《Serendipity》The orc stronghold
The old town of Fawn was built at the edge of the mountain, moving upwards in response to the geography built around the large mine entrance. The stone-built buildings that made up the town lay in ruins, several broken down and converted by the orcs with the stone being used for their own crude buildings and defenses, reinforced with wood taken from the trees chopped down around the town. Set up around the perimeter of the walls stood crudely made watchtowers, each manned by goblin archers with the towers in the center manned by orc archers.
At the town center, around the debased statue of the town's founder, the scared masses of Fawn were corralled by the orcs. Starved, beaten, and wounded humans were roughly thrown at the front of the statue as the orcs around them prepared for battle as news of the new human attack was coming.
Only two orcs stood vigilant at the mine entrance, waiting for their boss or Golga to take the lead in the coming battle. Isolated from the rest of the hoard, none noticed when an arrow fired from the darkness of the mine, killing one. As the other realized the attack, a spear ran him through.
“Good going,” Silica whispered as she gently patted Mar’s back. Both her and Mar dragged the body back into the darkness of the mine while Liana and Soma did the same for the second.
After the bodies were cleared away, the group darted from the mine. Their eyes had to adjust to the blaring sun hanging overhead, having been in darkness for so long. Soma and Mar in particular were almost blinded when they stepped out, having been down in the mines far longer. Once everyone’s eyes had adjusted, the group ducked into a small pit used to pile up rubble and rocks from the mine.
“Okay Jil,” Silica turned to her little partner who hovered close by her. “Remember, if they see you, they might crush you like a bug so try not to get caught.”
“Thank you for that disturbing image,” The fairy said unamused before flying overhead. The party remained hidden, waiting for Jil to return. Silica herself was quieter than usual, something Liana noticed.
“.... Are you thinking about that man?”
Silica didn’t reply, yet the pain on her face was plain as day. Liana decided not to press the matter further, understanding that her pride took a big hit. Mercifully Jil returned, looking grim.
“Did you find them?” Mar asked.
“Yes.” Jil nodded as she hovered close to Silica. “The orcs have gathered them all in the center of town. I can feel the fear from over here. I suspect they will move them very soon.”
“How many orcs?” Silica asked.
“Too many to count,” Jil shook her head. “Certainly more than we five can realistically deal with ourselves.”
“Like hell. We’ve killed a bunch of them-!”
“In confined spaces,” Soma corrected Silica before she continued. “Not out in the open in daylight with many areas for them to jump us.”
“Sis, they wiped out an entire camp of soldiers and adventurers,” Liana said, urging Silica not to do anything rash. The mention of the camp stung both Mar and Soma, who infiltrated the mine during the ambush. “And if they spot us, they might kill all the hostages before we can rescue them.
“…. Alright, I get it,” Silica sulked. She understood caution was needed, but there was still something eating at her. “Hey Jil, did you see any imperials out there?”
“… The human soldiers?” Jil folded her arms, humming as she thought. “No… but I did notice a dust cloud in the distance. What’s more, among the fear of the hostages, the orcs themselves are restless, as though anticipating a battle.”
“Guess they sent a relief force after all,” Mar said. “… You still think they’d fire even with all those people?”
“… I’d rather not find out.” Silica said under her breath. Either way, time was of the essence. Any imperial attack would begin with an artillery barrage, then followed by an all-out charge, with this case the citizens caught in the crossfire. Unless they could rescue and shield them from-
“Hey!” Silica looked back to Soma.
“W-What is it?”
Silica grinned, unnerving every one of her companions. “How big can you make your barriers?”
The watchtowers blew on the battle horns. The humans were now within sight, setting up their weapons on the ridge overlooking the town just like the night before. The blaring of the horns was for the flanking force to be ready to pounce on the humans from the rear like before.
“Itz time!” The orcs howled their war cries, knowing the fight was nearly upon them. “Get da humiez up! We move dem to da front! We needz ta hold until da bozz iz back!”
