《Serendipity》The vault
Tek emerged from the vault at long last, glad to be out of the elven vault. Only four of his goblins had survived the traps that the pointy ears had set up. Despite that, they had what they were after. Pulled behind by the spiders was a large slab of stone, the very thing that the warlock had sent them to this island for.
He didn’t know what it was for, nor did he care. Only that the warlock insisted that these stones would lead to the salvation of all orcs and goblins.
“Where’z da bozz?”
Tek stuck up his nose. The first thing he saw leaving the vault was the brutish sight of Kuzak’s orcs. “We got’z what we needs,” Tek pointed to the slab carried by his goblins. “But da bozz sayz he wantz ta find da rest of da loot.”
Before he parted ways, Kuzak insisted on continuing on into the depths of the pointy ears’s vault. He could perfectly understand, he certainly would love to loot the powerful relics of the pointy ears. But unlike the orcs, Tek valued his life more, and the statues at the entrance killed five of his warriors while the next trap was the reason why he only had four goblins left.
“Where’z Golga?”
“Perusing humiez,” An orc responded to Tek’s question, clearly sticking up his snout as he was talking down to a goblin. “We’z got ratz snoopen round. Da humiez’re probably gonna attack uz soon.”
“Ha! I say let em’ come!” An orc bellowed.
This news was… troubling. He couldn’t afford to take any risks. He needed to get the stone back or the warlock would have his guts, and if the humans were ammasing for another attack it would make the job difficult.
He spied the human slaves out of the corner of his eye. With the ruin exhumed, there was no reason to keep the slaves, and given the gathering the orcs were ready to execute them. However, the sight of the sniveling humans gave Tek an idea. And with Golga gone off to hunt the intruders…
“Oi! Gotz orderz from da bozz!” He said. “If da humiez’re massing for another attack, use dem as shieldz,” He pointed his crooked finger to the slaves. “Send’em to da surface and parade dem in front of da camp when da humiez arrive. Day wouldn’t dare lay a hand on der own.”
The orcs looked back to the slaves. “Why’z we need dem? We’z better off fightin’ whatever comes after uz.”
“Right. Say dat with dem cannons blowin ya boyz ta bits. Not even Kuzak’ll take dat risk even with da black blade.” Tek snickered. “But with dem humie’z blocken dem, day wouldn’t dare blast uz. Clever for da bozz, I got’z ta say.”
The orc held his stare before snorting. “Fine. It’z da bozz after all,”
“Daz right.” Tek snickered as the orcs turned away and approached the slaves. With grunts, tugs and a beating, the humans was dragged to the feet, flanked by the orcs and shepherded out to the main camp.
“B-But Tek,” One of his goblins whispered when sure to be out of the orcs ear shot. “I-Iz dat even gonna work?”
“Who bloody knowz?” Tek laughed. “But in da confusion, wez just sneek out.” His bedy eyes fell to the slab. “Dat’z more important den em, and you’z. Even a scratch and da warlock’ll have your hides.”
The goblins cowered at the mention of the warlock.
“Now get moven!” Cracking his rains of his mount, leading his goblin riders to the passageway out of the mines that would avoid the carnage that was to come.
The orcs and goblins filed through the narrow passage into the small rocky cavern, lit up by an array of torches. An arrow found its mark, hitting an orc in the throat. A goblin was the next to fall, an arrow piercing straight through its body, then another stabbed through the eye.
“Over der!” One of the orcs pointed towards Liana, just before an arrow struck him between the eye.
“They’re coming!” Liana retreated behind Soma. The crystal of his staff shimmered brightly, muttering something under his breath as the orcs approached.
“Light burst!”
A pulse of light slammed into the orc and goblin formation. The goblins in front were singed on impact while the orcs in front were burned while those behind them were knocked off their feet.
While the wounded orcs were disoriented, Silica and Mar descended on them, leaping over the front line orcs before combating the rear guard. With both spear and caliburn, the disoriented orcs were cut down before they turned on the final wounded orcs.
“That’s another ambush down,” Silica said as Jil reverted back. “We’ve gotta be getting close now,”
“With how many are pursuing us, I would certainly hope…” The fairy sighed.
“The patrols do seem to be getting bigger. We must be reaching the bottom.” Soma said as he emerged from the shadows along with Liana.
“After all this, I’m dreading what’s waiting for us at the bottom,” She said, keeping her bow in hand.
“You say that all the time back home,” Silica said as the group continued.
“And for usually good reasons. Unless you want me to recount the number of times I’ve had to come to your rescue,”
“Alright, I get it.” Silica grumbled. “But look on the bright side. We’ve got Soma and his magic in case we get into a bind.”
“Uh, I don’t think you should put too much stock into my abilities,” Soma said bashfully.
“No seriously, I think you’ve really saved the day a number of times already. Right Jil?” Silica asked her partner with a big smile, “Jil?” only to realize she wasn’t by her side as usual. In fact, the fairy was still where she was transfixed to a small cave.
“What’s up? More orcs?”
“.... I can sense something up ahead,” Jil said. “It’s… It’s difficult to describe, but I can feel the faint residue of mana being exhausted.”
“Mana?” Soma looked at the cave. “... I can’t sense anything.”
