《I'm the Best Rune Programmer in a New World!》Chapter 7: Dave the Blacksmith


I woke up late today likely because I went to bed late and drank a lot. I had a slight hangover but it wasn't too bad. Glancing drowsily at the clock I noticed it was past 10! I hoped they were still serving breakfast. I jumped out of bed and quickly attempted to unruffle my clothes by sliding my hands down them and then patted my hair to make sure it wasn't too out of place.

Opening the door to exit my room I didn't hear the usual sounds of people eating breakfast so I became worried. I rushed out and saw Stella just finishing up with the cleaning of breakfast, people just left their dishes at the tables. Stella saw me and could see that I was worried.

"Hey, James! Good morning! Did you sleep well?"

"Yeah, however, I seem to have slept too well since I missed breakfast".

Stella smiled, "Well I might've saved something for you."

"Really?", I asked incredulously.

Stella chuckled recalling my fight last night, "Yeah. It was really fun watching you put those guys in their place last night".

I broke into a grin at the memory of beating up those jerks, "Well I'll beat them up anytime if it gets me this kind of service."

Stella laughed, "I don't think they could handle it".

I giggled, "Yeah I suppose not".

"I'm gonna go get your food, James. Don't beat up anyone else while I'm gone unless they deserve it!"

I smiled, amused by the joke.

I wonder where she went? Maybe the kitchen area or something.

Stella went out of view for a minute. Bringing back with a moderately warm bowl of oatmeal which I knew because the bowl was steaming somewhat.

"Looks good!"

I guess I only like oatmeal if it's delivered to me by a pretty girl.

I chowed down on the oatmeal. It tasted really good for some reason. I then thanked Stella for her kindness and headed out the door only to realize I had no idea what I was going to do today. I decided that if I was going to challenge the boss I'd come across in the Goblin Dungeon I'd at least need some armor and better weapons.


Where can I get some good armor and weapons?

I scratched my head.

Ah of course! I remember hearing the sounds of a Blacksmith the first time I came into the village. Maybe I can ask around and find out where they work.

Looking around I saw some shop owners setting up their stands for the day. One was selling farm produce like strawberries and apples. Others were selling some cheap jewelry, wood sculptures, and lots of other kinds of goods. I decided to approach the fruit stand because I could kill two birds with one stone - getting some delicious fruit and asking where I could find the blacksmith.

The old woman running the stand smiled warmly at me as I approached.

"Hello, dearie. Do you need something?"

"Yes, M'am. Could I buy some strawberries and do you know where I can find the blacksmith?"

"Of course dear. It'll be 1 copper for a bag of strawberries and if you keep going down this road and take the second right you'll be at the blacksmith's.", she said pointing down the road.

I smiled at the woman, her kindness washing away any bad feelings I had regarding the men from last night.

I got out 2 copper coins, "Here M'am for the strawberries and the information."

"Aw, thanks so much, dear."

"No problem! Have a great day Ma'am", I said walking back to the Inn.

"Hey, Stella could you keep these strawberries for me?"

"Sure if I can have a few", she eyed the strawberries ravenously.

Darn, I'm gonna come back with an empty bag...

"Fine but only a few", I emphasized.

"Yeah Yeah", she said, waving me off.

I left the Inn again and set out to the blacksmiths. Taking the 2nd right just like the nice old woman had told me to. It wasn't hard to find the building I needed after the turn since the banging of metal tends to be rather loud. The blacksmith's workshop was just a box made of stone. I guess that makes some sort of sense since they're not trying to show off to many people like the Guild.

Covering my fragile ears I opened the door. Tools were lying around everywhere and an extremely buff man hammering on a piece of metal so hard that you'd think it had killed his mother. I could feel the ground shaking slightly each time the man hit the metal.


I yelled, "HELLO?", very loudly. Trying to be heard over the clanging of the hammer against the metal. I decided I had no other choice than to tap this very strong man, holding a very heavy hammer, on the shoulder or wait. I decided to wait. I stepped outside to wait so I could uncover my ears but I still had to step a few yards away to stop my eardrums from exploding.

About an hour later the clanging stopped. I went back to the door and cracked it open slightly, peeking my head inside. The man was holding up a finished sword that looked nothing like the lump of metal I'd seen a while ago.

Wow. That was really cool.

The man noticed my entry.

"Haven't seen you around before. Whaddya want?", he said gruffly.

"Hi, Mr..."

"Just call me Dave", he offered.

"Dave then. I'm in need of some armor and a better weapon."

I heard a sigh from Dave.

"What kind of weapon. And what kind of armor?"

I thought for a moment.

"Umm. The good ones?"

Dave sighed louder this time.

"Very funny kid. Ok, how do you fight?"

"Well, I guess you could say I'm a mix between melee and ranged."

Darius seemed to become interested, "a mix you say? Could be interesting to make gear for a melee-ranged person... Never done that before."

"Well, I kind of propel knives so it's not like that new of a thing."

Dave became confused.

"What do you mean you propel knives?"

I took out my programmed knife and ran its program. Dave watched in awe as it flew toward and smacked the stone wall before flying back and landing at my feet.

Dave's eyes went wide.

"What the heck was that!"

"Oh, I'm a Wizard."

"Who are you trying to fool boy? Wizards can't do that!"

I started sweating nervously.

Eeek. My cover is blown. I'm gonna die!

Noticing my fear, Dave changed to a quiet voice that I didn't expect from a man so buff.

"Boy, you're not gonna get dissected or something. At least not by me."

I calmed down slightly. Taking deep breaths in through my nose, and out through my mouth.

It's ok with me. You can do this. Dave is most likely not going to dissect you.

"Ah ok well um yeah that's how I've been fighting things."

Dave grinned, "now this. This is interesting. Can you do this with any blade?"


"Well, then I'll make some blades with nice barbed edges. They'll do way more damage."

"That sounds great!", I exclaimed.

Wow, this dude already thought of a way I can improve my blades! What an amazing guy!

"Now for the armor. Hmmm. I'll make you some chainmail. It's light so it won't bother you when you're moving but it'll help protect you, especially if all you've been wearing to protect you is those clothes."

I grinned sheepishly.

I really need to get new clothes soon. These ones are a bit torn up from my fight with the goblins before and they're also starting to smell a bit.

Darius did some calculations before talking again.

"Ok, I'll have these done in about 5 days. It'll cost you 10 silver."

I grimaced at the price. I was gonna have to kill a lot of goblins but for the sake of better gear that might allow me to defeat the boss, I'd just have to suck it up.

"Ok, then I'll meet you back here in 5 days?"

"Yeah. And don't show anyone else your... abnormal ability."

I thought about the bar fight where I programmed that jerk's shirt to fly him into a wall.

"Of course! I'm a very responsible person."

Dave snorted, "Yeah whatever. See you in a while."

"Bye", I said, walking out the door.

Guess I better head back to the Inn and rest. It's gonna be a hard 5 days...

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