins stopped and sniffed. There was a strange smell, a burning. Focusing their ears, several orcs and goblins could hear a whitening, and it wasn’t the wind. The front orc took a torch from an orc behind him, shining the light into the walls where the sound was coming from.
Embedded in nearly every nock and cranny were bombs. Before the orc could issue a warning, the bombs went off all at once.
A massive plume of dust erupted from the entrance of the cave as all the bombs went off, collapsing the passage in the process. Tek couldn’t help but laugh, more so as he heard the unmistakable sound of a force moving through the passage as he lay his bombs. With it blocked, there was only one way out for the orcs, and that would be through the human steel.
“Nothin’ personal lads!” Tek howled with laugher as he mounted his pet wolf, turning once more to his goblin escorts and the keystone. “Right ya gits! Letz get this thing back home!”
Tek led the way through the small forest, still howling with laughter. So distracted he was that he failed to notice a figure emerging from the branches of a nearby tree, watching her pray as they left the area.
“Damn them,”
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