“It’s very faint… But I can definitely feel something.” Jil insisted once more.
“.... Down here?” Mar was the first to go into the cavern. Everyone followed after her with Liana using her manasite to illuminate the small cave. There they found a wall, but not one that was a natural cave formation or anything that should be found within a mine. Yet on closer inspection, it was difficult to call it brickwork, with long white stone that looked oddly out of place to the rest of the rock, with long points and indents that looked crafted by only a hand of a skilled artisan.
“What is this?” Silica said as she put a hand to the rock.
“That’s… not part of the mine, that’s for sure,” Mar said.
“That craftsmanship...” Soma walked towards the wall, sucking in a breath. “It’s aysharen. This… this must be a part of the vault. We must be behind it.”
“Huh. So a back entrance?” Silica asked hopefully.
“Uh, I highly doubt it. With these vaults, there’s only one way in or out. Having a secret way in defeats its purpose.”
“... That didn’t stop whoever did this?” Liana said. Both and Jil were standing in front of a large rent in the rock that opened a way into the structure. “This looks like it was done recently.”
“The orcs?” Silica asked as her default belief.
“I… do not think so,” Jil said. “That residue I was sensing came from here. I can feel it radiating from these walls. It’s not something I’ve felt from the orcs we’ve encountered so far.”
“But… what, or who, could have done this?” Soma said, dismayed. “Even with mana, blowing a hole into a vault should be next to impossible.”
“It is?” Mar asked, to which Soma nodded.
“Aysharen buildings were among the strongest of the ancient world with a lot of their superstructures surviving long after the calamity. You could take a pickaxe to this wall and make a dent.”
“No don’t-”
As though to test it out, Silica equipped Caliburn and took a swing at the rock. The blade scratched the surface of the elven architecture not even leaving a dent. “Whoa, that really didn’t do anything.”
“Was that really necessary?” Jil transformed back, looking mad.
“Hey, I was curious.” Silica shrugged.
Liana meanwhile pushed herself through the gap, shining her manasite through it. “Well, at least we have a way in without having to go through a hoard of orcs.”
“Right. And the warboss is down there. We kill it, this invasion is over,” Mar said, sheathing his spear on his back to fit through the gap.
“Just be careful. The warboss could be the least of our worries down there.” Soma urged as he followed. Liana was next and then finally Silica. However, before she moved through she saw Jil hadn’t moved, staring blankly at the hole.
“Hey! We’ll leave you behind!”
Jil snapped back to the moment, wrenching herself from her thoughts before flying behind Silica.
The pair were the final ones to emerge from the hole, walking along a bed of finally combed sand. Silica for one couldn’t contain her bewilderment. Despite being as old as every other ruin she had seen in Chadd, the interior looked like new. The glittering obelisk in the center of the sand pulsed with an otherworldly glow. The walls were a mixture of blinding white marble and glittering quarts. Silica’s slack jaw expression was shared by both Liana and Mar, with the three being drawn in, absorbed in the artitecture.
“This is incredible,” Liana breathed.
“Hard to believe this is underground. Everything looks new.” Mar said, running the sand between his fingers.
“A lot of aysharen buildings were made to last. Even the cities of the dark elves could be stretched back over three thousand years,” Soma said, using his staff to add to the modest light emitting from floating crystals. “I must admit, I’ve never been in one so perfectly preserved. If only we could have come here under better circumstances.”
Silica approached the obelisk, running her hand over the smooth surface. “This wasn’t what I was expecting from a vault. Kinda thought it be just blank and like a single room,”
“It likely wasn’t a vault before, but was repurposed after the calamity.” Soma said, approaching her. “Given the intricate detail, what we’re standing in could very well be standing in an old mansion or temple. I can’t say for certain,”
“You seem an expert at this,”
“O-oh, um… well I have a vested interest in the subject,” Soma blushed, adjusting his cap as he walked on.
“So now that we’re here, where’d you think the orcs are?” Mar asked.
“If it’s artifacts they’re after, it’ll likely be in the depths of the vault. Hopefully we’re not too late.” Soma took point as the party formed in behind. “Be careful though. Elves don’t leave their lost treasures unguarded. Expect some form of trap,”
“And here I was thinking this was gonna be easy,” Silica said with a smirk, earning her a scowl from Jil.
“I have a dark sense of foreboding about this,” the fairy sighed.
The room exerted out into a corridor no less intricately designed as the previous room. It was a simple straight line with three other arches. Flanking them were six statues, each resembling a warrior with pointed cone helmets, each armed with a spear and a long kite shield.
“Cool. Is this elven armour?” Mar said, rubbing his chin.
“I… think elven armour is different now, given the exodus,” Soma said as they passed them by.
“The exodus?” Liana asked as Silica and Jil examined one opposite.
“Looks pretty stupid,” She chuckled, rubbing her hand over the kite shield.
“A-Are you sure you should be touching it?” Jil asked.
“Come on; it’s just a statue,” Silica said with a grin while lights began to shimmer on the shield’s surface. “It’s not like it’s gonna come to life and attack us,”
“Huh?” Silica blinked at her companions' reactions. Jil meanwhile flew back, pointing frantically at the statue. When she finally turned she saw the statue had changed color, now a vibrant array of gold and white. The statue had also raised its spear arm, inverting the tip to point at Silica.
