《I'm the Best Rune Programmer in a New World!》Chapter 29: Back to Blackbridge again...


I woke up normally, without the bird's interference. Then I woke up Dob and Lob and we headed out and started walking back to Blackbridge. We didn't stop for breakfast since I had some rations left and I didn't want them to go to waste so we munched on them as we walked.

A bit stale but still delicious.

As it was nearing dusk we arrived in Blackbridge and walked back towards the Fierce Boar inn I had a thought.

How did Stella know it was me when Dob, Lob, and I were in disguise? I guess our mannerisms were kind of similar and we did stay in the same rooms. Still, it's kind of suspicious. It's Stella though. I guess I'll just have to keep my eyes open.

Opening the door I saw Pepper at the counter as expected. We waved toward her and she turned her eyes away from the arguing couple that she was watching with intrigue.

"Oh hey, Mister Jameson and company! Welcome back!", Pepper said with a grin, her eyes twinkling merrily.

"Thanks Pepper! Their names are Dob and Lob by the way. They don't really talk but they're really good at expressing their emotions in other ways", I informed Pepper as Dob and Lob gave her a thumbs up.

"Great! Nice to finally know your names Dob and Lob!"

Dob and Lob smiled at her and I looked at Pepper.

"So Pepper do you still have rooms available?"

"Yes! Can I call you Jameson by the way? The mister gets exhausting after a while."

"Of course Pepper!"

"Yay! Anyway to answer your question yes we still have rooms. I can give you the same rooms you had last time if you want?"

Well the rooms are all the same but it couldn't hurt.

"Sure that would be great thanks!"

"Alrighty!", said Pepper while scribbling something down.

"Here are your keys!", exclaimed Pepper while handing Dob, Lob, and I the keys to our rooms.


"How long are you guys planning on staying this time?"

"We'll actually be staying for a while so here's a bit of money to put towards our rooms. Let me know when it runs out.", I said while handing Pepper 2 Silver Coins.

"Ok Jameson! Have a great night!", Pepper waved as we walked towards our rooms.

I waved back and Dob and Lob gave a thumbs up.

Ah that went so smoothly. Hopefully the mission goes just as smoothly.

Then we arrived at our rooms. I gave a quick wave to Dob and Lob and they gave me their signature thumbs up then I went inside. I feel asleep rather quickly likely due to all the walking I'd done.

The next morning I woke up to a familiar sound.

Damn you bird.

Then I woke up Dob and Lob and we had breakfast before setting out on the streets to complete our mission which was to reveal that the people beating up anyone who went into their alley were from Whitebridge. I didn't feel any hesitation about doing this mission since the people deserved it and they were from Whitebridge anyway.

Since the mission hadn't provided the alley we needed to go to, likely because of Scorpion being lazy, we had to ask around. I went up to a young man who had just purchased some kind of fruit.

I'll just be frank with him. No use in stringing him along.

"Hello! I was wondering if you have heard of an alley where there are some very territorial scum?"

The man looked annoyed at my interruption as he was just about to sink his teeth into the fruit he'd purchased but he sighed and put the fruit down.

"Yeah I heard from one of my buddies that it's about 3 alleys to the left of a sweet shop."

I wonder if it's the one I visited last time?

"The one with the giant lollipops?"

"Yeah I think so. He did say something about the shop having some kind of jumbo lollipop. A few days ago I saw a child with one of them. It looked kind of hilarious. A tiny child eating a gigantic lollipop."


"Okay well thanks for the information! Enjoy your fruit thing!"

"Thanks. I will!"

As I walked away I could swear I heard him mutter quietly.

"That is. If I don't get interrupted again..."

Must be a really good fruit then. I should have one sometime.

I took note of the stand's location and then headed to the sweet shop where I'd bought the giant lollipop. When I got to the store I was a bit tempted to go in and get something but I knew that my mission should be my number one priority.

Maybe I can get something after as a treat for myself. Oh and also something for Dob and Lob. Yeah. I bet they'd love that.

I got to the alley not long after that and Dob and Lob went in front of me as we approached the alley. As we got to the mouth of the dark alleyway I saw three humanoid figures jump out seemingly from the shadows. We took out our daggers and I aimed mine straight at the head of one of the figures.

"What do you guys want?", said one of the figures.

"We want you guys to stop beating people up for getting near your stupid alley."

"Oh yeah. We can do that", said one of the figures inching closer.

"How about you three put down your daggers and we can talk this out?", said the same dark figure from before.

I grew wary as they drew closer but I lowered my dagger slightly. As the dark figure drew closer I noticed the glint from a metal object. It was almost imperceptible and only appeared for a split second as the dagger that I assumed the scum was holding was tilted at just the right angle.

These guys thought they could pull one over on me? Well, maybe they could. But certainly not Dob and Lob.

I noticed that Dob and Lob seemed to have already figured out that this guy didn't want to shake hands and be friends but they seemed to be waiting for something. I soon figured out why they were waiting since as soon as the chatty criminal got within range of their daggers they both struck at the same time. Instantly ending the guy's waste of a life.

The other crooks seemed scared by Dob and Lob's prowess and turned to run but I sent my dagger flying at just the right moment and it went right through both of them.

Wish I had that double kill sound effect. Would've made it so much cooler.

I then realized that we hadn't exposed these people as being from Whitebridge.

Guess I'll just say they're from Whitebridge since I already know they're from Whitebridge.

With Dob and Lob's help I dragged out the corpses of the criminals from the alleyway and into the street. This elicited some screams from passerby but most people just looked curious since it was pretty obvious these people were bad guys.

I channeled my nonexistent courage and took a deep breath.

"The people from this alley will haunt you no longer! These three scum who I learned came from Whitebridge have been killed. I am Jameson. Now goodnight!"

With my short speech over I turned and walked back to the Fierce Boar inn, the citizens just staring blankly at my back as I left, their faces scrunched up in confusion. On the front however my face was red.

Ah why did I do that. I sound like some cliché hero now. It was kinda funny though. Oh their expressions must be hilarious right now. Too bad I can't turn around. It would ruin it.

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