《I'm the Best Rune Programmer in a New World!》Chapter 19: Zero Birds With One Stone


Dob, Lob, the other people in the Guild and I watched in schadenfreude as the town guards came in and took the 3 bandits away. One of them tried to get away but was kicked in the back and face planted into the ground. No one tried to get away after that.

Ah, justice is served. What an amazing way to end the day.

I went up to Melissa after the ruckus had died down.

"Hey, Melissa um could we have the rewards for the mission now?"

"Oh yeah of course James. Sorry, it totally skipped my mind."

"Ah, no problem."

"So your rewards are........ 30 Credits and 6 Silver!"

[Gained 30 Guild Credits]

[Credits: 75/100]

Wow! 30 Credits! That's half of the Wolf King's reward! The 6 Silver aren't too shabby either.

"Great! Thanks, Melissa!"

Dob and Lob waved to Melissa as we left the Guild.

"Bye Bobs!", Melissa responded, smiling.

After claiming the rewards for the bandit mission I went back to the Big Keg inn with Dob and Lob and had a quick but delicious meal before heading off to bed. The next morning I work up to the damn bird again screeching away like its life was on the line which it may have been.

You stupid bird. This is the last straw. I'm coming to get you.

I scrambled out of my bed and put my clothes on in a flash. Not wanting to miss the bird. I then ran out of the inn to the surprise of Stella.

"What are you doing James?"

"No time to explain. Bird.. annoying.."

I got outside and to my utter surprise and annoyance the bird was perched right on my windowsill.

It couldn't have chosen any other place? Does it have some blood feud with me or something?!

Now even more annoyed with the bird I picked up a small stone from my vicinity and lightly chucked it at the bird, I didn't want to hurt the bird just make it go away so I could go back to sleep. The bird however was having none of this and using some ninja moves it dodged the pebble and squawked loudly at me.


Is it laughing? It better not be laughing.

Fed up with the bird I just decided to go back to my room and make it go away by opening my window and waving at it. So I ran back inside passing again by Stella who looked at me with a concerned and puzzled expression.

"Bird.. window... ninja", I said in passing.

This was meant to reassure Stella that I was indeed a mentally sane person but this seemed to make her more concerned.

You just had to open your mouth didn't you James. Stupid mouth.

I got to my room right as I'd finished moving the blame off of me and onto my mouth and threw the door open. I heard it hit the hallway wall due to being opened with too much force but I didn't care about anything other than the stupid bird. I rushed to the window that I'd seen the annoying bird at and opened it.

You're gonna get it now bird.

The bird looked at me confused as if it was wondering why I was confronting it again. I gave it my best shooing.

"Shoo bird! Shoooooo. SHOO!"

The bird gave no reply.

Yeah, thats right bird. I bet you froze in fright due to my shooing. Just call me Mr. Shoo.

The bird, while it couldn't respond with words, showed what it thought of my shooing by pecking me in the hand.

"Ow! You stupid bird."

I then slammed the shutters close right in the stupid bird's face. I now felt exhausted and even more annoyed than when I'd been woken up by it.

Wow, what a productive 15 minutes.

I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep after the influx of adrenaline that was now in my body. I felt annoyed that my body had felt like the situation was dangerous enough to release some of its emergency energy when the 'situation' was just a bird. Anyway because now it made sense to get up I went to wake up Dob and Lob. They were already awake and didn't seem angry about it likely because of the free entertainment they'd received.


I went down to get breakfast and then I had to explain to a worried Stella why I was talking about a ninja bird and running in and out of the Inn like a hyperactive child. When I was done explaining what had happened Stella gave me an amused grin and handed me and the Bobs our breakfast. I felt my face redden slightly in embarrassment which caused Stella to giggle.

After breakfast, I wanted to take on another mission to earn some more credits and I also figured a bit more money wouldn't hurt. So I gestured to Dob and Lob for them to follow me but instead, they waved me over and led me back to the room.

They pointed at my bed and then looked at me with puppy eyes. It took me a minute to understand what they meant.

Frick, I'm such a bad friend. It completely slipped my mind that they've been sleeping on the floor this whole time. I'm such a jerk.

Eager to correct my mistake I grinned at the goblins reassuringly and rushed back out to find Stella. She looked nervous when she saw me running again but that faded when I didn't yell something like "ninja bird".

"Hey, Stella!"

"Hey, James do you need something?"

"Yes actually. So my friends have been staying in my room and they need beds to sleep in."

"Okay, I can bring some to your room, but it might take a while. They're very heavy and I'll need to get some help from some strong people."

I looked at my noodle-like arms.

"Ah don't worry about it. I can move them just let me know when there's no one besides me in the inn as it's a bit alarming."

Stella raised an eyebrow.

"Well, now I'm interested."

About an hour later the Inn was empty as people were out doing their jobs or just doing other standard life stuff. Stella led me to a room in the staff-only part of the inn and showed me a pile of mattresses with bed frames split into multiple pieces off to the side.

Rubbing my hands to try to look cool I went up to the mattresses and touched one. Then I programmed it to move out into the main area of the Inn where people ate and drank themselves silly. Stella watched with her eyes large.

"Is that the same thing you did with the guy that was playing darts?"

"Yup", I grinned.

I was delighted that she remembered that. I then did this for another mattress and the parts needed for the bedframes of the two mattresses. I then went to where the mattresses and bedframe parts had stopped and programmed them to move again. I did this with all the parts a few more times before getting them into the room.

Dob and Lob, who had stayed in the room after my abrupt departure, jumped with glee at the parts they knew were for the beds. Before I could even begin to make them move to assemble the goblins went to work and with a sudden spurt of energy managed to put the two beds together in about 10 minutes.

I found this more shocking than my programming ability but I tried to play it off cool by just smiling. Stella also seemed very surprised by the stout goblins' speed.

I then glanced over at the clock on the wall and was stunned by the time. It was almost 4 in the afternoon! I then knew that we wouldn't have time to do a mission today but I still thought today had been great except for the bird of course.

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