Grabbing their arms, the orcs and goblins moved to the defenses while a large group moved to the center of town, moving to the sound of war drums beating. Huddled at the base of the statue, the townsfolk huddled together, frightened and terrified for what was to come, some breaking down into tears. The orc and goblin captors looked on unmoved, some bellowing at some that were crying to stop. Somewhere on the edge, ready to slaughter the hostages, only held back by Kuzak’s orders to use them.
“Itz time!” Three orcs walked into the plaza, all with weapons to hand. “Get dem on dere feet!”
Some of the orcs grunted with relief, whether it was due to the upcoming fight or to finally be rid of their annoying charges.
“Alrightz ya miserable gits! On ya feet!”
There was little movement among the hostages.
“I said, ON! YA! FEET!”
“… D-Do as they say,” Only one man stood. While his clothes here were torn and worn as all the others, it was more embroiled than any of the others. “It will be alright… I told you the empire would not forsake us.”
Only a handful of the townsfolk stood.
“I said stand!” The orc began to lose patients.
“They’re afraid!” The man snapped back, cowering as the orc snorted menacingly. “P-Please… they will stand…”
A few more stood up.
“Dadz it,” The orc took a step forward. A crouching woman.
“W-wait-!” The man tried to stop him but was thrown aside before the orc reached for the woman.
“I said STA-!” Just before the orc could lay a hand on her, an arrow struck it in the throat. Socked, the orc lurched back grasping at the arrow before another struck him in the forehead.
“What waz dat?” The orcs panicked, looking around for the shooter. Another arrow was then fired, killing an orc. Another struck an orc in it’s chest and another killed a goblin.
“Whoz dare!” The orcs snarled as they tried to find the archer.
Suddenly, Silica burst from the shade of a ruined building, slicing into a nearby orc as she rushed towards the group. An orc tried to stop her but was stopped when Mar landed on it, running his spear through the left of its neck. Liana and Soma rushed out, with the archer firing off two more arrows, killing a goblin among the townsfolk and another orc that was trying to intercept.
The townsfolk all looked up to see the four young adventures standing among them, weapons at hand and surrounded by the startled orcs and goblins.
“Wh-who are you?” The man asked. “A-are you with the empire! Did you come to save us!”
“That’s the idea,” Mar said, keeping his spear at the ready as the orcs retained their distance, ready to charge forwards at any given moment. Now that they were no longer bound by the confines of the mine, the numbers of orcs and goblins did pose a problem, especially with the townsfolk in need of protection.
Better hope this works…
“Soma!” Silica called out.
“I-I’m ready.” The wizard held out his crystal staff, blue light shining from the tip. “Please… don’t let me down!”
As the orcs rushed forward, Soma raised staff to the sky before slamming it to the ground. Light burst forth, subsiding as a large, glowing barrier formed around the plaza, covering the four adventurers and all the townsfolk. Furious, the orcs who charged crashed against the solid light that formed around them, slamming their weapons into the barrier.
“It’s working!” Silica cheered.
“This is… nothing,” Soma said panting. “It’s… what comes next we need to…. Pray to the goddess…”
“It’s begun.”
As Jil spoke, the sound of distant thunder could be heard. A tower was blown to pieces. In the plaza, two orcs vanished as a cannonball smashed into them, reducing them to nothing but paste.
The orcs that surrounded them reeled, the goblins panicked as death rained all around them. The wooden wall shattered under the fire. Many orcs and goblins were caught by the barrage, blown to pieces.
So far, those huddled in the barrier were lucky, watching as the orcs around them scattered. A cannonball then struck the barrier directly. It held, leaving no damage to the surface. Another hit, then another. After the third, Soma collapsed to one knee, holding onto his staff like his life depended on it. It likely did.
“Soma!” Liana said, alarmed.
“I-I’m fine!” Soma said, shuddering as another cannonball struck the barrier, leaving a small crack. “I-It‘ll hold….”
The final barrage missed the barrier, blasting apart more of the orcs. Then silence. The barrage had finished, leaving the orcs and goblins shaken, rushing from their hiding places to repel the upcoming attack.
“Dat thing iz comin’!”
“Whatz dat?!”
“Da boyz outside’re dead! Dat thing killed dem!”
“To da gate! Hold it!”
