《I'm the Best Rune Programmer in a New World!》Chapter 20: A Very Important Mission


Once Stella and I got over our shock of the goblins' speedy assembly, I spent the rest of the day at the Inn before going to bed.

The next morning, thankfully for me, the bird didn't wake me up.

It probably knows that I'm at the end of the line with its shenanigans right now.

I woke up Dob and Lob and we all had a normal breakfast. I thought back to yesterday.

I really wanted to go on a mission yesterday but the stupid bird and helping Dob and Lob get actual beds took precedence. Which it should've anyway I guess because no one should have to sleep on the floor, especially Dob and Lob, they've done so much for me already and I feel like they will continue to play a vital part in my survival in the future.

After breakfast, I felt the urge to go on a mission but something harder and preferably more rewarding.

I feel like all the missions so far have been too short and easy. I mean all I'd do is just aim my knife at their head.

So I turned my gaze towards Don and Lob.

"Hey, do you guys want to do a longer maybe harder mission?"

Dob and Lob jumped with glee as if they'd been wanting to do this forever.

"I'll take that as a yes", I said smiling at their joy.

So Dob, Lob, and I headed towards the Guild while reciprocating the numerous smiles that were sent our way.

Everyone's so nice here. What an amazing little town. I love it here.

So we arrived at the Guild and I held up my Guild card to the door to let us through. Lob didn't get through the door in time though so he had to open it again using his card. I saw Melissa at the counter smiling at us. There was no line currently so I smiled at Melissa as we walked over.


"Hey, Melissa! Good morning!"

"Hey, James and Dob and Lob! How are you guys doing?"

"We're great!", I said while Dob and Lob grinned and both made a thumbs-up gesture towards Melissa.

"Glad to hear it. I'm doing great myself. What can I help you guys with?"

"Well since I recently got to F Rank and since due to the Party System my group members can take missions the same rank as the Party leader along with the fact that I can take a mission that's one rank above mine for a harsh penalty on failure..."

Melissa gave me a worried look.

"Are you sure you guys can handle that? I mean you've done so many amazing feats already, especially with your recent victory over the Wolf King but the gap in difficulty between ranks gets bigger as you go up in ranks."

I contemplated this for a moment, looking over at Dob and Lob who were also thinking it over. A few seconds later I saw their faces relax as they came to a decision and I saw them nod at each other. They then turned to me and gave me a big thumbs up.

Well if they think they can handle it would be shameful of me to not take it.

"Yeah, we're sure Melissa."

Melissa leaned close to me and I motioned for Dob and Lob to come closer, assuming that Melissa was going to say something important.

"There's actually a very important mission that the Guild needs to complete. It's a bit longer and harder than the Wolf King mission in certain aspects but the rewards are very high due to that."

I looked at Dob and Lob again but this time they didn't even need to think about it and immediately gave me two thumbs up.


I looked back at Melissa and nodded affirmatively. I noticed she was smiling now.

I guess she decided to just stop being worried and just be supportive.

"Come with me", Melissa said, her lips curled up in a mysterious grin.

Curious about where Melissa was taking us and sure that she wouldn't hurt us I followed her while Dob and Lob followed behind me. She led us behind the counter and back into the room where I had skinned the beasts for the 25 credits that I'd needed to complete my journey to F Rank.

Melissa turned back and seeing that we were following her gave us another grin. She then led us through a convoluted mess of doors and there were even some stairs at some point.

Wow, this must be a very important place or person to warrant such extreme protection.

I was now a bit nervous about going to this place due to it being very important but I didn't feel like turning back after coming this far and I wanted to see what was at the end so I continued following Melissa. After a while, we came to a set of tall double doors. The doors were shiny and polished and the wood they were made out of was very distinct, allowing one to see the various knots that were present in the wood which added to its beauty.

Melissa knocked on the door very lightly which showed how respectful she was being to the person inside. I heard a gruff voice come from behind the doors.

"You may enter."

Then I saw Melissa open the doors with almost no effort at all.

They must be light because I've never seen Melissa work out or anything.

I followed after Melissa as she entered a large room. I saw precious-looking paintings and sculptures adorning the room and a large desk at the far end of the room with a chair that was holding a smiling old-looking man. Melissa and I got to the desk and Dob and Lob stayed behind me.

"Ah, Melissa. What do you need my dear?"

"Hello, Guildmaster Eric. I found some good people for the important mission."

"That mission?", the man asked, his eyes growing serious.

"Yes that one", Melissa responded.

"So I assume the people you brought with you are the people you mentioned?"

"Yes, Guildmaster."

Guildmaster?! So this guy runs this whole branch of the Guild? Wow! Ok, calm down James. Take deep breaths.

Melissa pointed at me.

"This is James."

I gave the man a cheeky wave.

"And these guys are Dob and Lob."

Dob and Lob waved at the Guildmaster, earning an amused smile in return.

"Ah James and his companions what a pleasure it is to meet you. I've heard quite a bit about your exploits. Most recently the Wolf King. Are you guys sure you want to take this mission? It'll likely be the hardest mission you've ever done."

Dob, Lob, and I smiled at that, excited at the challenge and we all nodded our heads toward the Guildmaster to affirm our decision.

"Ok well as you've decided I'll tell you about the mission. It's confidential though so keep it to yourself."

We all nodded again at Guildmaster Eric.

I wonder what the mission will be. This is gonna be so cool! I can feel it!

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