《I'm the Best Rune Programmer in a New World!》Chapter 8: The Grind is Real


I woke up and had breakfast just like the previous two days but felt well-rested due to going to bed earlier. Luckily I woke up before breakfast was over so Stella didn't have to save another meal for me. I didn't want to stretch her hospitality too much lest she becomes annoyed with me.

I'd hate it if I did something mean to Stella. She's been so nice to me. I am staying here for free after all.

Then I remembered something. Something I should've remembered a while ago.

Ah flip. I forgot to turn in my mission for the Chrysanthum Herbs!

I rushed towards the Guild.

Hopefully, my mission didn't get canceled! I'd lose out on that money and the Guild credits!

I took out my Guild card which I'd just left in my pants since receiving and tapped it against the door. Tapping my feet anxiously as I waited for it to open.

Hopefully, Melissa's not that angry with me.

The door finished opening and I rushed inside. I saw Melissa helping some people choose a mission so I just got in line behind them. Melissa noticed me and glared in my direction. I felt myself shrink back under her intense gaze.

The line shortened too quickly for my liking and soon it was my turn.

Melissa's eyes narrowed sharply.

"Where the flip were you? I thought you died or something"

I was glad she cared about me enough to worry that I died but I gulped in anxiety about the conversation ahead of me.

"I uh forgot to turn in the mission..."

"How the heck do you forget to turn in a mission?!"

"Well, I got caught up in some other stuff. I'll tell you about it later once it's safe to talk about it."

"Oh?", Melissa's eyes gleamed, "I'll hold you to that."

Yeah, I bet you will.

"So do you have the herbs with you?"

Of course, I grinned slightly, pulling the sack off my back, handing it to Melissa.


"Well at least you didn't dump it on the counter like some other people", she glared at a group in the corner of the room.

"Yeah. Hehe...", I laughed nervously.

What would she have done if I did that? I'm shivering just thinking about it.

"Anyway here's 6 copper for the quest. You also get 5 Credits."

[Gained 5 Guild Credits]

[Credits: 5/100]

I grinned at the completion of my first mission.

Now I only have to do that 19 more times!

My grin switched to a groan.

"What? Not enough for you? If you need something more rewarding but more dangerous you can hunt some of the wolves in the woods like Darius."

My face scrunched up in confusion, "isn't that an F-rank mission?"

"Yeah, but we allow people to take missions one rank above theirs if they are confident they can do it."

"Okay well, I'll take the mission to kill 5 wolves."

Melissa became serious, "are you sure?"


"Ok then but if you don't complete it you'll be banned from the Guild."

"Okay no problem", I stated confidently.

"Ok then. Anything else?"

"Yeah, I won't be back for like five days. Do you know where I can get some rations?"

"You can get them here in fact." Melissa went behind the counter and came back with a small bag that glittered under the overhead lights.

"Here. This is a Storage Bag. It has enough food and water for 7 days since we don't tailor them specifically per person. If you lose it however you'll have to pay a big fine. Also, I'm not saying you'd do this but if you didn't pay the fine you wouldn't be allowed into the Guild until you do. Additionally, we will know if you try to be sneaky and disguise yourself because you won't like the consequences. Got it?"

My face was awash with joy as I stared at the mystical sack, "you can count on me, Ma'am".


Yeah, I'd never not pay for the bag if I lost it. That would basically be stealing! I bet a lot of people got tempted though considering it's a magic bag. Although being barred from the Guild for life seems like a pretty big deterrent.

"Yeah, I hope so. If you're not back in a week you will be pronounced dead."

I nodded, "okay".

Just have to not die. Can't be that hard.

So I set off to the Yarthon Woods ready to kick ass and get paid along with hopefully leveling up a bit.

I stayed there for 5 days if you count the day I arrived. I found the Storage Bag was useful for more than storing food since I could also store the wolf corpses in it. On the first day, I decided I needed to complete my mission first since I didn't want to get banned from the Guild.

With my programmed knife, I managed to find and kill 10 wolves nothing like the first time when I struggled to kill even one.

Hopefully, I can turn in the mission twice and get double rewards.

After killing the wolves I headed back to the dungeon to farm the goblins, mainly for money. Since I didn't want to dip into my current funds I figured I had to kill about 40ish goblins to be safe. So slaughter the goblins I did. At the end of the fifth day, I decided to tally up all the experience I'd received.

[Killed Wolf x 10]

[+50 System Experience]

[Experience: 165/200]

[Killed Goblin x 40]

[+600 System Experience]

[Experience: 765/200]

[You are now level 3!]

[Experience: 565/400]

[You are now level 4!]

What the frick was that system? I leveled up twice in a row and I get nothing?! What kind of stupid scam is this.


Oh, don't you wink at me you conniving bastard! I then mumbled some obscenities under my breath. Deciding it wouldn't help to stay mad at the system I headed back to the town. I got to the Guild and thankfully there was no line this time. Melissa saw me come in.

"Oh? You're still alive! Congratulations!"

"Yeah, yeah", I snorted.

Slightly annoyed I dumped the wolf corpses on the counter.

"Oi! What the heck do you think you're doing!"

I giggled.

"Wait... This is more than 5."

"Yeah could I turn it in twice?"

"Yeah I mean I suppose. It's just kinda rare that happens."

"Okay good."

"Let's see. 10 wolves so two times the mission rewards... okay you get 50 Guild Credits and 4 Silver."

"Wow!", I exclaimed happily.

[Gained 40 Guild Credits]

[Credits: 45/100]

That's so many credits and quite a bit of money! I will rank up to F very soon at this pace.

I thanked Melissa for her help and left her to deal with the wolf corpses heading to Dave's to check on my gear. Walking at a brisk pace I got there just as Dave was leaving.

"Hey, Dave! Could you stay a minute longer?"

Dave chuckled, "sure if it means I can get my hands on 10 Silver faster."

Dave headed back inside his workshop and I hurried behind him. Eager to get my hands on my new weapon and armor. I first saw the blade. It looked extremely sharp, wickedly barbed in three pairs down the length, affixed to a silver handle. I could tell this blade would quite literally tear through its enemies.

Next was the armor. A multitude of gleaming interlinked metal rings formed a mesh-like material in the shape of armor. Now I would be better protected in battle and be able to do tons more damage. I finally felt ready to take on the boss though I decided to get a good night's rest first.

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