Amidst the panic, a group of orcs and goblins pushed the gate closed, braising for what could have been a battering ram. Another bang of a cannon could be heard. The gate exploded. The orcs and goblins closest to the blast were torn to spread while those around were thrown into the air. The cannon ball traveled towards the plaza, losing height before burying itself into the ground before the barrier.
Silica had thought the imperials had used a cannon to destroy the gate, not something outside the norm. However, in the silence she could hear the roar of something, almost like a beast but with a very consistent sound. Through the smog that covered the gate, something massive began to emerge.
“Wh-What the…?”
“By the goddess…”
Both Liana and Silica were stunned by what they saw rolling into town. At first glance it looked like an upside-down metal boat with wheels at the base. It had a cannon embedded in the center of the metal plates and a large box on top with a rifle attached into it, firing at the orcs that charged in front of it.
“Is that a… is that a tank?” Mar said. He was less shocked by the upside-down boat but was nonetheless surprised.
“A what?” Silica asked.
“A new imperial weapon…. developed nine years ago; an armored, steam-driven vehicle. The tank….” Soma explained through panted breath. “I admit… this is the first time I’ve seen one with my own eyes.”
The tank moved into town, peppered by arrows and orcs brave enough to charge it, banging on the metal hull with their weapons leaving only scratches.
“Air slash!”
On the right side of the tank, three orcs were decapitated from a sudden gush of wind. The surviving orc jumped back from the tent in shock as his companion’s broken bodies fell to the floor. Through the smog, an imperial officer strolled forwards. He was dressed in military attire adorned with the checkered colors of red and gray with the twin-headed eagle insignia on his left breast, short cut hair and a mustache, holding out an ivory carved wand in his left hand.
“You humie gi-!” As the final orc charged, the man drew a pistol in his right hand and fired. He fired four shots into the orc's body, staggering it before delivering the final shot to its head.
“Show no mercy!” He cried as soldiers poured through the broken gates. “Purge these fowl mongrels that dare to defile Erstain soil!”
As his men set about slaying the orcs close to the gate with spear and sword, the man strolled forwards alongside the tank, reloading his pistol amidst the sounds of the turret firing on the incoming orcs and Goblins. After reloading, the man flicked his wand, sending more wind blades at an orc leaving deep grooves in its flesh then fired at it with his pistol.
As the tank stopped, a group of riflemen passed by its flanks forming into a double line in front. At the right flank was van Jorhan, sword and shield in hand staring down a horde of orcs and goblins charging at them.
“Sargent,” The officer called. “Give them a volley,”
“Gunners ready!”
On van Jorhan’s orders, the front row of men crouched as both took aim.
On his orders, the gunners fired. The front row of goblins was torn to shreds by the hail of bullets.
“FIRE!!” The second volley churned through the front line of orcs, disturbing the momentum as those behind were showered in gore and ichor as heads exploded, bones were shattered and bodies fell. A third, fourth and fifth volley followed, reducing the incoming wave to only four orcs that turned and ran away.
“Reload and fire at will! Soldiers! Forward!”
Van Jorhan charged forwards towards the now disorganized mob of orcs followed closely by more imperial soldiers, using his shield to block an axe while slashing at its torso, causing it to drop to one knee before delivering the finishing blow. The other soldiers fought the orcs often in pairs of two, getting the better of the large brutes by moving within blindspots. The tank meanwhile turned clockwise then fired its front cannon which ripped through another wave of orcs. The gunners lined up and fired at any that survived.
Despite the muffled sounds that came through Soma’s barrier, from what they could see and hear, the battle was more or less won with the orcs stronghold breached and the hoard reduced to scattered mobs that the imperials could easily clean up.
“Sargent! Over here!” A group of soldiers rushed up to the barrier with van Jorhan in front.
“Silica! Liana!” He yelled as he dropped his weapons, rushing to the barrier.
“Hey!” Silica waved at him. Jil transformed back to her form, sensing that victory was at hand. “Soma, you can drop the barrier.”
“R-Right…” Soma painted. The light in the tip of his staff stopped and the boy collapsed soon after. Mar and two of the townsfolk rushed to him as the barrier vanished. “Th-that took a lot out of me…” He said weirdly, yet smiling.
