《I'm the Best Rune Programmer in a New World!》Chapter 27: Returning to Whitebridge


We walked back to the Fierce Boar where Pepper was. Smiling at the numerous passerby and feeling great. It didn't take long to get to the Fierce Boar and we swung open the door, eager to say our goodbyes and get back to Whitebridge.

I saw Pepper standing at the counter. She looked to be having a conversation with some guy and I could tell they were friends based on the big smile on Pepper's face. I moved closer and saw that it was Hank.

Oh it's Hank. That guy who recommended this inn to me.

"Excuse me, guys. Hello Hank and Pepper!"

"Hello, Mister Jameson!"

"Hey, it's you! Never got your name. Guess it's Jameson then?"

"Yup! That's me", I said while pointing at myself.

Hank looked amused.

"So Pepper we're gonna be leaving for a bit and we just wanted to say bye for now."

Pepper looked sad but seemed to accept it.

"Ok. Well you better come back soon two people and mister Jameson."

"Of course", I said smiling at Pepper reassuringly while Dob and Lob gave her a big thumbs up.

"Bye to you too Hank!"

"Thanks Jameson. Hope to see you around!"

Then we left the Fierce Boar inn and started walking back to Whitebridge. Since we'd left later in the day we got back late at night. There was almost no one out and most fo the windows were dark showing that most people had gone to bed. It was very quiet, all we could hear as we walked were our footsteps and our mismatched breathing.

We arrived at the Big Keg inn and it was still lively in there. I could hear people shouting and the smell of alcohol had crept outside through the open windows and the gap under the door. We went inside and had to dodge around a fight or two but we managed to get to where a tired looking Stella was taking drink orders.


"Hey Stella! We're back!"

Stella perked up slightly from her monotonous task and gave me and Dob and Lob a tired smile.

"Welcome back guys. I made sure you kept your rooms as you requested."

"Thanks Stella! We're gonna go crash now. Best of luck with these guys", I said gesturing at the rowdy drunkards.

"Thanks I'll need it", she said, smiling weakly at me.

I feel bad that I'm leaving her here to deal with all of this but I feel like I'm gonna collapse if I don't go to bed. Sorry Stella!

So we headed to our rooms. I didn't even feel like I had enough energy to take off my clothes or get under the covers so I used gravity to my advantage and flopped onto the bed. Not long after I was out like a light.

The next morning I wasn't woken up by the bird which was a godsend for me as I really needed my sleep.

It seems that my bird here is a bit more sensible than the bird at the Fierce Boar. It doesn't mean I'm forgiving it though.

When I finally got up and checked the clock I found that I'd missed breakfast.

Darn guess I gotta just hope that the amazing Stella saved some for me.

So I went and knocked on Dob and Lob's door. That didn't seem to wake them up however so I kicked it once very hard.

"Damn it!", I sweared as kicking the door that hard hurt more than I expected it to.

This door must be related to the annoying door at the Guild. That must be it.

"Are you and the annoying door related or something huh? You guys think you're funny?", I said, interrogating the door.

I kicked it once more, ignoring the pain it caused me.


"Yeah I bet that hurt didn't it! That's what you get."

Swearing at the door seemed to get a response from my two companions as I heard shuffling from the other side of the door.

"Come on guys! We're already late for breakfast!"

That seemed to get them moving faster as the shuffling sounds intensified. Not long after the door swung open and I saw a slightly ragtag looking Dob and Lob. I didn't care about that though and I grabbed their hands and ran out towards the establishment's counter where Stella was likely waiting.

My guess proved to be correct as Stella was indeed waiting there. She gave me a smile as I practically flew across the room, dragging Dob and Lob with me.

"Hey Stella! So uh don't suppose you saved a bit of breakfast?"

"No I didn't. Sorry I just got so caught up in everything last night. I kinda slept late."

Yeah what the heck am I thinking. She stayed up later than me. Am I som kind of brat who can't deal with the consequences of their actions now?

"Oh yeah I'm so sorry Stella. It completely slipped my mind the amount of stuff you go through every night."

"Ah well it's nice to hear that", said Stella, smiling.

"It just so happens that I mayyyyy have saved a bit."

I grinned at Stella.

"Oh well Ms. Stella may we humble gentlemen partake in some of it?"

"Ah you're funny. No need for theatrics", Stella laughed.

"Alright you deserve it", said Stella bringing out three plates piled high with food.

Ah Stella is so amazing.

Dob, Lob, and I practically salivated at the three mountains of delight.

We each grabbed a plate from Stella and brought it to the nearest table before digging in. Stella watched with amusement as we plowed through the food only stopping to let out the occasional, "mmmmm".

We finished in about 10 minutes to Stella's surprise.

"Wow you guys were hungry!"

We grinned sheepishly at her.

"Ok well off you guys go. I have to prepare for tonight."

"Yes ma'am", I said while saluting.

"Get outta here you clown", Stella said while giggling.

We all waved to Stella and went out the door heading towards the ABW base.

I gotta give that Scorpion dude a piece of my mind. I'm not gonna do any missions that involve innocent people anymore. He probably already knows about my 'technically' completed mission and I doubt he's gonna be happy. After all, I didn't cause any tension between Whitebirdge and Blackbridge. I also didn't make it obvious I was from Whitebridge but I doubt he would've wanted that in this case since it would tighten the bond between the two towns.

So with a stubborn look on my face I marched over to the alley where the ABW base was intent on telling Scorpion that I wouldn't compromise my values as a person even if it would improve the overall happiness of Whitebridge somewhat.

What's the point of trying to make something better by making other things suffer? That's not really betterment. It's more like stealing. Anyway a town built on the destruction of other towns is definitely not a stable town.

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