“WHAA-?!” Startled, Silica rolled out of the way as the spear struck the ground. Jil transformed into calibrun as the statue moved out from its position. Soma fired a spirit arrow at the helmet. While the spell destroyed the helmet, the statue still moved. Soma raised a barrier, stopping the spear just in time.
“Damn you!” Silica unleashed her art, shattering the legs causing the structure to fall on its back. “Whew…”
“The core! Destroy the core!” Soma yelled. Despite the statue being downed, it still moved. With its shield lowered, Silica spotted a glowing blue diamond embedded in its chest. Quickly Silica rushed on it before stabbing it in the chest. The lights and color vanished as the statue ceased movement.
“Hope that’s the end of it…”
Lights began to emit from the remaining five statues.
“I can sense energy emitting around us.”
With a collective moan, the five statues began to step out from their places. Soma, Liana and Mar stepped back from the one they were close to with two others emerging at the rear. Meanwhile, Silica found herself separated, with two more statues emerging behind her.
“I don’t like the looks of this,” Mar said as the three statues began encroaching on them, standing in a small phalanx formation, the kite shields covering most of the body with the spear head with the tip pointing at the three.
Liana fired an arrow at one of the statues, only for it to bounce off the shield after it moved in place. Soma fired a spirit arrow, only for the spell to hit the shield leaving no visible damage.
On the other end, Silica was facing down two of the statues on her own, both taking a similar stance to those facing her comrades.
“Uh, Jil, any advice?”
“I propose you dispatch the one behind you and rejoin the others,”
“R-right!” Silica jumped back avoiding a jab from one of the spears. Once recovered, she turned about and unleashed another art at the statue behind her, slashing and breaking its right heel. Silica darted out of the way as the statue toppled down, slamming into the ground near the feet of the first, landing on its back. Mar immediately took the initiative, running up the statue while it was on its back and piercing his spear through the diamond core.
With the center now freed, Silica rushed to her companions' side as the four remaining statues moved in closer, keeping their shield wall formation. Soma launched two more spells at the shields, but to little effect.
“We need to get at those cores,” Soma said as he and Liana moved backward towards Silica and Mar.
“Something tells me they aren't going to give us a chance,” Liana said.
“Can’t you use your magic to knock them down?” Silica asked.
“Those shields have wards. My magic isn’t strong enough to break it.” Soma replied.
“Why don’t you go under like before? Use your art to take out the legs?” Mar asked Silica.
“Worth a shot,” Silica shot forwards towards the two statues.
“No no no!” Jil screamed in her head breaking her momentum as a spear jumped into the ground where she would have been had Jil not stopped her. “They will not simply allow you to approach them!”
“Well come up with a plan!” Silica yelled at Jil, earning her puzzled looks from Soma and Mar who were not quite used to the site yet. Meanwhile, the statues were now dangerously close where they could bring their spears to use on the party.
“Silica, make a run past it,” Mar said, crouching low to the ground. “Soma, get ready.” Mana seeped through the type of his spear, showing he was preparing to unleash an art. “I’ll make an opening!”
The spearman then leaped from the ground, wind gushing from his position as he sore into the air, a trail of energy emitting from his spear.
The statue on the left responded by raising its shield to meet Mar as he fell towards it. The type of his spear collided with the ward on the shield, exploding in a plume of colors as Mar struggled to keep his art going against the ancient defense. Yet in lifting the shield, the statue’s legs were now exposed.
“Silica!” Liana called as Soma took aim.
“Got it!”
Soma’s spell struck and broke the left leg, causing the statue to fall, collapsing on the wall and onto its shield. Mar recovered in the air and dived towards the statue, impaling the core with his spear. Meanwhile, Silica rushed forwards through the gap created, avoiding a jab from the remaining statue’s spear. She circled behind it before unleashing her art again, rushing back as the statue toppled to the ground. Liana and Soma rushed back as Mar finished off the statue, now faced with the remaining two that continued the advance.
However, due to the collapsed statues in the path, they had to walk over them, which meant lowering the shield. Liana drew an arrow and fired when an opening presented itself, piercing and breaking the core. The statue collapsed right into its partner, and both fragmented on impact.
The final core rolled across the ground before Silica smashed it with caliburn.
“Whew… what in earthena was that?” Silica sighed as Jil transformed back.
“Do not despair for they are only statues, correct?” Jil quoted Silica, irritated by her partner’s lack of caution.
“I didn’t know that would happen! I thought statues coming to life only happened in books!” Silica snapped back. Meanwhile, Mar, Liana, and Soma inspected the rubble left in the wake of the destruction of the statue. With the energy powering them now gone, the statues had ceased all movement, frozen in the positions they were in.
“Geez, you weren't kidding about traps,” Mar said, cautiously tapping one of the statues with the tip of his spear.
“Still, who would have guessed statues would attack us,” Liana said.
Soma climbed upon one of the fallen statues and then pulled the core out from its chest. “Eternal guardians. These are the most common form of sentries the asharyren use to guard any lost artifacts.” He held up the small diamond for all to see, now dim with a deep crack in the center where the killing blow was delivered.