Silica smiled back. “Knew you could do it.”
“Silica! Liana!”
Suddenly, van Jorhan rushed forwards and hugged both sisters, taking them both by surprise. “Thank the goddess… When I heard what befell the first attack and that you two had gone, I feared the worse.” He released them, wiping tears from his eyes.
“C-Come on. We’ve been through worse than this back at Chadd.” Silica said bashfully.
“…None come to mind though,” Liana said.
“Well, you certainly had quite the ordeal,” van Jorhan said as he looked over the two girls, paying close attention to Silica. “Just look at you… damn those brutes…”
“He means your wounds,” Jil pointed out. Silica then realized she had more visible wear, cuts and bruises on her than Liana. Some likely due to her battle with the armored man.
“Friend of yours?” Mar asked, supporting the weakened Soma.
“Oh, this is Sargent van Jorhan of the island guard of Chadd.” Liana introduced. “He came to Tesctan to partition the governor for aid for the recent attack.”
The old man then came up to van Jorhan, bowing his head. “I am the mayor of Fawn. Words cannot express our gratitude for delivering us from that hell.”
“Please, I was only doing my duty to the empire,” van Jorhan nodded. “Of course, these brave adventurers are also deserving of your gratitude,” He gestured to Silica, Liana, Mar and Soma before addressing the soldiers. “Hey! Get these people out of here! Have the healers and doctors tend to the wounded and ensure rations are handed out to all!”
The soldiers saluted and approached huddled towards the townsfolk, many of them breaking down in tears that the hell they had endured was finally over. The sounds of battle grew quieter as the fighting subsided and more and more went to help, some discarding their shields and spears to help those too walk. Van Jorhan pulled the adventurers to one side, allowing the soldiers to evacuate the troopers.
In that respite, Silica and Jil were able to take in the devastation of the town. “Geez, how long do you think it'll be before this place recovers?”
“The buildings may recover,” Jil said, looking over at the townsfolk. “The people though…. I think there are wounds engraved deep into their hearts,”
While there were many of the townsfolk that showed joy at their salvation, there were those with vacant stares, some crying and sobbing not out of joy but sorrow that they had lost everything.
“I hope they recover,” Liana said.
“They will in time,” van Jorhan said unfazed. It’s not the first settlement I’ve seen ravaged by the orcs. Nor I fear it will be the last. Even some of the Norran raids have been as catastrophic and devastating, or more so. It will take some time, but life will soon return to normal.” With a hollow smile, he looked back towards the two girls. “I can’t tell you how proud I am of you two. Both your parents would be proud.”
Silica and Liana nodded with a smile. Van Jorhan looked past them to Mar and Soma. “You two are adventures as well, no?”
“Uh, yes. I’m…” Soma hesitated. “S-Soma Linegod.”
“Mar Brasner,” Mar said with a small wave. “We were in the first wave. Though we broke off just before the attack.”
“Oh, I see… You were with Braun, no?”
“Uh… yeah,” Both Mar and Soma hung their heads in the memory of their fallen comrades. “He was killed in the ambush last night.”
“As was my brother. I found his body strung up in front of the camp like a sick trophy.” The officer from before marched towards them, holstering both his pistol and his wand. “These brutes barbarism truly knows no bounds.”
“Major Morgen, sir!” van Jorhan saluted the man.
“At ease Sargent. Report?”
“Sir. We’ve rescued the citizens of Fawn. They’re receiving treatment and sucor as we speak.”
“Good, good.” the man, Major Morgen, twirled his mustache as he looked towards the adventures. His eyes stopped at Jil where he studied her intensely. Seeing her unease, Silica stepped in front of her.
“What?” She said abrasively.
“Ah, forgive me,” Morgen said. He sounded insincere, still eyeing Jil. “Just… curious as to what that thing is.”
“Th-thing! How rude!” Jil was outraged. “I’ll have you know-”
“Sh-She’s my familiar!” Silica said quickly. “Right?”
“O-oh yes! O-of course! That’s me! A familiar of Silica!”
Morgen didn’t seem convinced, as did Soma who kept eyeing Jil from behind Mar.
