《I'm the Best Rune Programmer in a New World!》Chapter 28: A Chat With Scorpion


I got to the entrance to the ABW base and knocked on the door, loudly.

Come on George. I don't got all day.

I heard the sound of the many locks disengaging and the door swung open to reveal George standing there. I waved to George and he grunted in response.

I don't know what I was expecting there.

I asked George to lead me to Scorpion's very overdecorated office and he did, though not before engaging every single one of the locks.

Why do they need this many stupid locks anyway? Seems like overkill to me. I mean it adds so much on to the time needed to open and close the door.

After a while, I got to Scorpion's office with Dob and Lob right behind me. I swung open the door to reveal Scorpion sitting at his desk weirdly grinning at me.

Guess he knows that I didn't complete the mission in exactly the correct way...

I watched as Scorpion stood up and walked over to me while still smiling.

Damn this guy knows how to unnerve someone. He looks so weird right now.

"Soooo Jamesonnnn. What am I gonna do with youuu?", Scorpion said drawing out his voice and still sporting a grin.

"Well, Scorpion. I completed the mission. I don't know what else you want from me."

Scorpion's grin grew wider.

"Oh, Jameson. What I hate more than a coward is someone who gets caught up in semantics. You know exactly what you did wrong. You're supposed to cause unrest not create joy. I bet even George could've done better than you."

Scorpion returned to his desk and took a sip from the glass that was sitting there.

"You know. George used to be just like you. A newbie who thought they had the guts and messed around with me. You wondered why he doesn't speak? Well. I'll leave that up to your imagination. Now I regret to inform you that I'm going to be a bit more lenient with you guys since you seem to be a package and you have that unique ability Jameson. However, if you tick me off one more time I'll deal with you all regardless of your skills. Capiche?"


Jeez, this guy is dangerous. I should stick to the plan from now on. But I don't want to keep messing with innocents. There has to be some stuff involving criminals that would be a win-win for me and Scorpion right?

I waited for Scorpion to finish talking before I butted in.

"Yes, Scorpion. It won't happen again. However, there must be some missions involving criminals right? Doing stuff like stealing from babies isn't really my jam."

Scorpion bored his eyes into mine.

"Hm. Intriguing that you decided to test me again. Hm. Ah whatever. Ask George to find you something you're cowardly self is ok with. Don't bother me again."

"Yes Scorpion", I said quickly, not wanting to test his patience.

I exited the room and looked at George with sympathy.

"Hey, George could you take us to the mission hall please?"

George grunted but I didn't get annoyed at the lack of words this time around. Soon after that, we arrived at the mission hall.

"George sorry for the constant requests but do you know if there are any missions that involve dealing with criminals?"

George nodded at me and lumbered around the room picking up multiple pieces of paper from the walls and some from the floor. After he finished collecting all of them he walked back over and handed the stack of papers to me.

I took it from him and rifled through it.

There are so many missions here! This will probably be enough for me to rise in the ABW to the point where I can get access to their master plan and at that point, I can have the Guild come to the base and do some target practice.

I took the first mission from the top of the pile. It read, "There's a group of people from Whitebridge that keep beating up people who accidentally walk near the alley they're in. Expose them to the people in Blackbridge. Make sure to show the people in Blackbridge that those people are from Whitebridge."


Yeah, this is good. I'll be doing a good thing by completing this mission. Hmm. I should just take all of the missions and grind them out for a while. That way I won't have to keep traveling back and forth between Whitebridge and Blackbridge.

I looked at George.

"Hey, George do you know if we can take multiple missions at a time?"

George nodded and grunted at me.

"Thanks! We're ready to leave now if you could take us back out."

George grunted at me again and took us to the door of the ABW base. Dob, Lob, and I waved goodbye to George and walked back to the Guild. It was getting late and I had to talk to Stella again since I would be gone for quite a long time.

We reached the inn just as things were starting to kick off. Stella didn't seem too busy yet so we went up to her.

"Hey, Stella. We're gonna be gone for a while from tomorrow. Here's 3 Silver for our rooms. We should've been paying you this whole time anyway. Oh and if you could keep them reserved for us that would be great."

Stella smiled at me, "sure James. You deserve it after everything you've done and of course, the money also helps."

I grinned at her slight joke.

"Yes indeed. I think it helps so much I might just have to take it back", I said while giving her a mischievous grin.

"What money?", said Stella, showing me an empty hand.

"Ah well I think you've got me there Stella", I said slightly surprised at Stella's magician-like act.

"Anyway, we're gonna go to bed. Hopefully, we won't be gone too long. We'll stop by again in the morning to get some food that we can take on the road with us for lunch if that's okay with you?"

Stella smiled at me.

"Of course! I'll make sure to have some available for you guys. Try not to miss breakfast today okay?"

"Yeah sorry about that. It won't be a problem tomorrow though. I was just really tired that night although now that I think of it it's kind of a lame excuse since you stayed up later than me and got up earlier than me."

Stella chuckled slightly at me stumbling over my words.

"Don't worry about it. Now go and get some rest!"

"Yes Ma'am!", I said while saluting.

Stella giggled.

"Yeah alright I get it. Goodnight you three!"

Dob and Lob gave Stella a thumbs up and a wave as we left and I just smiled at Stella for a bit before also waving and following Dob and Lob who were now ahead of me. I started running after them which made them run faster and it turned into a race to see who could get to their rooms first. I ended up losing.

I'm a mature adult. I'm not annoyed even slightly... I'll beat you next time Dob and Lob!

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