“From now on if you see anything at all with one of these, be very cautious around them. There’s no telling if they’ll come alive.” Soma tossed the core over his shoulder before sliding down to join his companions. “And above all- don’t touch anything.”
All eyes looked to Silica. Her face went bright red with embarrassment. “Got it…”
“Dat’s it!” One of the warriors bellowed as he threw an eleven helmet across the room, crashing into the ornate statues. “Dat’s all der iz!”
Kuzak looked on at the large round room, filled with five suites of decorated eleven armor and an assortment of finely crafted sculptures lined across the room with a large centerpiece at the rear wall, made of pristine white stone carved into an eleven lord riding atop a mighty dragon. And that was it, stonework. Besides the metal for the armour, it was all completely worthless to the orcs.
“Dat’z what thiz vault was for?” One of the orcs bellowed. “A soggen magiky stone, and a room full’e even MORE STONE!!” Furiously, the orc took a large swing at one of the statues, breaking it apart with his war hammer.
None was as furious about this then Kuzak. This expedition for the warlock’s treasure was promised more riches to come out of something the elves had made. Instead of shiny metal or magical artifacts, it seemed this place was made to protect some works of art.
“Why’d wez listen ta you?!” One of the warriors bellowed, slamming his axe to the ground. “We should be out der fighting dem humiez! Not dragged to some tiny humie island close to the Hallow Peak, all to dig out some worthless stone!”
Kuzak snorted. “You would question my authority?” He turned, baring the black blade. “Dis job was trusted to uz by da warlock Waralak himself.”
“Da one dat gave ya dat black blade,” the warrior with the war hammer snarled. “Da one dat uzes dark magiks.” It then approached Kuzag. Despite his gaze being hidden underneath his helmat, Kuzak could guess the look in his eye; the look of one who sort to challenge him. “He’s cast hiz spell on ya. Ya nothen more then hiz pet.”
“Watch you tounge…” Kuzak snarled back. “Or I will rip it out.”
The orc snarled back inching closer to the warboss. A loud, metal footstep interrupted whatever bloodshed would occur. The three orcs turned slowly to the doorway from whence they came. In the shade, a lone silhouette of a human could be seen.
“How’d you get in?”
The human stepped into the light, revealing his black armor, purple hair, and piercing red eyes.
“Not sayin’ nothin?”
The orc with the warhammer looked to Kuzak. He didn’t need to say anything for the warboss to know what he wanted. All it took was a snort from him.
“Big mistake, humie,” The warhammer orc snarled, clenching his weapon and charging. The human reached for the weapon strapped to his back, waiting for the orc to reach him. The orc hauled his weapon high into the air, and before he could bring it down, the man moved, drawing the massive black sword from his back and in one strike, sliced the heavily armored orc in half.
Both Kuzak and the remaining orc were stunned, seeing one of the clans finest warriors killed by a human in one blow.
“You little shite!” The remaining orc roared and charged the man before Kuzak could even stop him, whaling his weapon in the air before bringing it down on the man. Their weapons clashed as the man blocked the blow. The orc raised his weapon again, striking repeatedly at the man’s massive sword trying to break either the weapon or the man’s bones. After the fifth stroke, the man dodged the final strike, letting the weapon crash to the ground and shatter, the man moved behind the orc, running him through the back, before renting his weapon free, letting the orc fall to the ground.
Despite the loss of his warriors, Kuzak couldn’t help but chuckle. “Not bad, humie,” He eyed the massive sword now resting on the mans shoulders. He could feel his own blade hungering, eager to spill the man's blood. “Dat weapon… you’z got yaself a black blade of ya own,”
The man glared at Kuzrak. “You know not what you play with, orc. That weapon will destroy you.”
Kuzak laughed. “Iz dat so?” Energy coursed through the weapon. “Let’z see den.” With a roar, Kuzak threw out the power of the blade, purple energy scaring the rock work as the slash made its way to the man who stood braced. The energy collided with the black blade, moving the man back an inch before it was thrown off, crashing through several of the statues. The man charged forwards towards the orc, who threw out another slash of energy.
Despite being closer, lumbered by both the massive sword and heavy armor, the man dodged the strike. A pitched black energy seeped from the blade.
Kuzak held his ground as a powerful blast of black energy fired from the blade, crashing against his own. To his surprise, the force that hit him was overwhelming, forcing him back three feet before he finally forced the energy away, momentarily losing his footing.
The warboss glared at the man who had stopped instead of following his advantage, as though the last shot was to show the difference between the two black blades.
“You…” Kuzak felt his primordial rage boiling over, the true power of the orcs, what made them the most fearsome race in the world.
The warboss slammed his foot into the ground, letting out a loud roar before charging forward, giving into the beast within. The man dodged his first swing, parried the second and third. The warboss kicked out with the man taking it on his arm, forcing him back towards a statue. The warboss was not going to let him go. With purple energy overflowing in the black blade, Kuzak pounced after the man. The man raised his black blade as the two weapons collided. The statue behind shattered by the powerful discharge given off by the black blade’s clash.
With energy overflowing, Kuzak pushed down on the man who held his guard, fixing Kuzak’s beady black eyes with his own blood-red glare.