“.... Very well,” Morgen finally said, “You are adventures sent by the guild, no? Hm, I must confess, I wasn’t expecting a group of children to have survived the ordeal that claimed many of this island’s good men.”
Silica frowned. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Silica no.” Liana hissed, keeping a firm grip on Silica’s arm.
“Nonetheless, you have our gratitude.” Morgen continued, as though not hearing Silica’s provocation or choosing to ignore her. “If not for that strange girl we would not have learned of what befell the first wave.”
“You wel- strange girl?” Liana looked puzzled.
“Your companion. The girl with the red eyes.”
“.... Oh, you mean Fay.” Mar said.
“Yes, she brought a little girl into the adventurers guild. That receptionist then contacted the reserves and explained the situation.” Morgan continued before turning about. “Anyway, you have all done a fine job in service to the empire. I’ll be sure to send propper payment to the guild in recognition for all you’ve done here today.”
“Hey wait.” Silica stopped him no sooner had he made five paces. “Those people were in the middle of town when you decided to bombard the town. Did you know about that?”
“They were what?!” van Jorhan looked shocked. He looked at Liana. While she wanted to avoid any trouble Silica’s rashness may cause, she reluctantly nodded.
“... No I did not,” Morgan responded coldly. “Nonetheless, those brutes slaughtered our men before they could lift a finger. I had to take the initiative whether I knew or not.”
“Even if that means killing these people?!”
“Sis no!”
“If it means expelling these monsters from our lands… then yes,” Morgan said while Liana struggled to keep Silica from rushing the man and punching him.
“Isn’t it the empire's duty to its people?! How could you casually throw them aside like that?!” Mar was the next to raise his voice, tightening his grip on his spear.
“Think of it what you will, but answer me this; if I waited there may have been a chance that the orcs would ambush us like they did my brother, wiping out the last of this island’s defenses in one fell swoop leaving Tesctan defenseless. Is that a better outcome to doing nothing?” Morgan said sternly.
“With the loss of Malicina, losing this island to the same band of orcs would have been a severe blow, hindering our ongoing war with Mahama and the Eastern army within the North and East seas. Our duty is to the people be it on the continent or the colonies. That is the very fundamental principle each and every soldier stands by.
“Yet the reality is not always kind and we officers are forced to make hard decisions.” With a frown, Morgan tightened his brow. “You may villainize us, but know all I do I do for the empire and her people.”
After finishing, nothing not even Silica could raise a voice to oppose him, Morgan turned about. “Again, thank you for your service to the empire.”
“Uh…. M-major Morgen.” Soma stopped him.
“What now?” Morgen said, irritated.
“The forest north of the camp, there’s a tunnel that connects directly to the mine. That’s how the orcs ambushed us in the first place. It’s possible they’ve used it to set up another ambush or to escape.” Soma explained.
“In the… hmmm?” Morgen trailed his mustache as he thought. “That would explain the state of the camp. Thank you young man. I’ll have my men scour the area.” With a final wave, the man walked off discerning into the town.
“Ah, what a jerk.” Silica pouted. “Sacrificing everyone without even trying.”
“... I can see his point of thinking, even if I do fundamentally reject it,” Soma said.
“Who was that guy anyway? Major… Morgen?”
“Major Franz Morgen to be precise.” van Jorhan said with a cough. “He’s the commander of the archipelago’s island guard and the governor’s right-hand man.”
“Wow, what a shock,”
Van Jorhan chuckled. “To be specific, he’s loyal to the Calonico family, not specifically the governor himself.”
“What’s his family got to do with it?”
“Calonico… Where have I heard that before…” Mar pondered. “…Oh shit!” Mar blustered. “Calonico as in Supreme admiral of the navy, Duke Raymond Calonico?”
“Yep. The governor is a cousin.”
“Wow… I wasn’t expecting that?” Soma said. “Hard to believe someone of that family would be out here in the colonies.”
“Yeah, what’s a Calonico doing all the way out here?” Mar asked Silica and Liana, who both looked blank.
“Supreme admiral who?” Silica blinked.
“You seriously haven’t heard of him?”
“I’ve never been off my island before.” Silica pouted.
“Tesctan is as far as I’ve gotten,” Liana chuckled. “Wasn’t expecting the governor to be related to someone that high up.”
Van Jorhan looked over his shoulder to see if the major was within earshot. “Well… this is only rumors but, apparently the governor was caught up in an embezzlement scandal five years ago. To avoid a stain on the family, he was given governorship of Gormott as a form of exile.”
“Ohh, really?” Silica said intrigued.
“Only rumors though. Please don’t go spreading it about.” Van Jorhan looked over to Soma. The young wizard had fallen to one knee, clutching his staff for support.
“Whoa hey!” Mar exclaimed as the others rushed to his side.
“I-I’m okay…” Soma said weirdly. “Th-that barrier took a lot more outta me than I thought…”
“Geez, don’t scare us like that,” Silica said. Moving her foot back, she caught a rock and nearly tripped over, catching herself at the last second.
“You are fairly fatigued as well,” Jil pointed out.
“Ha ha… looks that way,” Silica chuckled to herself. Even she couldn’t deny she was exhausted from an entire day of fighting.
“I think we should head back to Tesctan,” Liana said. “I’m sure Yanes is worried about us.”
“Uhhh… I really don’t feel like walking the whole way,” Silica groaned loudly. Everyone else laughed.
“I can help with that,” van Jorhan said. He waved his arm, attracting one of the soldiers. “Is there space on the wagon for them?”
The soldier looked to the adventurers and nodded. “There should be. They look like they’re about to keel over.”
“…. I wouldn’t say no to a ride,” Silica chuckled.
“…. I may need help,” Soma said, pushing himself up on his staff.
“I got ya,” Liana grabbed the arm Soma. The group followed the soldier as he led them out of town. As they left the ruined plaza, Jil stopped and took one last look at the mine entrance, clutching her chest tightly.
“Come on! We’ll leave you behind!” Silica called out.
“…. O-on the way,”
The sun was beginning to set as the wagon set off for Tesctan. Van Jorhan watched as it vanished into the distance, giving a silent prayer to the Goddess for delivering the two girls from harm's way, then another one to wish them safety on the long journey to the tower.
“I do hope you’ll find what you’re searching for, Silica,”
“Oh, gone are they?” Major Morgen approached from behind, watching the wagon as well.
“Sir,” van Jorhan saluted. “After all they had done, I thought giving them a ride back to Tesctan was the least I could do.”
“That’s quite alright,” Morgen nodded. “I just received word from the scouts. They found the tunnel, but it had been blown up recently. It seems some of the orcs managed to give us the slip.”
“It’s not a big island, I’m sure we’ll find them and put them to the sword.”
“Yes…. I sincerely hope.” Morgen seemed lost in thought as he stared off into the distance. Van Jorhan did the same, looking back and forth waiting for the major to speak. When he didn’t, van Jorhan gave out a little cough.
“Uh sir… A-About what we were discussing before-”
“Yes yes. I haven’t forgotten.” Morgen reached into his overcoat and pulled out a letter and gave it to the Sargent without looking his way. “That is a list of fifty names from the island guard. As of now they will be transferred to Chadd to reinforce the garrison.”
“Th-thank you, sir.” Van Jorhan eagerly took the letter.
“It isn’t a lot, given the losses we endured on the previous assault. It’s all the men we can spare.”
“I understand sir. This should be plenty.” Elated, van Jorhan saluted and walked off, keeping the letter in his hand.
“By the way, you’re familiar with those adventures?” Morgen asked, stopping van Jorhan. He still did not look in his direction.
“… Only the two girls, sir.” Van Jorhan replied. “I’ve known them since they were children. They were both good friends of my… my late son.”
“I see. Sorry, I did not mean to pry.”
“… It’s alright sir.”
Morgen narrowed his eyes. “The outspoken one… The one with the silver hair and odd eyes.”
Van Jorhan looked to the wagon in the distance nervously. “S-Silica Hale sir. Sh-she’s the daughter of my friend in the guild.”