“Don’t get cocky…. YOU LITTLE SHITE!” Kuzak raised his weapon, the man sidestepped as the black blade smashed what was left of the statue, moving behind the warboss before delivering his own blow. Kuzak parried, swinging his weapon. The man blocked, allowing the weapon to scrape down to the ground, leaving the warboss vulnerable. Sensing the danger, Kuzak turned back around, blocking an overhead strike from the man, keeping him from cutting his head off as he retreated.
He could taste blood in his mouth as he turned back to the man. His eyes widened when he saw a fragment of one of his tusk laying on the ground. His fury was building, his rage giving in. The black blade thrust, pulsing with his hate, as though it was a part of him. He felt power… power coursing through his right hand into-
“Surrender,” The man said, holding his weapon at the ready. “If this continues, that weapon will consume you.”
“What…?” Kuzak looked back at his blade, seeing it plumbing a deep purple mist. Yet it felt… powerful, feeding on his hate. It was like the warlock said; it was the very essence of the god of chaos. The word of their father.
“Me… surrender to a humie?” Kuzak bellowed with laughter. “Never!”
Purple energy glowed on the weapon once more. The green flesh that held it began to darken as purple veins began to pulse. “I’ll show you, da true power of da black blade! Da true strength of Kuzak the blade master!”
With the energy now overflowing, pouring from the weapon, the warboss’s mind now going black, filled with whispers that said one thing; “kill the human.” Kuzak charged the man, roaring at the top of his lungs.
The corridor eventually gave way into a large room with a shimmering crystal in the ceiling. The party had emerged on a balcony, overlooking the central circular room below, arranged around a large pedestal. From the view down below, there were clear signs of a recent battle. Statues lay broken and shattered while goblin and several heavily armored orc bodies could be seen below, their blood standing the once pristine floors.
“Welp looks like I’m not the only one stupid enough to wake those things up,” Silica said, feeling vindicated that another group had done the same as she had.
“This all looks pretty recent. Guess we’re not that far behind.” Mar said. Peering over the edge, a doorway could be made out at the far end. “The warboss is down there, I bet.”
“I do feel we are getting close…” Jil said, fluttering over the edge. “I can feel a dark presence, similar to what I felt in the main shaft.”
“Then let’s hurry,” Silica said.
The party continued along the circumference of the balcony until they came across the stairway down to the ground level. Like everything in the vault so far, even the railings were intricately decorated, as though the eleven artisans of the past refused to rest on any of their laurels. Silica’s mind was on the upcoming battle, knowing that the warboss was only a few feet away.
“With any luck, the bastards were crushed by one of those statues,” Silica said.
“I thought you were eager to do battle,” Jil asked.
“Oh, believe me, I’d want nothing better than to take out the warboss myself,” Silica said pouting. “Just wanted to take a shot at him.”
“You and me both,” Mar said. “If the warboss is killed before we get to him, none of us can claim the credit for it.”
“But would it not be in our best interest that the monster perishes before?” Jil asked.
“Well… yeah, but if someone takes out the warboss, your reputation as an adventure won’t grow,”
“That is what you are concerned with?” Jil scowled as the group began their descent to the lower level.
“So you’re looking to be famous or something?” Silica smirked.
“Sure am!” Mar grinned, thrusting his spear in the air. “I made a promise to someone very important that I’d become a platinum badged adventure. Can’t accept anything lower than that.”
Liana chuckled. “That’s quite ambitious of you,” Mar’s cocksure grin gave away to an awkward smile when he met Liana’s look.
“What is he talking about?” Jil asked.
“Oh, the guild marks us with a badge that shows off our rank and skill. That goes up with each bounty and job we do for the guild or if we discover something, like a ruin, artifact or a lost city.” Silica explained. “I’m starting out so I’m just a stone. Liana though is bronze since she’s been at this longer than me. Dad and Garo though are both Gold, which kinda makes them big deals in the guild. Make sense?”
“….. Not really.” Jil’s brow furrowed.
“Ah what would you know,” Silica pouted as the party reached the bottom of the stairs.
“It’s about reputation,” Mar continued, picking up on Jil’s question. “You increase your rep, you get more money and more important jobs.”
“That sounds… particularly vain to me,” Jil said.
“That’s what humans are, I guess,” Silica said.
“… Is that what you strive to be?”
“Well… sorta. But that’s not what I’m really after on this journey.”
“Oh yes, of course,”
“Buuuttt…” Silica grinned at Jil, “If our adventure bumps me up to platinum, who am I to complain.”
“I see you are just as vain as any human,” Jil scowled as Liana chuckled after overhearing the conversation. Soma remained behind, not once breaking his inquisitive gaze from Jil.
The party now stood in the mits of the round room and saw the damage wrought from the fighting was much worse than it seemed above. It seemed the orcs had awakened every eternal guardian in the room due to the rubble and the empty plots where the statues would have stood. There were two more orc bodies tucked in the corner as well as multiple goblins and spiders.
“Is the warboss one of them?” Soma asked as the five reached the center of the room.
“I don’t think so,” Liana said rubbing her chin as she examined one of the bodies. With blood pooling from the cracks in the crudely crafted armor, it was a guess that the orc was crushed to death. “Though…. I think it’s fair to say these orcs were the clans’ finest.”
Jil hovered close by Silica, but was unusually quiet as they walked through the carnage.
“I can feel… residues of mana.” She said at last, gazing at one of the broken statues. “There is a particularly dark presence that permeates the air.”
“Meaning what?” Silica asked.
“….” Jil pointed forwards. At the far end of the room was a large doorway that had been torn open.
“Woah… It’s just like the wall.” Mar said.
“No. It feels different.” Jil shook her head. “But I suspect what’s waiting for us is incredibly powerful.”
“Then what are we waiting for?” Silica walked on, ignoring a deep sigh from her partner who was less enthusiastic about the coming battle than she was. Then she froze, eyes open wide.
“Silica! Above you!”
Silica froze in place at Jil’s warning and looked up, just in time to see something leap from the balcony, descending towards her. Jil transformed just as the figure’s blade was brought down on Silica, the resulting clash of metal illuminating a face hidden behind a wooden mask.
The stalemate was broken with a kick to Silica’s gut, the attacker somersaulting back as an arrow fired past her head, nearly scratching the wooden mask. Silica coughed, only just regaining her stance to face the attacker as her companions all rushed to her side. “Hello to you too…”
Mar looked surprised, suddenly lowering his weapon. “You?!”
“Friend of yours?” Silica asked, not taking her eyes off the attacker. Now in full light, she could see it was a woman with a strange curved blade.
“Wouldn’t say that… we met just before the attack,” Mar tightened the grip on his spear. “Were you following us?”
The woman twirled her weapon in hand, not breaking her gaze from the party. “I should have known. Human curiosity knows no bounds.”
“What?” Liana kept an arrow drawn on her bow.
“I was hoping to let you live, but to set foot in this place has sealed your fate.”
“You should learn better threats.” Silica retorted.
“Be careful. I do not believe that was meant as a threat.” Jil said.
“… I know,”
The calm ended when the woman suddenly charged, covering the distance at blistering speeds. The party scattered as she rushed past, holding her sword out.
“Silica! Turn and block!”
“Huh?!” Silica did as instructed, feeling metal grinding against her weapon once more- only with the woman further away. The weapon had detached into smaller blades which now recoiled back into its original form.
“Interesting weapon you got,”
“I could say the same to you, human.” The woman rushed in again, engaging in a flurry of swings that forced Silica back on the defensive. Mar rushed in to try and help, but the woman dodged his thrust by a mere inch. The spear tip nearly pieced Silica, who leaped back when she noticed the danger. The blade detached and coiled around Mar’s spear.
“Oh come on!” Mar tried to free his spear by pulling away, but the woman moved with him, driving her foot into the boy's gut. Mar flew backward, landing by Liana’s feet. The archer fired a shot at the woman. The recoiling blade deflected the arrow while it was in flight as it reformed itself.
“Spirit shot!” Soma was next into the fray, firing at the woman’s right. The woman spun, ducking to the ground as the shot passed overhead, and with her left hand weaved something in the air, leaving a small trail of light.
Soma raised a barrier as a powerful wind blasted into him.
“Damn you!”
The woman then leaped as Silica skid underneath, trying to knock her off her feet while she had an opening.
“I told you that wasn’t going to work! Now move left!”
Silica rolled left as the whip blade slammed into the ground. As she jumped to her feet, the woman once again engaged her.
“Man she’s good…” Mar growled as both he and Liana prepared to engage.
“Wait, stop!” Soma suddenly rushed in front of the two. Well confused, the two stopped in their tracks. Soma then turns to Silica, who was still engaged with the mysterious woman, their blades constantly clashing against one another.
“Silica! She’s not our enemy!”
Silica ducked under overhead strike, parrying two blows from the woman.
“Silica! You have to stop fighting! Please!”
“A-Are you kidding?! She’s trying to kill me!”
“Please! We’re not the enemy!”
The woman didn’t seem to heed the boy. Pressing her advantage until she relented her pressure as her head snapped upward. “No…” In anguish, the woman lunch back down on Silica. “Where is it?!” she demanded.
“C-Couldn’t… tell ya!” Silica finally broke the deadlock, blowing the woman’s weapon to one side. The woman then retreated backward, stopping behind the pedestal.
“Better not take your eyes off-!”
Silica was about to rush forward when Soma grabbed her, pulling her back. “She’s not our enemy!” He said again before addressing the woman. “Please! We mean no harm!”
The woman scoffed under her mask before rushing towards the rear entrance of the door.
“H-Hey! We’re not done here?!” Silica yelled, trying to peruse but was held back by Soma.
“Please do not provoke her further!”
The woman stopped short of the entrance and began weaving something in the air with her glowing left index finger. “I have more important matters. Gah-Nahazret!”
Something shimmered in the air to her right. Then, a burst of light. Emerging from it was a bear, one the likes none of the four had ever seen, deep green with glowing way lines all over its body, green eyes shimmering as it moved forwards.
“He will keep you company. Rachka!”
The woman vanished as the bear moved into view, roaring as it spied it’s prey.
“Wh-What is that?!” Mar exclaimed.