Morgen only hummed in response. Van Jorhan guessed Silica may have crossed the line with her recent outburst against the major. “Uh, sir.” Nervously, van Jorhan approached Morgen, finally attracting his attention. “Don’t think ill of her. Silica is very quick to anger and she often speaks her mind quite liberally. I-I can assure you she meant no offense by what she said…. I think.”
Morgen chuckled. “I took no offense. I understand why she said what she said and certainly will not condone her for it. Thank you sergeant. You are dismissed.”
“Sir.” Van Jorhan saluted and walked away, still worried that Silica may have dug herself into yet more trouble.
The orc ships were hidden well in a cove on the north coast of the island, well hidden from any onlookers and how Kuzak’s forces were able to take the humans by surprise. Over a hundred vessels of rakshak design lay huddled together and only one ship manned by goblins who spotted Tek’s advance.
“Alright lad! Scuttle the rest of the shipz! Any of da boyz survived dat, dey’ll be swimming back! Hahahaha!”
On his orders, the goblin sailors carried out the final betrayal of Tek, setting fire to all but one of the ship.
“And dat brute didn’t trust me,” Tek laughed. “Can’t say I blame him! Even I wouldn't trust me. HA!”
The spider riders hurled the stone onboard the getaway ship, with the goblins on board assisting with rope, dragging the object onboard.
“Oi! Careful with dat!” Tek snapped. Once it was safely on board, the treacherous goblin turned to several behind him. “Right! Check ta see if we’z been followed. Kill em if we have, be it humie or orc.”
With a few grunts the goblins rushed back to the entrance of the cove. Tek dismounted his wolf, feeding it a piece of raw meat as he waited for both the scouts to return and the ship to be ready to set sail. Fortunately, as the other ships began to completely submerge, the ship was ready to set sail and the scouts returned almost at the same time.
“Right, letz get off diz dump,” Tek mounted his wolf as the scouts huddled back.
“Eduth-ha Ri!”
Suddenly, a bramble bush of thorns erupted below the feet of the ground beneath the scouts, coiling around each of them as their small bodies were ripped to shreds.
“Whatz now?! Thought youz said it’z clear!” Tek snapped at the goblins caught in the thorns. The masked woman rushed from behind the carnage, rushing towards Tek at speeds he couldn’t comprehend, getting close enough to swing her sword. The weapon disconnected, forming a whip as it swung to the head of the wolf-
Black mist formed on the ground around Tek. Before the whip could connect, a large, red blade burst from the ground, blocking the strike. Startled, the woman recoiled her weapon and leaped back.
“Whatz da…?” Tek was just as shocked, watching the blade vanish into thin air.
“Apologies little cretin, but it’s not your time to die, nor is it the place.”
The woman turned about, brandishing her weapon as a figure strolled down the hill towards her. It was a human male dressed in a floral jacket and trousers, completely white skin, purple hair braided into a ponytail, turquoise lip gloss, red eyeliner over his pale yellow eyes and carrying a walking stick with a skull embroidered on the top.
“You’re helping them?” The woman hissed.
The man simply smiled as he stopped, holding his walking stick out before him.
“I don’t know who you are but… tankz?!” Tek laughed before snapping the rains of his wolf, charging towards the ship as fast as the beast could take him. “CAST OFF!”
“No you don’t!!” The woman chased after him. The man smiled, raised his left hand, and clicked his fingers. A red mist formed on the woman’s path. She skidded to a halt as phantom bats erupted from the mist barring her path.
“... What is this?” Frustrated, the woman uncoiled her sword and slashed at the bats, only for her weapon to be deflected by the bats gathering at the point of impact.
“Even you’re elven magics cannot hope to penetrate that my dear.”
Cursing under her breath, the woman turned back to the man who casually strolled towards her. Behind her, beyond the barrier, the ship began to move. The woman weaved a hand sign and shouted “Ra-ui!”
A glowing sparrow materialized, flying past the barrier to the ship that was now leaving the docks.
“Follow them if you wish, you on your own cannot reclaim what Waralak has taken,”
The woman turned back to the man who had closed the distance.
“Even your council will do little to raise a hand until it’s too late. Typical of your race.”