“Something tells me this isn’t an ordinary bear.” Liana drew an arrow and fired, seeing the shot hit the bear into it’s left shoulder, yet the creature seemed unfazed.
“So I’m right…” Soma pushed past Silica, “Keep it busy!”
“Huh?” Silica saw Soma unhook his backpack, bringing out a large tome which he laid on the ground. “This is no time to read?!”
“I know what I’m doing. Just keep it away from me until I’m ready!” Soma yelled before turning his attention back towards the book.
“We should trust the boy. Just do as he says for now.” Jil said.
“How’s a book going to help us?!”
“Unless you have a strategy of your own I suggest you do as he says!“
Silica gritted her teeth. “Hope you don’t mind I kill the damn thing!” She charged forward towards the giant bear, rolling as it swung its glowing claws at her. Jumping to her feet, Silica slashed at the beast’s extended leg. The blade sliced through its fur, leaving behind a glowing residue seeping from its wound.
“No, dodge?!”
The bear, unfazed by the wound, roared and brought its paws to bare at Silica, who dodged and rolled to avoid getting crushed. An arrow then struck it in the left side of its head. It turned to face Liana, who drew another arrow and fired, hitting it in the left eye.
Mar meanwhile leaped into the air, infusing his mana into his spear before diving on the beast, stabbing it through the forehead.
“And stay dow-ahaha!” The beast reared its head, throwing Mar off it. The spearman landed on his back gasping. When he opened his eyes, he saw the bear looming overhead. “Crap!” He rolled, narrowly avoiding being crushed.
Dimension slash!
Silica unleashed her art, hitting the bear in the rear, drawing its attention. It was then she noticed the wound she had left it was closing, while the wounds done by both Mar and Liana were already closed.
“Wh-what’s with this thing?!”
“It’s… a spirit. It’s not a corporeal being.”
“Alright, so how do we kill it?”
“H-How am I suppose to know!”
“It’s an elven familiar, a spirit. As such it has no corporeal form,” Soma spoke up, still reading his book. Silica was about to snap back but remembered none but her could hear Jil while she transformed. “We just need to banish it.”
“And how do we do that?!” Silica rolled away as the beast charged at her again.
“By saying the right words….” Soma then stood up and held out his staff. A green glow emanated from the tip as he recited a strange language, the like’s of which Silica had never heard before. Then he held up his staff, bellowing at the top of his lungs “Gah-Nahazret, Sha!”
A green light flashed from the crystal staff, almost blinding everyone in the room. The bear suddenly stopped, howling as it lost color before vanishing in a puff of smoke.
“It’s… gone?” Silica said bewildered as Jil transformed back.
“Just… as I thought…” Soma fell over forwards, catching himself on his staff. Liana rushed over to him, catching the boy before he fell.
“I-I’m fine,” Soma said to her. “That just… took a lot of mana then I thought. It must’ve been… a very powerful spirit...”
“What did you do…?” Mar asked.
“Just… broke the link between it… and the summoner.”
With Liana’s help, Soma got back to his feet. Despite that, he still spoke as though out of breath. “The elves… rely on creating a spiritual link between the summons, which differs from wizard familiars which rely on a binding contract.”
“Elf?” Silica scratched her head perplexed. “Hold on… you mean that was an elf?! A real elf?!”
Soma nodded.
“Woah… and elf.” Silica grinned. She had grown up hearing tales of the elves, and how so few in the world ever laid eyes on the reclusive race, be it those that live in the forests or those who dwell in the hidden cities of night. “Oh, and elf-”
“I know what they are.” Jil immediately cut her off. Silica scowled at her.
“But why attack us? What did we do?”
“The elves are very protective of the old ruins, whether it to protect ancient artifacts or at times out of pride or a sense of duty to their ancestors. So it makes sense she’d attack us on sight.” Soma replied.
“Lucky us…”
“Seem’s a bit of an overreaction if you ask me. I mean, the orcs I get, but us?” Mar said. He was still on edge given the recent engagements that had taken place in the vault so far.
“Remember, she did attack us by that obelisk that was derelict for millennia. What we saw was the full extent of her resolve.” Soma said to him.
“Good point… Let’s hope we don’t cross paths again.”
“I’m with you there, dude.” Silica sighed as she walked on. “With any luck, she and that bear will go on a rampage up there and slaughter the rest of the orcs.”
“Wh-what if she attacks the townspeople in the process?” Liana asked.
“Then I’ll hunt her down and rip that mask off her face.”
Mar followed after the girls. Soma did the same before stopping and rushing back to pick up his tome. Meanwhile, Jil was staying where she was, deep in thought.
She seemed…. Distressed. As though something urgent caught her attention…
The fairy looked behind her to the pedestal. She remembered the elf took one look at it before rushing off.
“Hey! Come on!” Silica called out.
“…. I’m coming!”
She few after the group, stopping by the giant doors at the far end of the room that had been forced open by some unseen power. The wooden doors were completely shattered into small pieces, and given how pristine everything in the vault had been, this was likely no small feet.
“….” Jil fell silent as she arrived by Silica’s left shoulder.
“Jil?” Silica asked noticing her silence.