“.... You seem to know a lot about my people for a human,” The woman hissed as she collided her weapon and slashed it towards the man once he was in range. The man stopped with a sly grin, raising his sword up and pulling the handle. A hidden blade unsheathed, blocking the whip. The woman recoiled her weapon as she stood at the ready. “By that putred presence, I feel… you are no ordinary human.”
The man unsheathed his hidden blade, casting aside the wood. “Why are my manners?” Thematically, he raised his left arm and bowed. “I am Montmorency, ringmaster of cirque de la nuit. A pleasure.”
The woman narrowed her eyes behind her mask.
“It is rude to not introduce oneself.” Montmorency shickered. “Even your fellow Ar Navir have a sense of common decency.”
“..... Leafa.”
“..... I said it is rude not to introduce oneself,” The man said with a smile tainted with venom.
“I see no reason to give you my name, human.”
“.... Leafa it is then,” The man said, a sinister red aura engulfing him. The woman raised her sword, swirling her left hand drawing a rune. White mist began to seep from her body. The two stood at odds with one another as the sun began to set. Just as the shade covered the entire cove, the woman charged.
- In Serial10 Chapters
Citrix’s log: a hunter’s life
"You’re hired” Dragged into a dimension where sentient beings fight against everything and each other, Citrix gains a new identity as a hunter. Traveling worlds, infiltrating organizations, crossing dimensions is everything in his line of work, even if you consider blood constantly splattering around his workplace. The logs record everything he does, literally everything. P.S. Image not mine Synopsis 2 With fragments of memory emerging from time to time, Citrix gets a glimpse back into the life he once had. But old memories mean past experiences, and what he now holds dear may no longer seem true after the memories are back. What happens when his old life merges with his new life?
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Hedonia the Arcane Utopia (LitRPG)
LitRPG Progression Fantasy (action-packed with some slice of life). This world isn't heaven, James wasn't good enough for heaven. This was as close as he could get - a world infested by the Darkness. Despite the Darkness already taking over a huge part of the world, there is a place called Hedonia that is still striving towards its goal to create a utopia by fully understanding every field of magic there is. Which might not be as impossible a goal as it seems, now that James is here. Or will the Darkness destroy the world before that happens? Things aren't as black and white as they seem though. The Darkness is dangerous, but using it is also an essential part of building a utopia. Out of the countless worlds James could've reincarnated in, he chose to come here though. His goals perfectly align with Hedonia's. He'll gain power at any cost in order to ensure that the Darkness won't destroy his new, cozy home. -- Schedule: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday.
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texting → lashton
"ashton: good morning lucas""luke: i hate you"
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Kissing School
"Alright. I got this far. What next Mr. Teacher?" He laughs at me. Actually laughs at me! If he thinks that just because his laugh is one of the sexiest sounds ever that he can get away with laughing at me, he is so wrong. My anger is lost the second his fingers start caressing their way up my leg, landing on my hip which is where they stay. "First lesson: the art of teasing." I can do this one. It'll be just like the other night in his living room. Give him just enough to leave him wanting more. However, even though I know a lot about teasing, I think I'm about to learn a whole hell of a lot more. Looking directly into Cameron's eyes, I see how they are twinkling with the excitement of this lesson. I have a feeling I am in way over my head.--Cameron is Amanda's best friend's brother. After a night of restlessness, Cameron agrees to teach Amanda how to kiss her way to a boyfriend, but there is only one tiny problem. She doesn't want just any boyfriend. She wants the guy she has been in love with for years, and he just agreed to take her to Kissing School.
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An adopted by Lin-Manuel Miranda fanfictionDenise is a normal girl. She is not popular, but not an outsider either. She wears normal clothes, and goes to a normal school. To put it shortly, she's a perfectly normal girl. Or is she? Some secrets remain truly secret. Some scars aren't visible on the outside. Some people are Broken.Author's Note:I have been reading a lot of these "Adopted by -" fanfictions lately. I wanted to write something different. Take the cliché concept, and change it in something original.
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friends with benefits? Vinnie hacker
COMPLETED!! ⚠️smut⚠️bad language⚠️you get invited to move into the hype house! you meet the gorgeous vinnie hacker and stuff goes down until something bad happens...#8 vinniehacker#6 vinnie
8 117