“Up ahead….” The fairy said. “I can feel an immense, sickening energy seeping from beyond. I suspect our query is over there.”
The news had a sobering effect on the group. Having fought through countless orcs to get here, the boss was just up ahead.
“Everyone ready?”
Mar tightened the grip on his spear.
Liana had her bow to hand, her fingers brushing over the arrows in her quill.
Soma gulped, grasping at the straps on his backpack before holding his staff at the ready.
Silica took a look at Jil. The little fairy nodded. “Alright… Let’s get that bastard!”
Silica and Jil rushed in first, with everyone else following behind them. They reached their final stop, ready to do battle with the warboss. Little did they know the true monster they would be facing in that room.
- In Serial24 Chapters
One Piece: Pursuit of Justice
The Pirate King, Gol D. Roger, last words sent thousands upon thousands of pirates searching for the legendary One Piece. Of course, these pirates had to do something while they were searching for the legendary treasure, most of which included crimes. The World Government isn't happy with this rampaging influx of piracy, and naturally, have their own means of squashing this new "Golden Age of Piracy". What is this solution, you ask? Well, the Navy of course. This story follows Akura D. Kenji and his brothers living in the remote Uxopia Village. With this golden age of piracy, both he and his brothers are exposed to these engimas called "pirates". Kenji decides he wants to capture these villainous pirates in the name of Justice. And thus starts his path of becoming a proud soldier of the Navy - a Marine. Schedule: I write whenever I'm available, but if I see a large amount of support and feedback I will make a conscious effort to release faster!
8 178 - In Serial16 Chapters
Even I Don't Want to See the World Burn Down: Rank SSS Demon
A very powerful demoness by the nickname Amethyst has been causing chaos and destruction for over 1000 years, except over the last couple hundred years, she's become rather bored and hasn't really done much out in the world. Until one day, encouraged by a friend, she heads out once again to wreak havoc on the world only to run across a half-elf half devil child. Not having been in the situation before, she decides to take the child and raise it herself. Diguising herself as a devil as well, Amethyst goes to a nearby human city with the child to raise it in a more "suitable" environment. Follow along Amethyst and her "adopted" child as they adapt to changing fantasy world with advancing technology, a diverse range of beings like elves and arachne, and the destructive power of monsters and other demons. And of course, they can't just be left to their own devices cause the world is set to turn into an intolerable hellscape if no one does anything about it. Not even Amethyst wants that to happen. *Author's note: this story is a work in progress meaning chapters may get deleted, editing will happen, and chapter releases will be irregular as I'm doing this just for fun. Plus this is my first time working on this sort of thing. So if you're ok with all of that, read along. Of course, comments and feedback are always welcome. Update 7 June 22: Life has been busy with family and work so this is a very slow updating story, for which I apologize (I like to read too).
8 156 - In Serial13 Chapters
Inside Us All are Seraphs
Wooooooooah, I'm in the process of writing new stuff! Feel free to read the synopsis and take a look. I'll update this with a proper synopsis and stuff soon. Basic story synopsis: spider people in a post-apocalypse with ghosts and big monsters (they don't show up yet) Cover by Sleepie.
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Levia Codex
A VRMMORPG! The first volume of a book i wrote last year in a mixed style of Japanese Light Novel and Western young adult. I wrote the entire book in one shot, so I apologize for the chapters not being standard web novel length. On the bright side, it's a complete novel, so if you're F5, waiting for updates will be good ;) Plot: Oh no, our MC is stuck in a game! Quickly, gather a harem, explore the intricacies of a fantasy setting, find love, and escape! What do you mean the games difficulty is set to Nightmare + 1,000,000?
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Best Friends With Benefits & After The Benefits End
Ever since playgroup Olivia and Daniel have been inseparable. Best friends since..well forever. However after a drunken night things change between the pair and their relationship takes on a new direction. Having benefits with your best friend may seem like the perfect answer for some people but what happens when feelings, past secrets and ex girlfriends get involved?Is it better to confront your feelings head on instead of hiding behind a secret relationship no one can know about?Liv and Dan learn the hard way that being honest is always the best policy when it comes to love and friendship. But will theirs stand the test?***This story may sound like all the other FWB stories on here and it does start off slow but just carry on and give it a chance :) Thanks for reading x***I've also split the book into two as the FWB part ends rather early on.***
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WayHaught Sexual Desires
PART 1 Wayhaught Gets HotterPART 2 Wayhaught Always & ForeverThis is Part 3... ENJOY ☁☁☁☁☁☀☁☀☁❤❤☁❤❤☀☁❤❤❤❤❤☀❤☀❤❤❤❤☀❤❤☁❤❤❤❤❤❤❤☁☁❤❤❤❤❤☁☁☁☀❤❤❤☁☁🎶☀☁☁❤☁☁☁🐬🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴Love.... Sex... Magic... Desires... Wants... Needs... Wayhaught wants it all!!!Can they have it all?? What happens when Waverly and Nicole realize its tough having three kids and not that much alone time???Will they fight and stay together or will Wayhaught become Way-Not❎❌#WayHaught❤ or #WayNot 😈????Read and find out !!!Love you guys and thank you for reading 💯✅✔#Lots Of Smut #Sex#18+
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